Dreamland Guide

Chapter 734 - New world

When the northern ice melted and floods raged, the three pyramids in the Giza Highlands were sinking.

Slowly, the yellow sand rose like high tide sea water, and eventually submerged most of the tower of the pyramid.

The administrator Adullah Rashad Rasheed Btsbrahi Itsjrahi Tsharasha Mudzhi Le had no choice but to climb to the top of the Menkaura Pyramid.

He still remembered the Asian couple who climbed to the spire of the tower many years ago, disappearing forever in the sandstorm and the wonderful light.

Hafra and Khufu next door showed short spires, and the houses half-buried on the horizon in the distance looked like children’s toys.

He saw ten suns and a burning big bow that appeared in his mind.

Then came the sky full of fireworks, and the black feathers that flew after the fireworks were extinguished.

Adura heard a meow, and looked back and saw a cat squatting on the spire of the Pyramid of Khufu, a snow-white cat. It was facing the sky full of black feathers, crying sadly.

The woman saw the splendid fireworks in the sky from the window of the cell. Maybe she had been in a damp prison for a long time, she always felt that the flame was so warm, that arrow shot through the scorching sun in the sea of ​​consciousness, and also shot through her frozen heart.

For many days after that, no one came to open the prison door to let them out, no one urged them to go out to work, and no one gave them food.

Hunger made her weaker and weaker. She leaned against the wall and looked at the blue sky outside the window, feeling that she was going to die soon.

But she was not afraid.

I have lived here for decades, my head is white, my heart is dead. The reason why he is still alive is only because of those vows that have been vague enough to be remembered, and the hope that is clearly impossible but still holding.

In my lifetime, I loved a man and watched a brilliant fireworks, which is also worth it.

Just when she was about to look out the window one last time, take a breath of fresh air, and then close her eyes forever, the cell door opened.

A beautiful oriental woman walked in and asked her: “Your name is Lavie?”

She nodded.

The woman said: “Come with me, you are free.”

The cold current that lasted for many years finally ended, the temperature picked up, and due to the melting of Arctic ice and snow, a large area of ​​land east of Siberia became a habitable zone, and the Arctic Ocean became a golden waterway. The distance from Northeast Asia to Europe has been shortened by several times compared with the past.

Humans are beginning to thrive again.

The former site of the Mei’s laboratory in Wuzhong was transformed into a century disaster memorial to commemorate the billions of people who died in their sleep wearing the space box.

The space box is regarded as the devil’s box, which tempts human beings to lose themselves in virtual happiness. Those former scientists have become sinners, although most of them have died in the disaster.

Many young people gather in the square outside the memorial hall every day. They chanted the slogan “against science and technology and return to nature” and demanded that the human government give up everything that is against nature, especially research on artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and bioelectronics.

A statue made of bronze stands in front of the memorial.

It was an old man on his knees. He lowered his head, his hair was fluffy and frizzy, he was still holding a pipe in his mouth, his hands were tied behind his back by a rope, and there was a sign hanging around his neck that read:

I’m guilty!

Everyone passing by here must spit at the statue.

The children peeed at the statue, and the woman threw the used sanitary napkins at the statue.

The most vicious curse in the world is said hundreds of times here every day.

The Lifelong Flower crouched on its back, holding on to the broom, and silently sweeping the fallen leaves in a corner of the square.

Six months ago, she applied for a job as a square cleaner.

She has become accustomed to people’s behavior and listened to the vicious words.

It wasn’t until it got dark and there was no one on the square that she walked to the statue and began to clean up the dirt on the statue.

She was very careful, as if she was finishing makeup for a loved one.

The sky without industrial pollution is very clear, and the stars are shining down, covering the earth with a layer of silver gauze.

(End of the book)

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