Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 105 - get married (1)

New Year’s Eve, five o’clock in the afternoon.

The men in the family took some firecrackers prepared in the morning and went downstairs with a few small beans.

Firecrackers should be set off before the New Year’s Eve dinner. This is the eternal truth.

The women all crowded on the balcony to watch.

When the firecrackers are set off, they will expel the plague and filth, and say goodbye to the old and welcome the new.

After eating the sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner, and keeping the year old with maximum satiety, the new year… is here! As long as the New Year’s Eve dinner is rich enough, then in the new year, people will be able to eat and eat and dress warmly every day!

Bai’s food is so rich!

It is winter now, so the protagonist of the New Year’s Eve dinner is still standing on a small charcoal stove, mixing fish bones, chicken bones, pork bones, and beef bones to make a thick soup.

Then there are all the big dishes with meat: braised pork, steamed pork, buckled pork, steamed chicken, braised duck, fried small crispy meatballs, and a sweet and sour fish…

The portion of each dish is so large that everyone is drooling.

Bai Zhengqian looked around at his children and grandchildren, and said, “Let’s not panic and eat! Come on, let’s make a year-end summary first. Everyone will say two sentences, and first use one sentence to summarize their performance in the past year. , Use one more sentence to set a goal for yourself! Wait until the New Year next year, let’s take stock of our dreams and progress!”

“Come on, I’ll come first! Cough cough,” Bai Zhengqian coughed and said, “…In the past year, I felt that my work was not good enough. From next year onwards, I have to do my best, and then buy it for Dongsheng. A house!”

After speaking, Bai Zhenggan looked at Tang Liren.

Tang Liren, “In the past year, I also felt that my work was not done well. In fact, I can do a little better. Let’s continue to work hard this year! And then…”

Tang Liren looked at Lili, “I don’t want someone to be wronged for no reason for some other reason!”

Lili lowered her eyes.

Next, after Dong Sheng and Tan Fenghui had finished talking, Nan Sheng said, “I feel… In fact, I have done a good job in the past year! But now it seems that it is far from enough. I’m putting down a word here today – in three years I have to go up another level!”

Nan Sheng did not explain why he was so eager to advance.

But everyone understood in their hearts, and Qi Qi turned to look at Lili.

According to the order of teeth, it is Lili’s turn to speak.

She was silent for a long time, and then said slowly: “In the past year… I have worked diligently, and there is nothing… that makes me feel dissatisfied. New year’s resolution, then I hope… next year I will be able to celebrate the New Year at home. , I want to spend the New Year with my parents, brothers, sisters, sisters, and Xiaodouzi every year.”

Everyone was silent.

After a while, Bai Zhenggan opened his mouth, “Tao Tao, tell me!”

Taotao looked at Lili and said, “In the past year, I have been very happy and feel good in all aspects. In the new year, I will also strive for all opportunities for improvement. I’m good , the family is fine!”

Everyone laughed.

Song Zhi said, “Thank you dad for giving me a chance to review the year-end summary. In the past year, whether it was work or family, I was not satisfied with myself. If the perfect score is 100, I will only I can give myself 40 points… it’s still a little floating. So in the new year, I will work harder and take better care of Taotao.”

Taotao frowned, “Who wants you to take care of me?”

Song Zhi said with a smile, “I made a mistake just now, you are taking care of me.”

Tao Tao is satisfied.

Tang Liren glared at Lili and complained in a low voice, “You said you were looking for an ordinary person, how wonderful!”

Li Li lowered her head and said nothing.

When it was Xing Xing’s turn to summarize, she said loudly: “In the past year, my fourth sister fulfilled her wish and became a worker, peasant and soldier student! So in the new year, I wish my third sister happiness! Sister can live happily every day, all wishes come true!”

Tan Fenghui smiled and said, “Silly girl! That is the dream of your third and fourth sisters, what about yours?”

