Dressed As a Consort In Ancient Times

Chapter 25

Chapter 24 – (1)

The four eyes are facing each other, and the two are looking at each other.

Time seems to stand still at this moment…

The white flowers caught Jiang Libai’s eyes unexpectedly… It seemed that Gu Yun had just come out of the bath, and the white and tender skin was still glowing with crystal pink, shining seductively under the candlelight…

This scene made Jiang Libai’s heart beat extremely fast, and her eyes moved down involuntarily, but after seeing a very obvious arc, she immediately took a breath.

So… what is that? ? ?

Jiang Libai suspected that his eyes were dazzled, so he blinked vigorously, and then looked carefully.

…Although Gu Yun had already covered it with one hand, Jiang Libai still noticed the softness.

At this moment, she felt that her brain was not enough. How could she see the same ups and downs in Gu Yun? !

“…Gu…Gu Yun???”

The face is still Gu Yun’s face, but why is that body a woman’s body? ! Jiang Libai’s mind went blank, and he froze in place for a long while in surprise.

The tips of Gu Yun’s ears were quietly stained with crimson: “…it’s me.”

This is the first time that she was seen naked. Although…Although the Seventh Princess is her wife and they have children, but…but she still feels a little ashamed when she stares at her body so intently. spread.

The familiar light voice entered Jiang Libai’s ears, she covered her mouth in disbelief, and swallowed back the scream that almost lost control.

“You…you…” She trembled for a long time, but she couldn’t say a word. Up to now, she was still wondering if she had hallucinations, so she saw the softness of a woman on Gu Yun’s chest.

Gu Yun covered the bottom with one hand and the top with the other, his face was hot with embarrassment: “Princess…how long do you want to watch?”

“Ah—” At the moment when her consciousness returned, Jiang Libai could no longer suppress the panic in her heart, and burst into a scream that she had never felt before. It seems that as long as her voice is loud enough, she can shatter the shocking ‘illusion’ in front of her eyes…

Gu Yun took a deep breath, and couldn’t care about anything else, so she wrapped the inner garment around her waist very quickly, and after covering her dignity tightly, she strode over, grabbed Seventh Princess’ wrist, and held her Pressing on the door, the other hand also covered her mouth all at once.

“…Princess, if you call me that, it will attract people.”

Her breathing was still fresh after bathing, and she pounced on Jiang Libai’s face one after another, and after a while, the girl’s little face was also stained with a bewildered blush.

Jiang Libai looked at the woman who was close at hand. Her skin was delicate and fair, her thin lips were cherry red and moist, her eyelashes were long and trembling… and her panicked face was reflected in those long and narrow eyes. All this made her feel turbulent .

“You…you are a woman?!” Only at this time did she realize that although Gu Yun had the dignity and willfulness of a young man, her face was too feminine, especially her white and delicate skin, which was completely a woman’s talent. yes…

“…Yes.” Seeing that her voice had lowered a lot, Gu Yun let go of her hand covering her mouth.

Hearing her confession, Jiang Libai was in a daze. Right now, there is only one thought on her mind—

Gu Yun, she… she turned out to be a woman!

After a while, the servant who was attracted by Princess Seven knocked on the door, “Princess, what’s the matter?”

The weird atmosphere was broken, Jiang Libai blushed, and wanted to push Gu Yun away, “It’s nothing, you guys back down.”

However, she forgot that Gu Yun hadn’t put on his shirt at this moment, so she threw her hand on Gu Yun’s softness, and the warm touch instantly magnified in the palm of her hand. hand.

“Hold…Sorry, Ben Gong didn’t…not intentionally.” Up to now, Jiang Libai is still in extreme shock, his mind seems to be stuffed with paste, and he can’t think at all.

She didn’t dare to look down any further, so she could only raise her eyes to look at Gu Yun’s face.

I don’t know if it’s her illusion, but she always feels that Gu Yun’s eyes are very complicated, as if there is helplessness, forbearance, and… a trace of shyness?

