Dressed As a Consort In Ancient Times

Chapter 93

Chapter 92 – Extra One

Ever since the new emperor ascended the throne, Yu Kingdom has recovered its former tranquility.

Without the covetous eyes of the two neighboring countries, not only the people at the frontiers of Yu Kingdom can live a carefree life, but the people far away in the capital also feel the leisure after no war.

As soon as people are free, they like to hold banquets to enjoy the scenery, recite poems and make love, and enjoy the wind, flowers, snow and moon.

In the past month alone, several banquets such as viewing banquets, wedding banquets, etc. have been held in the central capital of Beijing.

As the new emperor’s closest sister, Princess Jianing was naturally the person most wanted to be invited by the hosts of the banquet.

Those posts flew into Princess Jianing’s mansion like snowflakes. They all hoped to be favored by the princess, so that they could look better… It would be best if they could get the princess’s own eyes. Give them a few good words in front of them, it will naturally be extremely beneficial to their family.

Jiang Libai looked at the piles of invitations in front of him, and seemed to have seen the thoughts of the hosts from these posts.

She randomly picked up two books and glanced at them, then threw them aside again.

“These banquets are more boring than the other. They are compared with each other by a group of people. It is not good to eat, and it is not good to play. It is better not to go.”

And now that she is the eldest princess and the emperor’s sister, if she goes to a banquet, she has to go to every one.

Otherwise, those people would have to speculate secretly whether the emperor was close to the house she went to, but hated the ones she didn’t go to.

In this case, it would be better not to go to any one.

It will not appear to be too partial to one another, and there is a difference between closeness and estrangement.

“But I’ve been in Beijing for a long time, it’s really boring…” She propped her chin with her hands, looking out the window with distant eyes.

Gu Yun put away the posts on the table again, heard her complaining weakly, and after thinking for a moment, asked softly: “If the princess is bored staying in the mansion, why don’t we go to the Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing together?” Stay for a few days.”

Princess Jianing has several villages in the suburbs of Beijing. Gu Yun remembers that there is one at the foot of the mountain with beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery. It is a suitable place to visit in this season.

Moreover, the distance to the suburbs of Beijing is not too far, and it only takes one day to go back and forth.

Even if they go with Xing Xing and stay for a few days before returning, it won’t be too much trouble.

Jiang Libai looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside, feeling itchy in her heart, but she always felt that Xing Xing was still young, and when she took her out, she couldn’t help worrying that Xing Xing would not be able to adapt to other environments, and she was afraid that she would stumble somewhere…

“Princess.” Gu Yun rubbed her head and said her thoughts, “After all, Xing Xing is more than one year old and can walk. It is time to explore the world, so we can’t let her just walk around every day. Stay at the mansion.”

There are a lot of restrictions on women in this world, especially those noble women, almost all of them are traditional women who do not leave their homes.

When the age is right, the family will arrange to see her husband and son-in-law.

If both families are satisfied, then the marriage is settled.

When they get married, apart from going out to banquets, burning incense and worshiping Buddha, most women basically spend their whole lives in the backyard with their husbands and children.

And Gu Yun didn’t want her daughter to spend her life like this.

Although her power is not strong enough to overthrow the entire ancient traditional thinking, she will give her daughter the greatest tolerance and support within the maximum range of her ability, hoping that she can grow up safely, happily, and freely.

And, she hoped the princess would think so too.

After communicating this idea with Jiang Libai, the two different ideas collided and merged, and finally reached an agreement.

Although Jiang Libai is serious on the surface and looks like a noble and elegant princess to the outside world, she is actually a rebellious little girl in her heart.

…Well, she can get a glimpse of it from the fact that she can sneak a look at those messy words.

“It’s better sooner rather than later, let’s go today!” Once she decided to go out to play, Jiang Libai’s whole body came alive, she clapped her hands and smiled, and was about to tell Chunxi to pack her luggage.

Seeing her back glowing with joy under the bright sunshine, the corners of Gu Yun’s eyes and brows were filled with tenderness, and her thin lips involuntarily raised slightly, like a full moon in the sky, soft and charming.

It was already evening when we arrived at Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing.

Fortunately, they had already greeted them in advance. As soon as the group arrived, they ate the delicious food and wine prepared by Zhuangzi.

Today, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the evening breeze is blowing gently. I don’t know if it is a psychological effect, but Jiang Libai feels that even the surrounding air is very fresh.

She looked at the dinner set on the table and out at the moonlit courtyard.

“Why don’t we have dinner in the courtyard?” she suggested.

Gu Yun looked at the joy that could not be concealed in her eyes, so naturally he would not take her away, “Okay.”

With a wink, Chunxi ordered the servants to move all the dishes to the yard again.

There is a pear tree with luxuriant branches and leaves in the courtyard, and a square stone table is placed under the tree, which is just used to hold dishes.

Seeing that they were all ready, Gu Yun led Little Xingxing with one hand and Princess Seven with the other, and came to the courtyard.

Xing Xing was probably really hungry, and when he climbed up the stone bench, he had to grab the spoon with his hands.

Jiang Libai hurriedly picked up the spoon, and under Xingxing’s aggrieved eyes, she took the towel from Chunxi and wiped Xingxing’s little hands little by little.

“Look, your hands are so dirty, you can’t eat first.” After wiping those little hands, she grabbed the thin wrist and shook it in front of the stars, “Look, we can use it now that it’s clean.” Meal!”

As he spoke, he handed the spoon to Xing Xing.

“Okay.” Xingxing held the spoon back, grinned at Jiang Libai, and scooped up a spoonful of soft tofu and put it in Jiang Libai’s bowl, “Mother… eat…”

She couldn’t finish a whole sentence yet, but her soft voice was so cute, Jiang Libai laughed happily, and took a bite of the dish she scooped up for her, “It’s so delicious! Xing Xing is so obedient !”

