Dreamland Guide

Chapter 704 - Death

  The doctor made a final effort to reawaken the heartbeat and consciousness of Mei Yiqiu, but all was in vain.

  Mei Ziqing did not leave, she stayed by her side, just like a child who had lost a close relative, she was sad, choked and speechless, tears streaming out of her red and swollen eye sockets. No one doubted her feelings for the professor, and even she herself firmly believed in her sincerity to the professor. The death of this man who was also a father, a friend and a lover was a heavy blow to her.

  One hour later, the doctor shook his head at Mei Ziqing and left the ward.

  Before sending it to the funeral home, Mei Ziqing decided to personally organize the remains of the professor. She was afraid that the groomsmen of the funeral home would be too rude or casual because of lack of awe. People like professors who have made great contributions to the cause of human civilization and progress should be respected, both in life and after death.

She carefully cleaned the professor’s body, opened her mouth, and pulled out the blood clots remaining in the mouth when he vomited blood. She used a toothbrush and dental floss to carefully clean the gap between the professor’s teeth. . She carefully brushed away the foreign objects in the professor’s nose with a cotton swab, and carefully combed every hair, eyebrows and beard of the professor.

  Except for the eyes, she never moved because of wearing that special pair of “sunglasses”. She decided to fulfill his last wish-to leave the world decently and quietly wearing the space box, even when the doctor wanted to observe the pupil scattering to judge death, she was prevented. Doctors did not insist on using this primitive means of judging death, anyway, various modern instruments connected to the body have already made more scientific and accurate judgments.

  Finally, she helped the professor put on brand new clothes, and then began to write the obituary.

  She deliberated on her words, deleted and changed several times, and read the text repeatedly to avoid inappropriate words and sentences. She did not rush to send it to the media. Instead, she sent the obituary to the public relations officer of the laboratory and asked him to contact the other units. After all, Mei Yiqiu is not only a person in the laboratory, but also in the Third Space Foundation and the United Nations. The Space Committee, the Association for Science and Technology, and the CPPCC serve in a sense that he belongs to the whole world.

  It was already night when all this was done. Mei Ziqing did not leave, so she stayed in the hospital to watch for Mei. In Chinese tradition, after the death of the old man, the children and relatives must watch for him, otherwise the old man’s soul will not be able to go on the road safely. Mei Yiqiu has no children, and his only lover spread the spirit to the world in that televised speech. Mei Ziqing felt that she was the closest person to the professor.

  The air conditioner in the room cannot reach the temperature similar to that of a morgue. Fortunately, the weather is very cold at this time, and the warm and humid air in the south has not yet defeated the cold air from Siberia. She turned off the air conditioner and opened all the windows to let in the cold wind from outside. The ward immediately became gloomy and cold.

Mei Ziqing shivered from the cold, but she persisted in sitting quietly in front of the hospital bed all night, until early the next morning, she was sent to the funeral home, and the time and process of the memorial service were determined. Back to May’s laboratory.

  The genius is bright, and there is some light rain. She saw Bian Ziyuan sitting on the stone steps at the door, smoking a cigarette and not holding an umbrella.

  The smoke barely kept burning in the drizzle, and the moist smell of smoke solidified in the air, making it more choking than usual.

  Mei Ziqing saw the pain of a dead relative from Bian Ziyuan’s face.

Undoubtedly, the staff in the laboratory have deep feelings for Mei Yiqiu, but that is only limited to the feelings between the leader and the led, the mentor and the students, and the colleagues who are fighting together. At most, there are some scholars. Even if Bian Ziyuan is special, he will not be as sad as his dead father.

   What makes Mei Ziqing even more puzzled is that the sad air is clearly mixed with many complicated flavors-dazed, annoyed, blamed, depressed…

   “What’s wrong?” she asked.

   “Old Yu is dead.” Bian Ziyuan took a puff of cigarette, shaking his hands.

  Mei Ziqing came to a sudden, and then he sullenly accused: “How did you die? Didn’t I let you stare at him, but didn’t let you do it!”