The distance between the two was extremely close, and their warm breaths were entangled. Gu Yun held back the heat in her heart, and raised her hand to cover Jiang Libai’s wet eyes. She looked down at the girl’s slightly trembling little hands, and spoke in a low and hoarse Said: “Princess, don’t look.”

Just now when the girl held her place, the unfamiliar numbness made her almost lose her composure, but now as long as the girl’s moist eyes look at her, she feels hot all over and is extremely unbearable.

Jiang Libai hurriedly closed her eyes tightly, “I don’t want to look at it, you… get dressed quickly…”

The long and warped crow feathers trembled slightly in Gu Yun’s palm, and the numb itching made her breathe slightly heavy for a moment. She slowly moved her hand away, seeing Princess Seven’s eyes were tightly closed, she coughed lightly: “I’m going to get dressed.”

Gentle footsteps sounded, Jiang Libai covered her pounding heart, her eyes opened slightly.

Through this slit, she clearly saw Gu Yun’s thin back, fair skin, slender and straight legs, and the waist that was wrapped in snow-white underwear that became increasingly slender…

After all this, Jiang Libai woke up completely.

Gu Yun is really a woman.

A trace of sadness flashed in her heart, and then she turned around silently, no longer looking at the soft body behind her that made people blush and heartbeat.

The sky outside the house had already darkened, and the slight cold wind blew by, blowing the fallen leaves and rustling, beating Jiang Libai’s bewildered heart one after another.

The absurd and true facts were placed in front of her, and after slowly recovering, she felt that her heart seemed a little uncomfortable, stuffy and congested.

Before that…she seemed to have a little bit of inexplicable thoughts about Gu Yun…but now that she knows that Gu Yun is a woman like her, between them…

Jiang Libai sighed, leaning her little head against the door with a dazed expression. In fact, there was no possibility between them before, and now… it is even more impossible.

After Gu Yun was dressed neatly, she checked once again that she was wrapped up tightly, and then walked towards the Seventh Princess.

The girl was leaning against the door, her whole body exuding a depressed atmosphere.

Gu Yun stood beside her and patted her shoulder lightly, “Princess.”

Jiang Libai looked sideways. The woman had long hair loose and soft eyebrows. She looked both familiar and unfamiliar. She glanced down, and the ups and downs were gone, and it was back to the flatness before.

“Did you wear a corset?” She had seen in the storybook that when women wanted to pretend to be men, they would basically wear corsets to cover up their femininity.

Gu Yun didn’t expect Princess Seven to have no repulsion, but when she blatantly asked if she was wearing a corset, a trace of unnaturalness flashed across her face: “…Yes.”

Jiang Libai looked at her seriously for a long time, and couldn’t help but sigh in her heart for the little affection she had before.

Since Gu Yun is a woman, she can no longer treat her like that… Before she thought that Gu Yun had some other feelings for her, she still rejected her like that, and was wary of her, but now that she thinks about it, she is overwhelmed .

Between women…how could there be that kind of affection?

However, there are still exceptions, such as Liu Qin and her wife. It’s just that there are too few such exceptions, and such feelings are not accepted by the world after all.

“Gu Yun.” She called softly, her eyes relieved, “shall we talk?”

It so happened that Gu Yun also wanted to have a good talk with Princess Seven: “Okay.”

The side room was full of steam and there was no seat. Jiang Libai pointed to her long hair, “Dry and tie up your hair first, and we can talk elsewhere.” When Gu Yun’s hair was all loose, it was actually obvious that she was a Daughter’s house, but piercing it and exposing the whole face will make it more youthful.

Gu Yun nodded, expressing his understanding.

When the two packed up and walked out of the side room, it was completely dark.

There is no moon hanging in the sky tonight, and there is only a little light from the lantern in the gloomy surroundings.

Seeing Princess Seven walking towards the main house, Gu Yun frowned, and she called her, “Princess.”


Li Bai stopped in her tracks: “What’s wrong?”

