Dreamland Guide

Chapter 651 - Feeling home

When Aoki stepped on the steps of the altar, he suddenly felt a familiar feeling of going home. He stopped and looked down. The altar was the same as the one he saw last time, full of stones of various sizes that looked messy.

He looked up at the sky again. There were still five suns in the sky, but the position seemed to have changed. He squinted his eyes carefully to distinguish, and found that there were four suns that were fixed and arranged neatly into a rectangle. Only the position of the sun has changed. It was still outside the rectangle, but now it has penetrated into the middle of the four days and has become the center of the rectangle.

These four suns existed after the altar of wind was activated. So it was brought from Ulakan? And this moving sun is the real sun here?

Although Aoki is not a physicist, he also knows that no matter how magical space, wormholes or antholes are, they can only travel through the space and time of the universe by themselves, and it is impossible to take stars away. And the two changes in the number of suns were after the altar was activated, so it is very likely that this appeared because of the influence of spiritual power, that is, this is something in the spiritual world.

But he first ruled out the possibility of dreams.

No one can create such a dream. This is too big! Although it is impossible to judge how high the four suns are, at least it is in a place that his current mental power cannot reach, even if he uses the Soul of the Wood.

If this is a dream, it means that this dream is many times wider than the entire spiritual field covering here.

Judging from the scene after falling into the deep well of space-time, these suns are outside the stationary space-time zone, but they are not far away, or they may be at the edge of the stationary space-time zone, so their light can penetrate. But what is incomprehensible is that the starry sky seen in the static zone of time and space is supposed to be outside it, but visually, it feels that the sun is outside the starry sky.

Another possibility is hallucinations.

When the altar is activated, the huge mental shock is likely to make people hallucinate.

The difference between hallucinations and dreams lies in the composition of space. Dreams rely on human memory and require mental power to retrieve memory to form space. If there is no memory, dream space is nothingness, and the consciousness will not gain any perception in it, just like ghosts floating in the depths of the universe.

But hallucinations are different. They can come from memories. For example, the combination of flashes and chaos of certain memories makes people wonder where they are. In other words, hallucinations can be part of dreams, but they are more derived from external mental shocks. That is, the incomplete space constructed by the external spirit accidentally.

The concepts of dreams and hallucinations are easy to confuse. The most important thing is whether the illusion in front of you comes from your memory itself. But at the same time, the two concepts are interchangeable. For example, when a person’s consciousness enters other people’s dreams or group dreams, he can see things that do not exist in his own memory, but this is not what really exists in front of him. In the real world, his consciousness will construct new memories in his brain and treat it as reality. This is an illusion. Even a lucid dreamer can sometimes find it difficult to tell whether he has entered a dream state or just a hallucination.

Aoki is a dreamless person. All the unreal events he has experienced can be counted as hallucinations, because they are not constructed from his own memory. But his mental power is strong enough to clearly see the boundaries and integrity of the spiritual space, and thus judge whether he has entered a dream state. The only time he made a misjudgment was in the Zhulong Cave in southern Yunnan. The reality dream of the group created by Kitano Zhenwu almost confuses him, but it did not trap him for too long.

At this moment, the five suns in the sky can no longer be explained by any knowledge of physics known to mankind, nor do they meet the conditions for constructing dreams. But it lasted for such a long time, and everyone who experienced it saw the same phenomenon, which was not like a broken illusion.

Aoki retracted his gaze and looked at the altar again. His eyes did not cause any discomfort from looking at the sun for a long time, everything in the altar came into view again, and the familiar feeling came again.

The last time he entered the altar, he had a strange feeling, but at that time the giant moon was in the air, he had no time to think, and he was anxious to rescue Petru and Mrs. Larry from the altar, and then followed Itza. The savage rushed into the waterfall against the current.

Looking back now, it feels the same as it is now.

Aoki was not in a hurry, and walked slowly step by step.

The familiar feeling became stronger and stronger. He blew his nose, took a deep breath, and said to the crow on his head, “Did you feel anything?”

“Qua” the crow tilted his head and muttered for a moment, “It’s like going home!”

That’s right, that’s how it feels!

The feeling of a wanderer returning home after a long absence.

The style of the hometown may have long been different from when the wanderer left home. The rice paddies have become roads, and the low houses have been replaced by buildings. But no matter how it changes, the taste of hometown will never change for a wanderer away from home, as long as he is close to it. , His nose can smell the fragrance of the long-lost soil.

He enjoys this feeling as he walks.

In a daze, he saw an old garden, among the shaded flowers and trees, pavilions, penthouses and pavilions, blue tiles and flying scorpions, nine curved corridors, surrounded by a vast clear water in the middle, and a lake with an old willow and thousands of tender willows. , Hanging down on the surface of the water, like a lady dressing up ~www.mtlnovel.com~There is another big tree in the main garden with a strong trunk and deep and leafy roots. Many purple-red fruits were faintly visible among the leaves, and a **** bird was seen hiding in it, and a scream shocked away a group of children who were about to climb under the tree.

From the main garden, it is full of mulberry trees, densely forested. Many peasant women travel through the forest with bamboo baskets on their backs, picking young leaves. After picking the mulberries, the peasant woman entered the silkworm house and fed the mulberry leaves to the silkworms. The silkworm grew up, climbed up the cocoon mountain, spun silk and cocooned, and turned into moths, flapping their wings, and flew towards the light.

Aoki was not sure whether this was a real illusion or some of his own memories were awakened. He wanted to see more clearly. As soon as his mind was concentrated, he saw those moths rushing into the fire one by one. The wick-like flame grew a bit bigger, and later turned into a raging flame. The fire spread quickly and burned the entire garden.

Aoki only felt that the fire blew into his brain, turning the garden and his brain into ashes.

He seemed to stand on top of a scorched gravel, everything was lost, and he fell into the darkness of death. Only the willow tree by the pool was still swaying in the wind, reflecting the shyness of a **** the water.

A gust of wind blows, the phantom is extinguished, and there is only a black altar left in front of his eyes, and the black stones like charcoal in the altar. However, he felt the warmth and throbbing of life in his arms.

He reached out and fumbled a segment of willow from the inner pocket of the trench coat.

After so long in the static zone of time and space, the wicker was not only undead, but had a few more leaf buds than before, shining bright yellow and green in the sun that people wanted to hold in their mouths.

Aoki suddenly said to himself: “Maybe, I know how to go home.”

The crow croaked, and his paws gripped Aoki’s hair tightly, as if he was afraid he would drop it and leave.

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