Dreamland Guide

Chapter 37 - Don\\\'t hush

   If it’s not careless, if it’s not for drinking too much, if it’s not for vomiting and weakness, Jiang Deqian believes that he will never be controlled by a lady so easily.

   But this is how it happened.

   His forehead is bleeding, and his neck can clearly feel the cold and slight tingling caused by the sharp glass tip. He saw the fierce killing intent in Bi Shenghua’s eyes, and he knew that this flat-chested woman was not playing jokes.

   “Quickly, stop!” In order to save his life, he shouted.

   What annoyed Jiang Deqian the most was not being threatened by a woman, but Hou Biao, until now, the old monk hadn’t moved as if he had nothing to do with him.

  The onlookers had already called the police. The whistling sound of police siren sounded not far away, from far to near.

  The fighting people stopped, each returned to their own team, standing still on both sides, indignant and cursing.

   Only Aoki looked at the excitement, and asked: “Ah, is it finished like this?”

  Looking at him like that, it’s like an old lady who doesn’t understand the plot of the movie complaining in the movie theater-spending so much money to see the crackling chaos, and finally leaving an inexplicable easter egg, it’s not as good as the TV at home!

   This question was asked abruptly, inhumane, and everyone’s eyes and anger turned to him.

But he looked like a rascal, shrugging his shoulders and said, “Is it over after the fight, what are you doing?” Then he smiled at the bald head Hou Biao, slowly released his fingers, and stretched out his arms. A big lazy waist.

   Hou Biao was relieved immediately, only to realize that the beeswax bead held between his right fingers had been squeezed forcibly, and it became a pile of sweaty rubble in the palm of his hand.

   It wasn’t until the police came in that the flower of life removed the broken glass bottle from Jiang Deqian’s neck.

When the two groups of brawlers saw the police, they turned from a mad dog to a mouse, and their minds suddenly became sensible. Although several of them saw blood on their heads, they all said that they were just a little bit injured. OK cloth will be fine.

Although the people on Jiang Deqian suffered a bit of a loss, they provoked the matter after all. Of course they did not want to enter the bureau. Although Jiang Deqian knew that as long as his brother said a word, the police had to release people, but The aftermath is always troublesome.

   The people on Xiaoqi’s side are also scared. After all, they have seen blood after hitting someone. There is no problem at all in identifying a minor injury. When the time comes, they will have to lose money.

The police briefly inquired about the process, and then severely and profoundly criticized and educated the people who were fighting. They explained the spirit of the eight honors and eight shames in a simple and simple way, and finally came over with a law enforcement recorder to ask if the loss of the life flower bar should be caused by the troublemaker. compensation. Of course, they are only mediating, and if the other party is not willing to compensate, they can only go to court.

   Lifetime Flower looked at the mess and said with sorrow: “Pay! Of course you have to pay! Is it easy for my old lady to open an open shop! I smashed so much in one go, how many days does my old lady have to sell a smiley face and how many glasses of wine to make it back?”

The film police here know Lifetime Flower, and they are helpless with this upright and fierce and handsome boss lady. The policeman who originally wanted to make big things small and small things had to go back and ask Jiang Deqian: “How much do you make people’s shop like this? Pay for it? If you don’t pay, we’ll have to take you all back to the bureau. First, we will detain you for quarreling and provoking troubles, and then go to appraise injuries and property losses. Then we will see what the court says. We will save trouble. “

   The police banged on the side and wanted Jiang Deqian to lose some money.

   Jiang Deqian could not swallow this breath of course, but he was a little frightened by the flower of his life pressed on the table, and he vomited again when he got up. When the police questioned him, although his mind was still awake, people could only spit on the table and couldn’t say a word.

   At this time, bald-headed Hou Biao suddenly stood up and asked Lifetime Flower: “You estimate the number, and we will pay.”

The Flower of Life did not expect that the other party would really be willing to pay. She looked around and said, “One hundred thousand.” In fact, she couldn’t estimate how much money she had lost at once, not to mention that she had drunk so much wine and her mind was squishy. Gaoli reported a number.

   This is a bit of blackmail. Most of the onlookers were regulars in the neighborhoods and bars nearby, so they all booed and talked a little, while the police just watched jokes and didn’t talk.

   Unexpectedly, the bald head said readily, “Okay, one hundred thousand yuan, I will send someone to you tomorrow.”

