Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 143 - Unexpected incident

Tao Tao and Xiao Fei Bai slowly got acquainted with the days of living in Lingxi.

Ma Zicheng sent two very small milk dogs, one yellow and one black.

Song Zhi was a little unhappy. He hoped that he could directly raise two particularly fierce and majestic big dogs, the kind that could help raise a family and a nursing home.

But Xiao Feibai likes it very much.

There are also children in Lingxi Oasis, but most of them speak with a strong accent. Xiao Feibai, who was babbling and learning to speak, couldn’t understand them at all. In addition, many boys were wild and skinny, so he could only play with girls. But in this place, people are a little more patriarchal, most of the three or four-year-old girls have to work, and there are not many girls who have time to play with Xiaofeibai.

Xiao Fei lost the order in vain and can only follow behind his mother every day…

Now with the company of these two puppies who can’t even walk steadily, the little guy has adapted to life here at once.

He can move freely in the greenhouse and in the area designated by his mother, and teach the two little milk dogs where to go and where not to step. Also because he often learns from his parents and trains dogs with simple passwords, Xiao Feibai’s speaking level has also skyrocketed.

Tao Tao also thinks that raising two little milk dogs is not a big problem. So she named them rhubarb and dahei. She usually added half a bowl of rice when cooking, and left the rest to feed them.

The two puppies were often only half full, so they often ran outside to find food for themselves.

Almost all the small animals in the desert are concentrated near the oasis.

Even if there are humans stationed, these small animals must approach in order to survive.

Among these small animals, the most numerous are mice and snakes.

How much?

——Come together every morning, go out and see that the sand outside is full of fine, densely packed paw prints of mice running, and S-shaped prints of snakes catching mice and marching forward!

Taotao was once worried that mice and snakes had entered the house, the mice would steal and contaminate the food she stored, and the snakes might endanger the safety of her and her children.

So she prepared some repellents and sprinkled them around the house to prevent snakes from invading. She also patrolled the house with two little milk dogs every day and found suspicious signs of rats, so she insisted on finding rats. Not possible.

Soon, the two puppies knew that their owners didn’t like mice.

They faithfully guard their homes and do mouse-catchers.

The rice that Taotao feeds them is only enough for them to eat three or four full, but because they often eat the caught mice, the two little milk dogs quickly become fat and strong in a very short period of time. Rapidly.

Coupled with the intentional guidance of Song Zhi and Tao Tao…

The two little puppies never obeyed others and only listened to the Taotao family.

Although they are still young, they already have the quality of loyalty. As long as time is passed, they will definitely become two majestic big dogs when they grow up.

Song Zhi lived in Taotao for two whole weeks.

He took Jiang Hongzhi and built a wall for Taotao’s scientific research station according to his requirements.

He also went to the city to buy paint and wrote quotes on the fence.

Next, during the day, he sleeps in the morning and gets up at noon to cook for his wife and children. In the afternoon, he helped Tao Tao plant trees and tidy the turf in the greenhouse; in the evening, he quietly digs tunnels at home.

Song Zhi regarded this tunnel as the ultimate security for his wife and children.

So he set the tunnel opening at the corner of the bed in Tao Tao’s bedroom – this place is just stuck in the corner of the bed and the wall, the entrance is extremely small, only slender Tao Tao and young Fei Bai can get in. Even Song Zhi couldn’t get in.

So how did Song Zhi dig this tunnel?

– He dug from outside the house.

After the outside is dug, the top is covered with wooden boards, and then the sand is pressed to make it firm. Then an entrance is opened from the Tao Tao House, and the narrow tunnel can extend all the way to the back greenhouse.

Before capping the tunnel, Song Zhi piled 200 catties of grain in the tunnel, along with flashlights, batteries, candles, matches, and a pair of bedding. Store in tunnels.

In addition, Song Zhi explained to Tao Tao again and again, “I won’t let the water go, it will be unsanitary for a long time. So you’d better go down every two days and check to see if there are any mice in the tunnel, and the other is Change some clean water from time to time, and put some cooked food in it, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!”

