Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 109 - Poor people must be pitiful... (1)

Tao Tao looked at her yard.

Fortunately, Song Zhi locked all the doors in the house before going out in the morning.


The yard was chaotic, and Song Zhi’s three clothes and two quilts that had been drying in the yard early in the morning were gone. However, the door of the living room, the kitchen door, and the iron door of the aisle leading to the second floor were all locked, and they are still tightly closed to this day.

However, all doors have very clear shoe prints.

It can be seen that these people have already kicked through the door!

Taotao looked at the kitchen door specially – the shoe prints on the kitchen door were the densest, but the door was still very close to the frame, and there was no movement.

But the off-duty window next to the kitchen door was broken?

Through the window, she could see that the soy sauce, vinegar, and small bottles and jars containing chili powder and pepper powder that she had placed on the windowsill were in a mess.

Taotao stared at Wang Lianzhi’s maiden family angrily.

As everyone knows, Wang Lianzhi’s parents and brothers are also staring at her.

Still sullen.

On the other side, Mother Wang was still talking to Song Zhi.

Tao Tao listened to her ears, and always felt that Mother Wang was pretending. The central idea was to suspect that Song Zhi was the remnant of a capitalist. Otherwise, how could he buy such a luxurious villa?

Song Zhi was very angry.

He ignored Mother Wang, and just walked to the gate of the yard and said to the neighbors who were watching the excitement, “Please help a few of you too… These people must be neat and tidy, and none of them can let them slip away! “

The neighbors responded in unison.

Some neighbors shouted loudly—

“Qiangzi! Huzi! Come out and help! Xiao Song’s house has been burglarized, come and help block the door! Don’t let them run away!”

Soon, there was a sound of harmony from all directions—

“I’m coming!”

“A thief in broad daylight? Are these little thieves too arrogant?”

“You guys go first, I’ll call someone to go to the single dormitory!”

“I’m here, let me open my eyes to see what kind of thief it is, it’s so bold!”

– Neighbors should watch and help each other. Besides, the Wang family made such a bad start. They broke into the family area of ​​the government compound in broad daylight, and even climbed over the wall to enter other people’s homes… If they are not severely punished, are they encouraging those little thieves?

Mother Wang was a little flustered, and she forced herself to calm down and said, “Xiao Song, we are not thieves… If we were really thieves, we would have left early in the morning! What are you still doing here waiting for you to come back? Xiao Song, listen to me. I persuade, hurry up and call Tao Fengwei…”

“You don’t know, that stinky boy Tao Fengwei is really shameless! He slept with my daughter in vain, and now he doesn’t want to be responsible! We want to find him every day and make it clear, but he’s better to hide in the experiment by himself. Go… we want to find it, but there are police guarding the door and we can’t get in…”

“That’s not enough, he also called his old mother from his hometown! What’s the matter? Yes, I admit that our family has more relatives, but we are all young and strong laborers. Ah! The people he called are the real old, weak, sick and disabled and can only wait to die! Do you think this is fair? Ah, is this fair?”

Song Zhi didn’t bother to care about her at all.

After a while, Aunt Zhang rushed over with the security staff of the unit and two public security officers.

As soon as she saw the police officer wearing a big cap, Mother Wang panicked.

The Wang family was also a little flustered.

The police asked, “Excuse me—what happened?”

Song Zhi, “I…”

Mother Wang screamed preemptively, “Comrade Public Security! We have to report and expose the remnants of the capitalists! It’s him!”

Saying that, Mother Wang pointed to Song Zhi.

His fingers almost poked Song Zhi’s face.

Tao Tao, who was standing on the side, was very angry. She pinched her gestures, controlled the strength, and then flicked her left hand in the air, and a spiritual force silently hit Mother Wang’s lower abdomen.

In an instant, Mother Wang let out a loud fart.

The audience was stunned.

The police took a step back calmly and asked, “Who is going to call the police?”

Mother Wang hurriedly said, “I…”

Tao Tao’s fingers flicked in the air again.