   “Fuck, tomorrow? Who knows where your kid will be tomorrow!” Xiao Qi said.

   The police also said that it is now in the era of electronic payment. You can transfer money directly from your mobile phone. As for the number of accompany you can still discuss, one hundred thousand is a bit higher.

   The bald head was a little annoyed, and his face was as deep as a coffin board, but he seemed scrupulous and took out his phone reluctantly.

   At this time, Aoki stood up and said with a face and no face: “Tomorrow is tomorrow, what a big deal!”

   The audience booed, saying that he was standing and talking and his back hurts.

   Bi Shenghua frowned, glanced at Aoki, and said, “Okay! Tomorrow is tomorrow, what a big deal!” Then he said to Aoki, “If he doesn’t come tomorrow, the account will be charged to you!”

   The turmoil has temporarily subsided. The police said they were gone, why should they go after watching the excitement.

   The crowd dispersed in a rush, and the troublemaker raised up the frothing Jiang Deqian and left the bar.

When the bald head Hou Biao was leaving, he looked back, his face was as cold as the basalt standing on the Siberian plateau, and the cold wind from the northernmost north could not dissipate his monstrous anger and stoic murderous aura. He could only look towards In Aoki’s time, his eyes clearly showed gratitude, two fears, and the anticipation of a seven-point match against his opponent.

Bi Sheng Hua asked Xiao Qi to take out two pieces of Zhonghua disassembled from the counter to the people who came to help, and took some cash out of the drawer, which was regarded as medical expenses for the injured, and then said with a fist, “Thank you, brothers in the neighborhood!” “

   After everyone left, Xiao Qi closed the bar door.

   His head was also torn and he bleeds a lot of blood. The whole life spent his life asking him to go to the hospital. Xiao Qi was worried about the store and said he would go later. Fortunately, his injury was not serious, he didn’t open a big mouth, went to the bathroom to wash, and he stopped bleeding and nothing happened.

   But the flower of the whole life couldn’t support it anymore, and she bent over and vomited.

   Aoki and Xiaoqi both came up and asked concerned: “Are you okay?”

   his face was pale all his life, holding the table with one hand, and pointing the direction of the bathroom with one hand, and said: “Damn, I can’t hold it anymore, let Mo Yu help me…”

   Moyu didn’t seem to hear him, and he squatted in the corner of the wall motionlessly, his face pale as if he had a serious illness. Upon seeing this, Xiao Qi hurriedly went over and asked warmly, but Mo Yu was dumb, and Ren Xiaoqi didn’t say anything.

   Aoki shook his head and sighed and said, “I’ll come.” As he said that, he set up the arm of the proprietress and walked to the toilet.

   Lifetime Flower pushed him and said, “Who wants you to come!”

   probably drank too much alcohol, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com just vomited again, plus holding back the urine, it really couldn’t move. Her blush was red, and she didn’t have any strength in her body. She didn’t push away when she pushed Aoki, so she could only let Aoki hold her to move forward.

   At the door of the toilet, Aoki let go of her arm and said, “It’s here, let’s go in.”

    Lifetime Flower gave a “Oh” and shook his footsteps vacantly. Suddenly, he fell into Aoki’s arms with a “buzz”.

   “Hey…” Aoki hugged the falling proprietress, “You said you, a girl, it’s okay to fight with others! Look, your face is flushed like a monkey butt!”

   When Aoki said that, Bi Shenghua only felt hot on her face, and her body was even weaker, and her eyes blurred.

   Aoki hesitated, but decided to pick up the flower of life, and said: “Okay, okay, I’ll take you in and hush!”

   The tone of his speech has always been lazily and exaggerated, and the last few words have been very long.

  Bishenghua only felt sore in her lower abdomen, her legs tightened, and she said, “No!”

   Aoki just raised the curtain of the bathroom and asked, “Nothing?”

   Lifetime Flower said: “Don’t’hush’.”

   Aoki looked dazed: “Don’t hush? Don’t hush? Don’t hush?”

   “…” Lifetime Hua was so blushing that she couldn’t speak.

   Aoki saw her anxious look, stretched out her finger to press on her lips and said: “Hush is important, stop talking! Hush—”


   Xiao Qi was comforting Mo Yu, and suddenly heard a crackling noise in the bathroom, and then came the angry curse of the boss’s wife:

   “Go! How far do you go to my mother!”

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