Dreams of the Fragrant River

Chapter 12

: Twelve [There Will Be A Period Later]

There are two main reasons why Kang Jianfei directly took the manuscript to his door to submit it instead of putting it in the mailbox of Ming Pao.

First, email submissions are all up to fate. If you submit a manuscript in person, there is room for face-to-face communication, and the chance of your manuscript being accepted will be much higher. Kang Jianfei didn’t think that what he wrote was “Looking for Qin Ji”, “Ming Pao” would definitely like it, and even ran to the door to beg him to write the manuscript.

Second, Ming Pao’s novels are published in its supplements. The work of requesting manuscripts on the “Supplement” is presided over by Jin Yong and the editor-in-chief Pan Yuesheng, and the editors of other supplements are only responsible for urging manuscripts and proofreading. Jin Yong and Pan Yuesheng naturally did not read all the manuscripts, they only looked at the manuscripts that were selected by ordinary editors. If you submit a manuscript by your own mailbox, and you encounter an editor who does not have long eyes, you will directly throw it into the trash can as a waste manuscript, then you will cry without tears.

Kang Jianfei led Hu Juncai into the Ming Pao building. Instead of going to the editorial office of the supplement, he directly asked where the chief editor’s office was.

There were people coming and going in the building, and the staff in each office were busy working. This modern office atmosphere made Hu Juncai panic, and he always felt that someone was secretly watching them.

Walking down the aisle, it may be that Hu Juncai’s poking behavior was suspicious. A man in a suit and glasses in his sixties stopped them and asked, “Who are you looking for?”

When Kang Jianfei saw that the man with glasses had gray hair and had some majesty on his body, he was probably a small head of Ming Pao, so he smiled at him and said, “Hello, I’m looking for Pan Yuesheng, the editor-in-chief of Pan.”

The man with glasses frowned and asked, “What do you have to do with Editor-in-Chief Pan?”

Kang Jianfei said, “I wrote a novel, and I made an appointment with editor-in-chief Pan to show him the manuscript. Where is the editor-in-chief’s office?”

“Are you sure you made an appointment with editor-in-chief Pan?” the man with glasses asked with a smile.

Kang Jianfei felt that there was something wrong with his smile, so he bit his head and said, “It’s true.”

The man with glasses waved his hand and said, “Don’t look for it. Editor-in-chief Pan doesn’t have time to see you today.”

Kang Jianfei asked, “Why? Is he not here today?”

The man with glasses sneered and left after saying a word: “Because I am Pan Yuesheng!”

Kang Jianfei and Hu Juncai looked at each other in dismay, but Kang Jianfei quickly reacted and chased after him and said, “Mr. Pan, this is a novel I wrote. I’m bothering you to read it. Please help me to correct it.”

“Didn’t you say you made an appointment with me?” Pan Yuesheng sneered, “I hate people who lie and deceive the most. If their character is not good, what kind of good novels do you expect him to write?”

Seeing that Pan Yuesheng was about to enter his editor-in-chief’s office, Kang Jianfei took the opportunity to step forward to stop him, took out the manuscript and said, “Mr. Pan, I think it doesn’t matter what my character is. As the editor-in-chief of Ming Pao, you are always obliged to read it. Look at the author’s contributions, it’s your job.”

Pan Yuesheng did not show any sympathy for Kang Jianfei, and said, “Sorry, I have my own set of review standards, and the judgment of the author’s character is also one of them.”

Kang Jianfei did not expect that he was so unlucky, that Pan Yuesheng was shot without even reading his manuscript.

Seeing that the old man was too stubborn to make sense, Kang Jianfei picked up his manuscript, turned around and left. Only Jin Yong and Pan Yuesheng can decide the manuscript for the supplement of Ming Pao. Since it is not feasible to find Pan Yuesheng, then Jin Yong himself has to be found.

Hu Juncai felt a little inferior when facing Hong Kong people, and whispered: “A Fei, I think we should go back, it’s not easy to be a writer.”

Kang Jianfei had a smile on his face, as if the scene just now didn’t happen at all, he comforted: “Don’t worry, if you don’t want my manuscript, it only means that they have no eyes!”

Having said that, Kang Jianfei had already realized in his heart that most of his manuscripts would not be accepted by Ming Pao. As the editor-in-chief, Pan Yuesheng would never refuse to read the manuscript because Kang Jianfei told a few lies if Ming Pao lacked the manuscript. Since Pan Yuesheng has done this, there is only one reason to explain – Ming Pao has no shortage of manuscripts. There are countless writers in Hong Kong rushing to send their manuscripts to Ming Pao for publication. It is difficult for new writers to show up on Ming Pao.

Kang Jianfei asked Hu Juncai to wait downstairs. He inquired about Jin Yong’s office and knocked on the wooden door of the office.

“Come in!” A deep voice came from inside.

Kang Jianfei pushed open the door and entered. Jin Yong, who was at his desk writing an editorial, raised his head, saw a strange young man, and asked, “Who are you?”