Tao Tao nodded in agreement.

Song Zhi explained to her again, “The logistics team of the satellite city will come to Lingxi to pull water every day. I write a note every day for them to bring to you, and you also write a note every day for them to bring it to me.”

Tao Tao’s eyes widened, “Want to write ‘I love you’? Would it be bad for others to see it?”

Song Zhi choked.

He laughed dumbly.

After a pause, he whispered, “I’ll write to you.”

After all, even the tips of his ears turned pink.

Tao Tao secretly had fun.

During these two weeks, Song Zhi paid Tao Tao a lot of public food. The two are affectionate and sweet. Tao Tao thus smoothly expanded Dan. She tried it with Song Zhi behind her back, and found that the spiritual power she pointed out could be solidified. At a distance of 15 meters, her spiritual power bullet could punch a small hole of about 5 cm in a piece of pork!

For humans, this is fatal.

And the most protective thing is that because her spiritual power is colorless and invisible, no one can detect her sneak attack. Even if you notice it, it doesn’t matter, the spiritual bullet disappears without a trace, like a wind blade, it is impossible to guard against!

Taotao also used a microscope to carefully study the piece of pork that was pierced by her aura bullet, and found that there were no traces of fiber or debris at all in the hole.

——In other words, she already has the ability to kill people invisibly!

Tao Tao has also tested it, and even without the support of follow-up spiritual energy, she can activate up to fifty times with the spiritual energy she has stored in the golden core!

Tao Tao even tried that when the aura in her golden core was exhausted, she would not fall into a coma, but her physical strength was weak.

In addition to the tunnel that Song Zhi dug for her, and the two puppies that have not yet grown up…

Tao Tao is no longer afraid.

Now that he is no longer afraid, Taotao will enter the normal agricultural scientific research.

During the past two weeks, Professor Dong from Satellite City was a little worried when he saw Song Zhi’s late return.

Only then did he realize that Song Zhi stayed here at Taotao, considering the safety of his wife and children, so he stayed to build a fence for her.

Professor Dong recognized Song Zhi’s concerns.

But two weeks later, Song Zhi’s work has also piled up like a mountain. Professor Dong asked the water delivery team to give Song Zhi a few words, urging him to go back…

In this way, Song Zhi had no choice but to follow the water convoy back to the satellite city.

Before leaving, he urged Taotao to pay attention to safety, to go to the water convoy to get his letter every day, and to send it to him. It is to set aside time for rest, and take my son to the satellite city to find him every once in a while…

Tao Tao agreed with a smile.

Song zhi was afraid that she didn’t take it seriously, so he chased after her and asked her to answer…

Seeing that the couple’s relationship was so good, Professor Fu hid aside and snickered.

In this way, Song Zhi reluctantly left.

After Song Zhi left, Professor Fu continued to accompany Tao Tao.

However, Professor Fu didn’t stay here for long. It is now the end of October, and the weather in the border areas has begun to get cold. At the end of November, the mountains are covered by heavy snow. Professor Fu will leave in half a month at the latest and return to Beijing.

Tao Tao is the first time to independently build a project. With the hands-on teaching of Professor Fu, the process is very smooth.

In the process, teachers and students also have a deep understanding of each other’s personalities. They not only like each other’s temperament and learning attitude, but also cherish each other’s hobbies and interests.

A week later, all of Taotao’s brothers and sisters who were away on business rushed over.

The teacher has a total of four projects here, Deng Gaoyun is responsible for his own one, and Shi Yuxi, Qi Huan, and Chen Yicheng are responsible for the remaining three.

The first snow is about to fall now, and the further back you go, the snow will get heavier and heavier… and then the mountain will be closed.

So the brothers and sisters gathered here in Taotao, firstly, to help her and see if there was anything else she needed to help her; secondly, to be able to leave with the teacher.

However, Shi Yuxi didn’t go home for the New Year this year, and stayed at Taotao to be her company.

The brothers and sisters gathered together, laughing and feasting.

