Dreamland Guide

Chapter 55 - Horse case progress

   Aoki gave a whistle to the sky, and the crow flew down from the window upstairs with a croak, and landed on top of his head with a key in his mouth.

   “Stupid, stupid, without the key!” cried the crow.

   Although Hu Xing started the car, he did not drive away.

   Aoki took the key, walked over and knocked on Hu Xing’s window glass, and said, “Go up for a drink?”

   Hu Xing said angrily: “Aren’t you afraid of losing yourself now?”

   Aoki pointed to the boss of Coal and said, “There is a third party!”

   Coal boss exclaimed excitedly: “Light bulb! Light bulb!”

   Hu Xing chuckles, remembering that there is still something to ask him about Qingming dream, so he turns off the car and says, “Okay, just go up and sit for a while.”

   Aoki led Hu Xing to the back of the bar and saw a small pot of succulents at the back door. He couldn’t call the names of these plants, so he picked them up and said: “How do you put the flowers outside, sun the moon?” Then he found a key under the flowerpot.

   “Ah, is this for me?” He said to himself that he wanted to touch his head again, but he touched the crow’s paw.

   The crow raised his leg and called: “Idiot, Idiot!”

   Hu Xing also smiled and said, “It seems that it is normal for some people to have a bad memory!”

   Aoki smiled, opened the back door and went in, then touched the dark to the wine rack and touched the bottle of red wine.

When    went upstairs, Aoki glanced in the direction of the aisle of the house where Flower Life lived, and said to himself: “Sleep so early!”

   entered the studio, put the wine on the table, and said, “I still drink beer with this. If you have beer, I have ice in the refrigerator.”

   The coal boss got down from the green wood, jumped onto his bird rack, and ate his elbows in sauce from the food box.

   Hu Xing looked at the red wine on the table and said, “You just take the wine downstairs. Are you afraid that your man-in-law will fix you?”

   Aoki said: “I am not rich now!”

   “That’s true.” Hu Xing said, “but I still drink beer. Drinking red is easy to get drunk.”

   The crow jumped and shouted: “Get drunk on her! Get drunk on her!”

   Hu Xingqi said: “Why am I getting drunk?”

   Crow with elbow meat in his mouth calls ambiguously: “Drunk chaos*&^%&$#@#”

   Hu Xing carefully distinguished the pronunciation of the crow, suddenly blushed, and said with a smile: “You only die the crow, talk nonsense again, be careful I fix you!”

   “Come on! I’m afraid of you! The police are awesome!” The crow flew up from the bird shelf and landed on the chandelier, “My boss Qijirou overnight, good mouthpiece, you are satisfied! Come on!”

   Hu Xing shouted: “Aoki! What’s the matter with your bird! What do you teach him!”

   Aoki was opening the refrigerator to get a beer, and turned around and said innocently: “I swear this is not what I taught.”

   “Who taught it if you didn’t teach it?” Hu Xing said airly.

Aoki took two cans of ice beer, opened a can and handed it to Hu Xing, and said, “The boss of coal likes to watch TV, and he often hangs out in the bar below. What he learns and what he can do is really beyond my control.” Then he shouted to the crow: “Hey, you are a little more serious, OK, police officer Hu is not the one who messes with the bar.”

   “Oh-just protect her like this now, and I will marry in the future! Is there any boss lady in your eyes!” The crow was still there yelling non-stop.

   Aoki slammed his face: “I’ll stop eating anymore.”

   The coal boss babbled his mouth and babbled and closed it, flew back to his bird shelf, protected the food box with his wings, and cried, “I can’t make a joke at all, it’s true!”

   Hu Xing, who was still a little moved just now, saw Aoki arguing with his crow. The anger disappeared all of a sudden, and he giggled.

She drank beer and looked at everything in the studio. She remembered that when she came last time, Ma Fuqing sat on the side and talked about the headless woman in his dream. After only a few days, the Ma family had already experienced an ups and downs. The field has changed drastically.

   “You know? Yang Baoguo is dead.” Hu Xing said nonchalantly.

   Aoki was stunned: “Which Yang Baoguo?”

   Hu Xing said: “It’s the one in the Lu County Detention Center.”