Gu Yun still couldn’t forget the scene of that woman smiling coquettishly and pounced on her in the evening, and felt a chill in her heart for a moment.

“That woman, she’s been in my room.” She tried to be as tactful as possible, “There’s her smell in there, I don’t like it.”

This was the first time that Jiang Libai saw Gu Yun’s appearance of losing his composure slightly. She was a little surprised, but also found it a little funny. After pursing her lips, she didn’t object: “Then let’s go to your study?”


Came to Gu Yun’s study, waved away the servants who followed, Jiang Libai and Gu Yun sat at the table.

Gu Yun poured a glass of warm water, put it in front of Princess Seven, poured another glass for herself, and took a sip.

Seeing her natural movements, Jiang Libai was taken aback, then silently picked up the warm water that Gu Yun poured for her, and took a small sip, the warmth immediately filled her whole body.

She thought, Gu Yun is really an excellent person, taking care of her everywhere, but she always subconsciously ignored her before and made malicious guesses about her actions.

However, no matter what, Gu Yun’s identity still needs to be clarified first.

She put down the cup, stared at Gu Yun’s elegant and handsome face, and asked, “Are you really the direct prince of Jin?” Gu Yun is a daughter, so how could he be the prince of a country? Could it be that the Emperor Jin randomly stuffed someone into their country of Yu as a hostage? Or was the real Prince of Jin being dropped on the road?

Regarding the identity of the original body, Gu Yun thought about it and decided to tell the truth. Although saying that she is not the first prince may bring unnecessary troubles to Jin, Gu Yun does not want to hide it from Jiang Libai. And according to Jiang Libai’s temperament, maybe she would not reveal this news to Emperor Yu.

“I am the prince of Jin, but not the direct prince.”

“After I was born, my concubine mother declared me to be the prince in order to compete for favor, so only my concubine mother and wet nurse know my identity as a woman. Of course… now you are the princess.”

For some reason, hearing Gu Yun’s last words, Jiang Libai always felt a little secretly… happy?

She shook her head and suppressed the strange emotion, “And then?”

Gu Yun went on to continue: “Later, when the two countries fought and we were defeated, we needed to send the prince to you as a hostage. It’s just that the father loves the son very much, and he didn’t want him to come here to suffer, so he changed his position and will be married to the prince. I sent it over when I was about the same age.”

Jiang Libai frowned, with pity in her eyes, “I remember, how old were you at that time…” She was so young and suffered so much in a foreign country, and she didn’t know how Gu Yun survived.

The original body did suffer a lot, but it wasn’t Gu Yun’s memory, she couldn’t empathize with it. And now she is very satisfied with the status quo, with the princess by her side and a child connected by her blood, she already has a lot.

“Now that I have a princess, I’m fine.”

These words made Jiang Libai’s face blush.

If she hadn’t known that Gu Yun was a woman, she might have thought that Gu Yun liked her again as before.

“It’s just…princess, this matter is very important, I hope you don’t tell others.” Although Gu Yun didn’t care about other people, he didn’t want to cause another dispute between Jin and Yu because of her leak. Because no matter what, once there is a war, it is innocent civilians who suffer.

She already had a deep understanding of this when she was in Interstellar. So living in this ancient times now, she sometimes feels quite good.

As the princess of Yu Kingdom, Jiang Libai supposedly wanted to tell her father the news.

However, she didn’t want to do that.

“Don’t worry, I won’t say a word about what happened today.”

Moreover, Gu Yun’s status as a woman is actually more beneficial to her.

Because she doesn’t have to worry about other things in the future, and she can play a loving couple with Gu Yun without any psychological burden.

Jiang Libai looked at Gu Yun carefully, and she suddenly felt that maybe this is the best time to confess that she is pregnant.

Before that, her mother and concubine wanted to coerce and lure Gu Yun to let her accept this child, but at that time she had a faint liking for Gu Yun, so she hesitated.

I hesitated for a long time without saying anything.