Xing Xing, “My wish is for the whole family to be well!”

Taotao, “I’ll give you a big chicken thigh!”

Everyone laughed.

Li Li also smiled, but tears welled up in her eyes.

All eyes were on Song Sui.

Song Sui was flattered and asked humbly, “I, can I do it too?”

Bai Zhengqian said curiously, “Don’t you even know what you want to do and whether you are doing it well?”

Song Sui puffed out his chest, “I, I… I don’t know what I’ve done this year, I’ve been in a daze…” Speaking of which, he was obviously a little discouraged, and tried to cheer himself up, “But, but now I Knowing what to do, Xing Xing, I promise you that I will achieve my goal!”

Xing Xing’s cheeks were flushed with shame, “What does your business have to do with me?! You hate it!”

Song Sui was scolded and lowered her head.

However, no one cared – after all, the two of them have been fighting for the past half month, and everyone has become accustomed to it.

Then it was the turn of the little beans.

After waiting until the youngest potato stumblingly finished talking about his performance in the past year, and his wish in the new year not to wet the bed…

Only then did Bai Zhenggan pick up the chopsticks, “Okay, it looks like everyone has a very clear understanding of themselves. I hope everyone will reflect on it and correct mistakes in time in the future, and I hope everyone can achieve their wishes as soon as possible! Come on, let’s eat! “

Tao Tao shouted, “Happy New Year!”

Li Li also smiled and said, “Let’s clink glasses before eating!”

Xiao Hongdou, “Three aunts and four aunts, we can’t drink!”

Xing Xing, “Whoever likes drinking will drink, we don’t like drinking, we will drink soup! You can also clink glasses!”

So everyone poured wine, added soup, and then clinked glasses together——

“Happy New Year!”

“Happy years to us!”

“forever happy!”

“A year is better than a year!”

The whole family had a lively New Year’s Eve dinner.

Red beans and the others are clamoring for grandparents to talk about the ancients.

Then it becomes, one person tells a story. Everyone else was fine. Most of what they said were allusions from ancient and modern books. Only Song Sui suffered, and he didn’t know what to say. Finally, he said that when he was working in the Nandu Blanket Factory, he was on the night shift. encountered something.

A female worker went to the toilet alone while working the night shift in the factory. As a result, as soon as you squat down, you vaguely hear the crisp chewing sound of Kacha Kacha? There are some ghost stories circulating nearby, saying that there are ghosts who like to eat children’s fingers at night…

The female worker who came to the toilet alone was so frightened that she asked who it was, but the voice disappeared all of a sudden.

The female worker did not dare to go to the toilet, so she ran back and called the workers to come and see it together. Everyone checked the inside and outside of the toilet, and there was no difference, so they left.

The female worker had a stomach upset that night, and she went to the toilet after a while, but she was still the only one. As a result, she heard a burst of crying… she was scared and ran away again. Called the workers again, searched again, but found nothing.

When the female worker went to the toilet for the third time, she clearly heard someone screaming in agony, and then there was another “thump” sound of heavy objects falling into the water——

She was terrified and screamed.

The workers came to hear the news, only to find that the female worker was lying on the side of the women’s toilet, and there was also a person lying down in the men’s toilet next door…

It turned out that the male worker next door worked until midnight and was so hungry that he hid behind the toilet to eat raw chestnuts, making a crunching sound—that was the first time a female worker misunderstood that a ghost was eating a child’s finger head.

When the female worker came to the toilet for the second time, she heard someone crying… It was indeed the male worker. He was constipated, so he cried out when he couldn’t pull it out…

The last time, it was the male worker who roared with all his strength and finally pulled it out, and then accidentally dropped the brick on the foot into the **** pit… As a result, the female worker who was squatting in the pit next door suddenly shouted, Shengsheng scared him dizzy!

People figured out the ins and outs and were laughed at.

The funniest thing is that later that pair of male and female workers got married because of the knot!