Taotao called Zhou Chunni over, gave her ten pounds of flour, and asked her to help make pancakes and send them over—Professor Fu is also a southerner. Build a deep well and stick the cake. Professor Fu doesn’t usually cook, and he doesn’t know much about the trivial things in life, so he just said no…

Therefore, Taotao’s stove is a simple stove, and it can’t make pancakes if it can’t stick pancakes at all.

And Zhou Chunni weighed the weight of the flour in her hand, and of course she knew that Taotao gave her flour to make pancakes, which was actually supplementing her.

Zhou Chunni was very grateful.

After all, her man has told her many times that whether he can make meritorious contributions and be advanced depends on Tao Tao and Song zhi. But Song Zhi is far away and has nothing to do with them, but Taotao is in Lingxi, and Jiang Hongzhi has become Taotao’s assistant…

When he was Tao Tao’s assistant, he could still receive a monthly allowance of 5 yuan. Isn’t this a happy event for living less and more money? Besides, the more successful Tao Tao’s experiment is, the more he will be able to follow suit!

So Zhou Chunni took the flour back with a smile, and quickly made pancakes and sent them to Taotao.

Taotao avoided people and asked her quietly, “Did you keep it for Honghong and the others?”

Zhou Chunni was blushing and moved a little, and whispered, “Leave one for each of them.”

Taotao frowned, “You and Big Brother Jiang are also one!” She then stuffed two pancakes back for her, and said, “I’m going to go to the county in a few days to get the bedding we checked in, you Do you want me to bring anything?”

Zhou Chunni thought for a while, and felt a little sad, “No need…we don’t have much money either.”

Taotao pursed her lips and smiled, “Brother Jiang has a five-dollar allowance with me.”

Zhou Chunni’s eyes lit up, “Can you send money so soon?”

“I have the final say!” Taotao laughed, “…I’ll be here for a whole month until next week? Brother Jiang really helped me a lot. By the way, I still have something to talk about. You negotiate.”

With that said, Taotao talked about her plan.

——After the heavy snow closed the mountains, the production team stopped working. We will have to wait until next spring, when the snow melts in February, before we can resume work. This period of time was a full three months.

Taotao hopes to take this opportunity to teach cultural lessons to the entire production team, so that everyone can take off their illiterate hats.

The location is in the greenhouse.

Even in winter, the greenhouse needs to maintain a certain temperature, so the superiors brought a large amount of firewood and charcoal to Taotao. A charcoal fire is needed in the greenhouse, and the temperature is stronger than outside. Everyone can stay in the greenhouse to learn cultural knowledge without wasting their own firewood and charcoal. Isn’t it killing two birds with one stone?

However, this is only Taotao’s idea, and it still needs the consent and support of Jiang Hongzhi, the production team leader. If Jiang Hongzhi can have his own ideas and suggestions, that would be great!

Zhou Chunni listened, nodded straight, and asked Tao Tao, “Tao Tao, I heard from you last time that my little Ni’er is literate, right? You taught me too?”

Tao Tao nodded with a smile.

“Then, can I learn it?” Zhou Chunni asked regularly.

Tao Tao smiled and said, “Of course I can!”

Zhou Chunni was looking forward to it, but also a little uncomfortable, “I…if I can read, I can write to my brother and little Ni’er!” She said, the more she thought about it, the happier she became, “Tao Tao, I’m back. , then go back and tell our boss about it!”

Tao Tao waved at Zhou Chunni.

What she didn’t tell Zhou Chunni was that if people from the production team came to the greenhouse for cultural classes, there would be too many people in the greenhouse, and the exhaled carbon dioxide would form a natural greenhouse effect, which would play a virtuous cycle for the growth of plants in the greenhouse. .

At the same time, people can also receive cultural education, and Taotao can even organize some activities…

It’s a win-win.

After sending Zhou Chunni away, Taotao entertained the teachers and brothers and sisters for lunch.

When she first came to Lingxi, Taotao planted the first batch of ice-leaf grass in the warm shed.