But now it’s different. Gu Yun needs to show others as a man, so she should be able to accept that she is pregnant…?

The room fell silent again.

Seeing that the seventh princess seemed to hesitate, Gu Yun opened her mouth, wanted to say something but held back, she leaned forward, “What does the princess want to say?”

The boy’s brows and eyes are soft, and his expression is gentle, which makes Jiang Libai feel less hesitation in his heart.

“Gu Yun, there is something…”

Gu Yun didn’t understand, so: “Huh?”

The atmosphere is here, and if I don’t talk about it, I’m afraid there won’t be such a good time.

Jiang Libai gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and quickly said what she had been brewing for a long time: “Actually, I am already pregnant for almost two months, and marrying you is just to give the child in my womb a serious life.” I didn’t tell you before, because I was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to accept it. Now I’m telling you, because I don’t want to keep it a secret…”

Suddenly, the surroundings became quiet.

Jiang Libai’s heart was beating fast, she slowly opened her eyes, but seeing Gu Yun’s thoughtful face, without any disgust, she trembled, and hurriedly added: “Just… let’s keep it a secret Exchange, okay? I will keep your secret for you, so you can do me a favor too, okay?”

Gu Yun didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Does she want to tell the Seventh Princess that she actually knows that she is pregnant and that she is another mother of the child? Because she was the one who was lingering with her that night?

She felt… If she really said such a thing to the seventh princess, regardless of whether she would collapse or not, based on her ancient cognition, her first reaction at that time might be to not believe it? After all, in the eyes of the ancients, the interstellar space and the gender changes of people after ten thousand years are probably all fantasy.

“Is it okay, can you say something?” Jiang Libai didn’t know what Gu Yun was thinking, but she was very anxious. She moved closer to Gu Yun, and grabbed her hand subconsciously: “Anyway, I know your secret. If you don’t agree or accept it, I… I will…”

After talking for a long time, she didn’t know what she could do, if it was to send Gu Yun in front of her father, and then reveal Gu Yun’s secret… She felt that she couldn’t do it.

Because after knowing that Gu Yun is a woman, she never had such an idea.

Gu Yun saw that she was holding the princess’s arrogant posture as before, and suddenly laughed. The faint smile was like a warm spring breeze, blowing away the anxiety in Jiang Libai’s heart.

“Okay.” Gu Yun glanced at Seventh Princess’ belly and agreed. Under the eyes of the Seventh Princess who breathed a sigh of relief, she said softly again: “This is the child of the two of us.”

Seeing that she accepted, Jiang Libai was happy in her heart, and squeezed her hand: “Okay, you will be the child’s aunt from now on.”

Gu Yun coughed twice, aunt…Aunt should also be a mother, right?

At this moment, the big stone in Jiang Libai’s heart fell to the ground, and she became much lighter.

“In addition to keeping your secrets for you, I will not treat you badly. If you have a man you like in the future, I will also help you and arrange your future paths.” She promised sincerely.

But these words made Gu Yun’s whole body stiff, she held Seventh Princess’ hand with her backhand, “Princess, I don’t like men.”

Jiang Libai didn’t notice the movements of her hands, and was puzzled by her words: “Why? Don’t you want to live a normal life in the future?”

Gu Yun took a deep breath: “I don’t like others. Whether it’s a man or a woman.”

Just kidding, she is a female alpha, how could she like men in this ancient times. And now that she has a family, she naturally won’t get involved with other people.

But her words made Jiang Libai narrow his eyes and look at her fixedly.

Resisting the secret joy in her heart, Jiang Libai bit her lips: “If you want to go on like this, Bengong… Bengong will not refuse. After all, the princess mansion has a lot of money, so it doesn’t matter if you are an idler.”

Gu Yun smiled lightly, and said tentatively: “Then, the princess wants me to go to the princess mansion?”

ginger pear

Bai suddenly felt flustered, what did Gu Yun mean by this? Are you going to live with her in her princess mansion?

“Do you want to live with me?”