Song Sui spoke slowly, and he would let go of hooks… Everyone was attracted by this cesspool, and as Song Sui spoke, they first felt nervous and scared, then became puzzled and puzzled, and finally smiled, Laugh out loud!

When he finished speaking, everyone applauded enthusiastically.

Xiao Hongdou cooed, “Uncle Song Sui, tell me one more thing!”

The little beans echoed, “Uncle, tell me one more! Tell me another!”

Song Sui was rarely taken seriously so much, so she couldn’t help being flattered. After racking his brains, he recalled one more thing, and then said it vividly…

In this way, when everyone in the family has finished telling a story… Even after Little Tudou told a pear from Kong Rong, it was early morning.

The men went downstairs again carrying firecrackers.

In the lively sound of gun battles, the old year has passed and the new year has come.

Bai Zhengqian and Tang Liren sent a red envelope to each of their children and grandchildren, and then the married Dongsheng couple and Tao Tao couple sent red envelopes to everyone…

After the family talked for a while, Tang Liren asked Dongsheng and his wife, Taotao and his wife, Nansheng and Song Sui to go back, and told them to come over tomorrow morning to drink eight treasures camellia tea.

The sons and daughters responded and walked away together laughing and joking.

Tang Liren used to take care of her grandchildren to sleep, then went to the next room and said to Lili, “Lizi, Mom has something to tell you!”

Lili knew what her mother wanted to say, so she quickly rolled up the quilt and went to bed, “Mom, I want to sleep.”

“I’ll just say two words!”

Li Li lowered her head.

Tang Liren, “I ask you, do you like Howard?”

Li Li was silent for a long time.

“I’m asking you something!” Tang Liren said with a frown.

Li Li asked in a low voice, “Then why don’t you ask Tao Tao, Braised Pork and Song Zhi, who does she prefer?”

[Song Zhi: Ah sneeze! have been offended. 】

Tang Liren: …

Well, according to Tao Tao’s heartless temperament, if she really asked that, maybe she would really choose braised pork.

Tang Liren, “Don’t try to get in the way! I’ll ask you this today! If you really like Howard… I don’t have anything to say. Then you choose the path yourself, I…”

“My son, if you don’t like him, don’t provoke him, and don’t be afraid. In a few days, mom will take you back to your hometown to avoid it first, and let your father have a good talk with him. He is a high-ranking man. Weight, certainly not unreasonable…”

“At least about your affairs, your father and I will think of another way! Son, you are not alone, your parents, brothers and sisters all feel sorry for you, and will help you come up with ideas…”

Li Li was silent for a long time.

Tang Liren, “If you don’t speak, I’ll take it as your acquiescence. I’ll go to the train station tomorrow to buy a ticket!”

Lili bit her lip, “Mom, I… I like him.”

she said in a low voice.

Tang Liren was stunned, “What did you say?”

Lili, “I’m going to bed!” So she fell on the bed and covered her head with the quilt.

Tang Liren growled, “Bai Lizi, explain it to me clearly!”

Lili’s muffled cry came from the quilt, “I like him! I like him… Okay?”

Xing Xing quickly persuaded: “Mom, don’t be angry during the New Year! I’m here to persuade my sister, you go to rest!”

Tang Liren was pushed out of the room by Xing Xing.

Xing Xing turned off the lights, climbed onto the bed, and got into the duvet, “Sanjie…”

“If you mention this to me again, then I’ll, I’ll… I’ll go back to the guesthouse dormitory now!” Li Li cried.

Xing Xing couldn’t do anything about it, “Okay, I won’t say this anymore.”


The next day, Tang Liren didn’t find a chance to chat with Lili.

Because early in the morning, the Howard family came to pay New Year’s greetings.

As the saying goes, reach out and don’t hit the smiling person.

Mrs. Huo is polite, Howard is full of gifts, and the two children are also well-behaved and polite…

Even if Tang Liren was suffocated, she couldn’t let it out.

