Dreamland Guide

Chapter 612 - Devil comes to the world

When Anderson held the gun handle, it felt like he was holding a fishing rod. Every shell fired was a hook, and the trail of the trail was a fishing line that was invisible in the sun.


   The muscles on his face twisted, as if hooking a great white shark while fishing. The great white shark had just killed his lover, and now he was about to break its teeth, smash its stomach, and make it pay for it.


   The hatred of losing his lover and the excitement of catching a big fish are intertwined, making him crazy. He seemed to see the dark red blood rolling in the waves, the broken fish flesh and the snow-white dead fish belly.


   I have never caught such a refreshing fish!


   “Ah, hurry up! Hurry up, Boris! Let the bullets go faster! I’m going to smash these **** guys!” Anderson yelled at Boris who helped him manually pretend the cannonball and spin the chain.


   “Do you **** think I am an electric motor!” Boris scolded, “Either you come to play, I’ll fight!”


   “I will come if I come!”


   Anderson gave up his position to turn the bullet chain and replaced it with Boris to control the shooting.


   da da da, da da da da da da…


  The delivery speed of the shells is indeed a little faster than before.


   “You have a good shot!” Petru shouted, holding the Soul of Fire in one hand and the telescope in the other, “We don’t have many cannonballs!”


   “Don’t worry, it’s enough to muddy these bastards! Hahaha…” Boris smiled frantically, his eyes staring like brass bells, and the muscles on his body and face quivered rhythmically.


  &NbM caliber shells hit a person and can directly interrupt the person at the waist, not to mention the M789 high-explosive shell also has explosive power with a killing radius of more than 5 meters.


From the binoculars, Petru can clearly see the tragic situation of the Itsa people in front of the altar, and because the soul of fire can call the spiritual power on the island, he can actually use the spirit to track the traces of the shells, just like he was in Tubuai Tracking bullets is the same when on the island. It’s a pity that you can’t control this shell, otherwise you can hit the enemy more accurately.


   The Itsars didn’t understand what happened. They only heard the sound of da da, and there was something invisible, coming with a sharp whistling sound. Then, their companions fell one by one, and a cloud of smoke exploded on the ground.


   A Ulakan man nervously took his bow from his back, put a wooden arrow on the void where the sound was coming, and yelled “Devil!” in their language. However, before his arrow was shot out, he felt that something had hit his chest severely, but he was not hit and flew, and he still stood upright. He looked down and found a big hole in his chest, enough to penetrate a person’s head, and the heart and lungs disappeared out of thin air.


   There was a bang behind him. He wanted to turn around and see what had broken his chest, but he couldn’t move. He saw a companion in the front left, looking at him with horrified eyes.


   The man leaned forward, holding a spear, and the hole in his chest was just visible from that direction and height. Then, the man’s hand holding the spear suddenly disconnected from the body, a **** mist rose, and the broken arm flew over at an angle, just passing through the big hole in his chest.


He was lucky. After his chest was exploded, his brain had not had time to die. Before he died, he finally saw how the “devil” killed people. Although he still couldn’t see what the “devil” looked like, maybe the devil didn’t have time to die. It doesn’t look like it.


   But he is also unfortunate. Compared to his brother who had his head blossomed, he died relatively less joyously, so that he had to watch all the scenes of the tragic death of his tribe before he died, and endured incomparable pain.


At the moment he fell, he wanted to question their gods, why abandoned his people, and the pious Itsa people, who have been guarding for generations in Ramla for thousands of years, are finally going to be destroyed in the hands of demons. NS.


   But he can’t make a sound anymore. He only saw the three suns in the sky, as if mocking his stupid way of death. Finally, when he fell to the ground, he broke into two pieces, and the arrow on the full bowstring finally shot out crookedly, towards the sky.




  Although it is manual delivery, the shooting speed of the M230 cannon is still very fast. When the crow flew, the 500 shells had almost hit. Crazy Boris and Anderson fired out the last few cannonballs with hideous faces before they finally stopped contentedly.


   They dropped the cannon that had run out of ammunition and went down the mountain to meet the others.


   When Aoki came to the square in front of the altar, what he saw was a tragic picture:


   There are stumps and broken arms everywhere, and the blood stains the ground red. It is vague and hard to tell which part of the flesh is everywhere, making people have no place to lay their feet.


   Less than one tenth of more than a thousand Itsars survived. Most of them lacked arms and legs and had lost their combat effectiveness. They lay in the pile of dead people, their expressions dull, and their eyes were empty and staring at the sky. If they didn’t distinguish them carefully, they were not much different from the dead.


   This unilateral massacre that spanned the age of civilization completely despaired the Itsars. The invisible bullets and terrifying lethality convinced them that it was the demons who came to the world, and the gods had abandoned them.


   The priests rushed into the dead man’s pile frantically, looking around here and there.


   Kubota hugged half of the head of an Itsa man and knelt and wept bitterly. The head was missing the slanted half, and the remaining eye was still open, his eyes full of horror and helplessness.


   Battus crawled on the ground, clutching many scattered internal organs in his hands, shaking all over.


   Big Wendy screamed up to the sky, raised his arms to the sky, and called and questioned their **** loudly in Itsa.


   Seeing such a scene, even the executioners who had just carried out the massacre couldn’t help but feel moved. Anderson, Boris, and Petru stood rigidly on the edge of the slaughterhouse, a little unbelievable that this was what they did just now. Especially when seeing Mrs. Larry and Alice still alive, these men who had experienced wars and killings almost collapsed.


   The three Itsa priests turned around and looked at the people who had just been negotiating and had painted them the good life in the distant world of Unabu.


   Their faces are full of puzzlement, regret, anger…


   How accurate is God’s prediction! These are not people~www.mtlnovel.com~ are demons! The devil pretending to be an envoy deceived the sacred rod, and pretended to negotiate to deceive them to gain their trust, just to let them relax their vigilance.


   The priests stood up slowly, the muscles on their faces twisted with resentment, like many snakes and insects crawling on their faces. An anger of hatred shot into their eyes, as if they were about to burn everything. Strange noises roared from their hoarse throats, Ullah, like a horn to wake up a sleeping dragon.


   Those surviving but desperate Itsars woke up in this horn and stood up one after another. Even those who had broken hands or legs, as long as they were alive, also stood up.


   They supported each other, slowly moved closer to the priests, and gathered into a team of hundreds of disabled individuals. Their eyes shot the same anger as the priests, their faces were distorted into a devil-like appearance, their spirit and will were slowly unified, and at the last moment, they finally condensed into a formation.


   A huge spiritual force radiated from them, accompanied by the pervasive blood, swept over!

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