Dreams of the Fragrant River

Chapter 33

: Thirty-Three [Wen Jiabiyu]


The girl in her arms exclaimed, Kang Jianfei, who was hit, stood firmly on the spot, but she herself was bounced back and fell on her back.

Kang Jianfei didn’t think much of it, he stretched out his hand and pulled the girl back to stand, and asked, “Are you alright?”

To Kang Jianfei’s surprise, the first sentence the girl said was not “thank you”, but angrily asked, “Do you have eyes while walking?”

Before Kang Jianfei spoke, someone in the principal’s office was already scolding the girl: “Wen Biyu, why are you so rude, please apologize to this gentleman!”

Wen Biyu?

Kang Jianfei looked down and saw that the girl called Wen Biyu was very familiar. After looking at her carefully, Kang Jianfei was indeed Wen Bixia.

At this time, Wen Bixia was only as tall as Kang Jianfei’s shoulders, her clothes were also very shabby, her hair was casually tied into a braid, and she even had a patch on her trousers. How could she look like that **** stunner in the future?

However, her **** were already quite large. When they bumped into each other just now, Kang Jianfei had a very deep feeling for those two little white rabbits.

Wen Bixia rolled her eyes at Kang Jianfei, turned around in a rather rebellious tone and said, “Principal Lin, you have to take care of me if I don’t come to class. Now you have to take care of what I say. You think you are my mother!”

Then Principal Lin was very angry at Wen Bixia, and was about to continue to act and berate, Kang Jianfei said with a smile: “Forget it, girls are lively and rebellious and cute at all. This classmate, you go to class first, I I have something to discuss with Principal Lin.”

Seeing that Kang Jianfei was actually helping her to talk, Wen Bixia couldn’t help but glanced at him a few more times, and then snorted coldly, “Hmph, if you are acquainted, I won’t bother with you today, I will watch it next time I walk!”

Kang Jianfei scratched his forehead and watched Wen Bi go out in a hurry, before he gently closed the door.

Principal Lin helped Wen Bixia to explain: “Don’t be angry, Mr. Biyu, the family is very difficult, and adults don’t have time to discipline the children. She has a bad temper, but she has a good heart. I apologize to you on her behalf. already.”

The principal is too polite, isn’t it? He actually helped an ordinary student to apologize.

Kang Jianfei was a little incomprehensible, so he didn’t ask any more questions. He took out his business card and introduced himself: “Hello, Principal Lin, my name is Kang Jianfei, and I’m the boss of Oriental DreamWorks.”

“A movie company?” Principal Lin took the business card with some doubts.

Tiaojingling is surrounded by mountains on three sides and territorial waters on the other. There is only a broken ferry to get to Hong Kong Island for traffic. The other is a dirt road that has been trampled by residents. Even the postman refused to come here, so Principal Lin could only go to Kowloon every once in a while to get some old newspapers to read, because he had never heard of Kang Jianfei’s name.

Kang Jianfei had nothing to do with him, and said straight to the point: “It’s like this, I’m going to make a comedy about students, and I plan to shoot at your school. Because there is a scene of the student sports meeting in the film, I want to be in Set up several stands with awnings and seats around your school’s sports field, and by the way, level the sports field and repair it.”

“Really?” Principal Lin had a look of joy on his face, but he did not have the restraint and self-restraint of a principal at all.

No wonder Principal Lin was not reserved, the situation here is really bad.

Just listen to the name of the school running organization of Tiaojingling Middle School – Hong Kong and Kowloon Relief Committee for Tiaojingling Refugees. The last time the school accepted donations was seven years ago. All walks of life in Hong Kong and overseas Chinese raised funds together to build a three-story teaching building.

Kang Jianfei smiled and said, “Of course it’s true. My cousin is also studying in this school. I still have a lot of affection for Tiaojingling Middle School. I hope the school will be better and better.”

Principal Lin held Kang Jianfei’s hand enthusiastically and said, “Mr. Kang is really warm-hearted. If there are more good people like Mr. Kang, our school will definitely be better and better!”

“Where,” Kang Jianfei said modestly, “Principal Lin, there is a scene of a student sports meeting in my movie, which requires at least hundreds of students to appear. Can you ask the students from the school to help with the filming? I promise that there will be no delay. They have too much time, and for every student who takes part in the shoot, I give them a set of tracksuits.”

It’s not that Kang Jianfei is generous, but those students who are extras must wear sportswear to appear. And this school is full of poor students, obviously it is impossible to have a uniform style of sportswear, so Kang Jianfei had to pay for it. After the filming is over, it doesn’t make much sense to take these clothes away, so it’s better to give them to students generously.

“Absolutely no problem, I will let the teachers below organize it.” Principal Lin asked happily, “I wonder when Mr. Kang’s movie will be filmed?”

Kang Jianfei did the math and said, “It will take at least ten days to repair the awning and level the sports field. It may be possible to shoot around the 10th of next month.”

Principal Lin smiled and said, “Then we will shoot before the Christmas break. The school can take this opportunity to hold a winter sports meeting. After you finish filming, Mr. Kang, the venue will be used.”