“I have been monitoring him since I received your call. He took the initiative to invite me to drink last night. I used to be drunk. This time he was drunk. I think it’s okay to just drink some alcohol, but I didn’t. Thinking of putting sleeping pills in his wine.” Bian Ziyuan said and lowered his head.

   “Take me to see.” Mei Ziqing said.

  Bian Ziyuan stood up and accompanied Mei Ziqing to Yu Jianguo’s dormitory.

  The room is very small, with lots of clutter, but it’s still tidy. There was a narrow single bed in the corner, and Yu Jianguo lay quietly on the bed.

Bian Ziyuan said: “I also drank a lot of alcohol last night, but I was still awake, so I squinted in the office upstairs. I set up an alarm. If he leaves or something is abnormal, the system will call the police. I wake up. It was past four o’clock by the time of the year. At that time, my mind was sober and I always felt that something was wrong. I went down to look and found that he had no breath. I remembered that when he drank last night, he prepared two bottles of wine. He was drinking something different from me. The same bottle. Then I found this—”

  He opened the drawer of the bedside cabinet, took out a bottle of sleeping pills and a shopping receipt, “I just bought it yesterday, and the used dose, plus the effects of alcohol, is deadly.”

  Mei Ziqing walked over to probe Yu Jianguo’s nose, opened her eyelids and looked at it, sighed, and gave up the idea of ​​invading the remaining consciousness of Lao Yu.

  Bian Ziyuan lowered his head and said, “I’m sorry.”

“You should thank him for not poisoning you.” Mei Ziqing was stern and did not intend to accept an apology. “If he used cyanide instead of sleeping pills, even if you are not dead, you will be investigated by the police. Enough for you to drink a pot.”

   There was a chill from the back of Bianzi’s neck, and he unconfidently defended: “I can drink sleeping pills in the wine. Cyanide is a controlled substance…”

   Meizi gave him a green look: “There is cyanide in the laboratory upstairs, and don’t forget, Yu used to work in the hospital.” She said, looking around, “Have you ever found it?”

   “I turned it over, it’s all the waste and sundries eliminated in the laboratory, there is nothing valuable.”

   “Look again, it must be here.”

  ”Could it be…” Bian Ziyuan muttered as if suddenly thinking of something.

   “What?” Mei Ziqing asked.

  Bian Ziyuan said: “The professor gave a space box he used to Lao Yu, but I didn’t find it. It was here before.”

  Mei Ziqing nodded: “That’s right.”

  ”Are you sure that the professor gave the key to the dream to Lao Yu?” Bian Ziyuan asked.

Mei Ziqing said: “I was not sure before, but Lao Yu’s suicide confirmed my guess. He does not have strong spiritual protection, and only death can prevent the professor from confessing his failure. It’s just that I don’t understand, he How do you know that I already know? What was wrong with him yesterday?”

  Bian Ziyuan suddenly remembered ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and said, “A young woman came to him yesterday.”

  ”Young woman?” Mei Ziqing frowned, “I see, it’s a nurse in the hospital…with a message…hehe, I should have thought of it!”

  ”Nurse?” Bian Ziyuan said in surprise, “Did he give the things to the nurse?”

   “Impossible.” Mei Ziqing shook her head, “That nurse was just giving a message to the professor. There must be someone else…Where else did he go?”

   “I just went to the supermarket to buy wine, maybe there is a pharmacy.” Bian Ziyuan shook the sleeping pills and said.

   “If you call up the monitoring of those places, don’t you know?” Mei Ziqing said.

  Bian Ziyuan suddenly flushed, a little angry and roared: “I am Bian Ziyuan, not Sa Liding!”

  Mei Ziqing did not speak, but looked at him coldly.

  Bian Ziyuan’s momentum finally weakened, lowered his head, and after a while, he said, “It’s Yao Jingjing from the security company. He met Yao Jingjing while shopping and gave her the things.”

   “Is that the space box?”


   “Where is Yao Jingjing now?”

   “She went to the airport last night, the plane at 8 o’clock, the destination is… Cairo!”

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