Gu Yun smiled: “Yes. My house already has other people’s breath, I’m not used to it. So I don’t want to live here anymore.”

It turned out to be the reason.

The hotness on Jiang Libai’s face faded away, and she was a little disappointed. But she didn’t reject Gu Yun either. Who told Yan Qiaoer that she arranged for Gu Yun?

“Then you go back with me.” When she got up, Jiang Libai realized that her hand was actually tightly held by Gu Yun, and she felt ashamed, and she glared at Gu Yun openly. But then I thought about it, they are all women, so holding hands should be fine, right?

Thinking of this, she also pulled out her hand, and after holding Gu Yun with her backhand, she raised her chin lightly: “I’m not leaving yet, are you waiting for Ben Gong to carry you?”

Gu Yun was gently pulled by her, and she stood up, she held back the smile on her lips: “Don’t dare to trouble the princess.”

Before it was too late at night, the two got into the carriage back to the Princess Mansion.

A weak candle was lit in the carriage, and with this little light, Jiang Libai stared at Gu Yun intently for a long time.

Suddenly, she moved a little towards Gu Yun, and asked in a low voice: “Before, why did you tell me that Aunt Yan has served you well?” My heart is still a little bit sour…

The girl’s small head was beside her, and the flickering eyes reflected the candlelight, filled with a galaxy of stars, which made people unable to bear to take a few more glances.

Gu Yun put his arm around her slender waist, helped her to sit up, and expressed a touch of concern in his tone: “Sit down, don’t fall.”

Jiang Libai blinked, and sat beside her in an orderly manner, “You haven’t answered Bengong’s question yet.”

Only then did Gu Yun explain: “I thought that person was the maid you sent over, so I asked Steward Liu to place him in the mansion at will, but what you said this afternoon made me suspicious, so I went back to the mansion I asked Butler Liu to bring him to me for a look, but he sent him directly to my bed…”

Jiang Libai smiled awkwardly, but didn’t dare to answer.

“I have asked Steward Liu to send her back, will there be any trouble later?” That woman is the concubine chosen by the Seventh Princess, and if she is sent back like this, there may be troubles.

Jiang Libai naturally thought of this too.

Gu Yun is a woman, so naturally she can no longer take concubines for her. It will not only destroy the reputation of a bad person, but also harm her life. It’s just that Yan Qiao’er has already entered the Jinping Palace, and in the eyes of outsiders, she is Gu Yun’s concubine, but now she is sent back… This is not just as simple as ruining her reputation.

“Tomorrow morning, I will ask Chunxi to go to Yan’s Mansion.” Jiang Libai thought, if Yan Qiaoer is willing to accept compensation, then no matter what she asks, she will satisfy her. In addition, some compensation should be made to the Yan family, but for this matter, she had to enter the palace to beg her mother and concubine.

The two of them had almost negotiated, and the carriage wobbled into the Princess Mansion.

As soon as she entered the mansion, Chun Xi greeted the servants with a smile on her face to move Gu Yun’s luggage into the seventh princess’ bedroom.

After putting it in place, the corners of her mouth still remained, “Princess, the consort’s things have been put away.”

As soon as Jiang Libai entered the inner room, she saw that some of Gu Yun’s things had been placed inside. She stared at Chunxi in disbelief: “Why did you put her things in the bedroom of this palace?!” Although she agreed that Gu Yun would come to the princess mansion to share with her Living together, but how could they sleep in the same room?

Chun Xi was a little dazed: “Didn’t you say, Princess, that the son-in-law will live with you after moving all the things of the son-in-law into the mansion?”

Does she mean it? ! Jiang Libai almost lost his head.

Gu Yun, who watched from the sidelines for a while, stepped forward silently, and supported the seventh princess, “If the princess doesn’t want to sleep in the same room with me, then let Chunxi move my things out again.”

Looking at Chun Xi’s blank gaze, and hearing Gu Yun’s indifferent tone, Jiang Libai closed her eyes, “Forget it, I’ve put it all in, and I’ll move it out for you, what does that look like?”