Mother Wang let out another fart, “Poor—”

The police took another step back, “I mean, who is the owner of the house here?”

Mother Wang, “Comrade…”

Tao Tao’s fingers volleyed violently.

Mother Wang let out a series of farts, “Pooh por por por por-“

The neighbors of the cadre rest center outside burst into laughter.

After not laughing for a while, they scolded again—

“This old woman’s farts are too stinky!”

“Stinker than that dingo in the morning!”

“I can’t stand the vomit-“

“What a fart! She shouldn’t be shitting…”

The crowd dispersed as birds and beasts.

Tao Tao also pulled Song zhi to escape from the yard, and also took the long pole clothes support made of thin bamboo.

Mother Wang was so anxious that she blushed and wanted to come over and explain to the police, “Comrade Public Security, listen to me…”

Taotao’s left hand flicked towards Mother Wang again and again, and her right hand held the clothes brace to stab her, “Get up! Don’t lean over…just talk if you have something to say!”

But where can Mother Wang speak?

As soon as she opened her mouth, Tao Tao poked her in the stomach with her spiritual power, making her fart…

But she didn’t know it yet, she just wanted to seize the opportunity.

So Mother Wang stood at the door of Tao Tao’s yard, facing outside and facing away from the Wang family in the yard. She wanted to go out and explain it to the police.

I just can’t say a whole sentence!

As long as she opens her mouth, it’s a series of loud farts…

The Wang family, who was blocked by her huge body in the yard: Today I finally know what it means to eat farts! QAQ

They wailed-

“Mom, what did you steal and eat, why is your fart so smelly?”

“Mother-in-law, your fart stinks too!”

“Mom, tell the truth, did you poop?”

“I can’t, I’m going to be smoked to death!”


The Wang family, trapped in the yard, retched.

Fortunately, they haven’t run out of rice all day, and they can’t vomit anything.

The police were also suffocated. They pretended that the weather was hot (Tao Tao: It’s still winter, not the beginning of spring), took off the big cap and fanned the air, and after a while, asked Song Zhi, “Are you the owner of this house?”

Song Zhi nodded, “Comrade Public Security, this is my home. These people… I don’t know them, but they entered my home over the wall while I was not at home, destroyed the things in my home and stole my belongings! Comrade Public Security, I hope you can punish these people severely! Recover my losses!”

The police asked, “Don’t you know them?”

Song Zhi shook his head firmly.

The policeman’s face gradually became serious, “Then who saw them climb over the wall and enter your house?”

Aunt Zhang immediately said, “Comrade Public Security, I saw it with my own eyes! Lao Zhao, Da Chen, and Xiao Gang were all there! We all saw it! When these people came, they slammed the door of Xiao Song’s house like robbers. I told them, ‘Xiao Song and Tao Tao are not at home, you have to find them, maybe they will be at home when you come back after dinner’…”

“As a result, people didn’t listen at all, and they said, ‘It’s better for them not to be at home, let’s go in and see what valuable things they have at home!’ Then they went over the wall in front of us! We quickly persuaded them, saying, ‘Comrade’ You can’t do this, it’s illegal’… Comrade Public Security, guess what they said?”

Before waiting for the police to ask…

Aunt Zhang said angrily, “They called me immortal, and they told me to step aside and tell me not to meddle in my own business! So I immediately told Lao Zhao, Da Chen, and Xiao Gang, We must keep these people in prison, remember their appearance and accent, and only when the police comrades come to investigate will we be able to provide effective clues!”

Mother Wang is in a hurry!

She can’t care about farting anymore…

Anyway, she has to say fart——

“Hey, why do you spit? We and Song rank are not outsiders! I know Song rank! Song rank knows us too! My son-in-law and Song rank are from the same unit! We wanted to have a good talk with Song rank… He didn’t Just talk to me and we’ll…”

Just as he was talking, Wang Lianzhi exclaimed, “Mom! Stop talking, you, you pulled…”

Mother Wang was stunned for a moment, and she found that her hips were cold and her trousers were still wet and heavy?

