Dressed As a Consort In Ancient Times

Chapter 34

Chapter 33

In the dark and quiet environment, Jiang Libai couldn’t see Gu Yun’s expression clearly, but felt that her voice was a little hoarse than usual.

She bit her lip, and was about to pull Gu Yun’s hand that was groping her face again, “Otherwise?”

After pulling her hand down, he squeezed it hard again, as if to warn her not to touch it any more: “Although Ben Gong is very reassuring about you, you can’t touch Ben Gong.”

Hearing the indifference in Princess Seven’s tone, Gu Yun couldn’t bear it anymore.

She held Seventh Princess’s little hand instead, and protected her slender waist with the other hand, pressing her into the soft quilt.

“Princess, I can actually…”

Jiang Libai lay on his back on the bed all at once, and felt Gu Yun’s fiery body pressing against him.

Ever since she found out that Gu Yun was a woman, Gu Yun never wore a corset to sleep at night.

So at this moment, Gu Yun’s softness is tightly pressed against hers, and the slight friction makes her breathing disordered.

“You… what are you going to do?”

The delicate and soft girl was right under her, exhaled a sweet breath in a panic, and slapped Gu Yun’s face one after another. Her throat moved slightly, and her voice was low and seductive: “Princess, do you want to try again?”

Hearing this, the scene of kissing Gu Yun on the carriage appeared in Jiang Libai’s mind…

She swallowed, feeling a little shaken in her heart.

Although she kept telling Gu Yun, don’t let her get close to her, don’t allow her to get close to her again, they want to forget the kiss on the carriage together… But she can’t deny that she seems to really like that kiss, like Gu Yun’s lips The softness of the petals, and the sweetness of her mouth…

And, at the moment of being kissed, the sweetness and satisfaction surged in her heart.

While Jiang Libai was struggling and hesitating, Gu Yun smiled in a low voice, held her small face, bent down, and kissed her slightly parted thin lips.

The lips and teeth blend together, tender and lingering.

Ears and temples grinding together, tossing and turning.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Libai, who was already dizzy, groaned. Her hand involuntarily rested on Gu Yun’s neck, and her fingertips rubbed unconsciously.

The gland at the back of the neck was accidentally touched, Gu Yun trembled all over, and his breathing became a little heavier.

Then the gentle kiss became intense all of a sudden, the soft tip of the tongue explored around the seventh princess’s mouth, and danced with her small tongue…


No longer satisfied with the touch between lips and teeth, Gu Yun followed Seventh Princess’s mouth all the way down and kissed her slender neck.

A numb feeling rushed all over her body, Jiang Libai raised her head, bearing Gu Yun’s lustful kiss.

Suddenly, a breeze blew through the flowers.

Jiang Libai grabbed Gu Yun’s hand.


Jiang Libai panted slightly, her soft voice was full of blooming spring: “Enough…enough…”

Gu Yun took a deep breath and had no choice but to withdraw his hand.

She stood up, and some dissatisfaction flashed in her long and narrow eyes: “Princess, don’t you want it?”

She had originally thought that if the princess could accept having another night of lingering with her, then she would tell her all the secrets, let her know that the child in her womb was hers, and she would make her ‘happy’. She will love her well and will always be by her side in the future…

But it seems that the seventh princess is still a little bit repelled.

Jiang Libai’s face was blushing, with affection at the end of her eyes, “You…let go of me.”

Hearing this, Gu Yun had no choice but to turn over and lay down beside Seventh Princess.

There was a rustling sound from under the quilt, it was Seventh Princess who was arranging the messy apron and inner clothes.

Gu Yun stared at the thick night, his throat moved. She was already in love, and now she was a little uncomfortable when the Seventh Princess refused to ask for sex.

Jiang Libai put on her clothes, pulled up the quilt, and covered herself tightly, then she kicked Gu Yun again: “You actually want to do…that kind of thing with Bengong…you are a bastard…shameless… “

She said so on her lips, but she also scolded herself in her heart.

Obviously she has been telling herself not to indulge in the warmth that Gu Yun gave her, and not to have unreasonable feelings for Gu Yun.