“Go get some water, I and my son-in-law are about to wash up and go to bed.

After sending Chunxi away, Jiang Libai closed the door, turned around and pulled Gu Yun to the soft couch, “Then you can sleep here just like that night.”

Looking at the small soft couch, Gu Yun was full of repulsion. She couldn’t forget the embarrassment of curling up all night before, her whole body was sore and limp, and she didn’t sleep well.

“Princess, this soft couch is a bit small.” Gu Yun glanced at the big bed not far away, the meaning in his eyes was very obvious.

Jiang Libai looked at her body. Although she was thinner, she was taller than ordinary women, so sleeping on this soft couch would really make her uncomfortable.

Then let Gu Yun sleep on the same bed with her?

Jiang Libai was a little confused.

It’s true that Gu Yun is a woman, but when she thinks of lying in the same bed with her, she panics a lot, and she always feels weird.

“Princess, can I sleep with you?” Gu Yun’s tone was indifferent, and he couldn’t hear any weird thoughts in it.

This cleared up Jiang Libai’s mind.

They are all women, so it should be normal for them to sleep together, right? After all, between women, there is no need to guard against anything…

“Yes.” Jiang Libai answered in a low voice, she raised her eyes to look at Gu Yun, but suddenly bumped into those long and narrow eyes, she was a little nervous, and quickly moved her eyes away, thinking of another thing, she was soft Nuo Nuodi opened his mouth: “Then in a few days, I will announce that the imperial physician will come and release the news that I am pregnant, okay?”

Regarding this matter, Gu Yun has no opinion: “Okay.”

They have been married for a month, and the news that the seventh princess is pregnant at this time will not make people suspicious.

Served by the maid, the two of them lay down on the soft bed together after washing.

The candles had been extinguished, and there was no moonlight outside.

In a dark environment, apart from the eyes being unable to see clearly, the rest of the senses become more acute.

For example, at this very moment, Jiang Libai could smell the faint scent of agarwood from the person beside her, as well as hear her slightly heavy breathing…

She wanted to turn over and turn her back to Gu Yun, but her hand under the blanket accidentally touched a warm soft place.

She hastily withdrew her hand, pulled the quilt to cover herself, and said in a low voice under the quilt: “Sorry, I didn’t mean it just now.”

The glands on the back of Gu Yun’s neck began to throb slightly. After holding back for a moment, she said softly: “It’s very late, princess, go to sleep.”

But Jiang Libai was also very hot all over. She felt that the quilt might be too thick, so she stuck her head out again, but her heart was still beating non-stop, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

But under the nourishment of the familiar scent of agarwood, she felt less uncomfortable.

Thinking that Gu Yun said before that she knows a secret technique, and her fragrance can relieve her discomfort, Jiang Libai moved a little under the quilt, groping with her small hands, and slowly climbed onto Gu Yun’s wrist: “Gu Yun Yun, can I get closer to you?”

Gu Yun: “???” Is there such a good thing? !

She didn’t speak, but leaned silently to the inside of the bed, and after turning sideways, she hugged Seventh Princess in her arms.

Jiang Libai was a little dazed, her head seemed to be buried in Gu Yun’s shoulder, her delicate skin exuded a faint fragrance, and the scorching temperature made her face a little shy and flushed.

“Bengong…I didn’t want you to hug me…”

The warm breath fluttered on Gu Yun’s neck, like hundreds of ants gnawing on it, the numbness made her tremble all over, which made her hold Seventh Princess’s hand even tighter, “Princess, don’t move!” .”

The distance between the two was very close, Jiang Libai felt that as long as he moved a little further, he might be able to kiss Gu Yun’s delicate collarbone…

This realization made her panic even more.

“But, if you hold Bengong like this, Bengong won’t be able to sleep…” Her hand tentatively pushed Gu Yun again, this time she didn’t feel soft, but touched a hard place.

