Dreamland Guide

Chapter 648 - Crushed bones, rusty ships

The words of the coal boss were like a depth bomb dropped into the sea, and after a short silence, it exploded in this small room.

People’s minds are buzzing, and some doubts that have been there before but have not been thought about are exploded, floating in their minds like huge waves.

Yes, it takes enough time to get the oil from the helicopter’s fuel tank. This time is definitely not shorter than the coal boss eating a piece of dried fish. Before the coal boss’s dried fish had been swallowed, Petru and his wife had returned from their honeymoon. If someone comes to fetch the fuel from the plane, people outside will definitely come to him and discover the secret of the difference in time and space here. Even if this person only enters the hangar temporarily, no one else knows, those people will search after the person is missing. More than 300 people search for a warship, and before the warship has lost most of its functions, they will find someone. It’s not difficult.

“Could they ignore the hangar and didn’t find anyone, or because death was approaching, they didn’t even bother to look for it, or even found no one at all?” Su Huilan said.

Petru analyzed: “The Apache fuel tank plus the auxiliary fuel tank in the hangar should have at least one ton of fuel. This is unlikely to be taken away silently by one person.”

“And this is likely to be the last source of energy on the Swordfish.” Ivan added.

I have to say that Petru and Ivan know a little bit more about warships and aircraft.

“Then, there must be someone, and more than one person survived?”

“The problem is that Captain Halsey and Ronald Cohen are both dead. From Ronald Cohen’s last words, you can see that he is the last person to die. If anyone survives, it stands to reason that they will not fail. knowledge.”

“Qua…” The crow suddenly yelled, “Do you still remember the shadow I saw in the aisle when we came down for the first time? Quack, you didn’t believe me at that time!”

Its words make people stand on their hair. Alice trembled: “Don’t scare me! You mean someone on this ship has been hiding in the dark and watching us?”

Petru cursed **** and mumbled: “Then we will spend our honeymoon on it…”

The atmosphere fell into extreme weirdness.

Situ said: “If someone else is there, he will definitely come to this hangar. We just need to wait here.”

Everyone thought it made sense, and there was nothing to discuss after discussing it, so they simply waited in the room with peace of mind. According to the time difference between the two spaces inside and outside, as long as one day passes here, a hundred years will pass outside.

After eating, people leaned to rest in the corner of the warehouse. Because of the panic, everyone stopped saving the torch and left it to burn. Anyway, it brought in a lot and couldn’t burn it all at once.

This kind of waiting is very disturbing. Apart from soundness, no one is asleep, and the hangar is so quiet that you can hear your own heartbeat.

I don’t know how long it has been, everyone is a little bit unable to hold back to go to the toilet, and the boss of Sound and Coal can hide behind the helicopter to solve it, but the others can’t. Alice couldn’t help asking Situ:

“How long has it been?”

Situ said: “It’s almost two hours.”

Su Huilan counted: “So more than ten years have passed since outside? Does this mean that we are unreasonably worried?”

Situ said: “But don’t forget that my atomic clock of consciousness is earth time, and Ramla itself will bring us an obvious relativistic effect. If this effect is removed, we will not spend a long time.”

Everyone had to endure all kinds of discomforts and continue to wait. It felt that after a longer period of time, Petru stood up and shouted: “I can’t hold it anymore. I have to wait for you to wait. I will go up and let the wind breathe. “

He helped Mrs. Larry to go out first, and came back soon, much faster than the last honeymoon. Then, Alice, Su Huilan, and Duval three women went out together to solve their problems. They were much faster than Petru and his wife. They almost blinked, as if they had just glanced at the door.

Aoki wanted to know how these two spaces were transformed, but because both women wanted to do convenient things, it was inconvenient for him to see, so when there were only three men left in the end, he said to Situ and Ivan: “You go first, I last.”

When Situ and Iwan went out, Aoki stood at the door and watched. As soon as they went out, they were submerged in the darkness, and the torches held in their hands were left with only dim smoke, which flashed twice in the darkness, and then he saw them coming back.

Aoki went out last. According to the negotiated rules, he could not go out alone, but he was accompanied by a crow and a cat. He took them out, and when he walked out of the hangar door, he looked back and saw that the people in the hangar were also looking at him. Their eyes were wide open without blinking, and the expressions on their faces solidified. Even the flames stopped beating, and the entire hangar was frozen into a picture.

He turned around and took the coal boss and walked away soundly, feeling that the floor was a little slanted in the dark, not the same as before. The nose can smell a strong smell of rust, and the places where the fire shines are also rusty. After passing through the two-story bottom compartment and entering the bridge, the sense of inclination became obvious. When he came out of the command room, he saw that the entire ship had drifted to a place closer to shore and was stranded~www.mtlnovel.com~ He stood on the deck for a while, and the wind on the lake felt refreshed. He decided to go to the shore to take a look, anyway, no matter how long he stays here, the people underneath will not be anxious.

The boat used by Petru and Mrs. Larry to get married was still tied to the spiral staircase, and the other boat had drifted somewhere.

Aoki went down the gangway. The gangway was badly rusted and creaked. But it was clearly intact after a thousand years before. How long has it passed? It can only be attributed to the humid environment here.

He got into the boat and felt that the boat was still strong. He rowed the boat and searched along the lake for a long time, only to find the beach that was already overgrown with weeds and shrubs. The raft that the savages planted was still there, and a lot of wood was rotten in the grass.

He went ashore, through the thorns and bushes, to the hillside where the body was burned. The traces of cremation have long since disappeared without a trace. There are lush vegetation and blooming flowers. The birds are called on the trees, and the snakes and insects crawl under the feet.

Aoki glanced in the distance, discerned the direction, and walked towards the place where the Ulakan tribe was. Fortunately, there was basically no change in the terrain, and it only took him half a day to find the valley. The river winds through the valley, and the houses of the Hulakan people are hidden in the woods higher than the houses. The altar at the back is still deserted, and only the black stones stand there.

He came to the square in front of the altar, where the ground was covered with bones and no grass grew. The bones still maintained the posture they had when they died, and Aoki could remember that battle, the desperate and resentful eyes of the three wizards leading their last tribe.

Now, no one stopped him from ascending to the altar, but he suddenly felt that his legs were extremely heavy, as if the white bones all over the wild still carried deep obsessions, and his soul roared low between the valleys and wilds.

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