Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Chapter 78

Alfonso Cuarón was a little skeptical about the film series called [Harry Potter]. He loved the books when he read them for the first time, and he was happy that they considered him for the role of director, but the first meeting with Steve Kloves made him doubt the idea. He didn't think that shooting two films back to back was feasible when even the script of the fourth movie was not ready. But Steve assured him that he would personally assist Eric Roth, the screenwriter, to complete the job. Steve also promised Alfonso something that was rare to get in Hollywood films: the right to the final cut, at least for the third movie. If that did well, then Alfonso would get the same right for the fourth film as well.

Despite all these promises, Alfonso was hesitant. He almost declined the offer, but his great friend Guillermo del Toro changed his mind.

"You are being arrogant," Guillermo had rebuked him harshly. "You have made just two good films in your life. Here's finally a chance to make a film that every kid in the world will grow up watching. You can show everyone that we Mexicans aren't beneath anyone, but you are hellbent on your traditional views that they are making two films together, so it must be like a production machine. Did you even consider their reason for it beyond the money saving?"

Those words from Guillermo stung at his pride. Yet, he couldn't say that they weren't true. Alfonso wasn't so lucky with some of his early work to be considered a good director internationally. So he finally accepted the role after asking Steve Kloves the reasons for making the two films together.

Steve had told him the reason immediately, which was that the kids were growing up too fast. They needed to shoot the fourth film soon or Jamie would become too old for a 14-year-old. He is already 16, playing 13. On the other hand, Emma is just 12 at the moment. Alfonso had to make sure that the two of them were not standing close to each other while shooting because the difference in their age was quite obvious. That was a difficult task when Eric Roth, the screenwriter, was hellbent on including little hints and sweet moments about their and Harry-Ginny's relationship. Something that Rowling was very reluctant to tell them, especially given the fight she had with Steve Kloves and Warner Bros.

"How is the shooting going?" Alfonso was broken out of his thoughts by the presence of one Chris Columbus, director of the first two films, and producer of the third one. He flew over to London on the weekends to oversee the production of the movie.

"It's good," Alfonso said neutrally. "Much better than when we began the shoot. I was this close to pulling my hair out, but thankfully it all worked out in the end."

Chris chuckled, "It takes some time, but then the cast and the crew will grow on you. If I didn't have familial obligations, I would finish all seven movies." Chris looked wistful about the idea.

Feeling a lull in the conversation, Alfonso asked a topic that had made him very curious, yet no one would tell him about it. "What's this I've been hearing about Rowling threatening Steve and Warner Bros?"

"Same old story, she wants more money," Chris said matter-of-factly. "Steve and Eric approached her because we wanted her input on the next movie's script, and she declined. Then she threatened to sue him and Warner Bros. While she can withhold information from him about the future books, legally, she cannot do anything for more money. The only problem is the PR. If this news leaks out in the media, it will create a big scandal that you and I are being paid much more for directing two films each than Rowling was paid for the entire series. The less we talk about Steve and Troy's income, the better it is."

Alfonso grimaced at that thought. Steve would probably be a billionaire by the end of the film series.

"So what is Steve doing about it?" Alfonso asked.

"As far as I know, he has offered her some hush money. Don't spread this around, because Steve hasn't told it to anyone beyond Barry Meyer and me. Even Troy doesn't know about all this drama because Steve wants to keep it from him. He will probably pay her a few million dollars to help with future plots," Chris explained.

"Makes sense," Alfonso said thoughtfully. "She deserves that money."

"Enough talk about serious topics," Chris said suddenly. "Tell me, how are the kids doing? Troy, Emma, and Jamie?"

"They are doing good mostly. I gave them an essay to write about their characters. Emma gave me a beautiful one containing Hermione's entire history and emotional drive. Troy gave me a brief but complete essay. Jamie said that Ron wouldn't even write an essay, so that's why he didn't write one."

Chris laughed at that story.

Alfonso continued after a few moments, "Emma is very serious about her studies and seeks out any breaks she can from shooting. It's hard to say if she'll continue being an actress after this series. Jamie, on the other hand, is a born actor. He is so good in his scenes that, out of the three, he's my favorite actor to work with. I'm damn sure he'll continue being an actor after the series ends. And Troy is Troy."

"What do you mean by that?" Chris asked.

"Don't get me wrong, he is a good actor, but he is a superstar as well," Alfonso explained. "He is adored by so many people that I think it gets a little difficult for him to separate the fame from his work."

Chris made a confused face before asking, "Are you sure we are talking about the same guy? Because the Troy I know is the most down-to-earth kid I've seen for an actor. And I've worked with Macaulay Culkin at his peak."

That comment made Alfonso think hard. Is it possible that all along it was his fault for making Troy uncomfortable on the set? He would have to think about it again.

"By the way," Chris said while pointing at the storyboard of the scenes for the next week, "I love this scene idea of yours of doing it in a long take."

Alfonso smiled at the praise before the two began discussing the upcoming movie plans in earnest.


"Ron!" I shouted in worry as I ran across the room with Emma on my trail. "Are you okay? Where's the dog?"

"It's a trap. He's the dog. He's an animagus," Jamie cried while pointing behind me and Emma. Slowly, the two of us turned around to see the paw prints left in the dust on the floor. As I looked up, I could see a grisly, filthy man standing behind the door, right where the paw prints ended. He was barely recognizable as the legendary actor Gary Oldman.

"I knew you'd come for your friend," Oldman said. "Just like your father would've done for me. It will make everything so much easier."