She subconsciously asked, “Where are you?”

Gu Yun’s jaw line was already tense: “Stomach.”

Jiang Libai didn’t expect a girl’s belly to be so hard, so she was a little curious for a while.

for a long time.

“Princess.” Gu Yun’s voice was a little hoarse, “How long do you want to touch?”

Jiang Libai was silent for a moment, then quickly withdrew her hand.

The sudden silence made the atmosphere in the room strange.

Jiang Libai clenched her lower lip, thinking that if she touched Gu Yun’s stomach like that just now, she shouldn’t be considered a hooligan, right?

Gu Yun, on the other hand, tried her best to be patient. After knowing that the Seventh Princess would grope, she quietly moved her lower body out a little, so as not to be touched by the Seventh Princess where she should not be touched…

It was almost morning, but the two people on the bed didn’t feel sleepy at all.

Jiang Libai really wanted to turn over, but Gu Yun’s hand hugged her tightly, and she didn’t dare to move.

She had no choice but to kick Gu Yun with her foot, “I want to turn over, don’t hug her so tightly.”

Hearing this, Gu Yun let go a little bit, and after Princess Seven turned over and turned her back to her, she leaned up again and wrapped her arms around her waist.

Jiang Libai: “…Do you have to hug Ben Gong like this?”

Gu Yun closed her eyes contentedly: “Princess, don’t you want to be next to me? This way we will be closer.”

Come on, what I said, I admit it. Anyway, smelling the scent of agarwood all over the bed, I feel more comfortable all over. After Jiang Libai felt awkward in his heart for a while, he lay down completely.

Have a good night’s sleep.

Jiang Libai, who had slept soundly, slowly woke up with a burst of noise.

She rubbed her confused eyes and slowly sat up from the bed.

Gu Yun, with his back to her, was sitting on the edge of the bed, with a pair of slender jade arms tangled around, making Jiang Libai’s eyes widen.

“Are you wearing a corset?” She surrounded her curiously, looking down at Gu Yun’s half-wrapped chest.

The furry little head poked over, and the movements of Gu Yun’s hands paused. She raised her hand and pushed Princess Seven back, “It’s almost over.”

Jiang Libai watched her continue wrapping around and around, and opened her mouth slightly: “Won’t your chest hurt if you wrap it so tightly?”

Seeing that Gu Yun didn’t answer, she raised her eyes and found that the tips of her ears were as red as the sunset in the sky.

She blinked her eyes: “You can’t be… shy, are you?” It’s unbelievable, it’s unbelievable that the person who wanted to hug her to sleep last night was actually shy? !

After Gu Yun finished the last wrap, she picked up the clothes next to her and put them on. After wrapping them tightly, she stood up from the bed and replied solemnly: “No.”

Jiang Libai didn’t believe it! It was obvious that those glowing red ears had already betrayed her. But she felt that she still had to save some face for Gu Yun, so she didn’t talk about this topic anymore.

Ever since Gu Yun moved to Seventh Princess’ Mansion, the gossip between the two of them has spread.

Everyone was still thinking that since the two were so affectionate, why some time ago when the princess wanted to take a concubine for her son-in-law, it was reported in the princess mansion that the seventh princess was pregnant for one month.

Immediately, the capital exploded, and ladies from aristocratic families and noble ladies sent gifts one after another to congratulate Princess Qi on her pregnancy.

Jiang Libai didn’t bother to dismiss those people, so she closed the door to thank the guests.

Right now, she is enjoying the scenery in the yard, eating the pears that Gu Yun peeled for her, very happy.

“Princess, just now Aunt Mingtao came to spread the word that she wants to see you and the son-in-law.” The wooden paddle bent over and walked into the courtyard.

Jiang Libai swallowed the pear in her mouth, and waved at him: “Understood, you go down.” By the way, Chun Xi was also sent out.

In the courtyard where the dead leaves were flying, only Jiang Libai and Gu Yun were left.

