Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 110 - The boss is jealous (1)

Tao Tao is very nervous.

Ever since she knew that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was coming to the school to select students, she carried the Japanese dictionary and textbooks every day, practiced whenever she had time, and forced Song Zhi to practice speaking with her.

Even dreaming at night, reciting texts and practicing conversations…

Song Zhi was laughed at by her.

“Don’t worry! Don’t be too nervous,” he laughed. “You can definitely choose.”

Tao Tao is very worried, “There are more than 600 students in our three grades plus! The number of postgraduate students is unknown, but it is estimated that there are about ten… So many people competing for three places, I am panicked!”

After a pause, she said to Song Zhi again, “You are not allowed to open the back door for me!”

Song Zhi laughed, “Okay, I won’t open the back door for you…”

He gave Tao Tao strong support in other areas.

For example, life and diet.

——In terms of life, he is very restrained from his needs. When Tao Tao wanted it, he was very cooperative. She had enough and she was tired, so he stopped immediately, and never let her overstretched.

——In terms of diet, Song Zhi asked a colleague to transfer classes, took care of all the housework, and even cooked three meals a day for Tao Tao…

He would get up early every morning and ride his bicycle to the market to buy vegetables. Because he didn’t have enough meat tickets, he would always pay a high price to buy some pork or a live chicken.

The pork that I bought is minced, and the minced mushrooms, dried fragrant, and tomato are chopped after soaking. Stir-fry until fragrant, and then add water to boil for a while, pour it on the cooked noodles, it is a bowl Spicy miscellaneous sauce noodles!

Or he would make chicken porridge for Tao Tao to eat.

However, live chickens should be bought one day in advance, slaughtered at night, stewed well, and the next day there will be fragrant chicken soup to drink! The white porridge is cooked the night before, as long as the rice is cooked, the lid cannot be opened.

The next morning, I picked up the rice that had been soaked overnight with a slotted spoon, put it in a small pot, and boiled it with chicken broth… It only took 15 minutes to cook a bowl of fragrant, soft and glutinous rice with blooming rice grains. Chicken porridge!

The chicken that has been stewed in the soup is a little bland in taste and a little chai in taste.

It doesn’t matter, shredded chicken, mixed with sesame oil, vinegar and shallots, sprinkled with fried sesame seeds, is a very delicious side dish with porridge.

Or Song Zhi would fry Taotao with a pancake.

Add a little flour, add water and good noodles, roll it thin with a rolling pin, fry it in an oil pan, put a fried egg, a layer of meat sauce, a few scalded cabbage leaves in it, and then spread sesame sauce…

Just fold the pie in half.

Of course, in addition to miscellaneous sauce noodles, chicken and pancakes for breakfast, Song Zhi would also make Tao Tao drink another glass of milk, an egg, and a quarter of an apple.

Of course, if it wasn’t for Tao Tao’s small appetite, he would have liked to force her to eat a little more.

Lunch is also all made by Song Zhi.

Before he goes to work every morning, he will do the preparatory work first, for example, wash and soak the rice first. Then think about the dishes you want to make, and have a backup plan in case you suddenly can’t get food, and then ride out to work.

At noon, he would hurry back and go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables—this process must not be delayed, so he cannot compare prices, and often buys meat or vegetables and leaves (many times he will go to the chicken stalls and fish stalls in advance. The boss said hello and asked them to kill chickens and fish in advance).

When I get home, cook the rice for the first time, then season the raw fish or chicken, put it on a plate and put it into the rice pot to steam together. When the rice is cooked and the steamed fish (or steamed chicken) is cooked, sprinkle chopped green onion and minced garlic on the surface of the steamed vegetables after they are out of the pot, and then pour a layer of hot oil, and the main dish is ready.

Taotao prefers vegetarian dishes, so he has to hurry up and make vegetarian fried melons and leafy vegetables…

All done.

Following that, he hurriedly packed two dishes and rode a bicycle to the Agricultural University.

Basically, I can keep Taotao eating fresh and delicious meals before 12:30 noon every day.