Then Mrs. Huo suggested again, saying that the State Guest House will play a movie tomorrow, and it is not the kind of open-air movie theater. Sitting in a movie theater with a sofa to watch a movie is comfortable and not too cold. So she wanted to invite the Bai family to the State Guest House for lunch, and by the way, everyone could watch a movie together.

Tang Liren hasn’t said a word yet…

Pear and pear should be taken in one bite.

Tang Liren was angry again.

Tan Fenghui pulled her mother-in-law aside and said in a low voice, “Yuan Chunmei has worked in the guesthouse longer than Lili, and that is the worst place to talk about Lili. Regardless of whether I borrowed Howard’s power or not, we have to let those people serve us well! Only then can they stop their mouths!”

Tang Liren held back her breath again.

So on the first day of the new year, the Huo family spent a happy day at Bai’s house.

Howard follows Lili all day, even if Lili glared at him several times, meaning: I told you yesterday that you can’t cook, and if you don’t like cooking, can you not force it?

Howard was smiling and unmoved on the surface, but he thought in his heart: Who said I don’t like cooking anymore? I love cooking with you!

On the second day of the new year, Mrs. Huo invited the Bai family to the State Guest House for dinner.

As a result, all the staff in the guesthouse were stunned to see… Minister Huo, who is known as the unsmiling and black bread man from Kyoto, actually smiled so softly at Bai Lili, and was very considerate and caring for her!

——He personally pulled the chair for her, and after she sat down, he sat down beside her and leaned his chair beside her.

——He took the warm wet towel handed by the waiter and handed it to her. It seemed… as if he wanted to wipe her face and hands for her!

——When ordering food, he asked her softly what she wanted to eat…

Looking at the whole process, Bai Lili was cold and indifferent to Minister Huo?

I have to say that most of the people in the guesthouse still like Bai Lili very much, but the recent scandal about Bai Lili is really… too “wonderful”, plus Lili is gentle and shy, the more dignified Women, it is easier to make people want to enter Feifei when scandals spread.

So when we got off work, everyone would always discuss a few words—

Until now, Minister Huo’s behavior towards Bai Lili… This is obviously, that’s… It’s a man’s behavior to take care of his beloved woman!

In addition, when Minister Huo looked at Lili, his eyes were smiling…

The waiter who stood aside pouring tea, the waiter serving the food, and the waiter who came to try to mop the floor or do something else after hearing the news were all stunned by this scene.

Pears are on pins and needles.

After finally finishing the meal, Mrs. Huo invited everyone to a movie.

The movie in the State Guest House is not big, it can only accommodate about thirty or forty people, more than enough for Huo and Bai’s family.

Howard naturally wants to sit next to Lili.


He also had to hold Lili’s hand.

She was so ashamed that she desperately wanted to take back her hand…

But he just wouldn’t allow it, he insisted on holding it—if she struggled, he held it tighter; if she was obedient, he held it a little looser.

He didn’t watch the movie yet, he turned his head sideways and looked at Lili the whole time, with green light in his eyes…

Lili was embarrassed to death.

Fortunately, the lights in the cinema were dim, so no one probably noticed that he “watched movies” like this.

After the movie was over, Lili quickly withdrew her hand, her pretty face was so red that she couldn’t watch it any longer!

——After the movie was shown for two hours, he, he took her hand slowly and gently rubbed her hand for a full two hours! He even held her hand from time to time and put it to his mouth to kiss her?

Lili blushed by him.

I want to break free, I want to escape but I can’t escape…

It wasn’t until now that the lights in the broadcasting hall were bright and in full view, that she regained her hand.

However, his hot eyes made Lili feel both shy and guilty, so she quickly pulled Xing Xing and fled in a panic.

Howard looked calmly at the background of her fleeing, and smiled.

On the third, fourth, and fifth days of the new year, Howard would come to Bai’s house every day for three consecutive days.