Song Zhi: “I’m from the same unit as your son-in-law, so that means you know me? Then I ask you, which rank is the rank in my name? The ambition of ambition, or the wisdom of wisdom?”

Mother Wang was stunned.

This this……

She is illiterate, who knows which zhi it is?

Song Zhi, “Besides, I’m from the same unit as your son-in-law, so you can climb over the wall and come in while I’m not at home and steal things from my house?”

Mother Wang blushed, “You fart! What did I steal from you?”

Taotao, “I have two clothes, a black woolen coat, which I’m wearing on your daughter Wang Lianzhi! The other is a light gray and white plaid woolen coat, which I’m wearing on you! You two are trying to steal mine. Clothes, you put mine on the inside, and your own on the outside… But I can already see the collar of the dress.”

Being dismantled by Taotao in front of her, Mother Wang was a little flustered and scolded, “You are talking nonsense! You have the ability to call this dress and see if it answers you! Hmph, if you say it’s yours, it’s what it is! Yours? I tell you, these are my clothes! I bought them!”

Taotao ignored her and said to the police: “Comrade Public Security, my clothes and hers have different sizes. You can see if they are wearing my clothes, whether they are too small or too tight! Also, normal people. Don’t you wear two coats at the same time?”

“Besides, I bought those two clothes from the supply and marketing agency. I still have a sales slip in my hand, and the number of the clothes is written on it. Just ask them to take off the clothes and check the number on the cloth label. You know who the clothes belong to!”

——Tao Tao is actually bluffing Wang’s mother and daughter.

Because the sales list issued by the supply and marketing agency is aimed at the clothes of one item number, not the number specific to a certain piece of clothes…

Tao Tao is just convinced that the mother and daughter of the Wang family have never bought woolen coats in the supply and marketing cooperative, so they are cheating!

Mother Wang was still stubborn.

Wang Lianzhi’s face was instantly pale!

“I, I didn’t…” Wang Lianzhi immediately took off her jacket, revealing the black woolen jacket inside, took off the black woolen jacket, put on her own jacket again, and then handed over the black woolen jacket. To Taotao, “I-I was just… It was too cold! So I-I saw your clothes hanging out in the yard and I just picked them up and put them on, I just wanted to keep warm!”

Then he turned his head and begged Song zhi, “Senior Brother Song, I really didn’t mean it…I-I’m too cold…”

Song Zhi ignored her at all.

Tao Tao asked with a smile: “What about the one on your mother’s body?”

Wang Lianzhi stomped her feet in frustration and roared, “Mom! Mom, take off her clothes and return her!”

Only then did Mother Wang show her timidity. She was fat, and after taking off her coat, she revealed… the light white plaid coat she was forced to squeeze in, but could not be buttoned at all, but the clothes were too tight, she Can’t take it off at all.

Taotao said to the police: “Did you see that? This is catching thieves and taking stolen goods! In addition, they also stole a men’s woolen shirt from my lover, as well as two quilts, one weighing ten pounds and one. The bed weighs eight pounds, so please help us to find it out!”

“Also, they broke the glass windows of our kitchen, and all the doors have shoe prints… They just want to break in and **** our stuff! It’s because our door is too strong that they only Couldn’t get it…”

Song Zhi also said with a gloomy face: “Breaking and robbery is a serious crime, I hope the public security comrades can punish it severely!”

Seeing that the witnesses and physical evidence were complete, the public security greeted the security guards of the security section of the cadre rest center, “First take the person back to the station and ask.”

Mother Wang was anxious, “Comrade Public Security, don’t bring this! We are all proletarian brothers and sisters! How can you do this? Don’t you care how Song Zhi got this house?”

The police frowned and said, “One yard is one yard! Now it’s someone who complains that you broke into someone’s house without authorization and robbed someone’s property. This is a robbery! It’s a felony, do you understand?”

Then he motioned the security department to come forward and twist the Wang family——

Mother Wang was anxious, pointed to Song Zhi and asked the police, “Then you won’t arrest the remnants of this capitalist?

