Dreamland Guide

Chapter 71 - The great dead

   If the mysterious disappearance of the scientific research ship at sea is shocking, then this news is enough to shock the entire scientific community.

Evans Lester is recognized as the greatest scientist in the world today. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics twice and the Fields Medal once. If he hadn’t taken the initiative to declare that he would no longer receive any awards, the Nobel Committee might have Whether or not a person should win the Nobel Prize three times is arguing.

   Many of his discoveries have injected new energy into the theoretical and scientific community that has been silent since the second half of the twentieth century, and made this pool of stagnant water come alive again. It is generally believed that the unified field theory will be perfected in the hands of Leicester, and the giants of science will take the most important and solid step after relativity and quantum theory.

  Although Professor Lester is almost 80 years old, he is in good health and enjoys the world’s highest level of medical care and safety. If he is sick, the scientists present here will surely get news as soon as possible, and they will be even more nervous than they are sick.

   Mei was as shocked as anyone here. He and Leicester are also old friends. When he was teaching at Princeton University, he was fortunate to work with Leicester and was deeply influenced by it.

   At that time, Mei Yiqiu was still very young. As a Chinese genius, he often compared himself with Westerners and felt proud because he never lost to them. But since knowing Lester, his arrogance has been shattered, shattered and disappeared from his bones. Looking at the entire scientific community, there is no one who is more comprehensive and omniscient than Leicester.

   “What happened? How did he die?” someone asked.

   Frederick said: “According to the news from the Hopkins Medical Center, Mr. Lester died of acute encephalitis in his own apartment last night.”

“I don’t believe it!” Mei Yiqiu jumped up from her seat irritably, “There is no acute encephalitis that can cause brain death in such a short period of time. If you have been infected with the encephalitis virus, why not send it in advance? Doctor? Why don’t we know?”

   “Yes, Mr. Lester does not belong to a certain country, he belongs to the whole world! What right do they have to conceal his physical condition?” Someone echoed.

   “Please calm down.” Frederick stretched out his palm and pressed the press to the crowd. “There are scientists in Hopkins Hospital who are worthy of our respect. We should trust their diagnosis.”

   Meiyi begged to sit down.

   He knew that Frederick was right. The death of a figure like Leicester was enough to cause an earthquake in the scientific world. No one dared to hide anything, unless Leicester himself did not want to tell the world.

   “Is there any connection between these two things?” It’s a bit strange that Frederick, who has a general sense of it, announces these two things at the same time here.

   “I hope there is no connection between them, but I can’t be wishful thinking. In fact, I don’t know.” Frederick said.

   “What do you mean? As far as I know, Mr. Lester did not participate in the investigation of the underwater pyramid.” Professor Hans from the University of Copenhagen said.

Frederick nodded: “It is true that he did not directly participate in this expedition, nor has he ever been to the Tubuai Islands, but this does not mean that he does not care about the progress of the matter. In fact, he specifically mentioned this in his last words. Thing.”

   “He has a last word?” Many people asked together.

“Yes.” Frederick said. “His last words were written in a mind matrix code and handed over to his trusted friend, Dr. Daldovar, before he died. Through Dr. Daldovar, this last word has arrived again. Here, even his family has not had time to see it.”

  Mei in order to know the password of the mind matrix.

   This is a complex brainwave code. It does not rely on the memory of symbols or words, but under the pure consciousness of self-hypnosis, it can identify the thoughts of the time based on the signals emitted by the brainwaves.

   This kind of signal is extremely difficult to decipher. It is necessary to study the cipher writer’s life thinking characteristics and find his consciousness coordinates in the matrix in order to interpret the radio wave information.

  May remember when he was in Princeton, Lester said that his original intention of inventing this code was to prove that consciousness has an interference effect on quantum, and quantum has no effect on consciousness itself.

   It seemed that the experiment had failed, but this matrix cipher was proved to be feasible and became one of the most difficult ciphers in the world.

   There are two characteristics of this kind of password. One is that if you don’t know the thinking characteristics of the person who wrote the password, even if you know his life well, you will not get his consciousness coordinates. Without consciousness coordinates, it is almost impossible to find information from the matrix, just like finding a floating sesame in the Pacific without coordinates.

The second characteristic of    is that it can be completed by the subconscious only in a state of self-hypnosis, and cannot be forced or faked. Therefore, the Mind Matrix cipher is also called “Lester Signature”.

   Of course, because the conversion of conscious thinking into language is bound to be vague and inaccurate, its signature authentication function is more meaningful than encryption.

   “What did his last words say?” Mei Yi asked.

   “Mr. Lester said that another consciousness invaded and attacked his brain.” Frederick had a strange expression when he said this.

   “What does this mean?” Even if all of you here are scientists, it is difficult to understand such an expression.

   Frederick said: “According to Mr. Lester, he fought this invader for a long time. He suspects that the invader is extraterrestrial life, which is what we often call aliens.”


   “Yes, aliens.” Professor Frank, chairman of the International Association for Quantum Applications, the convener of this meeting sitting next to Frederick, took over Frederick’s microphone.

“In our novels and movies, aliens always have a body similar to earth creatures. They are either human or insects. They have facial features, digestive tracts, and need to eat and excrete. At most, they look a little disgusting. For example, a few long tentacles and highly corrosive acidic saliva. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

“But we are scientists. We should not be limited to our understanding and pure imagination of carbon-based life. Why does life have to grow like us? Why can’t it be a rock or a nebula? We shouldn’t even be limited to silicon-based life. In my imagination, that’s too narrow!”

  Professor Frank said this in one breath, and he paused for a while, looking out the window of the conference center, like looking at a galaxy hundreds of millions of light-years away.

“Why must life be material? In addition to matter, there are extensive and unknown existences in the universe. In those seemingly empty places, there may be some forms of life that we can’t understand, just as we still can’t understand ourselves. —Our consciousness—what exactly is it made of?”

   “Mr. Lester has a superhuman brain that no one of us can match. It is he who has shown us new hope in theoretical physics. I believe that even when his life is dying, he will not speak nonsense.”

   Professor Frank retracted his eyes and looked at the scientists present.

   There was another whispering in the venue.

   Independent consciousness bodies are widely present in different dimensions of the universe. As a scientific hypothesis, it has long been proposed by people. It’s just that this kind of hypothesis is meaningless from an experimental point of view or from a mathematical and logical point of view, so scientists rarely talk about it, and few people do real research.

   But once it is said from an academic leader, it is different.

   “Then what does this have to do with our meeting and the missing islands in the Pacific?”

   Frank glanced at the questioner, nodded slightly, and said: “Mr. Lester believes that in a certain area of ​​the earth, there is a wormhole leading to an unknown place in the universe.”


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