Dreamland Guide

Chapter 562 - Abandon the flesh

Mei Yiqiu slid his hand up from Liberia on the west coast of Africa, then slid eastward across the Sahara Desert, and stopped on the land bordering the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. It is the mouth of the Nile River, the longest river in the world, and the most prosperous place in Africa. Now, the golden land has been covered by a patch of red. When the professor’s finger clicks on it, the window data shows:

City: Egypt

Population: 22.8 million

Sales: 323089 units

Number of users: 792,309

Mei chuckled with a pipe in his mouth. This data is enough to outdo most cities and regions in the world. At the beginning, everyone was not optimistic about the sales of Space Box in the Arab world and the Middle East, where the strong religious color and national concept would exclude all foreign and new things, not to mention the settings and their beliefs in the dream guide. The unrelated creation **** that contradicts. Later facts showed that, with the exception of Israel, sales in the rest of the Middle East were struggling. However, Cairo is an exception.

Mei Ziqing also found it strange when she saw this data. She sighed: “It is said that Cairo is the headquarters of the Arab World League. I didn’t expect them to dream so much too!”

Mei Yiqiu said with a smile: “The ancient Egyptian pharaoh cast a spell on that land, and the Arabs can’t change much.”

“Professor, you can really joke!” Mei Ziqing said.

“Maybe it’s not a joke!” Mei Yiqiu looked very happy. “The Egyptian president once wanted to tear down the pyramid. Although it was opposed by the whole world, they never cared about this poor public opinion pressure from the outside world? In the end, they did everything. I didn’t do it. Apart from the fact that the pyramid can really help them make money, I am afraid there are some other reasons.”

“What’s the reason? Don’t tell me that the person who went to demolish the tower was cursed by the Pharaoh!”

“Then only they will know.”

Mei Yiqiu looked at the map earnestly, stretched out his hand and operated it on the interface again, zoomed in on the map where Egypt was located, and then clicked vigorously at the location of Cairo.

“Look, it’s amazing. The mouth of the longest river in the world is just near the intersection of 30° east longitude and 30° north latitude.”

He muttered to himself, and then slid the map with his hand, all the way to the east, onto the map of China, zooming in on the location of the Yangtze River Delta.

“The mouth of the world’s third longest river, um, although the position is a little bit off, it is roughly at 120°E and 30°N, which is also the coordinate position of the Sanwu area.”

Mei Ziqing was not clear, so she asked: “Professor, what do you want to say? I don’t quite understand!”

The professor said that he put his hand back to Cairo again, and then moved all the way to the east, saying: “Starting from the Giza Pyramid, along the 30th parallel of the north latitude, move 90 longitudes eastward, and we are here. Where is it now!”

“Is this a coincidence?”

“Coincidence?…Oh, maybe. But what if we continue to move east by ninety longitudes? Guess where?”

The professor’s hand continued to slowly move along the thirty-degree north latitude line, while Mei Ziqing had already calculated the latitude and longitude position there in her mind, and turned her gaze to there-the North Pacific Basin north of the Hawaiian Ridge, but there was nothing but blue. There is nothing beyond the ocean.

Mei Yiqiu’s hand just tapped there slightly, and then suddenly turned to the south, and moved south along the 150° west longitude line to the intersection of the 30° south latitude line.

“Ah, there is—” Mei Ziqing cried out in surprise. “The place where the underwater pyramid was found! It is also the place where the scientific research ship had an accident!”

Mei Ziqing suddenly understood something, but was not sure, and muttered, “Ninety degrees eastward, ninety degrees eastward, and sixty degrees southward. What does this mean…”

Mei Yiqiu did not answer her question, and continued to move her finger eastward, reaching around 60°west longitude and 30°south latitude, tapping there, and staying for a while.

“Where is that?” Mei Ziqing asked.

“The corner between the Salado and Parana rivers.” Mei Yiqiu dangled her pipe, her eyes narrowed, her fluffy white hair like a cloud in the smoke.

“Look at the positions of these four points, do you find anything?”

Mei Ziqing was lost in thought, “The four points are different by 90° in longitude, but the latitude is different. Does it matter?”

Mei Yiqiu called up the software operation interface on the screen. After a few clicks, the world map became a three-dimensional slowly rotating earth. The four points he had clicked were still there, and the two were connected by dotted lines. Together to form a rectangular plane. This plane forms an angle of 30° with the earth’s equatorial plane, dividing the earth into two halves.

When the earth rotates, the plane shadow formed by four points forms a projection belt on the surface of the earth, covering a wide area from 30 degrees north latitude to 30 degrees south latitude, which is equivalent to wrapping the earth with a belt.

“Actually, it doesn’t matter…” Mei Yiqiu said while biting his pipe, but looked at the east of the Bering Strait and the northern part of Alaska, where the north magnetic pole is located.

Bian Ziyuan sat in front of the computer, finished the last page of the report, checked it and sent it out through the internal fuel tank.

Since the third generation of Space Box came out, his work has become very easy. The game program has been basically completed, and due to the high degree of intelligence of Cronus, the optimization of the game basically does not require manual operation. The reason why he still has something to do is because he invented the initial version of Cronus, so Cronus’s optimization program instructions for the game will be sent to him, and he will write a report after confirmation. It can only take effect after signing.

The program that I invented almost made myself unemployed, which may be a kind of irony in the eyes of others, but it is a great encouragement to Bian Ziyuan. People who can stand on the top of the trend of the times are the most successful, but how can they be compared to those great men who personally push the trend forward with their hands!

He believes that Cronus is comparable to any trend ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and he is the hand that makes and promotes the trend.

The only thing Bian Ziyuan didn’t understand was why the professor refused to incorporate it. Although he also knows a little about the Internet-generated consciousness, this is a great thing in his opinion. In recent years, people have been discussing the future of artificial intelligence, but no one of the most cutting-edge AI researchers dares to say that AI can generate autonomous consciousness, not even his Cronus.

If the Internet develops to the scale it is today, and suddenly produces an independent sense of autonomy, can self-think and self-improve, what a great discovery it would be! The fate of mankind may change from now on!

In Bian Ziyuan’s view, the evolution of human body and intelligence in the past few thousand years has obviously become slow, indicating that evolution has entered a bottleneck period. When technology has developed to this day, people began to look at the stars and the sea. The vast universe is the future of mankind, and mankind will eventually abandon the comfortable home of the earth in search of a broader living space.

But the human body has evolved on the basis of adapting to the earth’s environment. Once it leaves the earth’s gravity and magnetic field, human beings cannot survive at all. Therefore, all current cutting-edge technologies, including spacecraft and manned spacecraft, must consider environmental simulations suitable for the human body, including suitable gravity, air pressure, and cyclic ecology that can be used for a long time. These things have seriously hindered the progress of science and technology and prevented human beings from marching towards the sea of ​​stars.

“Did you know, our body is useless at all! Abandoning the body is the inevitable development of human beings in the future! Only by connecting our consciousness to the machine can we go further!”

Bian Ziyuan was drunk during a meal, and said to Lao Yu, who was also flushed with the old drink.

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