Dreamland Guide

Chapter 587 - Unexpected reunion

Due to the guidance of the voice, they quickly found the location of the Ulakan tribe. Like the Sanchi tribe, they live in a wide valley. A river winds past and disappears in the mountains behind the valley.

The Ulakan tribe seems to be much larger than the Sanchi tribe. There is a wide road in the middle of the village. The houses on both sides of the road are more concentrated and neat, and they have the appearance of a primitive market.

The road divides the village into two halves. At the end of the road, there is an open space that looks like a square. Behind the square is the altar. The shape of the altar is almost the same as that of the Sanqi tribe.

Aoki and Situ led their men from the two wings to the Taniguchi in a mighty manner; Petru took Ivan and Boris to hide their whereabouts. They have rich combat experience and not only have thermal weapons, but also half a fire. Soul is very good as a support and assault force.

At first, everyone thought that they would encounter a tough battle in Taniguchi, because this valley is like a pocket. As long as the Ulakans hold Taniguchi, it will be difficult for people outside to attack.

However, when they checked the terrain from the high ground, they found that the place at Taniguchi was empty. Instead, the square in front of the altar was heavily crowded with people. It seemed that the entire tribe had gone there, not knowing what they were doing.

After meeting Aoki and Situ, they discussed it. They didn’t think it was a tactic to lure the enemy deeper, so they decided to go in from Taniguchi. Just in case, they were divided into three batches, but they didn’t encounter any ambush.

However, when they entered the valley and reached the river, the sky suddenly darkened, and thick clouds blocked all three suns in the sky. The clouds vibrated, as if something was stirring inside, and the sun shattered pieces of golden curtains from among the flickering clouds.

All the Ulakans in the square fell to the ground and began to sing. Their voices are neat and deep. Although they can’t understand their language, Aoki can hear the rhythm of their singing, which is the same as what the savages of the Sanchi tribe once sang. He had a hunch that the people of the Ulakan tribe were experiencing the same thing that the Sanchi tribe experienced-that day, Aoki became a tree, and the entire Sanchi tribe enshrined him as a **** and handed over the soul of the wood.

However, he was standing by the river well at the moment, and he did not turn into a tree. Even if it changes, only the consciousness of the savages of Sanchi can be sensed, and it has nothing to do with the Ulakans.

He glanced at Situ and found that Situ was nothing unusual.

At this time, a surging spiritual force exploded in the valley, like a shock wave when an atomic bomb exploded.

Aoki saw the direction of the altar a huge pillar of wind suddenly rose from the ground, like a blue dragon, dragging a long body, straight up for nine days, the dragon’s head plunged into the thick ink clouds that hadn’t been there just now, forming a huge cloud between the sky and the earth. funnel.

Suddenly, mist formed in front of him, blocking his vision. But he knew that the fog was not real fog, but sand dust. The wind was raging, rolling up countless fallen leaves, and then torn to pieces in mid-air, spreading among the valleys.

“What a strong mental power!” Situ squinted and said.

“Yes!” Of course Aoki could tell that this tornado was actually formed in consciousness, just like he had become a tree in the first place. He didn’t know how much mental power erupted from himself at that moment. Now that he saw this tornado, he could probably imagine what he saw in the consciousness of others.

Such a scene lasted for a long time, Aoki and Situ decided to avoid the front for the time being, first mobilized their spiritual power with the scepter to protect everyone in the middle, from the mental attack of this violent wind.

After a while, the dragon began to move slowly, coming from the direction of the altar towards Taniguchi. Wherever it passed, the wind and clouds were violent and the world changed color. When it passed through the village and came to the river, the water in the river was sucked into the sky by it, and the gray-black dragon body immediately turned white, like a white dragon, with a huge body standing upright, like a winding river Became its shadow on the ground. The rain fell cracklingly, smashing the surface of the river into pockmarked faces.

Bailong swims slowly along the river.

The wind has become smaller, and the mental disturbance in people’s consciousness has also become smaller. The thick black clouds in the sky are slowly becoming thinner and thinner, until the three suns reappear on people’s heads.

The clouds disappeared, the wind stopped and the rain stopped. Bailong shrank his body and disappeared on the clear, mirror-like surface of the river, turning into a small boat.

It was a small wooden boat, about the same size as the lifeboat that Anderson and the others took, but judging from its shape, it was by no means inherent to the island, but rather similar to the small fishing boats often used by fishermen in Polynesia.

As the boat came downstream, you could see a figure standing on the bow, vaguely showing a graceful figure, who should be a woman.

When you get closer, you can see the big and sharp head of the person, like a pyramid, holding something in his hand, not attached to oars or poles, but the boat is indeed moving towards them. In the direction of progress.

Closer, they are almost at the beach where they are. Until this time, everyone could see clearly-the woman was wearing a brown sarong with moiré, and her body was wrapped tightly by the wind in the valley, revealing a graceful curve. She carried a hat on her head, which was shining in the sun, so from a distance, she thought she was standing against a pyramid.

Sitting at the stern of the boat was a paddling man, surrounded by a simple grass skirt and animal skin corset. It looked like he should be a savage of the Ulakan tribe.

The wooden boat docked,

The woman wearing a straw hat walked down from the boat with bare feet, stepping on the wet ground of the river beach, gently and smoothly, just like a Buddha walking down from a lotus seat. With her footsteps, there seemed to be lotus flowers blooming on the surrounding river.

Situ and Qingmu looked at each other, then smiled and greeted them. Others didn’t know, so they followed them.

The woman put her hands together and said to Situ and Aoki: “The two~www.mtlnovel.com~ we finally meet again.”

Situ laughed loudly and said to Aoki: “Dewar’s spiritual buddha kingdom has reached a new level!”

Aoki also felt that Dewar’s mental power was much stronger than before, but I don’t know if it was due to the bonus of the mental power field on the island.

When he was in Myanmar and Vietnam, when he brought poppies into the general house of Wu Sotun, he felt the influence of Duwa’s ethereal spiritual power. At that time, he and Dewar were still miles away. At that time, he thought he was unable to spread his mental power so far, let alone hypnotizing people a few miles away, so he estimated that Duwa was much better than him. But he has the blessing of the coal boss, no matter how strong the opponent is, he will not necessarily lose.

When killing Muka, Duval interceded, but he didn’t give Duval face. Originally thought that he had an enmity with this woman, so he went up the mountain to make a break, but unexpectedly got some news about the alliance from Duwa.

As for how strong Dewar’s mental power was, Aoki didn’t have a clear concept at the time, but at that time he didn’t have a clear concept of how strong he was. Later, his abilities were released more and more, and his understanding of consciousness and spiritual power became deeper and deeper. In retrospect, I feel that Dewar’s spiritual power is not necessarily stronger than himself, but the training method is different, and the purpose of the application is also different. , So there will be a different performance.

“No matter how broad the Buddha country is, it is only between Mr. Situ’s thoughts.”

Dewar took off the hat, held it in front of his chest with one hand, and slightly bent over to greet the others. Her figure is graceful, and the unique sarong suit of Burmese shows her temperament. She has a nice face, she seems to be in her early thirties, and her hair is in a bun on top of her head like a flowing cloud.

However, Aoki’s attention at the moment was all in Dewar’s other hand-the crystal clear blue-gray scepter.

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