Dreams of the Fragrant River

Chapter 51

: Fifty-One [Boss Lei’S Shock]

Lei Juekun closed the plan and looked up at the young man sitting on the sofa opposite.

Kang Jianfei lay casually on the sofa. Erlang looked around at the furnishings in the office with his legs crossed. His eyes fell on a blue-and-white porcelain bottle in the corner, as if he wanted to verify the authenticity of the bottle.

These are all rude behaviors, contrary to the respect of the three Mecca people who had just left to Lei Juekun. It seems that Kang Jianfei did not take Lei Juekun in his eyes.

However, Lei Juekun has come here for most of his life, and he has seen a lot of wind and waves. After a little thought, he knew that Kang Jianfei did it on purpose, and wanted to use this to show that everyone was equal, and there was no question of who asked for whom.

Why do we need equality of status?

Because the weaker party in the negotiation or cooperation will inevitably suffer a loss. If Kang Jianfei has an equal negotiating status with Lei Juekun, then he can get more benefits from the cooperation.

This is just a little trick, Lei Juekun can either laugh it off, or directly blast Kang Jianfei out.

But the planning book that Kang Jianfei gave to Lei Juekun was no trick. Although many of the contents were vague and reserved, they were still worth thousands of dollars.

Lei Juekun can drive Kang Jianfei away, and Kang Jianfei can also take this plan to join Jiahe or Shaw Brothers. This is Kang Jianfei’s real negotiation reliance.

Lei Juekun pressed the speakerphone and repeat buttons on the desk, and said to the phone, “Alo, come in!”

After more than ten seconds, the assistant secretary who had been led out by Kang Jianfei came in. The man was obviously stunned when he saw Kang Jianfei sitting in the boss’s office, then pointed at Kang Jianfei in surprise and said, “You, you are the one…”

Lei Juekun instructed: “Aluo, make a cup of coffee for Mr. Kang.”

Faced with the face Lei Juekun deliberately gave, Kang Jianfei was not polite at all, and said to the assistant, “Let’s put less sugar, I don’t like things that are too sweet.”

The assistant couldn’t understand the situation either, so he nodded and said, “Okay, wait a moment.”

After the assistant left, Lei Juekun introduced, “His name is Zhang Jialuo, he has been with me for several years, and he works very steadily.”

Kang Jianfei smiled and said, “Does Mr. Lei want to ask me how I got in?”

Lei Juekun nodded and said, “I’m a little curious.”

Kang Jianfei said in a relaxed and freehand manner: “When I came, someone happened to be going crazy outside. Assistant Zhang, who was serious about his work, was afraid that it would be bad if someone died in the building, so he went out to instruct the staff to treat the sick. I originally wanted to knock on the door and come in. But Assistant Zhang is not here, Mr. Lei, your office is soundproofed so well that no one can hear you knocking for a long time, so you have to take the liberty to go in by yourself.”

Lei Juekun couldn’t help laughing and laughing, what kind of person can come up with such an amazing plan, yet resorted to such little tricks to see himself.

Kang Jianfei sighed and said, “Mr. Lei, it’s too difficult for a small person like us to see you. I waited at your door for three hours in the morning, and the uncle of the porter was really in his temper. He charged me 500 yuan and said to report it. I didn’t see a single figure, and left me at the door like a fool. Then I went to your company, but I couldn’t even knock on the door of the office, so I had to resort to this.”

Lei Juekun’s face sank, and he had already made up his mind to fire the doorman at home.

The two talked for a long time without getting to the point, and Kang Jianfei was not in a hurry. Anyway, Lei Jue Kun’s theater opened a day later, so he would have to earn a day less money. His movies don’t matter, they won’t rot at home, and they will be released sooner or later.

In the end, Lei Juekun couldn’t bear it any longer and asked first, “Mr. Kang’s classification method is very interesting. Do you have confidence in being a New Year’s Eve?”

Kang Jianfei said with a smile: “It’s not confidence, but confidence. The biggest value of the Lunar New Year stalls is that they can attract the whole family to buy tickets to watch the movie together. One buy is four or five, or even seven or eight tickets. What we have to do , is to use various publicity means to stimulate the audience’s desire to buy tickets.”

Kang Jianfei’s plan for Lei Juekun is nothing new ten years from now, but it’s different now.

It will take a few years for Hong Kong films to truly have a clear concept of New Year’s films.

At this time, the major theater chains only know that tickets are better sold during the summer vacation, Christmas and New Years, so try to arrange good movies in these time periods. Take advantage of this excitement and make a lot of money at the box office.

However, in the promotion of the theater, the concept of the golden schedule is not added. Basically, it is a promotion for a certain release film, but the golden schedule itself is not promoted. There is no director or company that shoots New Year’s films for the New Year’s gear.

Kang Jianfei’s plan is divided into two parts. The first part starts with the operation of the theater chain, and the second part details the upcoming Lunar New Year stalls.