Mrs. Huo was fine, and came with a pair of little grandsons.

So, all the colleagues and subordinates who came to pay New Year’s greetings to Bai Zhenggan and Tang Liren knew… Minister Huo is pursuing Secretary Bai’s third daughter!

That’s right, the white pear pear who was rumored to destroy other people’s families some time ago and was later **** by a strong girl!

In addition to being shocked, everyone will see the wind dictate the rudder:

——How good are the conditions of Minister Huo! And it seems that it is Minister Huo who is pursuing Bai Lili! Bai Lili has such an outstanding suitor, why should he intervene in Yuan Chunmei and Meng Guoqiang’s marriage? Other people’s white pear pear is not blind! So, maybe Meng Guoqiang wants to eat swans!

——As for what Bai Lili did to a strong girl, it’s even more outrageous! After all, this is just a legend, and no one really saw Bai Lili being bullied by gangsters. Besides, on the night Bai Lili disappeared, Dr. Zhang from the infirmary once said that Bai Lili appeared in Minister Huo’s room, not only sleeping in Minister Huo’s bed, but also wearing Minister Huo’s clothes…

Of course, Dr. Zhang was interviewed the next day, and then nothing happened the night before.

Now that I think about it, I think what Dr. Zhang said is true.

Therefore, after paying New Year’s greetings to Bai Zhenggan and his wife and returning home, these people warned their relatives and friends again and again that they would never gossip about Bai Lili again…

In this way, the Municipal Party Committee compound tends to calm down.

On the eighth day of the new year, the Spring Festival holiday is over, and everyone has gone to work.

Several assistants of Howard came from Kyoto in a hurry, and after a day, Mr. Cheng, Howard’s superior, also came from Kyoto.

Cheng Lao took the time to talk with Bai Zhenggan, and the two talked in the conference room for four or five hours.

After get off work, Bai Zhenggan went home and asked Lili, “Lili, have you really…have you made up your mind? It’s too late for you to go back on it now.”

Lili was silent for a long time, then nodded, “Dad, this is my choice.”

Bai Zhengqian sighed.

Tang Li was so angry that she cried all night.

The next day, Mr. Cheng came with Mrs. Huo, Howard, several municipal Party committees, and people from the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Under the witness of everyone, Cheng Lao became Lili’s introducer and first went through the party formalities for Lili; then the people from the Civil Affairs Bureau went through the marriage procedures for Bai Lili and Howard.

Li Li was a little dazed.

She hadn’t thought that she actually… really became Howard’s wife.

Under the guidance of the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau, she was mechanical and emotionless, and together with Howard, followed the staff to repeat the marriage vows one after another, and even made mistakes several times because of her uneasy feeling…

Finally, under the patient correction of the staff, Bai Lili finished the marriage vows.

She got a marriage certificate stamped with the seal of Dahonggong…

He also got a pair of gold rings from Mrs. Huo – Howard put one on for her with a smile, and then motioned her to put it on for him too.

Li Li trembled with her hands, and it took a long time…

Only put on the ring for Howard.

Will change it next.

Howard took her and called Mrs. Huo “Mom” instead, and asked Huo Mingyong to call Lili “Mom” instead.

Lili was confused the whole time.

However, when Howard changed his mouth to call Bai Zhenggan and his wife “Dad and Mom”, it was more natural and even very kind.

Bai Zhengqian’s face was a little reluctant, but it was a response; Tang Liren ignored Howard the whole time… But Howard didn’t care, just called Tang Liren “mom” when he should call Tang Liren “mom”.

After finishing these things, Howard’s assistant sent away the people from the Party Committee and the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Cheng Lao and Mrs. Huo discussed with Bai Zhenggan and his wife what to do with the wedding.

Tang Li was so angry that she was about to cry.