Of course, because Song Zhi put all the teaching tasks that are easier to control in the morning…

So when he and Tao Tao finished lunch, he was going to the research institute.

Tao Tao left school and went home by bicycle, cleaned up the kitchen that Song rank was too busy to keep clean at noon, and then processed the vegetables he bought more at noon, and put her and Song rank’s kitchen together. Dinner is ready.

Leave a good meal for Song Zhi, and she will continue to study after she has finished eating…

It’s hard to say when Song Zhi will be back.

In short, if the work in the laboratory goes well, he will be back at ten o’clock at night. But most of them don’t come back until two or three o’clock in the morning… Once he came straight back to make breakfast for Tao Tao.

In this way, a few days later, Tao Tao finally waited for the audition.

This time, there are three auditions for the audition entrusted by various universities and colleges.

The first test of shorthand memory.

The teacher first taught the sketch symbols for a class, which filled a whole blackboard, and then another teacher read three press releases in succession, each of which was about 100 words, about 300 words, and about 500 words.

Candidates are required to answer:

First, use shorthand notation to express the content of the three press releases.

Second, use text to restore the content of the press release to the greatest extent possible.

This test is very shocking.

Not to mention, in 45 minutes, there was no way for everyone to remember the sketched symbols on the blackboard, and the content of the three press releases that followed was particularly official and the expression was obscure…

Many people collapsed and handed in a blank paper.

For Tao Tao, this exam is quite challenging.

Indeed, in 45 minutes, the teacher taught a lot of sketch symbols that are messy and look like symbols…

No one can memorize all the sketch symbols.

But Tao Tao knew the three news releases that the teacher read.

——Since a few years ago, she has been accustomed to her father and Song Zhi listening to the news broadcast with semiconductors on the hour… Now that she is in Kyoto, Song Zhi has subscribed to several newspapers, and Tao Tao has also developed the ability to read the news every day. newspaper habit.

She is not interested in politics.

But if you listen to and read the news too much, it will still arouse curiosity, and you will ask Song Zhi.

Song Zhi will explain to her patiently.

After going back and forth, Tao Tao is very familiar with all kinds of news terms. Moreover, the three press releases that the teacher read were the ones she had seen not long ago, and the content of one of the press releases was still discussed with Song Zhi…

Taotao used all the shorthand symbols she could think of to express it, and then she wrote the contents of the three press releases in the language of her own organization.

In this first audition, 60% of the students who handed in blank papers were directly eliminated, and the remaining 40% were also very uncertain.

A few days later, the second audition began.

The second test of language pronunciation.

It is said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will send people directly over to examine everyone’s accent one by one.

Tao Tao waited anxiously outside the examination room with the students who passed the first audition.

Everyone is lined up by class.

Tao Tao is now a sophomore (2) student, so she stood in line with her new classmates and waited in line.

Not far away, there are students from freshman class (2) who passed the first test, including Zhang Lingzhi, Wang Bingyuan, Sun Ximei, Zhao Jinglian and Qian Cuicui, as well as several male classmates, about a dozen of them.

Sun Ximei was very excited. After a few moments, she ran from the team over there to Taotao, and asked, “Tao Tao, you will be the first to go in here, right? Maybe you will wait for your class to come out, and there is no round yet. It’s up to us… Then you can tell us what the test is about!”

Tao Tao has not answered yet——

A girl next to her said coldly, “Isn’t this cheating?”

Sun Ximei’s smile suddenly froze, and she asked embarrassingly, “Yes, yes? Is this cheating?”

Taotao glanced at the girl and said to Sun Ximei, “Isn’t there a sign posted at the door? Read the press release to test pronunciation, so we don’t have an advantage in the front row, don’t worry!”

Sun Ximei nodded and went back to her team in a dejected manner.

Taotao glanced at the girl who had just choked Sun Ximei.

This girl’s name is Lin Yuerong, and she is the only Bai Fumei in the class. In the two weeks since Taotao moved to a new class, I don’t know if she thinks too much…

Lin Yuerong seems to have a problem with her?

It’s like in the shorthand press release of the primary exam, Tao Tao wrote her answers on the answer sheet, and then the invigilator asked the students to pass the papers from the last row…

Tao Tao sat diagonally behind Lin Yuerong.