Taotao, “We only have a tile to cover the roof, so how can we become capitalists? Besides, my family lives here, how can I wrong you?”

Mother Wang didn’t believe it at all, “Then why can your Songzhi afford such a house! My Tao Fengwei can’t afford it?”

Taotao, “Is there any need to ask? Because my family doesn’t have relatives like you to drag Song rank down! That’s why Song rank can save his salary!”

“…Because my family doesn’t have relatives like you who go around to harm Song zhi’s colleagues, so Song zhi has a good relationship with his colleagues, so he can borrow money from his colleagues!”

“Because my mother’s family is not as lazy and greedy as you, so my mother’s family also helped to raise some money, so that we can afford this house!”

In the end, Taotao came to a conclusion, “If you put all your energy in harming others on the ground, you would have built a big tile house early in the morning! Staring at other people’s bowls all day long and caring about what others have earned, it is better to care about See what you can earn for yourself!”

Aunt Zhang, who is enthusiastic about the masses, also chirped and said to everyone—

“This house turned out to belong to Xiao Tan. Xiao Tan’s daughter-in-law was seriously ill, and she was anxious for the money… I had no choice but to sell the house. Later, Xiao Song and Tao Tao fell in love with this house… Xiao Tan was so happy that she took the initiative. I lowered the price of the house, just to get the money quickly and send my daughter-in-law to the hospital for treatment!”

“At that time, Xiao Tan told me that he was really in a hurry at that time, and he was afraid that Song Zhi would not buy it! It can be seen that Song Zhi and Tao Tao really like this house, but they are young and have no money on their hands. So much money! I heard that after going around to borrow money, the house payment was divided into several batches and given to Xiao Tan… They just bought this house!”

Another neighbor said-

“A few years ago, Xiao Song even worked as a carpenter in order to pay off his house debt. One night he came back on a bicycle after eleven o’clock. I saw with my own eyes that he had a plane and ink bucket tied to the back of his bicycle!”

Some people say-

“If you have a house, you are a capitalist, then who doesn’t have a house? The whole country has a house to live in. Are all the people of the country capitalists? I don’t believe it. This Wang Lianzhi has no house in her home village? Then your family is also a capitalist? “

Mother Wang was speechless.

Wang Lianzhi panicked, and with tears in her eyes, she approached Song Zhi and said, “Senior Brother Song, this is a misunderstanding! Let them go first, okay?”

Saying that, she pointed to the two police officers.

Song Zhili ignored her and said to the public security: “Comrade Public Security, please punish these outlaws! In addition, I would also like to trouble you to fix the damage to my house… They stole the precious clothes I love and I love. The quilts, the glass windows of my kitchen were also broken by them, and the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar inside was also damaged… These are all things that must be paid to me.”

The police asked the security department to tie up all the Wang family members with ropes.

Where has the Wang family seen such a posture!

In their hometown, they dare to walk sideways.

But here is the capital, they are not familiar with the place of life, here is the office compound with a quiet atmosphere, plus the integrity of the two policemen…

At the moment, everyone was grief-stricken, muttering “I didn’t do anything”, “I’m just here to join in the fun”, “It’s none of my business” and so on, while being tied into a string The quail, bowing his head, followed the police away in dejection.

Only Wang Lianzhi and Wang mother were howling.

Mother Wang scolded her daughter, “Marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat! Look at people, marry Song Zhi and live in a villa! What about you? You married Tao Fengwei and didn’t even get a fart!”

Wang Lianzhi burst into tears, “Then I’m also Song zhi who I only met later! Besides, you asked me to marry Tao Fengwei. How do I know that he is not as good as Song zhi…”

Song Zhizhi frowned.

The police took the Wang family away, took out a notebook, and registered the damage to the Taotao family.

Taotao gave the police a sales receipt for the woolen clothes she bought last year, and the initial loss was estimated at about 130 yuan.

This amount is not too big or too small.

The public security told Song Zhi that if Song Zhi was willing to reach a settlement with the Wang family, the public security could resolve the dispute through mediation. If Song Zhi is not willing, the Wang family is likely to be sentenced.