Rage boiled through me as I stepped forward to attack him, only to be stopped by my two friends.

"Harry, no!" Emma shouted.

Jamie, who was limping and had a bleeding leg, put on a brave face and stepped in front of me, "If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too."

"No, only one will die tonight," Oldman said confidently.

"Then it will be you!" I shouted and broke free from Jamie and Emma's grip on my arms before running up to the older man, gripping his neck in a chokehold and pushing him down on the ground. I pulled out my wand from my pocket and held it between Oldman's eyes, who was laughing maniacally at this sudden turn of events.

"Are you going to kill me, Harry?" he said creepily, like only a psychopath would.

Suddenly, the door behind me burst open. I turned around to find David Thewlis as Remus Lupin standing there with his wand pointed at me as he shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

My wand, which was attached to a string, was pulled away from my hands by a crew member off-camera.

I stood up from my spot as Thewlis motioned with his head for me to move away from Oldman.

I stood up and ran up to Emma, who pulled me beside her, while Jamie was back to sitting on the floor owing to his injured leg.

As the scene continued, the three of us friends went into shock as the two older men hugged like long-lost lovers.

"No!" Emma shrieked. "I trusted you! All this time, you've been his friend! He's a werewolf, that's why he's been missing classes!"

David Thewlis walked towards us, but before he could say anything, a shout rang out in the room.

"Cut! Print. Check the gate."

Hearing that phrase from Alfonso after so many retakes, I was relieved. In such a tightly packed scene, many things could go wrong, and they did. Sometimes, someone would flub their lines, or my wand would just not leave my hand, or this one time when I pushed Gary Oldman too hard and he was unable to say his lines. But finally, we were done with it.

"We begin the next part in ten minutes while we set up the equipment," Alfonso announced for us actors before turning to the crew and giving out instructions for the next part.

A set assistant ran up to me and took a few of my photographs before moving on to Emma, Jamie, and other actors. This was done to maintain continuity, so if later on we have to redo the scene after a month because of some reason, the costume and makeup team won't have to rewatch the actual footage again.

Emma and Jamie were having an animated discussion, while David Thewlis had gone off to drink some water, leaving just Gary Oldman and me behind.

"I hope I didn't hurt you this time," I asked Gary Oldman about the scene when I slammed him down on the ground. It had a mattress installed within to make such a scene possible and safe for the actors, but there was always a chance of something going wrong.

"Of course you didn't," he scoffed. "I might be old, but not old enough to not be able to do some basic action scenes." In his tattered clothes and with his sunken face, he looked like a real emaciated prison escapee. Until now, I had only heard of actors who would go this far for a small supporting role to lose this much weight, but this was the first time I was seeing it in person.

That made me think, would I do this for a role if I was offered one? Losing too much weight too quickly is very unhealthy for your body, and the consequences can be felt long after the film has been shot. Gaining weight, be it fat or muscle mass, is one thing, but becoming bone thin… I'm not sure if I would be able to do it.

"What are you thinking, kid?" Gary broke me out of my thoughts. "You got that deep-thinking face."

"Nothing serious," I said before gathering up the courage to ask him. "I was wondering, and you don't have to tell me if you don't wish to, but why did you take up this role? I have seen a lot of your films over the years, and I absolutely adore you as an actor. I love it that you became Sirius Black, but losing this much weight for a supporting role?"

Gary smiled sadly before saying, "When you have been an actor as long as I have been, you start feeling invincible. There will come a time for you as well when you'll think that you can do anything, say anything, and nothing will happen to you. Guess what? It does. I made some political remarks about some big producers in Hollywood, and they blacklisted me."

I didn't know that. I had no idea that this had happened to him at all.

"No one would offer me a lead role anymore," Gary continued. "This was the best role I was being offered, and I took it. I may not be hurting for cash, but I still need to work. And when I take a role, I don't care if it is small or big, I do it with my utmost seriousness. I was in quite good shape when I received a call from Alfonso. But as soon as I signed the contract, I cut down my diet, and here we are."

It was inspiring, more than anything, that this man, who had the whole system against him, was still working. Any other person might have given up on Hollywood films entirely, but here was Gary Oldman who didn't care about anything but his craft. Seeing him working at his age despite the setbacks he had faced in his career was motivating. Why the fuck was I whining like a little bitch about winning all the awards when I still have my whole life ahead of me? There are uncountable films made every year around the world, and being an actor, I watch a lot of films every week for research purposes. I had fallen in love with films, and like Gary, I don't think I want to give up on making films ever, even if I have a lot of money in my bank account.

So what if I become the highest-grossing actor by the end of Harry Potter? I can still do better. I can become so big that the second highest-grossing actor would be unable to catch up at all. I know that is a long shot, but I can try, right? And what is life if we stop trying at all?

I smiled at Gary. "Thank you."

He looked at me strangely. "What for?"

I shook my head. I didn't think he would understand without the context. "Just… thank you."

"Alright, we are good to go," Alfonso announced out loud, cutting off our conversation.

"Let's go," I said to Gary as we took our positions for the next part of the scene where Alan Rickman as Severus Snape would make his entry.

As we got ready for the scene, I couldn't help but think that I needed to do something for me to not just burn out. I already came very close to it after completing my Triple Crown. This is how older actors get drawn into a vicious circle of addiction, be it drinking, drugs, or prostitutes. I won't have it. I have been given this second life, and while I may not remember my first one, I will not squander this second chance.


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