Hearing her mother’s praise, Xing Xing held the spoon and giggled, her carefree appearance filled Gu Yun’s eyes with love.

But after she coughed twice, she pretended to be a little hurt: “Xing Xing only picks up vegetables for mother, not for daddy… Sigh, I’m so sad…”

Hearing this, Xing Xing clumsily scooped up a spoonful of tofu and put it in Gu Yun’s bowl. At such a young age, there was already concern in those big round eyes, “Daddy… also eat…”

Gu Yun also ate the piece of tofu fed by his own daughter in one bite, and his whole person suddenly became energetic and energetic.

“Hurry up and eat Xing Xing, Daddy will also add food to Xing Xing.”

There is a cool breeze and the moonlight is hazy.

In the quiet courtyard, the branches and leaves are swaying and rustling, accompanied by the joyful play of a family of three, revealing the infinite beauty of comfort and leisure.

After a while, Xing Xing, who had almost eaten, put down his spoon, touched his round belly, squinted his eyes and yawned several times.

“Are the stars sleepy?” Jiang Libai also put down her chopsticks.

Xing Xing struggled to open her eyes, and nodded her head vigorously at her mother, “Mother… sleepy…”

After pinching her little face, Jiang Libai asked Chunxi to take Xingxing back to the house to sleep.

On the road today, Xing Xing seldom took a carriage, so he was extremely excited.

Along the way, I happily looked left and right, but I haven’t taken a nap yet.

Now she went to bed, leaving Gu Yun and Jiang Libai to eat in the yard.

The rare silence made the two of them relax a lot.

Jiang Libai looked at the jar of sake on the table, and raised an eyebrow at Gu Yun, “Would you like some drink?”

Before she even touched the wine, the girl’s misty eyes were already filled with fine starlight, and the little ripples rippling out the boundless spring scenery, which made people almost drown in it.

Gu Yun smiled lightly and put down the chopsticks.

After taking the altar of aged wine, she opened the clay seal and filled a cup for Seventh Princess and herself.

She raised her wine glass and shook it at Seventh Princess.

Not to be outdone, Jiang Libai also raised her

The wine glass touched her cup lightly.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then drank it down.

The distant sky blurred the moonlight, and in the increasingly dark courtyard, the stewards of the Zhuangzi lightly replaced with brighter lanterns.

The sound of the wind at night was clear to the ears, stirring the calm surface of the pool, and the moonlight full of the lake was swaying gently, with ripples spreading around, and it took a long time to calm down.

Jiang Libai, who was already a little drunk, shook her drowsy head, hugged Gu Yun’s arm and rubbed it, and there was a hint of tenderness in her soft voice: “Sister, it’s fun here, there is no noise in the capital, and there is nothing like it.” No worries to deal with…”

Gu Yun supported her shoulders, and hummed lightly, “From then on, we will go out to play once a month, how about it?”

Jiang Libai closed her eyes, and her mind was full of beautiful images of her family of three admiring flowers in spring, enjoying the cool air in summer, watching golden wheat waves in autumn, and building snowmen in winter…

She replied in a low voice: “Okay, just the three of us, just our family.”

Smelling the breath of Gu Yun’s body, she felt extremely comfortable in her heart.

After those beautiful pictures flashed in her mind, she vaguely remembered that there seemed to be a peach grove behind the yard.

Although there are no peach blossoms in full bloom in this season, it should be a different kind of beauty under the moonlight.

“Sister, there is a big peach forest in the backyard, do you want to go and see it with me?”

Gu Yun looked at the sky, it was still early.

So she planned to take the Seventh Princess to sober up, “You can’t live up to the beautiful scenery, I will help you to have a look.”

Swinging away the servants who followed, Gu Yun stepped into the peach forest with Jiang Libai half in his arms and half in his arms.

There is no scene of peach blossoms in full bloom, but there is also a natural fresh breath in the wind. I feel refreshed and happy when I take a deep breath, but it is worth the regret of not being able to enjoy the peach blossoms.

In the depths of the peach grove, Jiang Li Baijiu has gained strength, and he is already staggering when walking.

She grabbed the clothes around Gu Yun’s waist and put one hand on the branch of the peach tree next to her, “I don’t want to leave…”

Gu Yun stopped walking according to her intention.

Seeing that there are grass fields and peach trees all around, and there is no place to rest, she asked, “Are you going back then?”

Jiang Libai shook her head, and threw herself into her arms, “Why don’t you go back…”

Gu Yun thought for a while, then took off his outer robe and spread it on the grass.

Then she helped Jiang Libai to sit on the robe, lifted her small face, and looked at her blurred eyes, “Then you want to sleep next to me for a while?”

Probably because of the drunkenness, Jiang Libai stared at Gu Yun’s thin lips that opened and closed for a moment, but didn’t hear what she was saying, so she held her face and looked at the red and thin lips. down.

The sudden kiss made Gu Yun a little dazed.

But Seventh Princess’s soft tongue pushed open her teeth, and after poking in, she clasped the back of her head with one hand, deepening the kiss.

The moon in the sky blushed and hid quietly in the clouds.

In the dim peach forest, an extremely depressing soft cry slowly sounded.

Jiang Libai didn’t know if it was because of alcohol, she insisted on being on top, looking down at Gu Yun who was lying on the ground, “Sister… hiccup… your hair is so beautiful…”

She leaned against Gu Yun’s body, grabbed her loose black hair, and slowly sniffed, “Sister…you are so beautiful…you look good everywhere…”

As she spoke, she grabbed Gu Yun’s arm, interlocked her fingers, and then sat down slowly.

She frowned slightly and snorted.

Before she could take any action, she pouted her mouth and almost cried out…

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