However, no matter what Song Zhi decides, the police must first take the Wang family back to the bureau and investigate who is the mastermind.

The police took the Wang family away.

Tao Tao thanked her neighbors, but did not want to enter her yard.

——The yard was messed up by the Wang family, and there was a faint smell that was indescribable.

Song Zhi had no choice but to take off his clothes, put on his rain boots, and carry a bucket to clean the inside and outside of the yard… In the winter, he found two plates of mosquito coils, one in the yard and one outside the yard. Only then did Kaoru go away with that suspicious odor.

Tao Tao then entered the yard.

The yard has been restored to seventy-eighty-eight by Song Zhi.

It was the turf that was trampled and the glass of the kitchen window shattered. Song Zhi first tied a pot with a rope to temporarily block it, then measured the size, and went out on a bicycle to find someone to replace the glass…

In addition, the condiments destroyed by the Wang family in the kitchen were also disposed of by Song Zhi.

Tao Tao first braised the pork belly, found the dried shiitake mushrooms and dried vermicelli and soaked them, then washed the rice and cooked the rice, went to the vegetable garden at the back and picked a dozen pieces of Chinese cabbage leaves, washed them well, and separated the leaves from the stalks… …

Then I went to open the door of the living room and burned a charcoal pot.

Song Zhi rode his bicycle back again. There were several ceramic soy sauce and vinegar bottles in the rattan basket at the front of the car. Two brand new quilts were tied to the back seat of the car, and there were two pieces of glass on top of the quilt.

Tao Tao started cooking.

The dried mushrooms and dried vermicelli have been soaked.

Wash the soaked shiitake mushrooms, cut off the stems, and throw them directly into the pot with the braised pork.

As long as she and Song Zhi eat together, one meat dish is enough, and then use Chinese cabbage to make vinegared lotus white, and make a soup with cabbage leaves, vermicelli, and dried shrimp.

However, Tao Tao still likes three dishes and one soup.

Braised pork, vinegared lotus white and dried shrimp and vegetable leaf vermicelli soup…however they are missing.

She wandered around the kitchen for a long time, and finally took two apples, washed them, cut them into pieces, and soaked them in salt water for a while…

When the braised pork was soft and glutinous, she lifted the lid of the pot and collected the juice, and everything was done.

At this time, Song Zhi had also replaced the glass window in the kitchen, and dried the newly bought quilt in the yard. He took a rolling pin and banged it…to remove the dust on the surface of the cotton wool, and to remove the cotton wool. It was fluffy and soft, so I carried it upstairs, and sewed the quilt with needles.

At the same time, he also washed the newly bought soy sauce vinegar bottle and hung it upside down on the windowsill to dry, and it can be used after it is dry!

Tao Tao is also ready to cook over there.

The two of them brought the food to the living room together, sat in the warm firebox, and ate together under a quilt.

The braised pork is fat, lean and suitable for leaves, soft and glutinous and fragrant. When you bite into it, the juice is overflowing, salty and delicious, and it is also mixed with a strong aroma of mushrooms. The shiitake mushrooms sucked up the delicious broth, and the deliciousness was not under the braised pork.

Tao Tao ate a few pieces of braised pork and felt a little tired, so she reached out and grabbed an apple and bit it.

The apple is fragrant, sweet and slightly sour, and you can get rid of the greasy braised pork with just one bite!

Vinegar lotus white is refreshing and appetizing, egg skin vermicelli vegetable leaf soup is sweet and nourishing…

Tao Tao added an extra bowl of rice and drank two more bowls of soup, sighing so full, “I’m really tired today!”

Then he turned his fingers and counted, “I went to the train station early in the morning to see Zhang Lingzhi and the others selling clay pot rice, and then went to the third sister’s house… My God, I rode a bicycle for at least three hours today! No wonder my appetite is so high. good!”

He complained to Song Zhi again, “Why didn’t you just persuade me to eat less? I eat so much… It’s too late and I don’t want to exercise. What should I do if I gain weight!”

