Dreams of the Fragrant River

Chapter 9

: Nine [Not Being Envied Is Mediocrity]

Back at Shi Kipwei’s cousin’s house, Wu Chenggang was reading a professional magazine, while Hu Juncai was lying on the sofa flipping through old newspapers. My aunt, Zhou Mingfang, took my younger cousin at home, while another cousin, Liang Ying, was making brine beef offal, which she would sell at night markets at night.

As soon as Kang Jianfei entered the room, Wu Chenggang put down the magazine and asked, “How is Qiuguan? I just received a call from the crew, saying that we will shoot as usual tomorrow.”

Kang Jianfei said: “Qiuguan can’t be too tired, so tomorrow I will use a stand-in. Qiuguan himself only shoots some literary dramas with frontal shots.”

Wu Chenggang nodded and said, “This is a good idea. Producer Wang is worthy of being an old man.” After speaking, he immediately turned to the key point and asked, “By the way, Fei, have you spoken to Producer Wang and Qiuguan? This time. But a great opportunity.”

Kang Jianfei said, “I will act as Qiuguan’s stand-in. Besides, I just came back from afternoon tea with Sister Zhi.”

“What?” Wu Chenggang was extremely surprised. Seeing Kang Jianfei’s light-hearted expression, he couldn’t help but doubt, “A Fei, you said that Producer Wang asked you to act as a stand-in for Qiuguan, and he also drank the afternoon with Zhao Yazhi. Tea? You’re not kidding, are you?”

Kang Jianfei asked back, “Am I joking?”

Hu Juncai also heard what Kang Jianfei said, threw away the newspaper and came over, enviously said, “No way, you really are with Su Rongrong… ah no, you and Zhao Yazhi have afternoon tea together? Just the two of you, there are still a lot of them. people?”

Kang Jianfei gave him a roll of eyes and said, “Why are you asking so many questions?”

Wu Chenggang didn’t speak any more, but looked at Kang Jianfei seriously again, only then did he realize that his cousin was so powerful: because of an accident, Kang Jianfei actually seized this opportunity that was not an opportunity, and not only became Zheng Shaoqiu’s Substitute, and also drink afternoon tea with Zhao Yazhi…

Wu Chenggang felt that his 20 years in Hong Kong had been in vain. He can’t even afford a house now. Maybe he really has to rely on his nephew, Kang Jianfei, to take care of him in the future.

Kang Jianfei took out a pen and paper and continued to write “Looking for Qin Ji”, this time Wu Chenggang did not scold him for not doing his job properly, but watched him write with great interest. However, Wu Chenggang only watched it for a few minutes, and was defeated by Kang Jianfei’s ugly calligraphy and poor writing style, and he had no interest in reading it any longer.

After writing a novel for half an afternoon, my cousin Wu Ruiqing came back from school, and immediately took out a stack of brand-new manuscript papers from his schoolbag, and said happily: “Cousin, this is the “Looking for Qin Ji” that I re-copied after I corrected it for you. How do you see it changing?”

Kang Jianfei took it and turned it over, and found that his cousin’s handwriting was pretty good. The simplified characters and typos in his novel draft have been changed, and the plot is basically unchanged, but the details and words have been revised a lot, at least it is much better than Kang Jianfei’s original writing.

Kang Jianfei nodded his head and said, “That’s right, you kid will help me revise the novel in the future, and you will be charged 10% of the manuscript fee.”

Wu Ruiqing laughed and said, “One percent is too little, why don’t you give me twenty percent?”

Kang Jianfei tapped on his forehead and scolded with a smile: “I have to write at least 1.5 million words for this novel, and the fee is 150,000. If you give it to you, there will be more than 10,000. Are you still not satisfied?”

“More than 10,000?” Wu Ruiqing’s eyes widened. His two mothers are very frugal, not to mention 10,000 yuan, he has never even touched the 100 yuan Hong Kong dollar a few times.

Kang Jianfei asked, “Is it enough?”

Wu Ruiqing swallowed his saliva and nodded quickly: “Enough, it’s enough, cousin, you are amazing, I adore you so much!”

Hu Juncai stretched out his head and asked, “What are you mumbling about?”

Kang Jianfei pushed his head away: “You’ll know when the time comes.”



On the crew of “Chu Liuxiang”, a group of crew members were chatting while waiting to start work. Since Zheng Shaoqiu was late, everyone was a little anxious, afraid that the show would not start after waiting for a long time.

Kang Jianfei came very early today, mainly because he was urged by his uncle, saying that it was his first time to play an important role and he must not be late. As soon as I got to the crew, I saw a beautiful woman – Chen Yulian.

Chen Yulian graduated from the wireless training class the year before, but she is not popular now. In “Chu Liuxiang”, she only played a small supporting role with few lines, and she also played a few dragon roles without even lines.

Kang Jianfei noticed her more because the man who came to the crew with her was the young Zhou Runfa. The behavior of the two is very close, and I think they have already begun to fall in love at this time.

Kang Jianfei walked over seemingly unintentionally. When he reached the two of them, he suddenly stretched out his hand and said, “Hello, Brother Fa! My name is Kang Jianfei.”

