Dreams of the Fragrant River

Chapter 76

: Seventy-Six [Kang Jianfei Meets Eagle Claws]

“Come here a few people and send them to the hospital!” Qian Jiahao ordered to his subordinates.

The policemen hadn’t moved yet, but the reporters who rushed to the scene to interview them had already rushed over, holding up their cameras and taking pictures of Kang Jianfei, Pan Yingzi, and the three gangsters on the ground.

Qian Jiahao stopped in front of the reporters, blocking their cameras and said, “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, the scene is too bloody, you can’t see it in the newspapers!”

The four gangsters (as well as the unconscious van driver) were quickly taken away. Kang Jianfei and Pan Yingzi also had to go to the police station to take notes. Those reporters were also not idle for a moment.

“Mr. Kang, what kind of kung fu did you use to defeat the gangster just now? Did you learn martial arts from a master of the hidden world?”

“Miss Pan, why are you and Mr. Kang together? Are you dating?”

“Director Kang, since you are a real kung fu, will you compete with Cheng Long in kung fu films in the future?”


Kang Jianfei didn’t say a word, got into the police car under the **** of the police, and sat down with Pan Yingzi in shock.

Perhaps because the car was full of police, Pan Yingzi’s fear finally dissipated, but her face was still pale, she leaned against Kang Jianfei’s arms and did not want to speak.

Several police officers in the car looked at Kang Jianfei like a ghost. Although the serious crime team specializes in dealing with major cases, they have seen blood on their hands more or less, but very few have personally killed people. Kang Jianfei, the hostage, actually killed the three gangsters in a blink of an eye, seriously injured the other slightly injured, and after the murder, he was able to chat and laugh with the senior inspector who rushed over. It was an inhuman existence.

Before the police car arrived at the West Kowloon Police Station, Qian Jiahao received the news from the car’s walkie-talkie, and then reluctantly told Kang Jianfei, “Mr. Kang, the robber leader died on the way to the hospital!”

“Is that so? I’m sorry.” Kang Jianfei said with a smile on his face, there was no hint of apology.

Qian Jiahao said, “However, I am very grateful to Mr. Kang for assisting the police in arresting the gangsters. These Vietnamese have carried out three robberies within half a year, with at least two lives in their hands.”

Kang Jianfei said with a smile, “It is the duty of a good citizen to help the police eliminate violence.”

Qian Jiahao changed his tone and said, “However, after all, people were killed. Mr. Kang killed two robbers in front of so many reporters. It will take some of your time.”

“Will you make a record? I will obey the police’s arrangement.” Kang Jianfei said very cooperatively. Before he entered the Children’s Welfare Institute in his last life, he would go to the police station every now and then to chat with the police uncle. Later, he went there a few times for other things, and he was more familiar with taking notes than writing a guarantee letter in school.

Qian Jiahao was very satisfied with Kang Jianfei’s attitude, but when he thought of those reporters, he had a headache and said, “Mr. Kang, when the reporters asked, you said that you were forced to kill yourself, don’t say anything else, leave everything to us. A police spokesman will handle it.”

“Understood.” Kang Jianfei nodded.



After making the record for more than half an hour, Kang Jianfei also handed over the two razor blades he used to kill as evidence.

“Mr. Kang, Miss Pan, trouble you!” Qian Jiahao shook hands with Kang Jianfei and Pan Yingzi.

Kang Jianfei said with a smile, “Where is it? In the future, I might make a police and bandit movie, and then I can borrow money from the police station of the inspector.”

The Independent Commission Against Corruption was only established a few years ago, and the negative image of the Hong Kong police has not been completely reversed. The police are very supportive of movies that promote their positive image. Qian Jiahao said enthusiastically, “If Mr. Kang makes a police movie, our West Kowloon Police Station will definitely support it!”

Kang Jianfei said: “Then we can agree, Inspector Qian, don’t talk back then!”