When Tao Tao passed her classmates in the back seat and her papers to the front seat—

Lin Yuerong stopped her deskmate and deliberately turned out Taotao’s answer sheet, and in a moderate voice… finished reading it word by word.

After reading it, he sneered.

This little episode made Tao Tao feel a little uncomfortable.

However, after the new semester started, Song Zhi made a heavy and complicated study plan for Tao Tao, and brought back many other professional books for her. So Taotao spends most of her time studying, and doesn’t have much time to entangle with Lin Yuerong.

Now Taotao doesn’t plan to entangle with Lin Yuerong.

——Song Zhi has already greeted the leaders of the Agricultural University, and Taotao has to go to the next college to attend the two major classes of bioengineering and animal science today.

Tao Tao looked down at her watch, thinking in her heart that after the assessment here, she would have to run to the academy, otherwise she would not be able to catch up with the big class.

Lin Yuerong stared at Taotao coldly, sneered again, and said leisurely in a moderate voice, “Isn’t it a Shanghai watch, you can watch it every minute? Well, isn’t it just showing off that you have a watch? Well, what if others don’t have it?”

Saying that, Lin Yuerong stretched out her hand and showed the plum watch on her wrist that was covered by her sleeves.

Tao Tao frowned.

After waiting for a while, the previous class had already lined up to enter the examination room, and it was the turn of the sophomore (2) class to prepare outside the examination room.

The teacher came to take the roll call, and then handed out a piece of paper to each candidate, explaining: “Everyone gets this piece of paper, write their name and class on the piece of paper, and wait for a group of 8 people, line up to enter, There are 8 examiners in it, you can just read the content on the paper to the examiner, don’t be nervous, just play normally!”

Taotao glanced at the paper and found that it was divided into two parts. First, the candidates were asked to introduce themselves, and a very standard template was given: My name is XXX (explain the special meaning of my name), I am XX this year Years old, from XX, I am now a student in X grade X class of Agricultural University…

The second is a press release of about 200 words, requiring candidates to speak in clear and standard Mandarin, with a positive tone, and finish quickly. It can be read aloud, but can also be recited if you feel confident.

The teacher urged everyone to quickly write their names on the paper, and also checked one by one whether everyone had written their names…

After a while, Tao Tao walked into the examination room with 7 other students.

Lin Yuerong and Tao Tao are a group.

As soon as Tao Tao enters the examination room——

Before I could see clearly, I heard Lin Yuerong cheering and shouting, “…Brother Sheng Hao”!

Sheng Hao?

Fang Shenghao?

Taotao looked around and found that the exam room, which was converted from a classroom, was quite spacious, with eight desks arranged in a row, with a chair in front and back of the desk, and the examiner sitting behind the desk.

Obviously, the chairs in front of the desks are for candidates.

In addition to the eight examiners, there were six or seven people standing in the classroom, like staff.

Fang Shenghao did stay in the examination room, but he did not sit in the examiner’s seat, but stood aside with a pile of information papers in his hand, talking to other staff members.

Lin Yuerong almost jumped up with joy when she saw Fang Shenghao—

She happily ran towards him, grabbed his sleeve and swayed, and said with a smile: “Brother Sheng Hao, so you are there! Then why didn’t you come to me earlier? It’s good to say it in advance. !”

Fang Shenghao looked at Tao Tao who was tilting his head to look at him not far away.

He calmly took his hand from Lin Yuerong’s hand, and said lightly, “This is the examination room, don’t make any noise, go back to your seat.”

Lin Yuerong was embarrassed.

She pouted and returned to Tao Tao.

At this time, a staff member arranged for the candidates, “Please follow the queue order, sit in the seat in front of the examiner, and prepare to start reciting the content on the paper.”

Taotao stepped forward and bowed to the No. 8 examiner, “Hello, teacher, it’s been hard work, teacher.”

The examiner smiled slightly, “Student please sit down…”

Tao Tao just sat down, holding the paper and was about to read—

Fang Shenghao came over suddenly, and Fu Er said something in the ear of Examiner No. 8?