In the first part, he clearly divided the time of the whole year into several levels of golden schedule and ordinary schedule. Then, according to the different schedules, it will be equipped with different propaganda and films. In addition, the film arrangement system is also closer to the future, and Lei Juekun is advised to cancel the cinema subsidization system.

Lei Juekun was surprised by the previous contents, but what shocked Lei Juekun the most was Kang Jianfei’s suggestion to cancel the cinema subsidization system.

What is the cinema subsidization system?

That is to say, if a production company wants to show a movie in a certain cinema, it must decide to pay the monthly charter fee according to the seats, equipment and expenses of the movie theatre.

The cinema chains in Hong Kong and Taiwan have implemented the cinema subscribing system, that is to say, if Kang Jianfei wants to show “Happy Ghost” at Jiahe Cinemas, no matter how much he can sell at the box office, even if he throws his pants on the street, he will not be able to. For the rest, you must also pay the cinema’s basic fee on time.

This system has greatly discouraged the enthusiasm of the producers. In many cases, the producers have no confidence in their films, and would rather put the film in the library to rot rather than release it, for fear of losing even worse— Not only the film production fee, but also the movie theater a bottom-line fee.

The bottom of the package is also divided into many details, such as the bottom of the package for the Dragon Head Cinema and the bottom of the package for the Lianying Theater. Take a movie released in Taiwan and Taiwan as an example, the total box office revenue for a week is 3 million yuan, and the producer gets less than 1 yuan. 10,000, the film owner not only can’t get the box office share, but also has to spend money to redeem the copy.

In recent years, many small and medium-sized film companies in Taiwan and Taiwan have been crippled by the subsidization system of theater chain dealers. This is one of the main reasons why the once prosperous Taiwanese films eventually declined.

The situation in Hong Kong is similar. Although the basic fee is slightly cheaper than the theater chain in Taiwan, it is more difficult to get a good schedule.

Why did Lei Juekun move when Kang Jianfei suggested canceling the subsidized system for theaters?

Because this suggestion is to solve the problem of insufficient film supply of Lisheng Cinemas from the bottom of the system. As long as Lei Juekun announces the cancellation of the cinema package today, there will be countless small and medium-sized companies carrying their films to the Lisheng Cinemas for release tomorrow. As for offending Jiahe and Shaw Brothers, it is no longer within the concerns of those small and medium-sized film companies, because the visible benefits are in front of them.

Lei Juekun pondered for a moment, then asked, “Abolished the cinema subsidization system, is it too risky for the cinema chain?”

Kang Jianfei said with a smile, “That’s why we have to revise the existing film arrangement system. After the cancellation of the bottom line system, the film review and arrangement will be more stringent, and only good films that can really sell well can be put into a good schedule, not whether the producer is good or not. The relationship with the theater chain is better.”

Lei Juekun asked: “But before the film is released, who can accurately predict whether the film will make a profit or lose?”

Kang Jianfei said, “Of course we can’t make accurate predictions, but we can still make general predictions. Together with the reaction of the midnight show, we can basically determine how to arrange the film.” Then, Kang Jianfei added, “It’s a big deal, Lisheng Cinemas can also add more The proportion of the big box office.”

“Increasing the proportion of the cinema chain?” Lei Juekun thought about it and thought it was a good idea.

For small companies, the undercover system is like a rope around their necks. If uukanshu.com is not careful, it will be strangled to death; canceling the bottom fee and increasing the cinema line share is to give these small companies a way to survive, even if the box office share is a little less, it is acceptable.

The increase in the cinema line’s share has made up for some of the loss of the cinema’s cancellation of the bottom fee, and reduced the risk of the cinema line’s film arrangement. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

The two have been talking about the operation of the theater chain for several hours, until it was getting dark, and Lei Juekun said: “It’s getting late, if Mr. Kang appreciates his face, how about going to my house for a light meal? Let’s continue after dinner. talk.”

“Okay.” Kang Jianfei said with a smile, it seemed that his plan was going well.

Lei Juekun flew out with Kang Jian, and his assistant Zhang Jialuo followed behind with his bag. When he learned that Lei Juekun invited Kang Jianfei to Lei’s house for dinner, Zhang Jialuo was shocked and curious. He didn’t understand why Kang Jianfei was so valued by the boss – you know, Lei Juekun has not taken the initiative to invite people home for dinner for many years!

After going downstairs, a figure suddenly appeared from the side, but it was Hu Juncai, who pretended to be insane. This kid took the opportunity to sneak out after being sent to the hospital, and then waited downstairs for several hours.

Kang Jianfei smiled and said to Hu Juncai, “Acai, this is Mr. Lei. He will be our great benefactor in the future.”

Zhang Jialuo recognized at a glance that Hu Jun was the one who was insane, but he just curled his lips and didn’t expose it on the spot, preparing to report the situation to the boss later.

Lei Juekun didn’t know who Hu Jun was, but looking at Kang Jianfei’s face, he smiled and said, “Since he’s Mr. Kang’s friend, let’s have a quick dinner together.”

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