Kang Jianfei likes to spend a small amount of money to be a good person, so he generously said: “Then I will congratulate your school in advance for the successful holding of the sports meeting. In addition, I personally prepared some small prizes for the sports meeting, which are basketball, football and other gadgets, At that time, I will ask Principal Lin to send it to the winner on my behalf.”

Principal Lin had this intention, he held Kang Jianfei’s hand and said, “Thank you, thank you!”

The two chatted for a while, before Kang Jianfei said, “There are a few protagonists in my film that need to be played by boys and girls. Can Principal Lin recommend me some students with good looks and temperament? High school students are the best. It’s okay to grow taller in junior high school. Maybe your school will have a few big stars like Chen Yulian.”

Principal Lin was a little confused: “I didn’t pay attention to this.”

Kang Jianfei said, “How about I go to each class in the school to see?”

Principal Lin said, “I’ll go with you.”

Principal Lin walked with Kang Jianfei from outside the classrooms. The two of them went to the seniors first. After all, the heroine in the movie is a high school student who is about to graduate.

After walking through several classrooms in a row, Kang Jianfei had a headache. There were poor children here, with no temperament or dress, so it was difficult to see who had potential.

Kang Jianfei suddenly remembered Wen Bixia, and asked, “Principal Lin, how about the female student I met in your office earlier?”

Principal Lin said, “Oh, you said Wen Biyu, she’s only thirteen years old, isn’t it too young for her to film?”

“Only thirteen?” Kang Jianfei said in surprise, “She’s growing well, I thought she was fifteen years old.”

The two walked and chatted, and went around each classroom again. Although the heroine was not determined, several supporting actresses and supporting actors were chosen.

After the casting was over, Principal Lin enthusiastically invited Kang Jianfei to visit other parts of the school. The first one he visited was the school’s exhibition room.

Tiaojingling Middle School really has nothing to praise, and the annual celebrations can also attract some attention. As soon as he entered the exhibition room, the first thing Kang Jianfei noticed was the blue sky and white sun flag hanging in the center, and then the walls were full of photos celebrating the “Double Ten” festival over the years.

Principal Lin introduced those photos proudly. Kang Jianfei was not very interested in them, so he could only keep smiling and nodding in agreement. Suddenly, Kang Jianfei stopped in front of a photo and carefully looked at the girl in the photo.

This photo was also taken at a celebration event. A beautiful girl was performing a dance, looking quite cute.

“Principal Lin, who is this girl?” Kang Jianfei asked, pointing to the photo.

Principal Lin recognized it and said, “Every year, students from all nearby schools will participate in the celebration of Double Tenth. This girl should not be from our school. I have to ask Mr. Qin, who was in charge of taking pictures, to find out.”

That teacher Qin was quickly found. After looking at the photos, he rummaged through the photo album he had brought, and said after a while, “This photo was taken last month, the girl’s name is Li Saifeng, a student from nearby. A middle school student, here I have the phone number of her leading teacher that day.”

Kang Jianfei said happily, “Thank you so much.”

“Where, it’s a big effort.” After Mr. Qin said modestly, he asked a little embarrassedly, “Mr. Kang, I heard that you are going to choose an actor to make a movie. I wonder if you can arrange a role for me? It’s ok if you don’t need lines, I just thought about it. Addicted to filming.”

How could Kang Jianfei refuse such cheap labor? Immediately agreed.

Kang Jianfei chatted with the two about filming, UU reading www.uukanshu. com waited until school was dismissed at noon, then ran to the downstairs of a teaching building and waited, stopped Wen Bixia, and said with a kind smile: “Student Wen, I am the owner of the Oriental DreamWorks Film Company, and I would like to invite You be the heroine of my new movie.”

Wen Bixia looked at Kang Jianfei suspiciously, and then looked at Principal Lin behind him, and asked in disbelief, “You want me to film?”

Seeing that she was still in a daze, Kang Jianfei tempted: “Student Wen, do you want to become a big star like Chen Yulian, get dressed and live in a good house in the future? Chen Yulian also went out from here, I believe you can too.”

Wen Bixian seemed to be hit by a sap on the head, her mind went blank, the scorching flames burning in her heart burned all over her body, and her throat seemed to be stuck and could not speak.

Wen Bixia’s father is a refugee veteran. She has seven brothers and sisters. When she was at her worst, her mother was going to sell her. In the end, even the money was received. Wen Bixia cried sadly for her mother. The buyer was also a kind person. In the end, she returned Wen Bixia to the Wen family, and the money was never returned.

How could Wen Bixia, who grew up in this environment, not want to be famous? How can you not want to make a lot of money to buy good clothes and live in a good house?

Wen Bixia glanced down at the patch on the knee of her trousers, and suddenly felt very embarrassed. She hid the patch with her legs out of place, and looked at Kang Jianfei without speaking. The rebellious appearance before had disappeared.


Many classmates are asking for the evil version in the book review area. Pharaoh said that we should endure it for two days, and wait for the evil version to come out after it is on the shelves, otherwise the public version will not have a good impact.

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