Zhou Runfa became popular two years ago because of the drama “Frenzy”. Although it can’t be called “Fairy Hair” now, his fame is far greater than that of Wu Mengda, who is famous for playing Hu Tiehua.

Seeing that someone suddenly appeared in front of him and wanted to shake hands with him, Zhou Run was stunned for a moment, then extended his hand and said, “Hello.”

At this moment, Wang Tianlin suddenly shouted, “A Fei, come here.”

“You two leave.” Kang Jianfei nodded at Zhou Runfa and Chen Yulian, then ran towards Wang Tianlin.

After Kang Jianfei left, Zhou Runfa asked Chen Yulian in confusion, “Who is this person? Your friend?”

Chen Yulian played a supporting role in the crew of “Chu Liuxiang” half a month ago. Today, she is here to play a role, and she has never seen Kang Jianfei. She scratched her head and said, “He seems to be very familiar with Uncle Tianlin. He should be an employee of the TV station. Maybe he is a relative of Uncle Tianlin.”

“Oh.” Zhou Runfa nodded, and then asked again, “What did he just say his name is Fei?”

Chen Yulian said: “It seems to be called… Long Jianfei.”

If Kang Jianfei heard this, he would probably spit out a mouthful of old blood—Long Jianfei was the name of the male protagonist of “The Palm of the Tathagata”, which was very popular in the 1960s.

Zhou Runfa was waiting at the elevator entrance of the TVB building every day in order to get ahead, just to impress the high-level TV station who entered the elevator, and as a result, he really got the opportunity to perform. After the popularity of “Frenzy” the year before, although Zhou Runfa continued to play, but it was a sign of going downhill.

Chen Yulian said that Kang Jianfei might be a relative of Wang Tianlin, and Zhou Runfa naturally had to keep this name firmly in his mind, as he might use it at some point. Well, I remembered the name, but the last name was wrong.

Not to mention the doubts of Zhou Runfa and Chen Yulian, after Kang Jianfei was called by Wang Tianlin, he held a meeting with a group of photographers, lighting engineers, and martial arts instructors. I just listened to Wang Tianlin pointing to the script and said: “Here, this group of shots needs to use a stand-in, and it only needs to supplement a few front shots of Qiuguan in the later stage. When acting as a stand-in, use long shots, cover shots, and foreground compositions. It’s easier to get away with it…”

From Wang Tianlin’s words, it can be seen that it is not that he does not understand how to play with lens art, but that he shoots rough shots in order to rush time and save budget. In this regard, his son Wang Jing is in the same vein as him. In the future, almost all the films supervised by Wang Jing will be of high quality, but the films directed by Wang Jing are innumerable bad films. The reason is nothing more than one word – money!

Kang Jianfei was among the main creative staff and listened to Wang Tianlin’s shooting instructions. Li Jiading was not surprised because he knew yesterday afternoon that Kang Jianfei would be Zheng Shaoqiu’s stand-in.

It’s just that the other crew members were taken aback, and many were envious, especially the extras. Because this is a good opportunity to be in the top position, not only can you put a name on the producer Wang Tianlin, but also get in touch with Zheng Shaoqiu, Zhao Yazhi and others.

Kang Jian flew to the crew for more than a week. Many people knew that he was a mainland boy, and there were many who despised him in their hearts. If a Hong Konger is replaced by Zheng Shaoqiu, maybe these people can accept it, but what can Kang Jianfei, a mainland boy, do?

“I saw that this poor boy was not honest. He called everyone a brother everywhere, and he was very cunning.”

“It’s just a flatterer. You didn’t see Qiuguan passed out yesterday. This kid ran from the entrance of the studio all the way to the set board, carried Qiuguan on his back and ran. UU reading www.uukanshu.com”

“That’s right, if I carried Qiuguan to the hospital yesterday, I would definitely be the substitute this time!”

“Don’t daydream, your figure is only as high as Qiuguan’s shoulders, and the audience can’t recognize it if they are blind.”


A group of extras were chewing their tongues, and Hu Juncai’s face was turning black and red when he heard it, and he wanted to go up and beat these guys. But this was the second day he came to the crew. He was afraid that the fight would be driven away by the crew, so he could only keep his anger in his heart.

“Okay, don’t take it to heart, they are all jealous.” Tang Zhenye patted Hu Juncai on the shoulder and said, in fact, he was also a little jealous in his heart, but he was embarrassed to show it after talking with Kang Jianfei.

Huang Minyi also said: “It’s mediocre not to be envied! Producer Wang follows the rules in everything and is very serious in filming. He made Ah Fei a substitute for the autumn official, which shows that he values Ah Fei’s ability and is not just Ah Fei as these people say. lucky.”

“Thank you for your understanding.” Hu Juncai did not expect that the two Hong Kongers would actually help Kang Jianfei to speak, and suddenly felt that they were kind-hearted and good-natured, and they had regarded Tang Zhenye and Huang Minyi as friends worthy of deep friendship.

Hu Juncai was a little envious of Kang Jianfei being a stand-in for a big star, but he was more happy for his good friend, and also worried about Kang Jianfei, for fear that his trick would be bad.

Most of the extras on the set were waiting to see Kang Jianfei make a fool of himself, waiting for this rustic mainland boy to screw things up, and then be scolded by the director.

Obviously, Kang Jianfei let them down.

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