Dreamland Guide

Chapter 697 - Contest

Bian Ziyuan turned over contentedly and sat up from the bed.

Mei Ziqing next to him was still breathing slightly, blushing all over, with fine beads of sweat on her face. He remembered the most gorgeous begonia that bloomed on the campus in spring when he was studying.

He is a very nerdy, he doesn’t like to wander around on campus, let alone get in touch with flowers. Those flowers and grasses that used to be, I would rather let those muddy and dirty rough guys trample on them, and disdain to look at him. Only that strain of Begonia is pure, it blooms on a high place, how can ordinary people ever pick it.

Now, this looking up girl like a flower is lying beside him. The petals are still covered with morning dew, so tender and moving.

Bian Ziyuan drew a cigar from the cigar box beside the bed and lit it with a Cartier watch lighter.

He didn’t smoke before, his only hobby was playing games and programming, and he determined to be a hacker. After entering May’s laboratory, for a period of time, he was complacent and felt that his ambition in life was about to be realized. Both Professor Mei’s encouragement and the favor from Mei Ziqing’s eyes affirmed his value. He became confident and ostentatious, especially in front of the goddess in his heart.

But unfortunately, the attitude of the goddess at that time was gentle, but it was only confined to the respect among colleagues. The amorous feelings that radiated from her did not belong to him, but belonged to the entire laboratory and the entire human world. But he is still full of hope, hoping to use his genius and hard work to impress the hearts of beautiful women.

Until one day, he discovered that he was nothing but a tool in the hands of others. The invention he was proud of and the miraculous lines of code were only created by others with his hands.

Only he knew about this, but he always felt that people’s eyes had changed when they looked at him, especially Mei Ziqing. From then on, his self-confidence, like ice and snow in the sun, melted away.

He learned to smoke. He wanted to use the smoke to paralyze himself, but also to use the smoke to cover up his cowardice, pretending that he could bear all the pressure and blows.

At the beginning, he learned from Professor Mei to smoke a pipe, but the way he held the pipe in his mouth, he couldn’t even look at him, except for the feeling of middle and second things that came to his face, there was no demeanor at all. He smoked the Paramount door like Aoki again and lit it with a match. But Paramount’s cigarette is not easy to smoke, and the way he lights a fire is not much better than smoking a pipe.

If Professor Mei smoking a pipe can give people the vicissitudes of an old scientist who has gone through more than half a century and full of wisdom, he does not understand how, Aoki, a young man like him, is in a weird costume. , Using a match to light a cigarette that was only popular in the last century. Why is it so impressive?

He carefully recalled every time he saw Aoki, he could only attribute it to his talent. Yes, everything needs talent, even pretending to be a force!

In the end he chose a cigar. Only this kind of thing can make him feel a little bit, not only in second grade, but also let him regain his dignity. When he was alone, he gave himself a little bit of inexplicable comfort.

He got up and put on a nightgown, walked to the mirror, carefully admiring the way he smoked a cigar.

The smoke lingered in front of the mirror, revealing a hazy beauty. In the mirror, he was tall and handsome, with a slight stubble on his cheeks, and his open nightgown revealed a strong chest and a male spear that had just gone through the battle.

He felt like a triumphant general who had just beheaded the enemy general. And if the enemy dares to commit another crime, he still has the power to fight. If necessary, he doesn’t mind if he raises a beacon like Zhou Youwang, Bomei smiles. But he is not King Zhou You, he can ride a war horse by himself, carry a steel spear, and kill him, Changshan Zhao Zilong who is seven in and seven out.

The room was filled with the smell of cigars, and he smelled a different kind of scent from it.

Mei Ziqing gently hugged her waist from behind, and put her chin on her shoulders. The breath from her mouth wafted like a spring breeze in the far side of her ears.

“You are so beautiful!” he said into the mirror.

Mei Ziqing chuckled and said, “What kind of woman have you never seen before, and you need to coax me like this?”

Bian Ziyuan chuckled in his heart, wanting to explain, but didn’t know where to start.