But she always falls into it involuntarily…

She slowly stretched out her hand and touched her hot lips, which seemed to still have the sweetness from Gu Yun’s mouth, which made her feel dazed again.

“Princess…don’t you like me treating you like that?” Gu Yun endured the fire scurrying in his body, and asked disappointedly.

Jiang Libai came back to her senses, quietly stuck out the tip of her tongue, and licked the corner of her mouth.

Saying you don’t like it… would be a lie.

But she couldn’t admit that.

The relationship between her and Gu Yun cannot continue like this.

She thought about it wildly, and finally found an excellent excuse: “Bengong…Bengong is pregnant. If you do that, it will hurt my child.”

Hearing this, Gu Yun felt a little better.

As long as the princess doesn’t resent doing that with her.

She turned sideways and looked at the little face of the seventh princess in the dense night, “Princess, we have been married for almost two months.”

So the baby is also three months old.

Even if you want to be intimate, it’s okay. She will be gentle and not hurt the child.

Hearing the words in his ears, Jiang Libai understood Gu Yun’s meaning strangely.

Feeling Gu Yun’s hand approaching her, she grabbed it immediately, “Don’t push yourself!”

“You’re a girl, you kiss me, I won’t argue with you. But if you still want to do that to me with your hands… I won’t let you enter the room.”

Gu Yun was silent for a moment: “Then what if you don’t use… your hands?”

Jiang Libai who didn’t understand what she meant: “???”

“Nothing is allowed, anyway, you are not allowed to do that.” She brushed away Gu Yun’s probing hand and said in a low voice.

Just kidding, they are all women, and hugging her can be reluctantly accepted because of the little secret affection in my heart. But to do that, forget it…

She couldn’t get over that hurdle in her heart.

She didn’t want to really become a mirror-grinding woman.

“Okay.” Reluctantly, Gu Yun had no choice but to lie back on the bed, slowly calming down the restlessness in his heart.

“Sleep.” Jiang Libai leaned in until she could no longer feel the heat around her, then she whispered: “There is business tomorrow, don’t delay.”

In the middle of the night, Jiang Libai, who had been alert all the time, fell asleep in a daze.

As the sound of breathing gradually calmed down, Gu Yun slowly moved closer to her.

After carefully hugging her into his arms, Gu Yun kissed the corner of her soft mouth, then closed his eyes and rested contentedly.

It was probably last night that the son-in-law of the Seventh Princess was assassinated by an unknown person in the prison of the Ministry of Justice, so early this morning, everyone in Beijing started talking about it.

Some people speculated whether it was because the people in Uncle Anyang’s mansion couldn’t bear their temper, and seeing that the frame-up failed, they had to act first.

Some people also guessed based on the move of the seventh princess to take the son-in-law back to the mansion overnight, the assassination was discussed by the seventh princess and the seventh son-in-law in order to get out as soon as possible.

But this is not the focus of everyone’s attention.

People are more concerned about the results of the Ministry of Criminal Justice’s investigation of the testimony of Anyang Bofu.

People dare not talk too much about witchcraft.

Therefore, the fact that Yunyan is pregnant with the child of the seventh son-in-law attracts even more attention.

After all, most people in the world want to know the secrets of wealthy families. If there are some love-hate entanglements, it will be even more talked about.

When things were fermenting more and more outrageously outside, Jiang Libai received the news that the wooden paddle had detected it.

“…After the man came out of the Anyang uncle’s mansion, our people have been following at a distance. It’s just that the man was too cunning. I don’t know if it was because of our people. Our men were… thrown off…”

Speaking of this, Mu Paddle was very unwilling: “Our people searched in Beijing all night, but we still couldn’t find the whereabouts of that person.”

“Failed to complete the task, also

Please punish the princess. “

Jiang Libai’s expression remained unchanged.

This result was within her expectation.

She thought for a while, “Since you have been discovered, there is no need to keep guarding outside Uncle Anyang’s mansion.” The government sent a message.

So her people continued to monitor Uncle Anyang’s mansion, and they probably couldn’t find anything.

