Dreamland Guide

Chapter 572 - Pain and happiness

This was the first time Huang Liang had a meal with the young master of the Wolf family. Before that, he had eaten alone under the arrangement of a servant.

I thought they would sit face to face at both ends of a long dining table, eating carefully prepared Western-style dim sum, but I didn’t expect that there would be a table of Eight Immortals in the restaurant with exquisite plates and seven or eight dishes. They are all very authentic Chinese food.

As soon as Huang Liang walked in, he smelled a long-lost fragrance. He concluded that this must have been made by an authentic Huaiyang chef.

Haven’t smelled such a pure fragrance of vegetables in many years!

Whether in Amsterdam or Los Angeles, there are many Chinese restaurants, and there are no shortage of skilled chefs, but those restaurants are opened in the Western world, and they are more or less influenced by Western food, and they are branded by Western culture. The taste of cream, cheese and Western-style barbecue, except for some heavy-tasting cuisines that can still taste some authentic Chinese flavors, those delicate and light dishes that need to be savored have basically changed their tastes.

This scent made Huang Liang almost flow out of his mouth, and it also evoked a lot of his memories.

He remembered that he and Laoyu were drinking in a small restaurant in Wuzhong, where the smell was also floating. Lao Yu was half drunk and half awake and said, my nephew, don’t call my uncle anymore, call me Lao Yu. When you call my uncle, I feel like crying.

He remembered that when he was a child, he had good grades in the exam. The mother killed the old hen at home and stewed a pot of soup. The soup was covered with a thick layer of golden oil, and the fragrance could waft out eighteen miles. My sister was greedy and rushed to drink, but she burned her mouth. The mother blamed my sister, saying that this is to replenish your brother’s body. My sister pursed her hot and blistered mouth and said that I would also study, and I also want to take college entrance exams. I will study better than my brother in the future.

At that time, my sister was a bit stupid, so stupid and cute. In the summer, my mother marinated all the duck eggs at home to make salted duck eggs. In the morning, I shared one with the brother and sister. That was the only meaty dish that I could eat in a day. Niang’s knife skills are very powerful. With a single cut, the duck egg is neatly cut in half. My sister picks between the two halves of duck eggs, trying to pick a big one, but she can’t pick it well. She flapped her big eyes and asked, elder brother, elder brother, which one is bigger? My brother pointed at the small one prankly and said, this is the big one.

Seeing his sister happily taking the small one as a big one and eating it, he shook his head and said to his heart that you are so stupid, how can you get into college!

Later, my sister went to school, and she was unexpectedly good at school, even better than her brother. But every time the salted duck eggs were divided, the younger sister still couldn’t tell the size, so she had to ask her elder brother. When her elder brother pointed the small to the big one, she ate happily. When her brother pointed the big one to her, she wrinkled her nose and said, brother, you lied to me! Then he chuckled and took the little one away.

After a long time, my sister was gone. The mother told him that his younger sister knew which half of the salted duck eggs was big and which half was small.

When he went home when he graduated from college, his mother stewed another chicken. That was the last time he smelled the chicken soup from his hometown. But his sister is gone. He cried all night at his sister’s grave, took a knife, split a basket of salted duck eggs one by one, pointed to the big half and said: My sister, this one is big, you eat.

Huang Liang stood silently at the table of the Eight Immortals, looking at the wine and vegetables on the table. For some reason, his eyes suddenly became wet, and there was something strange crawling in his heart like an ant.

He reached out and touched his waist, feeling that there were two extra things there. At least one of them should have been her sister. He imagined that two waists were placed on the table, and the younger sister picked them up and down, and said, elder brother, which one is bigger?

Maybe God had only prepared two waists for them, but the younger sister didn’t ask for one, and gave them all to his brother.

Kui Wolfe was tall and even a bit fierce, but he was elegant, polite, and gentle in everything he said and did. He waved his hand to let the servants go out, and then stood quietly and looked at the silent yellow beam, neither urging nor disturbing.

Huang Liang suddenly recovered, and his heart jumped nervously. It’s not that he lost his attitude in front of Hong Kui, but that he found himself more and more inexplicable emotions. The rich emotions are tormenting him, making him more and more unable to recognize himself. He often indulges in such memories. The scary thing is that these memories are obviously painful, but he has a very enjoyable feeling.

He discovered that human beings are indeed a strange species, and they like to remember the past-deceased relatives, lovers who broke up, friends that can’t be contacted, glory that can’t be found… People are obsessed with such memories and enjoy the pain caused by memories- Pain and happiness, this is probably life!

“Sorry, these dishes remind me of the days when I was a child in my hometown in China.” Huang Liang did not intend to cover up. Sometimes, honesty is safer than lies.

“Rough tea and light rice, I made you laugh.” Hong Kui smiled slightly at him, pulled the chair away, and made a please gesture.

The dishes are very delicious, not worse than the chefs in any hotel in Wuzhong. Even from the perspective of Huaiyang cuisine, the taste of these dishes is a bit more authentic, because Wuzhong’s restaurants are inevitably a bit sweet. The authentic Huaiyang cuisine is by no means sweet and greasy. Sure enough, rich people are different, and you can eat delicious food from all over the world while sitting at home.

During the meal, of course they talked about Old Wolf’s condition. Hong Kui unreservedly told about their family medical history and past medical experience. Some Huang Liang already knew about it, but there were others, such as the process of getting Aoki to heal in Wuzhong, he just learned about it.

“Why don’t you stay in Wuzhong for a while, but come back in such a hurry?” Huang Liang asked.

“There was something wrong with the family business and the gang. After my father learned about the invasion of consciousness from Aoki, he felt that the situation might be much more serious than he imagined, so he came back and started rectification. In fact, he was fortunate to be back in time, otherwise Wal The foundation that the husband’s family has run for a hundred years may have been ruined.”

Hong Kui said casually ~www.mtlnovel.com~ as if telling a story that has nothing to do with him, but Huang Liang can imagine that in a family like theirs, the forces and relationships of all parties are intertwined. Once the Xiaoqiang is hit, it may not be straightforward. It’s so easy, secretly I don’t know how many **** winds, and how many innocent ordinary people are harmed.

“Has the parasite been detected?”

“I don’t know, we have no way to determine who was parasitized.”

“Then how do you rectify, are you afraid that there are backbones below who are parasites?”

Hong Kui smiled and said: “Gangs have never lacked traitors. State-owned, national laws, family rules, and we have our own set of methods to deal with traitors. Unless all the backbones are parasitic, one or two traitors will not affect the overall situation. “

“So they ended up looking at your father?”

“They are eyeing my father, I am afraid not only for our family’s industry and North American gang forces, but also…”

“There is also your father’s dream, right?”

Hong Kui hesitated and nodded solemnly.

“Then they didn’t take you as the target?” Huang Liang looked at Hong Kui seriously, he had to confirm that there was no problem with this person, “You just said that you were selected as the heir to the family because you also had that kind of dream. .”

“This is exactly what I am surprised, I have been waiting for them, but they did not come to me.” Hong Kui said.

At this moment, Huang Liang’s phone rang. He picked it up and glanced at it. It was an unfamiliar number. He has no friends in Vancouver, and the only Professor Dickinson he knows never calls him. He immediately realized that this might be the organization to contact him.

Hong Kui stood up wittily and said, “I’ll go to the bathroom.”

Huang Liang answered the phone, and a processed voice came from inside: “The second leader wants to see you…”

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