Dreamland Guide

Chapter 30 - The way to live forever

   “What the **** is this?” Aoki asked.

   “Don’t worry,” Professor Mei said, “Let’s talk about the pyramid.”

   He pointed to the inside of the pyramid on the drawing and said: “This is the known structure of the tomb. This is the tomb of the queen. This is the tomb of the pharaoh. There are four vents here.” The professor’s fingers kept moving on the drawing.

   “I heard that these vents point precisely to certain constellations?” Aoki remembered the rumors of some pyramids he had seen before.

“Oh, there is such a saying, but it is not widely accepted in the academic world. It is that these passages are only less than eight feet wide. I don’t know how people dug them at the time, but this is not surprising, I want to say Yes, the inverted pyramid on the bottom of the Tubuai Islands also has a shaft less than half a foot wide, from the main burial chamber straight down to the apex of the pyramid.”

   Aoki only discovered at this time that there is a line on the drawing connecting the tomb and the apex of the pyramid, because the line is so thin that you won’t notice it if you look carefully.

The professor said: “Since it has been confirmed that the two pyramids have a mirror image relationship, what is in this inverted pyramid should also be in the Egyptian one. So someone further scanned the Pyramid of Khufu with rays and found this shaft on it. And the scan showed that there was an opening at the top of the pyramid, and that tip should have been covered behind.”

   “Okay, now it’s perfect. The two pyramids are exactly the same, there is no difference in the details.” The professor smoked and looked at Aoki mysteriously, “Now, what do you think of?”

   “Oh, learning is really a brainstorming thing!” Aoki said, touching his messy hair. “Does that pharaoh think he can get out of the earth if he is buried from one end of the earth?”

   “Well, it’s a bit interesting, you go on talking.” The professor encouraged.

   “Aha, are you right? But I guessed it randomly! Professor, you should tell me directly.”

   Aoki is really too lazy to kill a batch of brain cells, anyway, this old man is just selling off, and will tell him in a while, don’t all knowledgeable people like this!

“Can’t you use your brains? This can help awaken your sleeping memory!” Mei Yi asked to hate iron and steel, and laughed again. “Forget it, you are already a stranger. Only, if the nervous system and all the memories are restored, I don’t know what kind of monster it will become!”

   Mei Ziqing, who was changing their tea, looked at Aoki when he heard the professor’s words, with curiosity in his eyes.

  Mei asked to remove an hourglass from the bookcase behind her, shook it in her hand, and put it on the table.

   This hourglass is of course not the kind of crystal hourglass in the picture sent by Professor Silva, but a conical shape made of ordinary glass. Sand is flowing down from the small holes connected by the two cones, forming a thin yarn.

   “The most intuitive meaning of an hourglass is time, and the flowing sand is the elapsed time.” Mei Yiqiu said, “Think about it, what is the biggest dream of the emperor since ancient times?”

   “Living forever!” Aoki could think of this without using his brain.

   Mei nodded in order: “Yes, it means immortality. But people will always get old, and the hourglass of time will not stop. Who can compete with time?”

   The sand in the hourglass kept flowing down without any hindrance.

“But the greatness of civilization lies in the struggle with the **** of destiny and miracles in this struggle. Every civilization has pursued immortality, but their methods are different. For example, the Chinese have always tried It was achieved through alchemy and medicine, and the ancient Egyptian civilization naturally had their own set of methods—”

   Mei Yiqiu suddenly turned the hourglass over, and the sand that had just flowed from a cone instantly flowed back:

   “Time goes back!”

   Aoki felt unbelievable: “You mean the purpose of the Egyptian pharaoh to build the pyramid is to turn back time?”

“It’s still just a guess and needs more archaeological evidence to support it, but this kind of guess is reasonable. Look at these two pyramids,” Mei Yiqiu put the two pyramid drawings together, two The spires of the pyramid collided, “How like an hourglass!”

   Aoki saw that Professor Silva sent it over and the picture was somewhat similar. The shaft leading to the tip of the pyramid was like a stream of fine sand, and the pharaoh’s tomb was the center of the two hourglass boxes.

“We know that in the plane, the triangular structure is the most stable. Similarly, in the three-dimensional space, the triangular pyramid structure is the most stable. The most stable spatial structure is used to represent the space itself. This is the pyramid in the Metaphysical meaning-space.”

   Mei Yiqiu’s brow furrowed very tightly, as if she was talking about it while perfecting his theory.

“The pyramid is built in the desert. The desert represents the world, and the passage of sand represents the passage of time. The Egyptian pharaohs believe that one day the two cones of the hourglass will turn upside down, and then time will flow back and the pharaoh will be resurrected. .”

   Aoki said puzzledly: “Then why build another inverted pyramid so far away?”

The professor said: “Maybe they know something unpredictable, such as in the future and one day North Africa will be swallowed by the ocean, and the seabed continent where the Tubuai Islands are located will uplift and turn into a desert; or the earth will be affected one day. Other gravitational forces change the direction of rotation by the left and right sides. Who knows about UU reading www.uukanshu.com!”

“There is also a speculation that seems more absurd and scarier. Argentine geologist Professor Garcia said that the Sahara Desert was slowly formed after the pyramids were built. In other words, because of the large number of pyramids, the Sahara Desert was formed. The region has slowly turned into a desert. Although no one in academia publicly agrees with his views, in fact, the explanations of the causes of the Sahara in meteorology and traditional geology are as vulnerable as his views. It’s just a step.”

   “This is terrible too!” Mei Ziqing exclaimed, and then closed her mouth. She knew that Professor Mei’s assistant should not interrupt when she was talking to people.

   Mei Yiqiu was not angry, and said: “There is nothing terrifying. Compared to the entire universe, human beings are so small that they are not even a piece of sand.”

   Although Aoki felt that this statement was unlikely to be true, he was a little shocked when he heard this version of the story. He imagined a scene of a mummy crawling out of the shaft of the pyramid several years later, shook his head and said, “It’s a dream!”

“Yeah, who said no! But from a scientific point of view, the space in the dream is also a real space, and has a certain connection with our real world. Like those two pyramids that mirror each other, One stands alive in the Sahara Desert, while one is hidden on the bottom of the sea, affecting the other in a way that we don’t yet know.”

  Meiyi begged to hold the pipe in her left hand, and turn over the hourglass on the table again with her right hand.

   “Maybe one day, as the pharaohs hoped, the two spaces will be reversed, and we will fall like sand from this time and space into the dream we once thought was unreal.”

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