Bai Zhengqian was still good at self-cultivation, and said: “We are also just transferred from our hometown, and we don’t have many acquaintances here. Ordinarily, we should go back to our hometown to hold a game. Considering that everyone has to go to work… I’ll talk about it later. !”

Mrs. Huo said: “How about this… Ruyi Village, I will definitely go there in the future, because of time, why don’t we wait until the summer vacation, let Hua En take some time out, and let’s go back together. ? Now, let’s set up a few tables in the State Guest House first, as an invitation to drink a glass of water… Then we’ll go to Kyoto to have a wedding party, okay?”

Then he said cautiously: “…the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is a day off, so let’s catch up with the fourteenth of the first lunar month, how about it?”

Tang Liren couldn’t help but said, “It’s already the tenth day today!”

Mrs. Huo said with a forlorn smile: “So let’s treat here tomorrow, catch the train at night, go to Kyoto on the twelfth year of the year, let Hua En accompany Lili to buy something on the thirteenth, set the wine on the fourteenth, celebrate the festival on the fifteenth, and celebrate the festival on the tenth. Liu Huaen has to go on a business trip…”

Tang Liren was stunned and looked at Howard in shock.

Howard smiled and said nothing.

Tang Li was so angry that she cried with a “wow”, but she didn’t care, she rushed into the house and locked the door, and burst into tears.

Mrs. Huo: …

She looked at Bai Zhenggan.

But just happened to see him glaring at Lili fiercely, with tears in his eyes.

Mrs. Huo was very moved, knowing that only parents who loved their daughters would behave like this – they didn’t feel vain because their son-in-law was a high-ranking official, but worried about whether their daughter would be wronged for the first time. As soon as I heard that the son-in-law was going to go on a business trip after getting married, the mother-in-law was so angry that it was also the reason why the newly married daughter would be left out in the cold.

Mrs. Huo sighed.

Li Li lowered her head.

Howard looked at Lili, the smile on his face gradually faded.

After a long while, he said softly to Lili, “I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

Li Li was silent.

At this point, no matter how reluctant the Bai family is, Bai Lili has already married Howard.

Tang Liren made a fuss at home, saying that even if Lili and Howard got their certificates now, she didn’t recognize them, and she would not allow Lili and Howard to get along alone. I have to wait until I go to Kyoto to set the wine, see the house where Lili and Howard live, and the environment of Lili’s new work unit.

Howard agreed.

After Mr. Cheng, Mrs. Huo, and Howard left, Tang Liren scolded Li Li, and then the two of them hugged and cried.

In the end, Tang Liren explained Taotao and Lili again, ordered them to meet once a week, and warned them that no matter who was wronged, they must tell their parents and never hide it.

that’s all–

The next day, the Bai family went to the guesthouse with a smile on their faces.

Even Yuan Chunmei and Dong Mingchun came.

Dong Mingchun pulled Lili aside and said, “I didn’t go to you during the Spring Festival, because Yuan Chunmei went to my house two or three times a day and wanted me to persuade you to come forward and help her redeem her precious husband. I took Xiao Niuniu back to my mother’s house. As soon as I came back… Lili, I never heard of you and Minister Huo… Why are you getting married all of a sudden? “

Lili didn’t know what to say, so she kept silent.

Dong Mingchun lowered his voice and said, “I heard that Minister Huo is a very busy man. He is away on business for at least 300 days of 365 days a year… You, why did you choose him?”

Lili was still silent.

Dong Mingchun said again: “Since your fate has fallen on him, you can have a good life with him in the future. He often doesn’t go home, this is not good, but it is not a bad thing… hurry up and raise a child, you have a child. Stop being bored, and then keep one or two hobbies… I remember you seem to be learning English by yourself, right? That’s good… In short, keep yourself busy and fulfilled, and life will be much better!”

Lili smiled at Dong Mingchun.

As for Yuan Chunmei, her face became more haggard.

