Dreamland Guide

Chapter 580 - Burning Heart

Yao Jingjing was shocked when she received her mother’s call.

“Jingjing, come back soon, the house has been stolen!” Mother Yao was distraught on the phone.

“Mom, speak slowly, something was stolen? Did you call the police? Are you and Dad all right?” Yao Jingjing asked anxiously.

She could tell from her mother’s voice that it was by no means such a small thing as a thief. She was very worried about the health of the two elders. Although her mother’s illness had basically recovered, the doctor said that she still could not take it lightly. In addition, her father went in the wind and rain to take care of her mother. He has grown much older in recent years.

“Your grandma’s photo was stolen, even…even the grave was dug!” Mother Yao’s voice was crying.

“What?” Yao Jingjing was taken aback, “Mom, don’t worry, I’ll be back now.”

She hurriedly packed her luggage and was about to return to Cuanzhou. Fortunately, the situation in Wuzhong is not as tense as before. The security measures of Mei’s laboratory are becoming more and more complete, and the degree of intelligence is so high that even a mosquito can’t fly in. Professor Mei seldom goes out, and occasionally, Hou Biao arranges properly.

The easing of the situation is not limited to Wuzhong, it is the same all over the world. People have long since emerged from the panic of alien invasion. Those who should go to work continue to work, those who should keep cats keep raising cats, and because of the influence of the killing order a few years ago, the number of cats is very small, but they have become very precious. Only the rich can afford pets.

The stray cats that Aoki arranged for Yao Jingjing to keep in captivity have now found new owners, and life is very moist. Destiny seems to have made a joke with this population, using more than half of them to die, in exchange for the better quality of life of the remaining half of the population.

Liuying Alley has been prepared for demolition and most of the personnel have been moved away, but the lifetime flower is still there, so Yao Jingjing still dutifully arranges personnel to guard the lane. She just heard her report yesterday that a guy in a trench coat had entered and was standing under a willow tree, not knowing what she intended to do.

When she heard that she was wearing a windbreaker, she grabbed the car key and rushed out of the office. She calmed down when she got in the car, hesitated and decided not to bother. She knew that the lonely woman who stayed in Liuying Alley was more qualified to tell him the pain of parting, so she should give them more time.

Later, her subordinates called again and said that the man in the trench coat had gone. She felt very strange. After asking about the style of the trench coat, she was sure that it was not the person she thought. How can that guy who is lazy to a certain level change his clothes! Even if he changed his clothes because of a special original, he would never wear a cloak on his head. Wearing a cloak would let the coal boss go wherever he could settle down!

Yao Jingjing and Hou Biao handed over their work and explained why they went home.

“Grave Robber?” Hou Biao was puzzled. “Your grandma is not a princess, why would anyone steal the grave?”

Yao Jingjing said: “I also feel weird, so I have to go back and take a look. My mother said that the house was stolen, and only lost photos of my grandma, but nothing else. I have seen photos of my grandma, on her. There must be a story, and I vaguely feel that it has something to do with the situation we are facing now.”

“Do you want me to accompany you?” Hou Biao asked with concern.

“No, you can’t leave the company with such a big stall. Besides, the professor and Sister Hua still have to take care of them. Before Aoki comes back, one of us must stay in Wuzhong.”

Speaking of Aoki, Hou Biao sighed and looked tired.

Yao Jingjing reached out and grabbed his sturdy arm, pressed the button hard, and said, “Whether he comes back or not, we have to do some things. Without him, there would be no where we are today.”

Hou Biao gave a hum and nodded vigorously. The eyes of the two are firmly and forcefully intertwined. At the intersection of their eyes, there are some magical flashes, which make people full of power.

Before Aoki left, he entrusted them with the responsibility of protecting Professor Mei and Life Flower. At that time, they already knew some little-known things. In the past few years, in the process of protecting Mei, they know more and more. Although they are still foggy and can never see the truth, they understand more and more what Aoki has said to them in the past. Come to know more about the responsibilities on your body. As their mental power improves, they feel the burden on their shoulders is getting heavier and heavier.

“You must tell me something.” Hou Biao made a gesture of making a call with his thumb and little finger next to his ear.

“Yeah!” Yao Jingjing nodded, released her hand holding Hou Biao’s arm, got into the car, rolled down the car window, stretched out her head, and smiled playfully at Hou Biao, “Hey, you can do it when I’m away. Don’t be lazy, your mental power was much stronger than mine at the beginning, and now I am going to catch up with you!”

The car drove away slowly, and the tires left two faint gray tracks on the road.

Hou Biao gently rubbed the place on her arm that she had grabbed, as if something stuck on the skin, penetrated into the pores, followed the bloodline, slowly entered the heart, and ignited in his heart. Group of flames.

This group of flames started more than two years ago, when it was just a flame that was invisible if you didn’t look closely at it. He wanted to extinguish it, and felt that this bean flame is also very cute, the key is warm, a small hole was melted in his once frozen heart.

Later, the flame became more and more prosperous, until it became the raging flame of today, burning the entire heart.

If Jiang Deguan saved his life and Aoki saved his spirit, then this fire opened his long-frozen heart.

He who saves his life, he pays it back; who saves his spirit, he repays it; but he who melts his heart does not know what to do to her.

The fire is still spreading. Sooner or later, it will burn through his chest and surround his body. He couldn’t know whether he would be reborn from Nirvana and become a brand-new himself in this flame, or would turn into dust and be forever.

The car disappeared at the end of the road, Hou Biao returned to the training room, changed into a training suit, and started boxing in front of the punching bag.

After so many years, his work has not been wasted at all. Although he was older and his physical fitness was not as good as when he was young, the increase in mental power made up for his physical defects. He has become more accurate and more lethal than before~www.mtlnovel.com~ If he returns to the underground boxing ring back then, he believes that no one is his opponent. Relying on mental advantages, even without using hypnotic methods, he can predict every movement of his opponent through mental perception. Which punch is a false move and which kick is a real kick can be clearly seen.

Sweat rained down from him, and fell to the floor. He didn’t stop until he was too tired to move, panting, and slowly unwinding the cloth strips wrapped around his hands.

Instead of changing his clothes, he sat down on the ground. Opposite him is a large mirror, which is very common in gyms and dance studios. The purpose is to let trainers see whether their movements are standard.

The mirror reflects everything in the room, the walls, the floor, the equipment, the sandbags that are still swaying slightly…

There is no Hou Biao alone.

Hou Biao slowly closed his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and said, “Come out.”

The lighting in the training room is uniform in all directions, so as not to interfere with the training of people. There is almost no shadow in the uniform light, but at this moment, a clear shadow appeared in front of Hou Biao.

The shadow became thicker and thicker. Starting from his feet, it slowly elongated, got into the mirror, and then slowly stood up. In front of Hou Biao, he became another exactly the same Hou Biao, just like him. It’s like looking in the mirror. However, if there is someone next to you at this moment, you will be surprised at what you see in front of you——

Hou Biao in front of the mirror is sitting, while in the mirror he is standing. Their feet are always connected by the shadows of their two legs.

“Why wake me up? I haven’t found new progress in your memory!” Hou Biao asked in the mirror.

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