Song Zhi ate each piece of braised pork happily, looking at Tao Tao’s eyes sparkling, “Then let’s go upstairs to rest early, I’ll help you exercise!”

“Bah! You are so beautiful!”

Taotao scolded him, grabbed an apple and nibbled slowly, and sighed, “If nothing happened to Wang Lianzhi today, it would be perfect!”

Not even a word has been said-

“Bang bang bang!”

Someone outside knocked on the courtyard door, and shouted loudly, “Brother! Is Brother Song at home? I’m Tao Fengwei!”

Taotao and Song Zhi glanced at each other, then looked at the leftovers on the table – there were about ten pieces of braised pork left, and there were still half a bowl of vinegar and vermicelli soup left.

Taotao urged in a low voice, “Eat more meat!” With that, she got up, put on her shoes, and went out to open the door.

Song Zhi obediently ate four or five pieces of braised pork in one breath. He was so choked that he quickly poured a big mouthful of vermicelli soup.

Tao Tao smiled and led Tao Fengwei in, “Song Zhi, Tao Fengwei is here!”

Tao Fengwei hurriedly cleaned up to Song Zhi, “Senior brother, what about dinner?”

Song Zhi, “Have you eaten?”

Tao Fengwei was a little embarrassed, “Not yet, not yet.”

“Then… if you don’t dislike it, why don’t you eat something?” Song Zhi asked again.

Tao Fengwei hesitated for a while, “Then I will disturb the brothers and sisters.”

Song Zhi, “Tao Tao, go get some noodles.”

-The rice has been eaten by him.

Tao Tao went to cook a pot of noodles in clear soup and brought it over.

The steaming hot water noodles, although there is nothing, but pour the remaining braised pork on the plate into the noodle bowl and mix, it is a bowl of fragrant and oily braised pork noodles.

“Come on, hurry up and padded your stomach.” Song Zhi greeted Tao Fengwei.

“Thank you, brother and sister-in-law, I’ve caused you trouble.” Tao Fengwei thanked Song Zhi and his wife again, and ate the soup and water in one breath, showing that he was really hungry.

After eating the noodles like the wind and clouds, and accompanied Xiaoxiao to chat with Song Rank and Taotao, Tao Fengwei talked about the purpose of coming to Song Rank this time.

“Senior brother, today Wang Lianzhi and the others came to cause you trouble, right?”

Tao Fengwei sighed: “I just came out of the police station, and I have already understood the situation. So I came… to express my apology to you, brother and sister-in-law. Besides, Wang Lianzhi and the others caused economic losses to you, brother, all by I’ll make up for it…Senior brother, I’m really sorry, please forgive me with your sister-in-law.”

With that said, Tao Fengwei stood up and bowed solemnly to Song Zhi and Tao Tao.

Tao Tao and Song Zhi looked at each other.

Song Zhi asked Tao Tao with his eyes: What do you think about this?

Tao Tao: He has a good attitude, we forgive him this time.

Song Zhi’s jaw head.

“Feng Wei, come, come and sit down,” Song Zhi asked, “What do you want me to do?”

Tao Fengwei sat on the sofa again and said, “Brother, tell me about your losses first, I will go to raise money first, and when I raise the money and return it to you tomorrow, please accompany me to the police station, and then We accept mediation together, you, you forgive them, okay?”

Song Zhi replied readily, “Yes!”

Tao Fengwei breathed a sigh of relief.

Tao Tao couldn’t help but ask, “Feng Wei, is your mother-in-law okay?”

——When Taotao shot to punish Mother Wang, she couldn’t make up her mind whether her spiritual energy would kill Mother Wang. Although she has been very restrained, Mother Wang is a mortal after all.

Tao Fengwei blushed and said, “No, I’m sorry…”

He is a scholar and an intellectual, so he can’t say what he said, so he can only say vaguely: “She, she herself has nothing to do with her, she is just being rude in public… that, and then I sent her a change of clothes. Clothes and pants in the past…”

Tao Tao understands.