A lot of pictures suddenly appeared in his mind, strange and all kinds of pictures. There are portraits of celebrities, selfies of netizens, big movies, small movies, and all kinds of privacy that ordinary people can’t see, and even the scenes of American presidents and lovers’ trysts.

Those are all things that exist in the online world. If your hacking skills are strong enough and you have enough patience, you can indeed find these. But no hacker has devoted his entire life to learning such techniques, but only to find these things. Of course Bian Ziyuan will not. But he did not consciously admit that he had indeed seen these things, otherwise, why would there be such memories in his head?

The smoke filled the whole room, getting thicker and thicker, and the picture in the mirror became blurred. He suddenly saw him in the mirror, and some changes were taking place—the black hair, black eyes, and clothes, deep With myopic glasses, the young computer doctor changed his appearance in a daze-his hair became curly, his eye sockets became deep, the bridge of his nose became tall, his cheeks became thinner, and the stubble on his face increased. Yes, even on the chest, a thick layer of curly hair has grown…

Before Bian Ziyuan spoke, the person in the mirror spoke first:

“How about seeing more? Do you know what kind of life it is? What would happen to you if you were locked in a gloomy, indifferent, lifeless, and dark world for decades?”

Mei Ziqing smiled like a flower, and said: “Ah, I thought the Internet world should be a very interesting world. How can it be so boring?”

The person in the mirror said: “Look at the stars in the sky, they are so bright, but you know, the whole universe is full of darkness and lifeless. If you throw you into the outer space of the galaxy for decades, you will I know what it’s like.”

“Then you must have accumulated a great deal of resentment. In that case, why didn’t you kill him? Still cooperating with him?”

“I did want to kill him, and I did that, but I didn’t succeed.” The expression on the face of the person in the mirror changed. “But now I have changed my mind.”

“What on earth is there in him that can make you let go of your decades of hatred and choose to cooperate with him?” Mei Ziqing’s arms around Bian Zi’s far waist tightened, and his chin changed from his left shoulder to his right shoulder. “In fact, he If I can give it to you, I can give it to you. Since you have chosen to cooperate with me, why do you still want to cooperate with him?”

“I saw curiosity in your eyes.” The man in the mirror took the cigar away from his mouth and squinted his eyes, as if looking at something seriously.

“A woman is curious about a man. There is only one possibility. You are tempted by him. Well, I admit that he is a charming person. If I were not a rough man, I would have liked him. But I didn’t expect that after so many years, he has not become a bad old man, and you will be tempted by him!”

“I admire a good man.” Mei Ziqing smiled and stroked Bian Ziyuan’s chest, “just as I admire a good you.”

Bian Ziyuan’s body trembled, and there was an inexplicable flame in his chest. He wasn’t sure why the flame burned, was it excited or angry? He only knew that the flame burned his soul.

The person in the mirror maintained the same posture as him, but looked so graceful, without any excitement or anger at all.

Bian Ziyuan saw him gently raise his hand and touched Mei Ziqing’s cheek. Of course, he himself did the same. He looked completely different from the person in the mirror, but his actions were always the same.

He asked with a playful expression: “Do you really appreciate me?”

This seemed to be what Bian Ziyuan wanted to ask. He didn’t know whether he asked this question himself or the person in the mirror asked.

Just listen to Mei Ziqing’s answer: “Of course, you are the man who controls the entire world.”

Bian Ziyuan and the person in the mirror laughed at the same time. The person in the mirror laughed so easily, but Bian Ziyuan laughed strangely, even a bit bitterly.

“The way you tell lies is also very cute.” The man said, “In contrast, I think you admire the old man who thinks he is Einstein and even his hair is so pretentious. You have been a dozen for him. He even helped her wash her feet and back. Of course, I’ve seen many female assistants of scientists do this. Science is sometimes more fanatical than religion, and those women, without exception, fall madly in love with them. Professor. I attribute this to the problem of IQ, but it is obvious that you are different. Your IQ is very high, and you can’t just be fooled by the knowledge and achievements of the old man’s genius. So, I can only think that you are in love with he!”

“You are jealous!” Mei Ziqing smiled.