“Yes, this subordinate understands.” The wooden paddle led away.

After getting ready, Jiang Libai returned to the bedroom slowly.

Early this morning, she asked Gu Yun to stay in the house and not to leave the room for half a step.

Pushing open the door, Jiang Libai walked into the room.

The person sitting by the side of the bed was probably because he couldn’t go out, so he was still wearing a snow-white inner coat, with only a thick coat on his body, holding a book without a cover in his outstretched hand .

Jiang Libai walked over and was about to ask her what book she was reading when she suddenly panicked.

She took three steps at a time, came to the bed, reached out and snatched the book that Gu Yun was holding.

Gu Yun: “…” She just wanted to read a book to pass the time.

“Where did you find it?!” Jiang Libai blushed, ashamed and angry.

Gu Yun was silent for a while, then said honestly, “I found it under the bed.”

She was just too bored in the room just now, so she wanted to look around.

Unexpectedly, he found a large basket of books under the bed.

She had just turned a page, and before she could read anything, she was snatched away by the Seventh Princess.

Jiang Libai blushed, “Where did you see it?!”

These are all the treasures that Chunxi collected for her, they are all books about love and hatred, that’s all. The key is that there are several books that describe the relationship between women…

The scale is so large that it is difficult to describe.

So if Gu Yun found out that she was still watching these, wouldn’t she be ashamed!

Gu Yun was a little dazed, “I just finished reading the first page.”

Hearing this, Jiang Libai’s hanging heart was relieved.

so far so good! Gu Yun didn’t see behind. This is a large-scale script that she cherishes and collects, and it contains all kinds of stories between women.

This cannot be passed on to the outside world!

“You are not allowed to rummage through the things in this palace in the future.” Jiang Libai put away the book in her hand, and turned her head to stare at Gu Yun: “You can only look at the things in this room, and you can’t touch them, do you hear that?”

Gu Yun didn’t expect Princess Seven’s reaction to be so big, she spread her hands: “Yes. I know.”

Then she wrapped the quilt tightly again, “But princess, I want to pretend to be seriously ill and can’t go out, so how can I pass the time?”

The seventh princess was not with her in the room, she was too boring alone.

Jiang Libai stared at her for a while, and asked, “Can you pass the time by reading the storybook?”

She remembered that she had a few small-scale talking books, and the contents were all short love stories between men and women that could be read by others.

Is it a storybook? That is the story of the novel recorded in later generations.

Gu Yun thought that something to watch is better than nothing to pass the time, so he nodded: “Yes.”

Jiang Libai hid the book in her hand again, and started searching in her small book basket.

After picking and choosing two books with almost no plot, she threw them on the bed together: “Take it. You can read these two books, and you are not allowed to peek at the others.”

Gu Yun picked up the book that was thrown on the quilt and read it.

I saw that it said “The Overbearing Prince’s Love is Unstoppable”, “My Husband Lives Vigorously Every Night”… Gu Yun’s forehead twitched because of these striking characters, and she silently raised her eyes to look at the Seventh Princess.

“How about…or two copies?”

Seeing that she seemed dissatisfied, Jiang Libai frowned, “Other… you can’t read, just these two books are fine.” Just kidding, the scale of the other books is too big for Gu Yun to see, okay?


Yun picked it up and flipped through a few pages, but didn’t insist on changing the book: “That’s fine.”

“Keep it safe, don’t let me break it.”

Gu Yun has already seen how precious Princess Qi is to these scripts, so naturally she will not damage these two scripts, so she nodded slightly and complied.

“Knock, knock—” There was a knock on the door outside, breaking the strange atmosphere in the house.

“Princess, Aunt Mingtao has sent a message that the imperial concubine wants to see you immediately.” It was Chunxi’s voice.

Jiang Libai pinched her thighs, tears came out from the corners of her eyes in pain, and then she warned Gu Yun again: “Remember, don’t rummage.” Saying that, she walked out with sadness on her face.

All the way to Changchun Palace, the tears in the corners of Jiang Libai’s eyes never stopped.