Song Zhi asked Tao Fengwei, “What do you think?”

Tao Fengwei sighed, “To be honest… I want a divorce.”

After being silent for a while, Tao Fengwei said: “Actually, my wife told me about this before and reminded me, so I also talked to Wang Lianzhi at the time. I said that after we got married, we should have a good time and wait for my work situation. Stabilize, wait for me to be graded, wait for me to be assigned a house and get a job allowance… When your parents’ family really can’t survive, I will definitely not ignore it. She promised well at that time. …”

“When you got married, you and your sister-in-law didn’t come. In fact, many senior brothers didn’t come. Did you go back to your hometown for the Chinese New Year… Wang Lianzhi’s whole family came, there are twenty or thirty people! I didn’t say anything, mainly because , I thought they would leave after drinking the wedding… No matter how bad it is, it’s time to leave after the New Year, right?”

“As a result, after the New Year, they refused to leave. I asked Wang Lianzhi a few more questions, and she burst into tears, saying that I looked down on her maiden’s family… and they also wanted to eat well. I got married. Nearly 300 yuan of molecular money is all in Wang Lianzhi’s hands, and before the eighth day of the new year, she came to me to ask for money, saying that all the 300 yuan of molecular money was spent!”

“Of course I was very angry, and I reasoned with her a few words… As a result, her brothers and brothers-in-law rushed over and beat me up! I, I was even more angry, and asked her, she said it well before marriage, Her mother’s family won’t stay with me for a long time, why did she regret it again? But I’m stupid… I can’t talk about her, so I told the teacher in a fit of anger and went directly to the laboratory.”

“I admit that my mentality at the time was to escape, but I really didn’t expect that Wang Lianzhi asked all our brothers and sisters to borrow money in my name… Brother Song, to tell you the truth, I know that I owe so much. When it comes to money, my heart is cold, and I feel that Senior Brother Zhu is already waving to me…”

Speaking, Tao Fengwei smiled bitterly.

“By the way, because you were the last to come back, Wang Lianzhi has never taken advantage of you, and everyone else has been borrowed by her again and again, so she insists on catching you, a fat sheep.”

Speaking of this, Tao Fengwei was shocked to realize that what he said was not quite right, and quickly apologized to Song Zhi, “I’m sorry, Senior Brother Song, I, I shouldn’t have called you a fat sheep…”

Tao Tao “porch” laughed.

Song Zhi didn’t care, so he asked Tao Fengwei, “Are you persuaded to listen?”

Just after asking, even he felt that the question was redundant.

——Wang Lianzhi’s family is simply not willing to enter the oil and salt, how can they listen to persuasion!

Tao Fengwei shook his head and said: “I don’t listen to the advice at all… My mother heard about it in my hometown, but she was angry, so she called my grandparents, grandparents, aunts and aunts… Of course, I have to work to earn work points. The strong laborers still dare not call, after all, everyone has their own things to do.”

“My mother means that there are people in Wang Lianzhi’s house, and we can also come to our family, but the elderly in our family go out every day to pick up some junk or something for money, or go out to pick up some hay and make baskets by themselves. Taking it out and selling it means setting an example and letting Wang Lianzhi and her family follow suit…”

Saying that, Tao Fengwei shook his head, “This trick will not work at all! As long as my mother says a word or two, her mother is bound to come to quarrel, and sometimes fight… We are all old people here, and we are not opponents at all. Wang Lianzhi had no money in his hand, so he directly looked for the money in the hands of the elderly in our family, and didn’t even look at the money they found after a lot of hard work…”

“For the past week, I have been hiding in the laboratory, leaving this mess to my mother and the elderly at home to face… Senior Brother, to be honest, I also figured it out. Wang Lianzhi and I have not married until now. After passing the room, she is still an innocent and innocent girl…Senior brother, don’t look at me like this, what I said is true!”

Tao Fengwei smiled wryly, “…you think, I wouldn’t do that kind of thing with her before marriage! After marriage, her entire family of twenty or thirty people is there, and my house is one bedroom and one living room. …Even the bed was occupied by her parents, and she and I were crowded together on the floor… How could I have the same room with her? I really never touched her!”