Examiner No. 8 nodded, stood up and pointed at Fang Shenghao and said to Tao Tao, “Student, this examiner will do the assessment for you.” After speaking, he left.

Taotao watched helplessly as Fang Shenghao sat across from her with a smile—

Lin Yuerong, who was sitting opposite Examiner No. 7, was anxious, “Brother Sheng Hao, you, you, and he changed seats!” She also pointed to Examiner No. 7.

Examiner No. 7:  …

Fang Shenghao frowned, “Classmate, please don’t make any noise.”

Then he gestured to Tao Tao again, “It’s time to start.”

Taotao took the paper and read: “Hello teacher, my name is Bai Taotao, because my mother thinks that peaches are the most delicious fruit in the world, so she gave me this nice name…”

Looking at the beautiful and lovely girl, she explained the origin of her name with a sweet and childish voice…

Fang Shenghao couldn’t help but laugh.

Missing for a month, the beauty looks even more beautiful. Or because she stayed in school for a long time to study, her whole person revealed a very refined and scholarly air from the inside out, her eyes were smart and smart, cute and beautiful.

Tao Tao heard his laughter, she was a little puzzled, and quietly raised her eyes to look at him——

He held back his laughter, “Please continue.”

“…I’m 21 years old this year, from Ruyi Village, Songxian County, Southeast Province. I’m currently a student in Class 2, Year 2 of Agricultural University…”

Speaking of which, Taotao put the piece of paper back on the table, looked at Fang Shenghao, and quickly finished the news of about 200 words.

Fang Shenghao smiled and turned over the paper she was holding on the table, and signed his name in the “Interviewer” column.

“You did a great job,” he said softly in Japanese.

Tao Tao looked at him suspiciously.

——I don’t know if it’s her illusion. It seems that when Fang Shenghao speaks Japanese, his voice becomes softer and more casual.

Bai Taotao also said in Japanese: “Opportunities are always reserved for those who are always ready.”

Fang Shenghao’s eyes lit up, “Can you speak Japanese?”


Fang Shenghao asked again, “Self-taught?”

“Song Zhi taught me how to get started.”

Hearing Song Zhi’s name, Fang Shenghao was silent for a while, then put on a smile again and asked Taotao, “Then…why do you want to learn Japanese?”

Tao Tao replied: “I will have my own academic opinions, and I want to send my opinions to the world, including but not limited to Japan.”

Fang Shenghao was silent for a long time.

At this time, the other 6 candidates in the group with Taotao had completed the assessment and left the examination room.

Only Taotao and Lin Yuerong were left sitting on the chairs.

However, Tao Tao stayed because she wanted to answer Fang Shenghao’s words.

And Lin Yuerong——

Examiner No. 7 said to Lin Yuerong, “Student, you have completed the assessment and can leave the examination room.”

Lin Yuerong urged the No. 7 examiner, “Then please sign for me!”, while staring at Fang Shenghao and Bai Taotao… The more she looked, the more she felt that something was wrong.

——No, brother Sheng Hao has always been unsmiling, why is he smiling so softly at Bai Taotao?

Seeing that the No. 7 examiner was reluctant to sign her exam paper, Lin Yuerong was stunned, stood up and asked condescendingly, “Why didn’t you sign?”

The tone of voice clearly revealed questioning and displeasure, and there was also a hint of anger.

Examiner No. 7 frowned.

At this time, Fang Shenghao smiled and said to Taotao: “Okay, your assessment has been completed, you can leave.”

Tao Tao also smiled at him, “Thank you teacher!”

She stood up and walked out of the examination room without looking back.

Fang Shenghao looked at her background.

——Light, relaxed, and jumping a few times from time to time, it is hard to hide the enthusiasm and youthful liveliness, but also with a bit of excitement and urgency.

He laughed again involuntarily.


Until someone angrily slapped the desk in front of him.

Fang Shenghao’s face turned cold, and he quietly looked at Lin Yuerong, who was standing in front of him, his face flushed with anger, and his nostrils were breathing fire.

