Dreams of the Fragrant River

Chapter 993

: Nine Hundred And Eighty-Five [E-Commerce]

Different from those Internet entrepreneurs who engaged in portal websites, online games, and instant messaging, although Ma Yun did not have a deep understanding of the Internet, he had a relatively precise positioning from the beginning, that is, to do e-commerce.

At this time, China already has the definition of e-commerce, and even a special journal, the name of the magazine is “E-commerce”.

However, nowadays everyone’s understanding of e-commerce is temporarily limited to electronic information exchange.

“Mr. Kang also thinks that e-commerce has a head start?” Ma Yun asked excitedly.

Kang Jianfei nodded and said, “I’m interested.”

Ma Yun realized that this was a good opportunity to attract investment, and he immediately began to fool: “Three years ago, before China was connected to the Internet, the government organized the three gold projects…”

“Wait,” Kang Jianfei interrupted, “What is the Three Gold Project?”

Ma Yun explained: “The three golds are the golden bridge, the golden card and the golden pass. The so-called golden bridge is the construction of China’s information superhighway. It needs to be connected to the Internet all over the country. In the future, as long as there is a computer around you, you can know what is happening around the world. things, and learn about the world’s major companies and brands.”

Kang Jianfei understood that this golden bridge was the online version of the village-to-village project, and he said, “Go ahead.”

“Gold cards are electronic money. The government plans to use more than 10 years to popularize financial transaction cards among the 300 million people in the country,” Ma Yun said. “In the future, you can buy things without cash, just swipe with a credit card.”

“Haha.” Kang Jianfei smiled. In Ma Yun’s eyes now, electronic money is estimated to be equivalent to credit cards and UnionPay cards in the future. Old Ma with a precise eye would never have imagined that in the future, shopping can be done with just a swipe of a mobile phone.

Ma Yun also said: “Golden Pass is the national economic and trade information network project, which realizes the use of computers to manage the flow of material markets in the entire country. The three-gold project is a national strategy and is closely related to everyone. As long as this project is implemented steadily, In the future, e-commerce will usher in explosive development.”

Kang Jianfei has to admit that Ma Yun has a natural business sense. The most important thing is that after he realized this, he dared to fight and dare to make a fool of people by opening a website and borrowing 20,000 yuan.

Kang Jianfei asked, “What is your vision for e-commerce?”

Ma Yun said: “I used to have a vague idea, but when Mr. Jing Kang reminded me just now, I straightened it out. I want to make the Chinese Yellow Pages the most influential e-commerce website in China. We are equivalent to An intermediary platform, upstream and downstream enterprises can complete a series of business activities through our website, including information exchange, business negotiation, product transaction and so on…”

Ma Yun Balabala has been saying that he puts forward various ideas in a wild and unconstrained manner, and sometimes even the foreword does not fit the description, but his overall thinking is very clear.

Kang Jianfei listened to him for a long time and smiled: “Can I summarize the ideas you just talked about into three points? First, advertising. Enterprises can spread advertisements through the Internet, and customers can query product information through the website; second , information negotiation. Customers conduct information consultation and business negotiation through the network, and reach a preliminary transaction intention, thereby saving a lot of time and money; third, opinion information. Enterprises use customers’ network feedback to improve after-sales service level, improve products, Identify market opportunities.”

“Yes, yes, that’s all.” Ma Yun said happily.

Kang Jianfei asked, “Have you ever thought about e-shopping?”

“Electronic shopping?” Ma Yun was very sensitive to what he was aware of.

Kang Jianfei said: “It is to buy and sell things through the Internet, eliminating a series of logistics processes in the middle. In this way, consumers can buy cheap products, and manufacturers can also have an additional direct sales channel.”

“This idea is very interesting, but I’m afraid it won’t be realized now. If e-shopping wants to scale, we must wait for the government’s gold card project to take effect.” Ma Yun said after thinking for a moment.

What Ma Yun said is the truth. Nowadays, many people have never even seen a bank card, and they use passbooks to save money. Not to mention the nationwide networking of the banking system, even the financial information flow between cities has not been achieved.

In the future, China’s e-commerce can develop so prosperously, thanks to the foresightedness of the government. The three-gold project is being carried out 20 years in advance. The golden bridge and golden card projects have brought countless benefits to enterprises and ordinary people.

“Then take it slowly. If it can’t be achieved now, it doesn’t mean it’s not feasible in the future.” Kang Jianfei laughed.

Ma Yun boldly probed: “Mr. Kang is ready to start?”

Kang Jianfei said: “I invest, you do it, do you have confidence?”

“The most important thing I don’t lack is confidence.” Ma Yun said.

Kang Jianfei said: “Well, I will invest 5 million first.”

“500?!” Ma Yun’s partner Guo Qinghuai had been silent for a while, but now he suddenly cried out in surprise.

Ma Yun was also surprised, but more of a surprise. He put together 20,000 yuan to create the Chinese Yellow Pages, which has been credited with more than 200,000 yuan in the past six months~www.readwn.com~, but they all depended on him to fool around with a hammer and a stick. The development of the website has not actually gone. On track.

Now Kang Jianfei suddenly invests 5 million yuan, so that many ideas in Ma Yun’s mind can be put into practice, instead of just empty talk as before.

Without waiting for Ma Yun to speak, Kang Jianfei continued: “You re-register a company, the name is Ali_Baba, homophonic 1688, and it is a good sign. In addition, Oriental Charm.com will enter China next year and create a simplified Chinese portal website. At that time, the two websites can cooperate with each other on a mutually beneficial basis.”

“Understood, I will do my best to do a good job in e-commerce.” Ma Yun said happily.

Kang Jianfei said to Hu Juncai, “Acai, you are familiar with the mainland. Please introduce some clients to Lao Ma.”

“No problem, or I’ll invest 1 million and have some soup with you.” Hu Juncai smiled. He doesn’t understand the Internet or e-commerce, but he trusts Kang Jianfei’s vision.

With Hu Juncai’s help, Ma Yun is even more happy. The 1 million invested is nothing, and what is more important is Hu Juncai’s personal connections in the business world.

The only concern of Ma Yun is that as soon as the 6 million funds come in, he is likely to become a wage earner.

Kang Jianfei saw Ma Yun’s worries, he smiled and said, “I only want 55% of the shares.”

“10% is enough for me.” Hu Juncai was more generous. This kid is more and more slippery, with various diversified investments, shares never occupy the bulk, and he makes a lot of money while keeping a low profile.

Getting an investment of 6 million yuan for nothing, and still owning 35% of the shares, this is far beyond Ma Yun’s bottom line, and there is an urge to roll up your sleeves and do a great job.

Of course, he has to share the 35% with Guo Qinghua. As for how they are divided, Kang Jianfei is too lazy to care.

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