Only then did Qian Jiahao realize that Kang Jianfei was telling the truth, and he quickly assured him, “Absolutely not. We will definitely support it from the West Kowloon Police Station!”

The two had a relationship, and Qian Jiahao invited Kang Jianfei and Pan Yingzi to go out to meet reporters together.

Pan Yingzi’s spirit had completely recovered, and she only smiled reluctantly after facing Kang Jianfei. She and the two gangsters turned their backs to Kang Jianfei at that time, and did not see the process of Kang Jianfei’s murder, but the tragic situation of the dead person still made her a little afraid of Kang Jianfei.

As soon as the three of them went out, reporters rushed to interview them. The most frequently asked questions were why the two were in the same car, and what kind of effort did Kang Jianfei use to kill the robbers.

Kang Jianfei is the kind of person who likes to take advantage of everything. Since these reporters are so enthusiastic, he can’t bear to not take the opportunity to hype it up, and explained: “I have always admired Miss Pan, but we are just ordinary friends, this time Just to send her back after discussing business affairs.”

When the reporters heard their official business, they were both in the film industry, so they immediately made an association and asked, “Is Mr. Kang going to make a new film and ask Miss Pan to be the heroine?”

“I’m going to shoot a new film, but Miss Pan is not the heroine, but the second female lead. The heroine is someone else.” Kang Jianfei deliberately buried Guan Zi to reveal the information.

Kang Jianfei is a “ten million-dollar director”. Although these are not entertainment reporters, they are still very interested in his new film and asked: “May I ask what type of new film is your new film, or is it a comedy ghost film like “Happy Ghost”? ?”

Kang Jianfei said with a smile: “It’s a bit similar, this time I’m shooting a fantasy kung fu movie.”

“What is a fantasy kung fu movie? I’ve never heard of it before.”

“Of course it’s a new genre created by me, so please wait and see!”


The West Kowloon Police Station became the site of Kang Jianfei’s new film press conference, which made Inspector Qian embarrassed and took the initiative to bring the reporter’s question back to the robbery case.

It was past 9 o’clock in the evening when she escaped from the police station, and Kang Jianfei lost her desire to hunt Yan, so he hired a taxi to take Pan Yingzi back. As for her Mustang sedan, the police had towed her away.

Back at home, Li Saifeng and Wen Bixia were watching TV in the living room, while Hu Juncai moved out two days ago, but instead of going to his father-in-law’s house, he and Huang Minyi rented a house alone.

“Brother is back!” Wen Bixia ran over and handed Kang Jianfei off his shoes.

Kang Jianfei patted her head and asked, “What did you learn to sing today?”

Wen Bixia raised her mouth and said, “It’s so boring. I was practicing vocalization yesterday and today, and my voice is almost hoarse.”

Li Saifeng nibbled at the apple and said, “It won’t be boring. I think I have learned a lot from the teacher.”

Wen Bixia hung Kang Jianfei’s arm coquettishly and said, “Brother, I’ll continue to be an actor in the future. It’s hard to be a singer.”

“Little idiot!” Kang Jianfei slapped Wen Bixia’s little **** and scolded, “Brother, this is making you superstars, many girls have no chance to dream, yet you are still picky. ”

Wen Bixia covered her buttocks that had been beaten, stretched out her tongue and did not dare to talk nonsense any more.

Kang Jianfei sat on the sofa, stretched out his hand to stop Li Saifeng’s waist, his nose was full of the fragrance of the girl’s bath, and said to Wen Bixue, “You will learn Mandarin from Ah Feng in the future, and you must learn it in half a year!”

Wen Bixia’s hometown is Guangdong. Her family usually speaks Cantonese, so she is completely unfamiliar with Mandarin. She asked curiously, “Why do you want to learn Mandarin?”

“In the future, you want to sing Mandarin songs. How can you sing if you don’t know Mandarin? You can do it if you don’t learn it. You will go back to Jingling tomorrow.” Kang Jianfei threatened her.

