Dreamland Guide

Chapter 622 - twin brothers

The windmill finally moved.


Without any warning, the 2,000-kilometer-diameter wind mass suddenly split into two. One was still in place, and the other was like its shadow peeled from the body, along the line of 150° west longitude. Moving north, it first crossed the North Cook Islands and the Massachus Islands, and then attacked the Bastak Islands, with a strong posture of crossing the equator.


   This moment can be difficult for experts all over the world. This is no longer a secret weapon test or the fall of an alien spacecraft can explain it.


  The Americans can’t sit still at first, because according to the forward path of the shadow windmill, after crossing the equator, Hawaii is the first to bear the brunt. It is the most famous sea resort in the world. More than one million American citizens live there. Countless wealthy people have bought villas and yachts on the island and regarded it as a good place for vacation.


   Those mouth-cannon experts no longer appear on TV to talk about weapons and aliens. Instead, they are replaced by real meteorological and geological experts, telling everyone that there is no need to panic, because the cyclone cannot cross the equator.


   As the direction of the geostrophic deflection force in the northern and southern hemispheres is opposite, the direction of rotation of the tropical cyclone formed is also opposite. Typhoons and hurricanes in the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, while cyclones in the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise.


   The shadow windmill has to cross the equator, which means that it has to completely change the direction of the spin. This is impossible.


   Of course, some people also came out to refute that normal tropical cyclones move toward high latitudes, because the higher the latitude, the greater the deflection force of the geostrophic, while the deflection force of the geostrophic near the equator is almost zero. But now the shadow windmill has been moving northward, and there is no weakening trend. It is impossible to analyze it with conventional physics and atmospheric theories.


   As these people say, extraordinary things cannot be treated with common sense.


   The shadow windmill suddenly disappeared when it entered the 5° south latitude line.


Of course, this large wind mass with an area of ​​more than 3 million square kilometers did not disappear all at once, but as it moved northward, it disappeared bit by bit behind the 5° south latitude line, as if there was an invisible one there. Put it in the big box.


   The whole picture of the shadow windmill can be seen on the satellite cloud image that morning, but by noon, only half can be seen, like a white Hanamaki steamed bun that has been cut in half.


   The Hawaiian finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it would completely disappear on the sea near the equator.


   However, in the evening of the same day, some strange clouds appeared north of the 5° north latitude line, and the sea in the southern Hawaiian Islands had already begun to blow.


Satellite cloud images show that the tail of the shadow windmill is still south of 5° south latitude, and its front has crossed the 5° north latitude line and appeared on the North Pacific, while the center of the entire wind mass disappeared near the equator, just like the middle With an invisible tape attached, only the calm water can be seen.


   What’s even more amazing is that the direction of rotation of the windmills that appeared in the northern hemisphere has changed from clockwise to counterclockwise.


   The US Meteorological Administration issued a super hurricane warning to the state of Hawaii, requiring all citizens to evacuate as soon as possible.


   Hawaiians who have been spoiled by tourists from all over the world finally wake up, knowing that this paradise, known for its sunshine and sandy beaches, is about to become a **** shura field. People began to flee, but it is not easy for more than one million people to escape from the center of the Pacific in one day. The wealthy people all left in private jets and private yachts, and the rest were crowded at the airport and wharf waiting for rescue. Their mood is getting darker and darker as the sky above them.


   The U.S. government devoted almost all its energy to launching an unprecedented rescue operation. The entire Pacific Fleet was dispatched. Aircraft carriers, warships, large transport aircraft, helicopters and even fighter jets were all used. In his televised speech, the President declared: We will never give up the life of any American citizen!


  Of course, people read another sentence from the president’s passionate expression: I will never give up any vote!


   But the televised speech still worked. The evacuation work proceeded in an orderly manner. The soldiers worked hard and the people donated money and materials. With the support of strong national strength, the Hawaiians finally evacuated safely before the arrival of the shadow windmill.


When the eyes of the whole world were attracted by the super rescue operation of a superpower and cheered for its final success, in the South Pacific, in the place where the windmill was generated, on the route it passed, the Bass Islands and Tubuai. Islands, Tuamotu Islands, Cook Islands, Massachus Islands, Bastak Islands, which are not uninhabited areas, have now become uninhabited areas.


  The total population of so many islands may not add up to one hundred thousand, but they are all living people!


   It’s just because they don’t have a strong national support behind them, there is no aircraft carrier or plane to rescue them, and there is no president to speak on TV.


   Their president and the people knelt and prayed together on this land where generations of people lived. When the violent wind swept the waves, they could only hold their sons and their wives…, watching helplessly and waiting for their final judgment by fate.


   Shadow Windmill did not stay in Hawaii, nor did it continue northward. Instead, it made a sharp turn near 150°west longitude and 30°north latitude and went straight to the west.


   At the same time, the main body of the windmill that originally stayed in the South Pacific also began to move, but it was moving eastward along the 30° south latitude line.


   They are like twins in a mirror, one in the southern hemisphere, one in the northern hemisphere, one rotating clockwise, one rotating counterclockwise, one going east along the 30° south latitude line, and the other going west along the 30° north latitude line.


   This time, the whole world can’t sit still. No one knows where this disaster wind will go in the next moment, and no one knows when it will end.


   According to its current route, the cyclone windmill will make landfall in Coquimbo, Chile; while the typhoon windmill will pass through southern Japan into the East China Sea and make landfall in the Yangtze River Delta.


   Mei Ziqing knocked on the door of the professor’s office lightly, and the door soon lit up with a green light indicating that he could enter. She had just pushed the door open a crack, and she smelled a strong smell of smoke.


   “Professor, you don’t turn on the air purification system!” Mei Ziqing complained ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Oh, there is no one else here anyway. “The professor said.


   “That won’t work!” Mei Ziqing said while turning on the air purification system, “Smoking is inherently bad for your health, and second-hand smoke is even worse. You are first-hand smoke and second-hand smoke!”


   Mei asked with a haha ​​smile and said, “I’m at this age and can’t live for many years! I can live happily day by day!”


   Mei Ziqing said: “What nonsense are you talking about! Scientists like you are at their peak age!”


   The smoke in the air quickly dissipated, revealing the professor’s slightly tired but always firm and wise face.


   He sighed softly and asked, “Is it windy outside?”


   Mei Ziqing nodded and said: “It’s a bit big! It is expected that the windmill will land in Shenzhou at noon the day after tomorrow. Professor, let’s prepare early. Some outdoor equipment needs to be recovered, and personnel safety issues should also be considered.”


Professor    said, “Don’t worry, the windmill won’t get here.”


   “Why?” Mei Ziqing was a little strange, “This is the strongest typhoon in decades!”


“Don’t just look at it, but look at its twin brother.” The professor said, “The Andes is like a wall, blocking the windmills on the west coast of Chile. The wind that can blow to Argentina must be very small. As long as the wind cannot blow in Argentina, we are also safe here.”

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