“Classmate, is there any problem?” Fang Shenghao asked coldly.

Lin Yuerong pointed to the No. 7 examiner who was sitting next door and said to Fang Shenghao, “…Why is he unwilling to sign my exam paper? I saw it, you all signed on Bai Taotao’s exam paper! So , you let her pass the test, right? Then why didn’t I pass the test?”

“Classmate, please don’t violate the discipline of the examination room and smear the reputation of Agricultural University,” Fang Shenghao said, and motioned to the teacher of Agricultural University beside him, “Please let this student leave the examination room, we will continue to assess other students.”

The female teacher came over to hold Lin Yuerong, and half persuaded and half dragged Lin Yuerong out.

Lin Yuerong said angrily to Fang Shenghao: “What’s wrong with my performance? Fang Shenghao, you do this…you will regret it! I, I will tell my parents and my sister when I go back!”

While speaking, Lin Yuerong was dragged out.

Examiner No. 7 hesitated for a while, then lowered his voice and explained to the other party Sheng Hao, “Lin Yuerong’s temper is not suitable for our job…”

Fang Shenghao replied, “I trust your judgment.”

Tao Tao didn’t know about this.

As soon as the assessment was over, she hurried to the next college to listen to the big class.

After listening to the big class, she borrowed a note from a female classmate who was sitting in the seat to copy it, went to the cafeteria to finish copying it, and then returned the note…

Tao Tao hurried home on a bicycle.


Someone called her in a familiar voice.

Taotao turned her head to look and saw—Fang Shenghao?

He also pushed a 28-style bicycle and stood at the gate of the agricultural gate.

She braked the car, put her foot on the ground, and asked him, “Why haven’t you left yet?”

Fang Shenghao said, “Where’s Song Zhi?”

Tao Tao replied, “He works the night shift!”

“Is that so? I, I originally wanted to say, invite you and Song Zhi to visit Uncle Guan together.” After speaking, Fang Shenghao concealed his nervousness and looked at Tao Tao with a disappointed look.

God knows how much courage he mustered to come up with this reason.

“Song Zhi and I went to see him last week,” Tao Tao subconsciously wanted to refuse, thought about it, and then asked, “Is Uncle Guan okay?”

Fang Shenghao smiled bitterly, “…I have recovered a little, but I had a big fight with my mother yesterday. It was just a waist problem, but now I fell and my leg was cast. I went to see him yesterday, and he Still talking about you and Song Zhi.”

Tao Tao looked down at the watch again.

Fang Shenghao said: “Let’s go over now, have a meal with him, and I’ll take you back… It shouldn’t be more than nine o’clock.”

——It is fifteen minutes to six now. It takes about 45 minutes to cycle from the Agricultural University to the military compound. It takes an hour to eat and chat with Guan Qingbai, and then spend another 45 minutes to cycle home, which is exactly nine o’clock.

Taotao said cheerfully: “Well, let’s go now!”

45 minutes is a long way to go.

Tao Tao is anxious, she is pedaling fast, and she has to always pay attention to avoid pedestrians…

Fang Shenghao didn’t have much chance to chat with her.

After arriving at the military hospital, Guan Qingbai’s guards immediately became happy when they saw Tao Tao and Fang Shenghao, “Fortunately you are here! The chief didn’t even eat dinner, so he would scold him if we persuaded him… Hey, hurry up, I’m here. lead you in.”

Taotao followed Fang Shenghao and walked to the door of the ward, and she heard Guan Qingbai yelling at him——

However, with the guard’s voice, “Report to the head, Sheng Hao and Tao Tao are here”…

Guan Qingbai’s scolding stopped instantly.

Taotao heard him say in a normal voice: “…then let’s just leave it like this. Now is the break time, so I won’t tell you so much.”

Fang Shenghao turned around and looked at Taotao at close range, and found that Taotao was not very tall, she was about 1.6 meters tall. Her hair was dark, thick, soft and shiny, and it was braided into a beautiful braid. Dusted on shoulders.

Her forehead is covered with soft bangs, a pair of shining star eyes are dazzling, and her full and beautiful lips are slightly sipped…

Fang Shenghao was a little lost.

