Dreamland Guide

Chapter 693 - Fei Fei Jiaojiao

Huang Liang thought of the crow, and at the same time thought of the person with the crow on his head.

Obviously, Hong Kui and the Indian guide heard the crow’s cry, and at the same time looked up to the distant clouds, even the white wolf in the mist seemed to be affected and raised its neck.

It’s just that above the clouds, that dark shadow has long been gone.

The Indian guide didn’t know what he said, and then he knelt down religiously, crawling on the ground, muttering something in his mouth.

Huang Liang didn’t know what he was doing and couldn’t stop him, so he looked at Hong Kui.

Hong Kui said: “They worship ravens. In many places in North America, Indians, Haidas… even some Inuit tribes, wolves and ravens are the most common totems. In many myths and legends, crosses The crow is the **** who brings light to mankind. There is a myth in the Indian tribes near Denali Mountain. Legend has it that at the beginning of the world, there was darkness between the heavens and the earth. There were no stars, moons and suns, and people could only Living in the dark. Later, it was a raven who spent the night, through the clouds, and carried the sun from the **** of creation to the top of Mount Denali. It became the home of the sun.”

“So, is he sure he saw a raven?” Huang Liang asked.

Hong Kui nodded thoughtfully, as if thinking of something, and then smiled at Huang Liang.

Huang Liang didn’t expect the Indian gods to come and lead them. There was already a white wolf anyway, but he hoped that the raven was the one he knew.

After the Indian prayed on the ground, he stood up and looked at the clouds again.

From his movements, Huang Liang confirmed that the Indians couldn’t see the white wolf. Otherwise, there is no reason why he would worship the raven so devoutly while turning a blind eye to the white wolf. But what is strange is that the reaction of the Alaskan dogs was that they had clearly seen the white wolf, and perhaps felt the spirit of the same kind. After all, the wolf and the dog can also be regarded as a family.

The Indian originally didn’t intend to go forward. In the face of the storm, he insisted on retreating, but since seeing the crow, his attitude changed. Without the urging of Hong Kui and Huang Liang, he took his dog away. in front of. Of course he didn’t know where to go, but fortunately, those Alaskan dogs could feel the existence of the white wolf, and quietly followed behind the white wolf.

This one made Hong Kui and Huang Liang save a lot of heart. After all, they couldn’t even open their eyes in the storm, and sometimes they couldn’t see where the white wolf was, and if there was a breath of spirit, it was intermittent. Make them very worried that they will lose the White Wolf.

The storm is still going on and getting bigger and bigger, and the squally roaring wind can sweep people away at any time, and it doesn’t mean to stop at all.

Huang Liang asked Indian Xiang: “How long will such a blizzard last?”

The guide said: “It’s not good, maybe half an hour, or all night. If you can’t reach your destination before dark, you must find a place to take shelter from the wind.”

Huang Liang asked again: “How long will it take us to climb to the top of the mountain?”

The Indian guide said: “The real Denali is impossible to climb in this weather. If you want to climb the main peak, you must be in the wrong direction now. Although I don’t know where you are going or what you are doing, but Since there are gods leading the way, the route should not be wrong.”

“God leads the way?” Huang Liang didn’t turn around for a moment.

“Yes, the Indian said, I heard the cry of the raven just now. He won’t appear on the plateau when the storm comes for no reason. It must be the gods calling. Didn’t you see my dogs driving on their own? But they did not direct them where to go.”

Huang Liang and Hong Kui laughed at the same time. Even though the howling wind concealed their laughter, there was still a hint of relaxed atmosphere in the air.

“Can you be sure where we are going now?” Hong Kui asked.

The Indian nodded and said: “This route is very remote. Few people go from here, whether it is tourists, hunters, or explorers. I used to pass by here when hunting a group of gray wolves. I remember there was A mountain that is not too high is probably between the two main peaks of Mount Denali. According to our current footsteps, if nothing else, it will be there in about three hours.”

The words of the guide gave them a little peace of mind, but what Hong Kui was most worried about at the moment was that if the weather was bad, they would not see the moon at night even if they arrived at their destination.

Perhaps it was the storm that affected the guide’s judgment. They walked for a full 5 hours before reaching the peak that Huang Liang had seen in his dream. Fortunately, the journey was fairly smooth, and there were no accidents. Not only did the person not suffer the slightest damage to the 9 dogs.

It was getting dark soon. And as Hong Kui expected, although the wind and snow had become smaller, it didn’t mean to stop, and the moon didn’t know where it was.

At this time, even the white wolf could not be seen. Huang Liang tried to use mental power to establish a connection with the white wolf, but found that he couldn’t do anything. This was an empty hill with thick snow and ice on the ground.

Huang Liang asked Hong Kui if he saw the white wolf. Hong Kui shook his head and said, “I can’t see him, but I can feel that he is still there.”

Huang Liang sighed and said: “Then let’s wait, I hope God will help us so that we can see the total lunar eclipse tonight.”

Hong Kui said, “We have to rely on ourselves. If the sky is still not clear, we can only seek enlightenment in our dreams. Do you remember the direction of the luminous spot you saw in your dream that day?”

Huang Liang stood up, looked around in the distance, shook his head and said: “No, after a total lunar eclipse, there will be total darkness. Without the guidance of light, I can’t determine the direction. What’s more, I can’t see anything in this spooky weather. “

Hong Kui patted him on the shoulder and said, “Then take a rest and wait until the weather clears.”

The advantage of bringing a sled dog is that you can pull a lot more. They set up a makeshift tent behind a big rock that could block the wind, supplemented some water and food, and then quietly waited for the weather to improve.

Just as they were praying in the tent that the wind and snow would stop, the dogs outside barked.

The Indian guide was the first to rush out of the tent, fearing that something would happen to his beloved dogs. Hong Kui followed, Huang Liang was the last one to go out~www.mtlnovel.com~ He saw a strange scene as soon as he got out of the tent:

It was still snowy outside, and nine Alaskan dogs squeezed into a pile, shivering in the squally wind. But they all raised their heads and whimpered at the sky.

And in the sky, there was a shining moon at this moment.

A huge white wolf stood on the protruding rock in front. The hair on its body is whiter than the snow in the Denali Mountains. Its eyes flashed with green light, like two emeralds left on the snowy field.

On a peak close to 5000 meters above sea level in Mount Denali, on a snowy night, the white wolf howled against the bright moon in the sky.

Its white body turned into a black silhouette in the bright moonlight.

The howling pierced the night, the sky and the earth.

Then, a small gap appeared on the edge of the moon.

The total lunar eclipse has begun.

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