“No, I won’t eat the jealousy of a dying old man.”

“In terms of age, you seem to be a little older than the professor!”

“But I won’t die!…Well, that’s exactly what you want, right? Tell me, how long can that old man live?”

“I see, you are not jealous.” The smile on Mei Ziqing’s face grew deeper and deeper, “You are jealous! You are jealous of his talents! You are jealous of his achievements! Because you always call God the omnipotent you But I can’t make a space box, and I can’t even enter that world.”

“Aren’t we going in now?” the man said.

Mei Ziqing turned his head and looked at the far chin near his eyes, and slowly slid his left hand upwards along the far back muscles until it reached his cervical spine, stroking a slight bump that was not obvious there.

“Yeah, I can go in now. However, you still can’t break through the bottom limit of the space box, you can’t find the key to the dream, and you can’t control the world, can you?”

The person in the mirror seemed a little discouraged, the muscles on his face twisted, and the smoke from the cigar before entering became even thicker.

“So he can still live. Remember, before his condition worsens, he must find the key to the dream!”

“Are you ordering me?” Mei Ziqing’s voice is still so gentle and pleasant, like soft silk, but there are sharp blades hidden in the silk.

“Oh, don’t be so sensitive, we are a match made in heaven, aren’t we? Don’t worry, even without the key to dreams, I will succeed!” The person in the mirror waved his arm, “The existing technology of mankind cannot be separated from mine. Control. Now I can’t break through because those dreams are too narrow. All the spaces are independent. As we unite more and more spaces, the more I can control. One day, I will be in control. The whole dream world. When I fully open up the Internet and the Monternet, so that the real world and the dream world are integrated, at that time, I am the true God, and the entire world is mine. Even if Gaia returns, it will not compare I am stronger!”

“What about me? Will I be your queen?” Mei Ziqing giggled.

“You…” the person in the mirror groaned.

Meizi smiled more and more.

“You are indeed a fascinating woman. Kitano Masu gave birth to a good daughter!”

Hearing these words, Mei Ziqing’s face changed and she immediately covered a layer of frost.

“Do you know my father?!”

The person in the mirror shrugged: “So what?”

“Tell me, how did he die? Who killed him?”

“Since you don’t know how he died, how do you know that someone killed him?”

“I have been investigating for decades, and I know he died in the south of China.”

“What can you do if you know it?”

“I want revenge!”

“Forget it, this may be the only thing you can’t do. At least you can’t do it now.”

“Why? Who is that person?” Mei Ziqing asked sharply.

The person in the mirror was unmoved and said: “You can’t do it anyway. It’s meaningless for me to tell you. When you can do it, I will naturally tell you.”

Mei Ziqing finally calmed down and smiled again on her face. Just like on a branch that had just been frozen, when the spring breeze was blown suddenly, the delicate and beautiful peach blossoms bloomed.

“Actually, I really want to know…” Mei Ziqing looked at the mirror and said meaningfully~www.mtlnovel.com~Who are you now? ——Is it the Internet that uses the space of the Internet to parasitize the soul; or the Internet that uses the soul of the Internet to give birth to consciousness? “

The person in the mirror froze for a moment, as if a philosopher was thinking hard about the question of whether a chicken lays an egg or an egg lays a chicken, it is difficult to make a choice.

“It doesn’t matter…” he said vaguely in the smoke of the cigar.

“No!” Bian Ziyuan in front of the mirror suddenly puffed his chest, grimace, and the blue veins on his face burst out, and said loudly, “This is very important! I…I am Bian Ziyuan!”

The light on the mirror was distorted a few times, and the person in the mirror changed, and changed back to the appearance of the computer doctor with glasses and a gentle face.

Mei Ziqing opened her eyes in disbelief and turned to look at Bian Ziyuan. Just when she was about to say something, the thick smoke that was originally permeated quickly dissipated like autumn in the sun. The mirror suddenly gave out a dazzling light.

She looked in the mirror and saw that the person in the mirror had changed again. The man wore a golden armor and draped in a cloud-like Xia Yi, emitting a colorful light.

“No, I am Cronus!”

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