His gaze made Tao Tao a little alert.

She looked up at him.

Fang Shenghao came back to his senses, and immediately gestured to her silently, explaining: Uncle Guan was talking on the phone.

Tao Tao understood and nodded.

Fang Shenghao looked at her and wanted to laugh for no reason…

The guard pushed open the door and motioned them to enter.

Guan Qingbai’s voice also sounded at the right time, “Tao Tao? Is Tao Tao here?”

“Hello, Uncle Guan!” Tao Tao took the lead and entered the room.

Sure enough, there was only Guan Qingbai lying on the hospital bed in the room, and no one else.

——He really was talking on the phone just now!

“Sheng Hao! Hey, is it just you two? Where’s Song Zhi?” Guan Qingbai stretched his neck and looked at the door of the ward.

Fang Shenghao explained with a smile, “Today, my unit sent me to the Agricultural University to recruit students. I met Tao Tao, and I wanted to invite them to see you together, but Song Zhi has to work the night shift… so we were the only ones here. .”

“Have a heart,” Guan Qingbai was very happy, and asked again, “You two haven’t eaten yet, have you?”

“Not yet.” Fang Shenghao said.

Guan Qingbai hurriedly urged the guards, “Hurry up and buy two more hot meals, and I will eat with Tao Tao and Sheng Hao!”

The guard hurriedly responded and went out to buy food.

Guan Qingbai asked casually, “Sheng Hao, are you going to the Agricultural University today to recruit people? Are you recruiting Taotao?”

Fang Shenghao smiled and looked at Tao Tao.

Taotao had been staring at Guan Qingbai just now.

– Guan Qingbai’s mental state is not very good. He had dry mouth, dark circles under his eyes, and puffy eye bags. He didn’t seem to have had a good rest for a long time.

But, hasn’t he been recuperating?

Why is it getting worse and worse? !

Suddenly hearing that the topic of the two of them was related to the recruitment of Shangnong in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taotao quickly and earnestly explained, “I don’t know yet. There are three exams, and today is the second one…”

Guan Qingbai asked Fang Shenghao, “Can you be selected?”

Fang Shenghao nodded with a smile.

Tao Tao seemed to understand something, and shouted anxiously, “Fang Shenghao, I don’t allow you to open the back door! I have the strength, and I can pass the exam by myself!”

Guan Qingbai was taken aback and smiled.

He raised his hand and slapped Fang Shenghao on the shoulder with a slap, and said, “Did you hear me! Taotao won’t go through the back door! Taotao has to pass the exam on her own strength!”

Fang Shenghao couldn’t help but laughed out loud.

——Little beauty she is so cute!

After laughing for a while, he said, “I see, I won’t open a back door for Taotao, and I don’t have that ability. However, after all, I have also been sent to many schools by the unit for assessment…I still know the overall level of the students. of.”

Fang Shenghao looked at Taotao and said seriously, “Don’t worry, you will definitely be selected.”

Taotao breathed a sigh of relief and asked again, “Can Lin Yuerong make it to the second game?”

The smile on Fang Shenghao’s face gradually faded.

Guan Qingbai asked curiously, “Lin Yuerong? Which Lin Yuerong is that? Is it Lin Weizhi’s sister?”

Fang Shenghao let out an “um” and looked at Tao Tao subconsciously.

Tao Tao is in deep thought.

——It turns out that Lin Yuerong knew Fang Shenghao early in the morning! It turns out that Lin Yuerong also has a sister named Lin Weizhi! Yue Rong, Wei Zhi… It turns out that the names of the two sisters came from “a scholar is a confidant who dies, a woman is a person who pleases himself”? It’s just that Lin Weizhi used homophones.

However, isn’t it “knowing death” to confront “Yuerong” neatly?

In other words, isn’t it “Wei Yue” that is neatly opposed to “Wei (wei) Zhi (zhi?

Tao Tao showed a puzzled expression.

Guan Qingbai also asked Taotao curiously, “Is Lin Yuerong in the same university as you?”

Tao Tao nodded, “I’ve skipped a grade, and now I’m in the same class as her!”

