Dreamland Guide

Chapter 682 - Restored memory

When he heard the name of the son of Gaia from Selena, Aoki had a familiar feeling. He always felt that he had heard it somewhere and had a certain relationship with him, but he just couldn’t remember it.

Ronald’s words exploded like a bomb in his brain, and the long-buried memories were blown to pieces, and fluttered in his consciousness with the smoke of gunpowder, and black clouds of smoke enveloped the entire world.

He saw himself wearing a black youth outfit, walking through the battlefield full of gunpowder. Bullets whizzed past him, and the messy gunfire sounded like firecrackers during the Chinese New Year.

It was the summer of 1937, when the mulberry field was the most beautiful. The green mulberry trees were dotted with purple plump mulberries. Crowds of children were playing among the mulberry trees, picking mulberries, and making them full of mulberry juice. , Like a painted porcelain doll.

However, the fortune is so good, in that beautiful season, the cloud of war has enveloped the entire East China.

When the gunfire on the Songhu battlefield sounded, Father Hua gave an order that all the young and middle-aged of the Hua family followed the army to the battlefield, leaving only a group of old and weak women and children in the big mulberry field.

Before leaving, Watson-sang was called to the study by the old man to talk for a long night. From then on, he really knew the mission of the family and the meaning of the huge mulberry tree in the yard.

“Your mission is not to kill the enemy, nor to go to death generously, remember your own mission.” Old Man Hua said at last.

Hua Shengsang left the mulberry garden under the faint light of the morning dawn, and looking back at the ferry, the dim shadow of the tall mulberry tree canopy could be seen in the mist. But he did not expect that this was the last time he looked back at the mulberry field, and the last time he saw the fruitful Oriental sacred tree that guarded the land of one side.

Although the war smashed the enemy’s rumors of invading and occupying China for three months at the cost of hundreds of thousands of casualties, it was ultimately defeated. When Watson-sang followed the army to withdraw westward, he found that there were Japanese awakened people among them, disturbing the order with spirit, causing chaos in the army, and the retreat turned into a rout.

He killed several waves of Awakeners in succession, and suddenly learned from them that Kitano Zhenwu had already crossed the line of defense and had gone along the Wusong River west, which was the direction of Wuzhong.

Hua Shengsang was worried about the situation in the mulberry field and eagerly wanted to go home, but was swept around Jiangbei by the defeated army. When he returned to Wuzhong, the mulberry field had already become a piece of scorched earth. According to the old man’s will, the housekeeper, Bi, transplanted the only surviving willow tree in the back garden to the original old mulberry tree.

Watson-sang was heartbroken, but could not shed a tear. He knelt for a night under the willow tree, slowly becoming trance. The hatred of the country and the family filled his mind, and blinded his eyes and ears. He heard a voice calling:

Want revenge? bring it on! Come with me!

His spirit descended along the old willow bark, deep into the burnt ground. He touched the roots of the old mulberry tree, as if touching the soul of the earth, those winding root forks, like snakes and worms from hell, densely covered the ground within a radius of ten miles, twisted in the scorched earth.

He felt a trace of imperceptible feminine aura condensing on his body, converging along the neural network of his limbs to the lower abdomen and the end of the vertebrae, and then along the vagus nerve and spinal nerve bundles respectively, and finally condensed into a black shadow in the brain. .

There was a croaking cry from the sky, and a group of crows hovered over the scorched earth for a long time.

The next day it was light again, and he left the mulberry garden again. This time he didn’t look back at the ferry, and left like a river.

He traveled through most of China and finally tracked down the whereabouts of Kitano Masu, but he was not Kitano’s opponent. After killing dozens of Japanese samurai with mental abilities in a row, he was also seriously injured, unable to fight Kitano again.

Kitano Shinto wore a generous kimono, and even disdain to look at Watson-san lying on the ground panting. He sang the sakura song leisurely with his fingers tapping the beat, and there were two geishas with white faces and folding fans in their hands following the rhythm. Dance.

Watson-sang shouted at Kitano Zhenwu: “Kill me, you executioner!”

It was not until the end of the whole song that Kitano Shinwu slowly got up and walked by Watson-sang, leaving only one sentence: “Except Nanke, no one is worthy of me.”

Watson-sang survived, but felt insulted, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fainted. When he was in a coma, he saw the dark figure again.

Sombra said, “Do you want revenge? Come on, come on, come with me! You are the chosen one, you are the son of Gaia! Not only do you want revenge, you have to save this chaotic world!”

A huge spiritual force from nowhere occupied his body. He felt that he had become a tree, the big tree that was turned to ashes in the fire. Crows screamed in his body, and the blood condensed into seeds of hatred, which hung bright red on his body.

He embarked on the road of revenge again, and finally killed Beiye Zhenwu in the borderland of southern Xinjiang, closing off a huge group dream created by Beiye.

Strangely, Kitano didn’t appear to be shocked by his abilities, but he showed a sense of relief when he died. He said:

“Do you know why I didn’t kill you in the first place?”


“Because I want to prove one thing, an ancient legend. It seems to be true now. Nanke is right, I was wrong.”

The fragments of memory were put together and healed slowly like a wound, restoring the original appearance.

Ronald looked at Aoki with some joy: “Are you finally going to wake up? You have blocked your memory for too long!”

Aoki took a long sigh of relief ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and came back from the memory, and said: “I woke up, what are you so happy about? Now that I remember everything, naturally I won’t do it anymore. Gaia’s puppet.”

Ronald laughed and said, “I’m afraid you can’t help it. Gaia is the source of consciousness. We are all descendants of Gaia. Once Gaia’s consciousness is awakened, it is not a problem you want. You can crush the invasion. Consciousness, block your own memory, but you can never erase the Gaia mark that your consciousness is born with. Just like you can change your name, change your nationality and beliefs, or even change your appearance, but you can’t Change the ancestral information etched in your blood and genes.

Isn’t it good to return to the spiritual source and get real liberation, just like a wanderer returning home? “

Aoki narrowed her eyes and thought for a moment, and said: “When the hen has hatched a chick, she must be mentally prepared for the chick to grow up and fly away. Since Gaia created life in the first place, she should let it go and let it develop freely. Rather than taking back the right to life. No one can deprive the right of life, neither can God! Gaia can’t do it either!”

Selena’s passionate voice came again on the TV: “Mortals are free!”

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