“Mother Concubine…” Entering the palace, the Seventh Princess threw herself into Concubine Yuan Gui’s arms with a sad face, crying very sadly.

The little maid below, you look at me and I look at you, but you dare not make a sound.

“Okay, you all go down.” Concubine Yuan Gui caressed the Seventh Princess’s back and asked Ming Tao to lead everyone out of the palace.

Only after mother and daughter were left in the room, Jiang Libai left Concubine Yuan Gui’s embrace crying. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and looked at her mother and concubine with red eye circles, “The son-in-law was hurt by someone… There must be someone who can’t understand the son-in-law, so she wants her life…”

“Mother and concubine, I am worried that someone will target the son-in-law because of the influence of the grandfather’s family.”

Hearing this, Concubine Yuan Gui paused for a moment when she wiped away her tears.

Her tone was helpless: “Why do you think so?”

Jiang Libai knew that her concubine mother didn’t want her to get involved in these things. But at this moment, she couldn’t care less.

“Although the son-in-law lived in poverty before, no one has ever tried to harm her.” Speaking of this, Jiang Libai’s tone contained some self-blame: “But ever since she got married with the son-in-law, it seems that the people in Uncle Anyang’s mansion have been targeting her. .”

“Spare no effort to pour dirty water on her, and there are people who want her life… My son can’t help but think, maybe these people think that the son-in-law is blocking their way, so they target the son-in-law like this…”

There was a moment of silence in the hall.

Jiang Libai bit her lips, and said the next thing: “Mother, you didn’t let me get involved in these things in the past. But my son grew up in the royal family, so how can I stay out of it? And now, those people have to deal with it.” It’s my son-in-law, so my son can’t ignore it.”

Now that her father is nearly fifty years old, and her brothers are already weak, her desire for the throne is becoming more and more obvious, so how could she not see it?

It’s just that her mother and concubine didn’t like her asking about these things before, so she kept a distance from all the imperial brothers, neither getting too close to anyone nor alienating anyone too much.

Concubine Yuan Gui didn’t expect her Jianing to really grow up, and forcefully asked to be involved in these things.

“Jianing, the mother concubine only has you as a daughter, and I only hope that you can grow up safely. But it is also because you are the only daughter, so…they will play tricks.”

Ever since the former empress passed away in dystocia and left behind a fifth prince, among the concubines in the palace, only Concubine Yuan Gui has the highest status.

Moreover, Concubine Yuan Gui’s natal family is the family of generals, full of glory.

Now Concubine Yuan Gui’s biological father, General Zhao, has an army of 300,000 troops stationed on the northern border. With such power, which prince who wants to seize the throne doesn’t want to win him over?

After all, Concubine Yuan Gui only has one daughter, and there is no prince to fight for the throne!

“It’s the morning court today, and your father has already come.” Concubine Yuan Gui patted Jiang Libai’s head: “After these things are over, he won’t let you make peace with Gu Yun. As for the others… you know , Mother Concubine is not willing to let you participate. Of course, your father’s thoughts are the same as Mother Concubine’s.”

The emperor meant the same as before, Jianing was their only daughter, so naturally he didn’t want her to worry about these things.

In short, no matter who is in power in the future, they will arrange everything for her.

“But…” Jiang Libai still wanted to struggle.

Concubine Yuan Gui shook her head at her: “Jianing, the most important thing now is that you take good care of your baby.

Don’t think too much, you know? The rest, mother concubine and your father will take care of it for you. “

Hearing this, Jiang Libai had no choice but to nod reluctantly.

Although she knew the result from the beginning, she still felt uncomfortable.

She always felt that her mother, concubine and father were hiding something from her.

It’s just that they don’t want to tell her now.

“The son-in-law was injured in the jail of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, can Li Chong first find out who is going to assassinate her?” Jiang Libai asked about it.

After Gu Yun was stabbed, Li Zhongxian had already brought people to interrogate the assassin overnight. It’s just that the assassin was a dead man, no matter how much he tortured him, he didn’t utter a single word.

Li Chongxian had no choice but to report the result to Emperor Yu that night.

