Dreamland Guide

Chapter 19 - Please go back

   Aoki stared blankly at the rows of cypress trees that receded quickly outside the window. The shadows of the mountains in the distance were covered by thin mist, casting huge shadows of the mountains.

   Hu Xing thought that Aoki was frightened by his question, laughed loudly, and said, “You didn’t really kill people, did you? Hey, why don’t you talk!”

   Aoki turned around and said, “How can you tell the police about the murder? Don’t ask me such idiotic questions from now on!”


   Hu Xing was so angry that he wanted to lift the steering wheel in his hand and smash it on the green wood. I really don’t know what brand of paste was in this guy’s head!

   “Go on, how do you know that the scene in his dream is not real?” Hu Xing said angrily.

   “Have you heard the story that the Indians couldn’t see the ship?” Aoki asked.

   Hu Xing shook his head.

“On October 12, 1492, Columbus discovered the American continent and landed on Wartlin Island in the Bahamas for the first time. At that time, when their fleet approached Wartlin Island, the Indians on the island were ignorant. Until the Europeans appeared in front of them, the Indians were still wondering where these similar-looking people came from. In fact, the main ship “Santa Maria” is 23 meters long and the entire fleet is When the mast opened, the scene was magnificent, and it is impossible for normal people to see it.”

“The Indians turned a blind eye because they didn’t have the concept of sailing ships in their minds, nor did they have any memories of this aspect. When the sailing ships appeared, their consciousness made a judgment of’selective blindness’ within a short period of time. Because they cannot use the combination of brain memory to give a reasonable explanation for what is in front of them.”

Hu Xing thought for a while and said: “When you said this, I seem to remember. I have seen stories in this area before, but I always thought it was an error. According to you, there is a certain truth. They are actually not eyes. Invisible, but unaware, so even if the brain receives visual information, it doesn’t respond in time, does it?”

“That’s right!” Aoki said, “All the components of dreams come from our memories. People cannot see things outside of our cognition in dreams. That is to say, you can’t dream of things you haven’t seen before. .”

“For example, an Englishman who has never been in touch with Chinese will not dream of Chinese characters when he dreams. Even if he has heard of the characteristics of Chinese characters such as squares, pictograms, etc., he will only simulate a kind of use in his dreams. Letters, images, or a combination of fonts such as cuneiform characters that he has seen, it is impossible to dream of real Chinese characters with horizontal and vertical strokes.”

   “So, all the ghosts, gods and monsters, and aliens we see are all people with noses and eyes.”

   Aoki paused briefly, glanced at Hu Xing, and then continued:

“Freud regarded **** as the most important component and cause of dreams, because **** is the most instinctive need of mankind. Both men and women have dreamed of the body of the opposite sex, but it is difficult for you to determine who that person is, especially Teenagers, they may not have seen a complete body of the opposite **** at all.”

“People often dream of the opposite **** they like, but because they have never seen his (her) body, only that face is real, and the body may have been seen when you were a child when the neighbor’s aunt took a shower, or It’s a certain actor in an island action movie. If the person you like is not so certain, even the face you dream about will change.”

   Hu Xing said, “Are you saying that what the guy dreamed of was not a certain person at all, but a combination of all the women he had seen?”

   Aoki nodded and said, “Yes, maybe he loves it, maybe he hates it.”

   “It’s incredible.” Hu Xing suddenly recalled many dreams she had had, and her face suddenly became hot.

   The car turned into a small road, surrounded by small quarries that had been mined, and many pits were filled with water. They stopped in front of a beating pond.

Deputy Captain Gao got out of the car and pointed to the pond in front of him and said: “This used to be a big quarry. After the ban, some people used it as a pond to raise fish. Later, after an accident, it was rectified and it was abandoned. The victim is It was discovered here, but this is not the first scene, so there are no valuable clues.”

   Hu Xinggang wanted to check again, but Aoki said, “Oh, yeah, there can be no clues here! So, please come back, deputy captain, we are going back too!”

   Let me play!

   Deputy Captain Gao’s eyes widened, really wanting to sink this guy to the bottom of the lake. He couldn’t accompany him anymore, so he got into the car without saying a word, closed the door heavily, pointed his finger at Aoki and said, “Hey kid, remember you!”

   Hu Xing looked funny, anyway, she didn’t like this high lieutenant captain with a big belly and arrogant, so she didn’t come out.

   Watching Vice Captain Gao’s car go far, Hu Xing asked Aoki: “What are we doing now?”

   Aoki said: “Why don’t you have the final say?”

   Hu Xing thought about it as if that was the case, but on a second thought, he found that he had been in the ditch by this guy. Obviously you asked to see the scene, okay? When he came, he couldn’t say anything, and he couldn’t say enough about the deputy captain of a county criminal police brigade.

   Hu Xing said: “We police have to listen to the opinions of the people.”

   Aoki said, “Then go back to sleep.”

   Hu Xing said: “I know you are going to be poor. Okay, what do you want to do? Come on!”

   Aoki said: “You have investigated Ma Fuqing, do you know where his family lives?”

   “I know.” Hu Xing said.

   Aoki said, “You can turn on the navigation and call out all the routes from here to Ma Fuqing’s house.”

   “Heh, how did I find that your tone of voice is more and more like our history team.” Hu Xing joked and opened the navigation, and then exclaimed ~www.mtlnovel.com~! It turned out to be so close, less than fifteen kilometers. “

   She pointed out the navigation results to Aoki: “This is our current place, which belongs to Lu County. This is Ma Fuqing’s house, which belongs to Tong County. I didn’t expect the two places to be so close.”

   Aoki shook his head and said, “This is nothing good.”

   “Then you tell me to check the navigation!” Hu Xing said.

   Aoki said, “You police should check it slowly. Let’s go and see if Ma Fuqing is there now.”


   Regarding Ma Fuqing, Hu Xing could not find more information from the system, only that he was an ordinary villager in Majiabang, Tong County, who worked in other places all year round, and had an elderly mother and a mentally disordered brother at home.

   Qingmu and Hu Xing circled Majiabang first, then parked their car on the open space at the head of the village and entered the village.

   The weather was very hot, and there was no one to see outside, so I finally asked for the way when I met an aunt.

   “Oh, you are looking for Fuqing, it’s right behind, that’s the second floor.”

   Aoki and Hu Xing thanked the aunt, turned a bend along the path, and rang the doorbell at the door of Ma Fuqing’s house.

   The doorbell in the countryside was either bad or very loud. Hu Xing once recalled the ringtones between classes on the elementary school campus.

   It was an old lady who came to open the door and asked them who they were looking for. They said to find Ma Fuqing.

   “Why are you looking for him?” The old lady looked a little unfriendly.

   Hu Xing said: “We are friends of Ma Fuqing…”

   Before she could finish her words, the old lady closed the door with a bang, and said coldly, “No.”

   Hu Xing had a closed door and almost wanted to dig out his credentials to do business. She and Aoki looked at each other and continued to ring the doorbell.

   After another half day, the door opened.

   It was Ma Fuqing who opened the door this time.

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