“My concubine summoned us because she wanted to ask about my pregnancy.” Jiang Libai explained in detail the details of the meeting with Concubine Yuan Gui tomorrow: “Mother concubine doesn’t know your identity, she always thought that we were consummated on the wedding night. But We have been separated since then, so she couldn’t let Ben Gong put the child on your head for a while, she wanted to treat you… well, coerce and lure you to admit this child.”

“But this palace… this palace thinks it’s inappropriate, so

Concubine Yimu didn’t continue to threaten you. “Speaking of which, Jiang Libai is still a little unnatural.

“It’s just that we’ve released the news now. The concubine mother probably persuaded you when she was wondering about me… It’s just that the secret between us can’t be spread outside…”

Gu Yun understood Princess Seven’s concerns. She cut the pear in her hand into smaller pieces and put it on the jade plate in front of Princess Seven. She said in a soft voice, “The child is ours. No matter who you tell it to, you can This sentence is enough.”

Jiang Libai was thoughtful, she felt that what Gu Yun said made sense. Then let’s not talk about the details with the mother concubine, just tell her that Gu Yun thought the child was conceived on the wedding night.

After this trouble was resolved, Jiang Libai picked up the pear that Gu Yun had cut for her, stuffed a piece into her mouth, and handed another piece to Gu Yun’s mouth: “You eat too.”

The sweet pear fragrance rushed towards her face, the knife in Gu Yun’s hand stopped, she looked up, and saw Princess Qi tilting her head looking at her.

Feeling joyful in his heart, the corners of Gu Yun’s mouth slightly raised, and he took a small piece of pear handed over by the Seventh Princess in one mouthful.

…and Jiang Libai was stunned for a moment, and his eyes fell on the pear that was held by Gu Yun…and those two fingers…

The fingertips were wrapped in balls, and the tip of Slippery Qiu’s tongue swept across, Jiang Libai froze all over. Such a touch… Such a passion… How is this something that can be done normally between two women? !

She withdrew her hand abruptly, and wiped her cuff over and over again in a panic: “You! Don’t think that you are… that you can take advantage of me like this!”

Gu Yun swallowed the piece of pear, and raised the end of her eyes slightly: “Sorry, I was so eager to eat pears, I accidentally offended the princess.”

Seeing her solemn apology, Jiang Libai couldn’t hold on to her anymore, otherwise it would appear how stingy she was.

“…You just need to pay more attention to it in the future.”

Seeing that the Seventh Princess turned her head away coyly, Gu Yun continued to peel the pear in her hand, but the faint smile on the corner of her mouth was unknown.

Seeing that the sky was getting late, guessing that it was almost time for dinner, Gu Yun called the wooden boat in and put away the things placed on the stone table.

She stretched out her hand to Princess Seven who was lazily leaning on the chair: “Princess, it’s time to have dinner.”

Jiang Libai glanced at her, put her hand on her palm with a delicate expression, and let her help herself up.

Before the two could leave the courtyard, Chun Xi ran over in a panic with an anxious expression on his face: “Princess, it’s not good!”

“What’s wrong?”

Chunxi glanced vaguely at Gu Yun beside Jiang Libai, hesitated to say anything.

Jiang Libai followed her gaze, and also glanced at Gu Yun, “What’s the matter?”

Chunxi gritted her teeth, and told the news she just found out: “Yan Qiaoer… she’s crazy!”

“What did you say?!”

Chunxi said in detail: “The upper and lower mouths of Yan’s mansion are very close, and it was the maidservant who heard Qin’er just now that she knew about it… the second night after the son-in-law sent Yan Qiaoer back, Yan Qiaoer didn’t know what happened and was about to hang herself , but was discovered early, and was rescued… But since then, Yan Qiaoer has been talking about it, and seems to be a sign of madness.”

“People from the Yan Mansion invited several doctors to look at it, but they didn’t find out why. Just two days ago, Yan Qiaoer went completely crazy…”

“The Yan family has kept this news tightly locked up until now.

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