Dreams of the Fragrant River

Chapter 36

: Thirty-Six [Recruiting Talents]

Zhong Zhiwen is very handsome, but unfortunately his face is a little longer, which spoils the overall beauty a bit. To put it bluntly, he has a legendary horse face.

While Kang Jianfei was looking at Zhong Zhiwen, Zhong Zhiwen was also watching him. The two looked at each other and Zhong Zhiwen stretched out his hand and said, “Hello, Mr. Kang!”

“Hello!” Kang Jianfei smiled and nodded at him.

The reason why Kang Jianfei remembers the character of Zhong Zhiwen is not because he is the photographer of Zhou Xingxing’s version of “The Deer and Ding Ding”, “Tang Bohu’s Autumn Fragrance”, “Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qi’er” and other films, but because this person was once Vice-President of Hong Kong Photographers Association. As a famous photographer in mainland China in his last life, Kang Jianfei naturally knew something about the ace photographers in Hong Kong.

Zhong Zhiwen is only a newcomer now, in his early twenties. He has been an assistant photographer a few years ago. He followed Xu Anhua to film “Crazy Robbery” more than two months ago. It is the first time for Zhong Zhiwen to shoot independently. mirror.

Zhao Yazhi, as the referrer, smiled and said, “Everyone is a friend. If you two are so polite, just sit down.”

Kang Jianfei pushed the menu to Zhong Zhiwen and said, “Mr. Zhong, please order first.”

Zhong Zhiwen was not polite, ordered two dishes at random, and then turned to look at Zhao Yazhi. He wanted to know the purpose of Zhao Yazhi’s appointment to meet Kang Jianfei.

Zhao Yazhi didn’t say it explicitly, but only introduced that Kang Jianfei was the author of “Looking for Qin Ji”, and everyone made an appointment to make friends for dinner.

The three started chatting, and gradually they talked about movies. Kang Jianfei asked, “What does Mr. Zhong think about the New Wave movement in Hong Kong movies now?”

Zhong Zhiwen himself is a supporter of the New Wave movement in movies. The first few films he worked as a photographer were all New Wave films. He is also good friends with New Wave directors such as Xu Ke and Xu Anhua. Kang Jianfei asked about it. The essential.

Zhong Zhiwen was indeed a topic of conversation. Anyway, there were no big names in the film company present. He said bluntly: “Hong Kong films have been developed for decades, and the film’s narrative mode is actually the same as that of the 1930s, which is already backward European and American films. Too many. I remember a Japanese director once said 20 years ago that Hong Kong films will never surpass Japanese films within 50 years. If Hong Kong filmmakers do not seek to change, I am afraid that the Japanese director’s prediction will be fulfilled…”

Kang Jianfei laughed in agreement: “I also think so, Hong Kong movies have to change, I like the “Crazy Jie” you shot Mr. Zhong very much. And I dare to predict that “Crazy Jie” will have a great impact on the next ten years. The creation of Hong Kong films in 2019 has had a huge impact, especially in the genres of supernatural, horror and detective films.”

Zhong Zhiwen had never read “The Search for Qin”, but some time ago, the newspapers hyped up the novel, so he had heard of Kang Jianfei, and knew that this man was a mainland boy who had just swam across the sea.

Hearing Kang Jianfei’s high evaluation of “Crazy Robbery”, Zhong Zhiwen asked curiously, “Mr. Kang has also studied movies?”

Zhao Yazhi interjected at the right time to help Kang Jianfei boast: “Awen, you don’t know, the screenwriter of “Shanghai Beach” I just finished filming is Afei’s screenwriter, and he is also the assistant director of this TV series.”

“Oh, so that’s the case.” Zhong Zhiwen nodded, but he still didn’t understand what Zhao Yazhi and Kang Jianfei asked him to do. In fact, he is not familiar with Zhao Yazhi either, he just met while filming “Crazy Tribulation”, and the two have never met alone before.

Kang Jianfei asked casually, “I wonder where Mr. Zhong is now?”

Zhong Zhiwen replied, “I eat at Li Shi, and occasionally come out to pick up some work.”

In fact, Kang Jianfei has long since inquired about the details of Zhong Zhiwen. The current situation of this man is somewhat similar to that of Uncle Biao. He is clearly skilled in photography but can only be an assistant to other photographers. Wu Chenggang worked as an assistant for other lighting engineers because he switched to a TV station, and Zhong Zhiwen was not reused at Lishi because his qualifications were too shallow, and he could climb up after a few years.

Seeing that the time was right, Kang Jianfei threw out an olive branch and said, “I have a job here. I wonder if Mr. Zhong is willing to come and help.”

Zhong Zhiwen didn’t understand what Kang Jianfei meant and asked, “Which director is Mr. Kang helping to make movies for?”

Kang Jianfei didn’t answer directly, but took out a notebook, put it on the table and pushed Zhong Zhiwen over, and said, “Mr. Zhong can take a look at this first.”

“Spoiler script?” Zhong Zhiwen exclaimed in surprise as soon as he opened it.

