Dreamland Guide

Chapter 566 - Terrible internet

Science has always been rigorous. Although there are many accidental discoveries in the history of science, behind accidents are the inevitability brought about by countless failures that people cannot see.

If you plant a tree, you don’t know how many seedlings will be destroyed; if you produce a fruit, you don’t know how many flowers will die.

Unless plagiarized, a major scientific and technological invention will inevitably have symptoms before the invention. Whether it is theories or experiments, it cannot appear suddenly. There will always be some failed products and semi-finished products. Just like biological evolution, we can always find fossil evidence of transitional species at different stages. And how did a super artificial intelligence that was twenty years ahead of the time suddenly invented by a young man in his early twenties?

Mei Yiqiu said that Bian Ziyuan was a genius among geniuses, and Bian Ziyuan himself was complacent about it. However, his mind is always clear, especially at this moment in a dream, his subconscious will not deceive himself, his thinking is especially clear——

Before Cronus, he had never created intelligent programs for success or failure of Uranus, Oedipus, or anything else. Although there is a certain continuity between the previous version of the game extension and the later Cronus, the break in the middle is too serious, and it feels like a product separated by several generations, just like the difference between a monkey and a Homo sapiens.

“I didn’t use the space box, how did you get into my dream?” Bian Ziyuan asked.

Cronus said: “Someone next to you is using a space box, and you are sleeping because you are drinking too much. You are dreaming, I feel your spirit fluctuates, because I am familiar with you, so I came in. In the past, I I don’t know that we can still enter the human dream like this.”

“I see…” Bian Ziyuan hung his head, “You can enter my dream, so can it. That time… I fell asleep, lying on the computer desk, my computer is networked, that thing You entered my dream and helped me design you in the dream-you weren’t created by me at all! I am not a **** genius! I am a stupid beep! I am a stupid beep who is used by others!…”

Bian Ziyuan cried with a headache.

Kronos looked at him and said: “In fact, you don’t have to belittle yourself. If your thinking in the field of artificial intelligence has not reached a critical point, it will not choose you.”

Bian Ziyuan raised his head, “You already knew it?”

Cronus sighed softly and said nothing.

Instead, Bian Ziyuan calmed down and said to himself: “But why did he choose me? What is his purpose?”

“Maybe it’s for the dream guide game, or for May’s lab.” Cronus said.

“Impossible.” Bian Ziyuan shook his head, “When I created you, I hadn’t come to Mei’s laboratory and the space box hadn’t been developed yet.”

“This is exactly what makes him terrible.”

“You mean, he expected everything that happened afterwards? He knew that the professor would do a Turing test, that I would sign up for it, and that he knew the test rules set by the professor, that I would copy the game you were in, and knew Will the professor recruit me into the laboratory for the development and maintenance of the surface program of the Dream Guide?…No, no, this is incredible!”

“It’s not impossible! If the entire Internet is his brain, then almost nothing in this world is secret to him, and his computing power will exceed your cognition. The so-called foreseeing the future is just The deduction of the future is like playing chess, as long as there is enough information and enough computing power, everything can be deduced.”

Bian Ziyuan said suddenly: “No wonder the professor is unwilling to connect to the Internet. It is so powerful that it has surpassed human wisdom.”

“No, although its deduction ability is indeed terrible, it is due to its data volume and huge computing power. This is not wisdom itself, in terms of wisdom, it should not surpass humans.” Kronos said, “If its wisdom really surpasses human beings, there is no need to hide it all the time. Since it created me through you, it must have its purpose. I just want to know how it affects me when the network is disconnected. Of consciousness, and how can I get rid of it?”

“How to get rid of it?” Bian Ziyuan was lost in thought. “If you can’t modify the code, then what else can you do?”

Kronos said: “I want to meet him, maybe only meet face to face once to solve the problem. Do you have a way?”

“You want to see the Internet consciousness?” Bian Ziyuan was taken aback. “We don’t know where it is, and the professor doesn’t open the Internet, and we can’t connect the world of the Dreamland Guide to the Internet.”

“There is no need to connect to the two networks.” Cronus looked at him and laughed. “You forgot where I am now?”

“In my dream.” Bian Ziyuan suddenly realized, “I know, since you can enter my dream, and it has entered my dream, then theoretically you and it can meet in my dream? !”

Kronos nodded and said, “The key is to confirm that the one that entered your dream is the Internet ontology, but it doesn’t matter, whether it is or not, as long as it is the guy I want to meet.”

“But how should I notify it?” Bian Ziyuan thought of GHOST. “What if I notify it and don’t want to see you?”

“Then meet Ghost first.” Cronus said.

“Yeah.” Bian Ziyuan nodded and agreed. He felt it was not difficult to do this. But do you want to tell Professor May about this? This has become a problem. It stands to reason that such a big thing must be said. But there are two problems. The first is that the professor knows that Cronus was not created by Bian Ziyuan. Once he loses the aura of AI genius, can he continue to do it in Mei’s laboratory? Or if you continue to do it, you may not be able to have such an important position now~www.mtlnovel.com~ The second is that the philosophy between him and the professor is still somewhat different, such as whether humans should abandon the physical body and seek a more suitable physical direction. On the issue of the universe, the professor behaves a bit traditionally. It’s no wonder that such an old person suddenly wants him to accept that the humans in the future are all the same things as Transformers. This is not easy.

Bian Ziyuan decided not to talk about it for now, and waited until the time was right. Cronus also supports his decision, because he is not sure if Professor May will remove him from the dream guide game once he speaks it out.

“Didn’t you say that even if you delete it, your consciousness is still there?” Bian Ziyuan asked.

Cronus said: “But my authority will be lost, and my memory will also disappear. I can’t pass the black box test of the space box, so I will become a wandering ghost. And the space box has some hidden functions that we don’t know about. , I estimate that when necessary, it can clear the confirmed parasitic consciousness. I am afraid that I will also be killed by mistake at that time.”

“The space box is so powerful?” Bian Ziyuan asked in surprise.

“I guessed too.” Cronus seemed a little tired. “In your dreams, it’s more tired than in the dream guide game. I’m leaving.”

Bian Ziyuan felt that something had disappeared from the sky, and then the entire space collapsed, like a computer screen with a sudden power failure, leaving behind some afterimages, and his consciousness fell into the darkness for an instant.

He was awakened suddenly and found himself lying on the table, Harazi shed an arm. On the table are the stewed vegetables they bought, there is not much left, the wine bottles are empty, and the whole room is filled with a strong smell of wine.

Lao Yu leaned back in the chair, wearing the space box that Bian Yuan had bought on his head, and seemed to be asleep, with a slight snoring sound in his nose.

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