Wen Bixia was really frightened, she lowered her head and said in a low voice, “It’s just what others have learned, so what is it?”

Kang Jianfei’s idea is to make “Happy Girls” into an Asian super idol group. “SHE”, “TWINS” and so on have released a lot of good songs. Kang Jianfei still memorized a few songs, and there is no psychological burden to copy them.

Of course, before the happy girl group became popular, the pop record company had to be taken down. Kang Jianfei didn’t want to help others cultivate a cash cow, even though he could earn 12% of the profits for nothing!

Now that Fengxing Records owes several million in debt, it is the best time to acquire it. Unfortunately, Kang Jianfei’s money has to be used to make movies, and he can only wait for the dividends from the overseas box office to be received after a while.

The next morning, Kang Jianfei did not go to the company, but took Li Saifeng to Zheng Yu and Zheng Tailor to pick up clothes.

Of course, taking the clothes was just an excuse. Kang Jianfei expected that the company would be very lively today, and he was too lazy to deal with those reporters, so he called and reminded him to get off Maqiao and then he would leave it alone.

When he was going out, Kang Jianfei deliberately went to the newsstand to look through today’s newspapers, and was surprised to find that he not only appeared in the newspaper, but also made the headlines on the front page—not in the entertainment page.

For example, the title of “Business Daily” is: “Tens of thousands of directors fight three evil gangsters alone, and they show great power, causing two robbers to die and one to be injured”.

The news photos were great. It was the moment when Kang Jianfei stunned the second robber with a punch, and rode on the back of the robber and turned around and shot the third robber. He was truly majestic and imposing.

Kang Jianfei was already well-known for his “Looking for Qin Ji”, “Shang. Beach” and “Happy Ghost”, but now there is a deed of eliminating violence and An Liang, such a hot news can easily cause a sensation.

Kang Jianfei was picking up newspapers at the newsstand, but saw two young men rushing over and shouting, “Boss, come with two copies of Oriental Daily!”

Because Kang Jianfei and Li Saifeng were both wearing hats, the newsstand owner didn’t recognize them, and only said to the two young people, “You want to read “Xun Qin Ji”, right? These newspapers have big news, the author of “Xun Qin Ji” Kang Jianfei, caught three armed robbers with bare hands yesterday~www.readwn.com~ and killed two of them on the spot.”

“Boss, are you watching a joke!” said one of the young men in disbelief.

The boss said, “If you don’t believe me, read it for yourself. There are several headlines in the newspapers.”

The two young people hurriedly read the newspaper, and then said, “It turns out that Kang Jianfei is really good at kung fu, so it’s no wonder that he can write such a good-looking martial arts novel.”

“I pick, two dead and one injured. The newspaper said that Kang Jianfei knew how to perform Eagle Claw. The robber leader was caught by his claws, and his neck artery and trachea were completely severed. Blood flowed all over the place on the spot, and he struggled for several times. Die in minutes.”

“It turns out that the Eagle Claw in the movie is real, it’s so cool, do you think Kang Jianfei is better than Bruce Lee?”

“It’s still Bruce Lee who is amazing.”

“I think Kang Jianfei is more powerful. Bruce Lee has never killed anyone, but Kang Jianfei killed two at once.”

“Bruce did not kill, but he can’t kill!”

“Anyway, I think Kang Jianfei is more powerful. The three robbers have two guns and one knife. In front of the reporters and the police, he won a single duel in a few seconds, and he was a one-hit kill, bigger than the kung fu movie. Heroes are great.”


The two of you spoke with each other about your respect for Kang Jianfei. Li Saifeng listened by the side, looked at Kang Jianfei with big eyes, and said admiringly, “Master, brother, you taught me so much kung fu. !”


In the last chapter, Captain Qian has been changed to Inspector Qian, which is a common-sense mistake of Pharaoh.

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