“Mr. Cha, I’m a novel lover. This is a novel I wrote. I would like to invite you to read it.” Kang Jianfei smiled and placed the manuscript on Jin Yong’s desk.

Jin Yong frowned. He hated being interrupted when he was writing. And this kind of new author’s manuscript should be handed over to the ordinary editor below for review. If everyone wrote a manuscript and looked for him, wouldn’t he have to read the manuscript every day?

Jin Yong is not good at words, and since Kang Jianfei has already brought the manuscript, he is not good to drive people out directly. He didn’t talk to Kang Jianfei at the moment, he took the manuscript and read it.

At the beginning of the novel, it is pointed out that Xiang Shaolong is an ordinary grassroots in Hong Kong. He has had some kung fu since elementary school and is a martial arts enthusiast. Then Xiang Shaolong’s girlfriend was robbed by the son, and he was bullied and beaten by the son. The rich boy’s thugs kicked Xiang Shaolong from the top of the building, but the protagonist traveled through time and space in the process of falling and landed on the bed of an ancient beauty.

Jin Yong’s brows twitched and loosened. After reading about 30,000 words, he wrote a few lines on a note, then handed the manuscript of “Looking for Qin Ji” and the note to Kang Jianfei, and waved him to leave.

This is Kim Yong’s habit. Because of his poor eloquence, he often writes notes to express himself, even when he manages Ming Pao.

Kang Jianfei took the note and looked at it, and saw that it said: “Traveling through time and space, the idea is quite novel. However, the writing is too frivolous and the plot is too vulgar. I hope to correct it in the future. There is a lot to do with Jun Yu’s novels.”

Kang Jianfei couldn’t help laughing when he read the note. Jin Yong first affirmed him, then pointed out his shortcomings, and finally encouraged him to correct his shortcomings and have a bright future.

Affirmation, inadequacy, encouragement, all aspects, indeed, it is indeed the style of the elders of Dundun.

But these are all scenes, the real meaning is: your writing is not good enough, and you have a tendency to be flamboyant, which is not in line with the style of Ming Pao, so this paper does not accept this manuscript.

Kang Jianfei suddenly wanted to laugh. It was the first time he plagiarized a novel that was popular in later generations, but the manuscript was rejected by Ming Pao.

Kang Jianfei is also considered unlucky. At this time, “Ming Pao” has manuscripts from a group of writers such as Ni Jiao, and “Ming Pao Evening News” has manuscripts from a group of writers such as Wen Rui’an. The sources of manuscripts on both sides are very stable and their sales are good. Therefore, unless the works are of high quality, it is difficult for novels by new authors to be published in Ming Pao.

If it were ten years later, when the Hong Kong martial arts novels were withered, and good works were hard to find, if Kang Jianfei came up with “Xun Qin Ji”, “Ming Pao” would definitely rush for it!

Kang Jianfei walked out of Jin Yong’s office with the manuscript, and when he reached the door, he turned around and smiled at Jin Yong, “Mr. Cha, we will have an appointment in the future!”

Jin Yong was taken aback for a moment, then UU Reading www.uukanshu.com politely smiled at Kang Jianfei and nodded, “Goodbye.”

Watching Kang Jianfei leave, Jin Yong didn’t take it to heart. “Looking for Qin Ji” is suspected of being salacious. Although it will stop when it is clicked, “Ming Pao” has already been on the right track, and it will not rashly publish this kind of novel to lower its own style. Ni Jiao’s novels published in “Ming Pao” also have meat scenes, but they are all male and female loves when they are in love, which is fundamentally different from the naked **** desire of “Looking for Qin Ji”. Kang Jianfei’s novels are obviously much more vulgar. .

What’s more, at the beginning of this year, the “Wesleyan” series, which has been serialized in “Ming Pao” for more than ten years, published the first single book “Old Cat”, which detonated a new round of Wesleyan fever on Hong Kong Island, and “Ming Pao” took advantage of this. Shareholder wind, sales once reached 150,000 copies.

When Huang Yulang saw the Wesleyan fire, he immediately invited Ni Jiao to write a novel at a price of 500 yuan per thousand words, setting a new record for Hong Kong writers’ remuneration.

Now that Ni Frame is very popular, Wesley’s “Chain” series is well serialized in Ming Pao, but Jin Yong will replace Ni Frame’s Wesley when he is crazy, and instead publish Kang Jianfei’s “Looking for Qin Ji”.

Kang Jianfei went downstairs with the rejected manuscript, and Hu Juncai hurriedly stepped forward and asked, “How is it, have they accepted the manuscript?”

“Go to Oriental Daily!” The smile on Kang Jianfei’s face disappeared, and a few words popped out from between his teeth.

Isn’t that the “Ming Pao”?

There are so many newspapers in Hong Kong that I don’t believe that “Xun Qin Ji” can’t be cast!


You guys are really, really powerful. I thought you would be number one on the list tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but this afternoon you actually rushed up.

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