But she still wanted to talk to Lili about Meng Guoqiang, “Lili, now you are married to Minister Huo, everyone knows that you and Guoqiang have nothing to do… You can’t, be gracious and turn the public security over to Guoqiang. Let it out? He has been in for more than half a month! Lili, Junjun can’t live without his father!”

Not far away, Tang Liren saw that Yuan Chunmei was still haunted, and she was so angry that she was ready to go over and “entertain” Yuan Chunmei.

But was stopped by Bai Zhenggan.

Looking at it again, Howard has passed.

Although I couldn’t hear what Howard said to Yuan Chunmei——

But judging from Yuan Chunmei’s expression, it must have been taunted by Howard. Then Howard’s assistant came over, directed the staff in the guesthouse, and “invited” Yuan Chunmei out.

Then, Howard held Lili’s hand tenderly and took her back to the room.

Bai Zhenggan lowered his voice and said to Tang Liren, “Howard is still okay, you see, he still protects us Lili.”

Tang Liren said indignantly: “There are 365 days in a year, so he has to be outside for 300 days, right? Yes, he can protect Lili while he is there. That’s also 65 days. What about the remaining 300 days? Lili? This is to be a widow as soon as you marry him… my poor daughter!” After speaking, she wanted to cry again.

Bai Zhenggan, “Okay, okay, today is also a happy day for Lili, don’t say these depressing words!”

After the wedding ceremony at the Songshi State Guest House, the whole family got on the train with the luggage packed the day before.

Tao Tao sighed, “Third sister, your wedding is too hasty, you can’t even prepare the wedding dress in time…”

Tang Liren squinted at Howard who was sitting on the side, “Hmph, they don’t take it seriously! This business trip is much more important than marriage! He’s thinking about what wedding clothes other people wear when they get married, hmph, let’s think about what clothes he packs when he goes on a business trip. !”

“Mom, don’t say a few words.” Lili said.

Tang Liren wanted to cry again as she talked, “Okay, okay, I can’t take care of your business anyway… I’ll come back in a few days and you’ll stay there alone, you can’t see me even if you want to see me!”

Tan Fenghui persuaded Tang Liren a few words, and finally persuaded the mother and daughter to stop.

Howard remained silent.

But he has made up his mind – he wants to make Lili the most beautiful bride.


In the end, Howard went to ask Song zhi to find a way – Tao Tao looks so good-looking and usually dresses up, please, it’s right.

So after everyone arrived in Kyoto, they immediately split up.

Howard took Lili and Tang Liren to go shopping, Tan Fenghui and Xing Xing went shopping, Tao Tao stayed at home to prepare fabrics and accessories…

After everyone brought back the various clothes and accessories they bought and handed them over to Taotao, Taotao stayed up all night and made a set of bright red winter dresses for Lili.

——It’s winter after all, and it’s too cold to wear a knee-length skirt. So Tao Tao prepared a big red half-length woolen skirt, wearing a black sweater inside the upper body and a cardigan red sweater outside. If it’s cold, you can put a bright red padded waist coat outside. Then Taotao also made a big red headband for her sister, and made two big red yarn flowers on the headband.

On the day of the wine ceremony, Lili wore a black sweater, a long red skirt with ankle length, and a short red sweater over the outer cover… She looked extraordinarily youthful, fit, and slender.

Tao Tao also put Li Li in a bun, put on the headband of the big red yarn flower, and put on some makeup for her…

A gentle and beautiful woman in red stunned the audience.

There are as many as 200 or 300 guests for the wedding this time, almost all of Howard’s classmates, friends, colleagues, superiors, subordinates… Even his ex-wife Zhou Lu’s father Zhou Lao also arrived.

The Bai family still cares about Elder Zhou.

Unexpectedly, the old man Zhou was very polite, and he was also very kind to Lili. He not only gave Lili a big red envelope, but also a plum watch to Lili. He also sincerely wished Lili and Howard.

At the wedding, everyone could see that Howard, who has always been cold-faced, smiled and looked very happy.