Fang Shenghao looked at Taotao.

Guan Qingbai also looked at Taotao, stunned for a moment, suddenly realized, and explained: “Tao Tao, you don’t know yet, Sheng Hao has a fiancee named Lin Weizhi. Lin Weizhi’s father and Sheng Hao’s father are colleagues and revolutionaries. Comrade-in-arms, so their marriage has been decided early in the morning… Didn’t Sheng Hao go to the countryside a few years ago? Weichi has waited for him for so many years…”

Then he asked Fang Shenghao, “Then how are you and Wei Zhi? When are you going to get married?”

Fang Shenghao replied in a low voice, “We have broken up.”

“What?” Guan Qingbai’s eyes widened in shock.

Tao Tao was also surprised.

——Why did you break up just after hearing that he had a fiancée?

Fang Shenghao smiled bitterly, “She has other… ideas.”

Tao Tao understood – the implication was that Lin Weizhi didn’t have other ideas, but another man. Hey, Fang Shenghao is such a pitiful man that he was abandoned!

She looked at Fang Shenghao with sympathy and pity in her eyes.

Fang Shenghao was not sad, and after reading Tao Tao’s expression, he couldn’t help but smile again.

Guan Qingbai was stunned for a while, and asked, “When did it happen?”

“It’s been a while,” Fang Shenghao replied, “but I also promised her that I won’t disclose it for the time being… lest you parents worry about us…”

“Then when did your mother know?” Guan Qingbai asked.

Fang Shenghao, “Yesterday, she tried to talk to me about me. I was so annoyed by her question that I missed the point.”

“It turned out to be your kid!” Guan Qingbai scolded, “I said, yesterday your mother rushed over to me to have a big fight, I was thinking about how it was all fine during the Chinese New Year, why did it suddenly seem like she swallowed a fire | medicine keg It’s like, it’s going to explode…”

Fang Shenghao was stunned and scratched his head embarrassedly, “Uncle, I’m sorry!”

“Hey, it’s fate!” Guan Qingbai sighed: “When Hailong’s mother was still alive, I was still young, and I always felt that it was a long time coming, and I didn’t cherish her well… I will regret it for the rest of my life! And then living with your mother, it’s not a good idea. Know how to cherish… She also suffered a lot of Hailong’s anger! It’s my fault, I will let her more in the future, Hailong Haishan… I don’t know how to make up for it!”

While speaking, the guards brought the food over.

Taotao, Fang Shenghao and Guan Qingbai were eating with a lunch box.

The food in the canteen of the military hospital is not very good. Although there is meat, but looking at the appearance, you know that it is not delicious.

Tao Tao stared at the food, a little embarrassed.

——The upbringing and nurturing of her family and family made her cherish food very much. In the past, Song Zhi was always by her side, and he didn’t dislike the meals she couldn’t eat.


Obviously, she couldn’t finish the full lunch box.

And there are a lot of things she doesn’t like to eat…

Guan Qingbai didn’t notice it, and while rambled about Guan Hailong and Guan Haishan, he gulps the rice.

Fang Shenghao noticed Taotao’s hesitation.

After thinking about it for a while, he said softly, “Tao Tao, if you can’t finish this box of meals… it’s okay, you can just pick it up and give it to me.”

Taotao sighed in relief, “Can I put the lid on the lunch box?”

Fang Shenghao nodded with a smile.

Taotao quickly explained, “I haven’t eaten a single bite, the chopsticks are clean.”

– Don’t worry, you won’t eat my saliva.

Fang Shenghao was silent for a while, then nodded.

Taotao pulled out half of the rice, and also divided the various dishes in half…Especially pulled the braised pork that was not cooked at all that she didn’t like to eat.

Fang Shenghao looked at the food in her lunch box and was a little worried, “Do you only eat so much?”

“Enough!” Said, Tao Tao held a bowl to eat.

Someone accompanied him to dinner, Guan Qingbai was in high spirits and ate a whole box full of meals

Tao Tao thought about it and told the guard that she wanted to eat apples and milk.