   Aoki “Oh” remembered: “Has it been proven that he was wronged? Why did he die?”

   “The night before he was about to be released, he committed suicide.” Hu Xing said, “In the detention center, he covered his mouth and nose with a wet tissue, and died of suffocation.”

   “So tragic!”

   “Yes!” Although Hu Xing believes that Yang Baoguo is a bastard, he is more than guilty! But this method of death is really unacceptable.

   Aoki said, “It’s kind of weird!”

   Hu Xing said: “He is addicted to drugs. Although he was given compulsory detoxification, the effect was not good. According to the prison guards, he committed another drug addiction this time.”

“No wonder!” Aoki said, “The tolerance of drug addicts to physical pain is much greater than that of normal people. When the drug addiction strikes, things that are unbearable for normal people may not be too uncomfortable on them. What’s more, He has already believed that he must die, and in desperate situations, he can understand the choice of suicide. But the timing is still too coincidental!”

   He opened his can of wine, took a sip, lit a cigarette, and said, “How far is Ma Fuqing?”

“Oh, Ma Fuquan’s mental appraisal result has come out, and the case will be handed over to the procuratorate in two days.” Hu Xing said, “Ma Fuqing actually hired a good lawyer to defend him. You are not angry! “

   Aoki said, “Isn’t it normal to ask a lawyer?”

   Hu Xing said: “According to common sense, someone who is as filial as him, his mother died, he should now be in deep grief and self-blame, instead of spending money to hire a lawyer to exonerate himself.”

   Aoki said: “You handed over to the prosecutor’s office so soon, is it a bit sloppy?”

   Hu Xing said: “The procedures that should be followed are gone, and it went so smoothly. Thank you for your contributions. What else can I do without handing over to the prosecutors’ office?”

   Aoki said: “The case is still suspicious.”

   Hu Xing put down the wine jar in his hand and asked curiously: “What is the doubt?”

   Aoki took a deep breath and spit it out again, saying: “Ma Fuqing’s daughter-in-law was killed by his brother, but his brother is mentally ill and will not go to jail. Why did he go to throw the body?”

   Hu Xing said: “Didn’t Ma Fuqing say it, I’m afraid her mother will be implicated.”

   Aoki shook his head and said, “His wife is dead. If they don’t say, who knows what his mother has done?”

   Hu Xing thought for a while and said: “Maybe he didn’t think so much. UU reading www.uukanshu.com”

   Aoki said, “Well, why did he throw the body into that abandoned fish pond?”

   Hu Xing said: “It’s very simple, it’s more hidden there, and it’s not easy to be spotted.”

Aoki said, “No. Since he would go to the trash can in Shadowwall Alley to pick up used condoms to disguise the spot, it means he knew that the body would be found. Also, they buried the head of the deceased in his house. In the backyard, why don’t you just bury the whole body in it? That way it’s harder to be found.”

“What you said, in fact, the history team also talked about it when analyzing the case for us, but the evidence chain is already complete, and these doubts are not enough to have any impact on the progress of this case. We can only wait for the court. Ruling.” Hu Xing said.

   “How will the court decide?”

   “This is difficult to say. Ma Fuquan definitely does not have to bear criminal responsibility. If the judge determines that it was a manslaughter, Ma Fuqing’s behavior is not considered an accomplice. According to the ninth amendment to the Criminal Law, he at most constitutes the crime of insulting the corpse.”

   Hu Xing analyzed the facts of the case, and finally said frustratedly: “The lawyer Ma Fuqing invited is very powerful, and the road is very wild. He may persuade the procuratorate to abandon the prosecution.”

   “This kind of lawyer is expensive!” Aoki muttered, knowing that the prosecutor’s office is highly likely to not prosecute, because the prosecution is meaningless. But this is a legal matter and has nothing to do with him.

   Hu Xing originally wanted to ask about lucid dreaming, but when it came to this case, she suddenly lost her mood and felt a little late, so she stood up and left. When I walked to the door, I suddenly exclaimed: “Yeah, that’s it!”

   Aoki asked: “What’s wrong?”

   Hu Xing stomped and said: “I shouldn’t drink, I want to drive! I blame you, how can I go back now!”

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