Emperor Yu was furious, and he had already issued an order to Li Chongxian to find out who was behind the scenes within three days.

So now the Ministry of Criminal Justice is busy investigating this matter.

As for the accusation of the Anyang uncle’s mansion, it was put aside.

In addition, Emperor Yu also issued an order, allowing the seven concubines to recuperate in the princess mansion.

Concubine Yuan Gui told Jiang Libai all these details. In the end, he told her: “As long as you can prove that Gu Yun did not do the witchcraft, then your father will not be shy.”

“But the young lady in Uncle Anyang’s house said that she was pregnant with Gu Yun’s child… This matter must be investigated clearly, otherwise the subjects will always point and point when they discuss it, which will not be good for your reputation.”

“The people under your command should investigate carefully. The concubine mother has already sent a message to your grandmother, asking the family to also investigate carefully for you. It should take a few days before there should be a result.”

Jiang Libai finally showed her face: “Thank you, mother and concubine, for taking care of my son and Gu Yun!”

Concubine Yuan Gui saw her appearance of being devoted to Gu Yun, she smiled and shook her head: “Your son-in-law, how is her injury?”

Hearing this, Jiang Libai was embarrassed for a moment.

But the matter of Gu Yunzhuang’s serious illness was discussed last night by them in order to prevent Gu Yun from being imprisoned again.

So it is inconvenient for her to tell her mother and concubine about it at this moment.

“Gu Yun’s injury is not serious, but he lost a lot of blood. I’m afraid it will take a while to recover.”

Jiang Libai lied to her concubine mother for the first time, but it was a little unnatural.

Fortunately, Concubine Yuan Gui didn’t notice anything, she just took her hand and told her carefully: “Since your son-in-law needs to rest, then you don’t have to worry about these things.”

As she said that, she said in a low voice: “You are pregnant, so it is inconvenient to take care of her. Do you want my concubine to pick some people for you to serve her?”

Jiang Libai: “…”

Is what her concubine meant, what she thought?

She waved her hand and quickly refused for Gu Yun: “No need. Gu Yun said that she only loves Erchen and doesn’t want to have any relationship with other women.”

After telling a lie once, and then telling a second lie, Jiang Libai’s heart was already calm, and his expression did not change.

Her words shocked Concubine Yuan Gui’s heart. She didn’t expect Gu Yun to love her daughter so much that she was willing to guard her daughter and live alone for the rest of her life.

“That’s good.” Concubine Yuan Gui was very pleased: “When you were clamoring to marry her, your father and I didn’t think highly of her. I didn’t expect her to be so caring about you, but we underestimated her.” her!”

Jiang Libai raised her chin lightly, her eyebrows and eyes stretched: “It’s my son who has good eyesight.” That’s why at the banquet that day, she was standing in the shadow at a glance.

“Okay, it’s getting late, why don’t you go back after lunch here?”

Jiang Libai was in a hurry to go back, so she also refused: “My son wants to go back earlier, mother and concubine, let father come to accompany you.”

Seeing Jiang Libai leaving with her skirt in her back, Concubine Yuan Gui smiled.

Sure enough, they are young couples who have not been married for a long time, and they can’t afford to waste even a moment, so they are in such a hurry to go back to meet.

Leaving the palace in a hurry, Jiang Libai sat in the carriage and returned to her princess mansion after about half an hour.

As she walked towards her bedroom, she wondered whether that nasty Gu Yun had listened to her and was not in

Looking around in her room.

Hurrying to the bedroom, Jiang Libai raised her foot and walked in as Chunxi opened the door.

It was already noon, and although there was no sunshine, the sky was fine.

A faint halo of light leaked in from the window and fell on the ground, reflecting a few mottled shadows.

Some of it sprinkled on the thin figure sitting by the bed, it seemed to cast a layer of warm light on her, making her usually detached and indifferent eyebrows and eyes much softer.

As soon as Jiang Libai came in, she saw this scene of “the years are quiet and beautiful”. She coughed a few times, walked over, carefully glanced at the book Gu Yun was holding in her hand: “Where did you see it?”

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