So the guards went to wash a few apples, Tao Tao peeled three apples, and Guan Qingbai and Fang Shenghao each ate one apple.

When handing the apple to Guan Qingbai, Tao Tao also spent a little spiritual energy in the past.

After eating the apples, the temperature of the three cups of milk brewed with boiling water has just dropped.

Guan Qingbai didn’t want to drink this rich and sweet milk at all.

Tao Tao coaxed Guan Qingbai to drink again, and of course she drank too.

Fang Shenghao sat beside Taotao and saw milky white juice on her red lips after drinking the milk…

His heart couldn’t help thumping wildly!

For a while, he blushed and didn’t dare to look at her again, but he couldn’t help being attracted and wanted to secretly see her…

Guan Qingbai also saw it and laughed, “Tao Tao is really like a child! Do you have a handkerchief? Wipe your mouth! Hey, you are like a cat! Your appetite is a little bigger, drink a glass of milk… …and it’s full of mouths! When Song Zhi went home and saw it, he knew that you were stealing milk hahahahaha…”

Tao Tao smiled, took out a handkerchief and wiped it carefully.

She and Fang Shenghao chatted with Guan Qingbai for a while…

Guan Qingbai actually yawned?

Taotao immediately said that she wanted to leave, and let Guan Qingbai have a good rest, and then went out with Fang Shenghao.

It was already past eight o’clock at night.

Tao Tao was a little anxious, pushed her bicycle out of the hospital in a hurry, and prepared to go home.

She said to Sheng Hao, “it’s getting late, you go back quickly!”

Fang Shenghao, “I’m fine, I’ll take you back first.”

“No!” Tao Tao said, “From the military hospital to us, the road is all the way. It’s not too late. There are many pedestrians on the road, so I’ll be fine. It’s you, if you take me home first, If you come back again…it’s really too late, goodbye!”

Saying that, she slipped into the car and left quickly.

Fang Shenghao also got into the car and ran after him.

Of course he wouldn’t let Tao Tao go back alone.

She’s so pretty, and she’s too coveted to go out alone at night.

Besides, it was he who urged her to come, so he had to ensure her safety and send her back safely.

But if she doesn’t like his approach, he will silently follow behind to protect her, as long as she can see her home safely, that’s enough.

In this way, Taotao galloped ahead on a bicycle, and Fang Shenghao followed slowly…

Until Tao Tao slowly braked and got off the car, she stared at a vendor selling roasted sweet potatoes for three minutes.

In Tao Tao’s heart, heaven and man are at war: I wasn’t full in the hospital just now, and now I’m a little hungry. Roasted sweet potatoes are so fragrant, they must be sweet and delicious! But it is very late now, and if you eat roasted sweet potatoes, you will gain weight!

After hesitating again and again, Tao Tao’s proud self-control defeated the glutton in her stomach.

She pedaled her bike away quickly.

Fang Shenghao followed her and observed her for a while, then went to the hawker to buy a roasted sweet potato.

After thinking about it, he bought three.

Next, Fang Shenghao speeded up and went after Taotao.

He finally caught up with her at the door of the dry rest house, “Peach, wait a minute!”

Tao Tao turned back.

Seeing it was him, she was surprised, “Didn’t I tell you not to send it? Why are you still here?”

Fang Shenghao smiled and said, “I didn’t intend to give it away, but I suddenly saw someone selling roasted sweet potatoes… I remembered that Song zhi likes to eat them, so I bought two. Here, take them…”

Tao Tao, “No need, thank you!”

Fang Shenghao directly put two roasted sweet potatoes into the woven basket on the head of Tao Tao’s bicycle, smiled at her, and left on the bicycle.

Tao Tao stared at Fang Shenghao’s background, thinking that this person was weird.

——She is not familiar with Fang Shenghao, and the general feeling Fang Shenghao gave her is that her temperament is very gloomy and dull. He was even more indifferent and silent than Song Zhi, who had just arrived at Ruyi Village.

But today, Fang Shenghao seems to be smiling all the time?

what happened?

——Did his mother quarrel with Uncle Guan?

– Did Uncle Guan hurt his leg?


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