“This kind of marriage is meaningless, I don’t want to continue.” Tao Fengwei said.

The next day, when Song Zhi went to work, Tao Fengwei wrote an IOU to Professor Huang, paid a few months’ salary in advance, and handed over 130 yuan to Song Zhi.

So Song Zhi accompanied Tao Fengwei to the police station and accepted the mediation of the police station.

As soon as Mother Wang heard that Song zhi was willing to accept the transfer, it was because Tao Fengwei accompanied Song rank to 130 yuan, her eyes widened, and she scolded Tao Fengwei, “You gave me that 130 yuan in the morning, why? As for getting to this point! You stinking ninth! I was so blind to let my daughter marry you!”

Song Zhi said, “Feng Wei, I don’t want the 130 yuan. I’ll give it back to you. Then ask the public security department to severely punish Wang Lianzhi’s family! The burglary will also be sentenced to at least three years…”

Tao Fengwei hasn’t said a word yet—

Mother Wang was anxious, “You take it! You take the one hundred and thirteen! You have to let me get out of here first!”

However, she still couldn’t get over it, staring at Tao Fengwei angrily, cursing in a low voice, “Hmph, let’s see! Even though we can still get the money, he will force us to a dead end…”

Tao Fengwei was so angry that he couldn’t say a word.

Song Zhi stood up directly, “Comrade Public Security, I’m sorry I don’t accept mediation.”

Tao Fengwei was also very angry, “Okay, then there is no mediation. I will not bother to fish out the Wang family, but in the end I will force myself to a dead end, and I will also implicate my colleagues in my unit! Comrade Public Security, please be strict. Check this out! In addition, the Wang family should also owe a lot of debt outside in my name. I don’t approve of those, and I haven’t spent a penny… I ask you to help me clear up this incident. Check properly……”

Mother Wang and Wang Lianzhi were stunned.

She was so angry that Mother Wang raised her hand and beat Tao Fengwei severely, calling him an ungrateful thing.

The police stopped Wang’s mother and asked Wang’s mother to apologize to Tao Fengwei.

Mother Wang sat splashing in the mediation room, tearing her hair and crying, “I married you, the innocent girl of yellow flowers. That’s how you treat our family? Tao Fengwei, are you still a person?”

Tao Fengwei said anxiously: “Wang Lianzhi is still an innocent and innocent girl! I’ve been married to her for less than a month, and you have been sleeping in my room. How can I get a chance to be alone with her? Since you talked about this, I I also want to tell you, I want to divorce Wang Lianzhi! Before you divorce, you must pay off all the money you borrowed from outside in my name…”

Wang Lianzhi screamed, “Want to divorce me? Unless I die!”

Tao Fengwei rarely sharpened his teeth and mouth sharply, “Then you will die—”

Wang Lianzhi was stunned.

She and Tao Fengwei were introduced by someone, and at least they followed him to the capital for half a year… In truth, when her family was not in Beijing, she and Tao Fengwei were sweet and loving, and she still Very satisfied.

——Tao Fengwei is a nerd, he doesn’t know how to do housework, and he doesn’t understand human relationships. But it can be seen that he still likes Wang Lianzhi very much. The brothers in the unit usually exchange ideas about marriage, and he will follow along. When I came back from get off work, I handed her a toffee, gave her a little flower picked by the roadside, and borrowed a bicycle to take her to the park on weekends…

Wang Lianzhi felt very happy.

However, since she was a child, she was taught by her parents and elders that if she has good things, she must share it with her family.

So when her mother mentioned it to her, she said that when she and Tao Fengwei got married in the future, she wanted to go to Kyoto with her to enjoy happiness… even her brothers and sisters, sisters and brothers-in-law at home, and she forced Wang Lianzhi to agree.

Wang Lianzhi thought too simply.

She just felt that she and Tao Fengwei were really happy and happy together… She really wanted the whole family to feel her happiness.

So she happily answered

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