Dreamland Guide

Chapter 643 - Right as Robinson, not seeing Ronald

Situ’s words completely shattered the illusion that static time and space did not exist. His consciousness atomic clock only went for one second, which means that only one second has passed on the earth, but they have already passed half a day. This means that the time here is 40,000 times different from the time outside. If you stay outside for a day, it will take almost a hundred years here.

If it takes ten days for the Ramla space node where Ulakan is located to pass through this tunnel, that is, from the earth, they will leave this static space after ten days, then for them, it has been a thousand years. .

“Quah, will I become a corpse bird? Um, will my hair fall out in a thousand years? Or will it become a fossil?” The crow tilted his head and thought.

Alice buried her head in Mrs. Larry’s arms and cried, “We will all die here!”

Mrs. Larry comforted her: “There is nothing to be afraid of, at least it feels like we live the same. You can think of this as an island on the earth, think about Robinson.”

Alice said, “However, Robinson only stayed on the island for twenty-eight years and was finally saved, and we…”

“Yes, so we should hold on for at least twenty-eight years, right?” Mrs. Larry said.

Madam’s words made everyone seem to see hope again. Yes, before the last moment, who said there is no hope in the future?

“Quak, Madam is right, we live the same, and we still have… dried fish!” The crow flew up on the green wood, croaking and flew to the side of the food that was prepared before it was finished.

With a sound meow, I agree.

Everyone’s stomachs are already hungry, but because too many unpleasant things have just happened, the fall of the Itsa people, the deaths of Anderson and Boris, and the troubles of static time and space make people unable to appetite. Now as soon as the crow is reminded, his physical needs are awakened, and his stomach growls one by one.

Under the starry sky with four suns, they don’t know whether it’s lunch or dinner. Time is the least important thing here. No matter how they race against time, the time outside this dark glass house is almost relative to them. Will not flow.

Anderson is gone, and the job of fishing is handed over to Ivan and Petru. Situ and Aoki went to the shore to cut logs, make tools, and save them for firewood. The three women are responsible for picking wild fruits and drying and preserving the food. The coal boss and soundly cooperated with each other, and sometimes they were able to catch mice, snakes, and some unnamed small animals from the nearby forest.

They finally lived a life like Robinson, but the savages here are already dead, and they won’t suddenly light a bonfire on the beach, leaving behind cannibalistic embers. The only disturbing thing is the hundreds of dry corpses on the ship. The air here is humid. If it is not disposed of in time, the corpses will become moldy and even rot again, and the entire ship will become smelly.

“Go and recite them,” Situ said.

“Oh, this job is not very comfortable.” Petru complained.

Situ said: “If you don’t do it now, you will be more uncomfortable in a few days.”

“Can you throw it in the water?” Petru asked.

Mrs. Larry said: “No, the water will float up in a bubble. You don’t want to watch hundreds of corpses floating on the water in a few days. You’d better dig a hole on the shore and bury them.”

“A few hundred people!” Petru said.

Aoki also felt that it was unrealistic to dig a huge pit of hundreds of people, not to mention that there were still thousands of people in the Ulakan tribe who had not been buried.

Alice said, “Cremate!”

Everyone thinks this is the best, just like on the earth, people have to be cremated after death. After discussing for a while, they assigned the task: Ivan and Petru went down to find out if there were any tools or carts that could transport the corpse. After they were found, they should be transported to the deck first. Madam and Alice stayed there. On the deck, Su Huilan and Duwa were responsible for bringing the raft over. Hundreds of people could not be transported by two small boats, and they did not want to use their own boats to transport the corpses. Aoki and Situ went to the shore to find a suitable place for cremation, where they were ready to burn with dry wood.

At the same time, Qingmu and Situ chose the place where the Sanchi tribe once camped. It was the closest to the beach, so it wouldn’t be too tiring to move, and the previous savages had already piled up a lot of firewood when they were camping. They moved the dry wood to a place suitable for burning and would not cause forest fires, first raised the bottom layer with large branches, and then threw fine dead branches and fallen leaves on it, so that it would burn fully.

This job is not easy. The two had been busy for most of the day, and when they were ready, the first batch of corpses on the bamboo raft had been transported. The woman looked at the raft, and the men carried the bodies ashore and piled them on the prepared dry pyre. After such a few round trips, all the corpses on the big ship were transported.

I was in the ship before, except when I felt gloomy when I got off the cabin, there was nothing else, after all, the corpses were distributed in different cabins. Now more than three hundred corpses are stacked on top of each other, looking shocking.

People stood in front of the pile of corpses and prayed, waiting for the ignition.

Situ asked suddenly: “Ivan, are you sure you are all here? I don’t seem to see Ronald Cohen!”

Ivan looked at Petru and said, “The bodies of Halsey and Ronald were moved by Petru.”

Petru shook his head: “Oh no, no, no, I only moved the body of the lieutenant colonel. I didn’t see Ronald Cohen. I thought it was you who moved.”

Ivan said, “I didn’t move.”

“However, there is indeed no one inside.” Petrou said very confidently.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

“Let’s go back and look for it again.”

Petru and Ivan went back on the raft. UU read www.uukanshu.com people waited for a long time, but they didn’t see them back. Aoki felt something was wrong, so he said, “Let’s go back and take a look.”

The four women stayed to take care of the pile of corpses, and he and Situ returned to the big boat together. They entered the bridge and then went down to the bottom deck. After the body was emptied, the air in the cabin seemed to be much better, but they found nothing, and even Ivan and Petru were gone.

They checked most of the cabins and corners, and shouted again in every cabin, without any movement. When they returned to the deck, they found that Su Huilan and Duwa had also come.

“What happened? Why haven’t you come out for so long?” Su Huilan asked.

Aoki said, “Petro and Ivan are gone.”

“Gone?” Su Huilan felt very strange, “Have you found everything?”

Situ said: “It’s impossible for the two of us to find such a big ship, but if they are in the ship, we are so moving, we should always give us some response.”

“Could they have come out?” She didn’t know how Ivan was, but she knew quite a lot about Petru, and it was not easy for this guy to disappear silently.

“It’s possible, but where can they go?”

Aoki suddenly remembered that Su Huilan and Duval had come over, and only Mrs. Larry and Alice were left on the shore. He faintly felt wrong, and said, “Why are you here?”

Su Huilan said: “Leave us women there to guard a lot of dead people. Are you embarrassed to ask?”

Situ glanced toward the shore without worry, “Originally there were you and Dewar, we had nothing to worry about, but now only Madam and Alice are left…”

Before he could finish his words, he saw a fire suddenly lit up on the shore.


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