Everyone was staring at Bai Lili.

——But seeing Bai Lili’s gentle, beautiful, shy and amiable appearance, I also understand why Howard, who is known as the black bread man, is suddenly rushing to get married.

Is the hero sad about the beauty?

At the wedding, Howard ate a few more glasses of wine because he was happy. He was half-truthed with a bit of drunkenness, and looked at Lili even more eagerly.

After the banquet was over, his assistant drove a few cars over and took the Bai family to Howard’s house.

Howard lived in a single-family house. The house is very spacious, but it can be seen that there is no imprint of the hostess in this house. The assistant told Tang Liren that the minister lived upstairs alone, and Mingyong and Mingcheng lived with Mrs. Huo in the back villa.

The way of life in the future is that the minister and his wife will live in the master bedroom upstairs, and the assistants of the minister and his wife will live downstairs on duty. Mingyong and Mingcheng will always follow Mrs. Huo, and hope that Mrs. will spend more time with the old lady and the children when she has time.

Tang Liren had already come here to see it yesterday, and had already brought Lili’s luggage here.

Yesterday, Tang Liren was very unhappy, she felt that this room was empty, and it didn’t look like a human being at all!

[Howard smiled bitterly: Mother-in-law, I know you are connoting me…]

At this moment, Tang Liren went upstairs and saw that all Lili’s things were already placed in the room, but none of Howard’s things were seen. It still looked empty and cold.

“…Hmph, this looks like a house where people live!” Tang Liren was still very dissatisfied.

Lili said, “It’s alright, I’ll clean up later.”

Tang Liren rolled her eyes at her daughter and stared at Howard, “You go out first, I’ll give Lili a few words.”

Howard smiled and walked out.

Tang Liren lowered her voice and said to Lili: “While he is at home, you have to… hurry up and have a child! In the future, when he goes on his errand, you will raise your child! You are still young… and you will have a long life in the future. , If you don’t raise children, have you been a widow?”

Bai Lili listened, but stopped talking.

She has a different idea…

However, she is already married to Howard. It would be better if her mother was less involved in the matter between her and Howard.

“Mom, I see.” Lili replied obediently.

As everyone knows, Howard, who was waiting at the door, had actually heard the conversation between the mother and daughter.

He couldn’t help laughing.

Tang Liren went downstairs without squinting, chatted with Mrs. Huo for a while, and then got into the car assigned by Howard with her husband and children and left.

Mrs. Huo also went upstairs to explain a few words to Howard and Lili, and took the children to the place where she lived later.

Howard drove the assistants to the first floor, and only he and Lili were left on the second floor.

Pear pear is very nervous.

She has something to say to him.


Howard smiled at her and said, “Go take a shower first?”

Only then did Li Li realize that she was still wearing makeup, and that she had been busy for several days. She was extremely tired, especially her feet… Because of standing for a long time, it was particularly painful.

She hesitated for a while, and decided to take a shower and talk about it. So she went to the bathroom with a change of clothes and took a hot shower comfortably.

After taking a shower, changing into her sleeping clothes, and walking into the room, she saw Howard.


Has he taken a bath too?

Howard tied only one bath towel.

He is thirty years old this year, tall, about 1.83 meters, and his muscles are tight. He has a handsome face, but because he doesn’t like to laugh for a long time and his eyes are too strong, he seems to have a strong aura. But now, he looked at her with soft eyes.

Lili looked around in surprise.

– Is there any other bathroom in this room?

Howard chuckled, “I went to the guest room to wash it.”

Pear just understood.

She looked up at him…

Suddenly found that she is quite different from his height?

——Usually when she was with him, she would wear leather shoes with a little heel, but this time she was wearing slippers… Lili found that her line of sight could only be level with his collarbone.

He not only took a bath, but also washed his hair, his hair was wet with water mist, and because of the smile on his face, his temperament seemed much gentler.

pear pear

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