It’s not that Zhong Zhiwen makes a fuss, but now that directors in Hong Kong make movies, 99 out of 100 have no script. So as soon as Kang Jianfei took this thing out, he immediately aroused Zhong Zhiwen’s interest and couldn’t wait to see it.

The script of “Happy Ghost” was drawn by Kang Jianfei. His paintings, like his characters, belong to the Fauvism style. Often one or two lines represent a person’s body, but the head is drawn more carefully, but the effect is very weird and funny.

If it were put in a few decades, some people would definitely scoff at Kang Jianfei’s paintings: Isn’t this a burst of comics? And the drawing is a little out of shape, one word – bad review!

However, Zhong Zhiwen was amused. He wanted to laugh when he saw the expression on the storyboard script. After watching it for several minutes, he held back and forcibly turned his attention to the design of the storyboard.

Zhao Yazhi doesn’t understand photography, so when reading this script, it can only be viewed as a comic. But Zhong Zhiwen was different, because he was also a photographer, so he could see at a glance what Zhao Yazhi couldn’t feel.

Peers share a common language. Kang Jianfei has been a photographer for seven years in his last life, and his photography concepts and techniques far surpass those of Zhong Zhiwen, who is just in his early days.

Zhong Zhiwen was startled before he read two pages. Some of the shots in this script were very innovative and ingenious, which he had never heard of before. When he saw the sixth page, Zhong Zhiwen finally couldn’t help but ask: “Mr. Kang, who drew this storyboard script? Can you recommend me? I want to visit that expert in person.”

“Hehehe,” Zhao Yazhi couldn’t help laughing for a while. After laughing, he pointed at Kang Jianfei and said, “This master is not someone else, he is far away in the sky and in front of him.”

“Mr. Kang painted it?” Zhong Zhiwen’s thinking was a little messy, and he was temporarily unable to connect the words “Mainland Boy” and “author of the novel” with the master photographer he imagined in his mind.

Kang Jianfei smiled humbly: “A little trick, when I was in Bao’an, an old gentleman taught me to draw cartoons, and I learned it from my master.”

Although the footage is somewhat similar to the manga, the difference is still huge. Zhong Zhiwen obviously didn’t believe Kang Jianfei’s words, but he didn’t ask too much. Anyway, these sub-scene scripts can’t be faked. He took the initiative to say: “Which director is this “Happy Ghost” filmed?”

Kang Jianfei calmly took out his business card from his pocket and said, “Hello, Mr. Zhong, now I will introduce myself solemnly. My lord Kang Jianfei, Tian is the chairman and general manager of the ‘Oriental DreamWorks’ film company, and he is also the director of the film “Happy Ghost”. “Director, Writer and Producer.”

Zhong Zhiwen held the business card, his mind became more and more useless, he stared at his glasses for a long time and asked, “Are you still the director?”

Kang Jianfei smiled and said, “You heard that right. I wonder if Mr. Zhong would like to join the crew of “Happy Ghost”?”

If Kang Jianfei invited Zhong Zhiwen as soon as he came, there is an 80% chance that Zhong Zhiwen would politely decline. However, after being hit by the script of “Happy Ghost”, Zhong Zhiwen only thought about it for a few seconds, then nodded and agreed, not even mentioning the money.

Kang Jianfei did not invite Zhong Zhiwen to join his company, because the relationship between the two has not reached that level yet, and Zhong Zhiwen does not know the future of Oriental DreamWorks, and it is a waste of words to say it.

Now that the business has been negotiated, UU reading www.uukanshu. The next topic of com was much easier. Zhong Zhiwen pointed to some scenes in the script from time to time and asked, and Kang Jianfei also explained the answer with a little reservation. Half an hour later, Zhong Zhiwen was astonished at Kang Jianfei’s design of the camera, and he almost had the idea of becoming a teacher.

When the two were chatting, Zhao Yazhi listened quietly, and her beautiful eyes swirled around Kang Jianfei from time to time. She knew that Kang Jianfei was very talented before, but she never expected that Kang Jianfei would be so admired by Zhong Zhiwen for his photography skills.

In the end, Zhao Yazhi simply held her cheeks in her jade hand, leaned on the table and stared at Kang Jianfei with an expression of admiration and admiration on her face.

When Zhong Zhiwen said goodbye and left, Zhao Yazhi took back his eyes and asked, “Where are we going now?”

Kang Jianfei called the waiter to pay and said, “Come with me to sign a little girl. I’m a big man. Others’ parents may suspect that my intentions are wrong. It’s different if you accompany me, because you are a big star and a woman. Yes, it can dispel the defense psychology of the other party.”

Zhao Yazhi asked curiously, “What little girl?”

Kang Jianfei explained, “I undoubtedly saw it in the photos of Tiaojingling Middle School, and I think she is very suitable to be the heroine of “Happy Ghost”.”

“It’s beautiful?” Zhao Yazhi asked for no reason, and it was only after the words were spoken that he felt a little inappropriate.

Kang Jianfei laughed and said, “Why, jealous? That little girl is only fourteen years old.”

Zhao Yazhi’s cheeks were slightly hot, she gave Kang Jianfei a white look and said, “Let’s go, help you kidnap the little girl.”

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