Gladiolus is very adaptable to saline-alkali land, easy to survive, and can also improve and regulate saline-alkali land. And this kind of grass can be eaten, and it is a low-cost, high-efficiency grass.

The temperature here is warm in the early morning and the temperature is quite high, and the growth of the ice-leaf grass is not bad. Now more than half a month has passed… but it looks lush.

Taotao took the small basket and went back to cut some ice-leaf grass, washed it and divided it into two parts, blanched the large part in a pot, then picked it up and mixed it with garlic paste, and before she came here, her sister Bailizi gave it to her. The soy sauce she made.

A cold iced dish is done.

The remaining small portion was made into soup by Tao Tao with mashed potatoes, put two soaked and chopped black fungus into it, and then knocked an egg into the soup and stirred it into flowers. In the end, I sprinkled seven or eight wolfberry into it…

A large bowl of colorful, sweet and mellow soup is ready.

The pancakes are served with cold iced vegetables, which are full and tired. The fungus iced vegetable egg drop soup looks fancy and is specially made by Taotao for his son.

Sure enough, Xiao Feibai liked this soup very much.

The little guy sat on his special dining table and chair, with a flatbread in front of him, a bowl of vegetable soup, a plate of cold iced vegetables, and a few well-ripened dried jujube.

The two puppies guarded him one by one… He listened to his mother’s words and shared a pancake with the two puppies. And according to the rules set by his mother, he must eat a large portion, and the two little milk dogs cannot eat more than him.

So, Xiao Feibai seriously divided a cake into four parts, he and the little milk dogs each one piece, and the remaining quarter piece, he tore off half of each corner and put it in the bowls of the dogs on the ground .

The two little milk dogs sat in front of their bowls, obediently guarding the little master, their chests were tall and their tails were flapping quickly.

Until the little master put the pie in their bowl–

The little milk dogs also looked at the little master with wet eyes.

As long as the little master hasn’t said “seven”, they can’t eat…

look forward to!

The dogs’ fat tails wagged more vigorously.

Xiao Feibai gave orders and said in a milky voice, “…Seven!”

The dogs got excited, stood up immediately, took the cake in their mouth and bit them.

Seeing that her son was having a good time, Taotao smiled and explained, “Xiao Feibai, there is a pit in the jujube, do you know that the pit must be spit out?”

“Chicken way!” Xiao Feibai said seriously.

Tao Tao, “Also, don’t give the dogs iced vegetables!”

Xiao Feibai paused for a while before answering: “Mom Feifei seven meals, don’t shut down!”

– Mom, Xiao Feifei is eating and can’t speak.

Everyone was turned into cuteness by Xiao Mengwa’s serious, serious and well-behaved appearance…

Tao Tao also pursed her lips and smiled, chatting with her teachers, brothers and sisters.

The brothers and sisters gathered together, because Taotao and Shi Yuxi will not go back this year for the Chinese New Year, and will stay until next summer vacation. So what everyone is discussing is what they will bring from Kyoto to give Taotao and Shi after the spring. Yuxi.

Taotao asked rudely, “Brothers and sisters, please bring me some villains and comics, I didn’t expect my child to grow up so fast… I have to let him develop the habit of reading. Besides, from Kyoto Bring some candy, kids still love those.”

Everyone nodded.

Tao Tao is the youngest in her class and the only one with a child, and the child is so smart, well-behaved and sensible that she has become a group pet.

Professor Fu, “I have a lot of books in my house in Kyoto, there should be some suitable for children to read. I will look for it later, Yiya is also at the age of school, and then I will find all the books suitable for Yiya and Feibai… “I’ll bring it to you next year!”

Tao Tao thanked the teacher.

Deng Gaoyun thought for a while, and said to Taotao, “I’m going back to my hometown for the new year. My cousin is skillful and can make Zhuge locks and tangrams. I’ll bring a few pairs to Xiao Feibai in the spring of next year!”

Tao Tao was overjoyed and sincerely thanked Senior Brother Deng.

Shi Yuxi, “I have nothing to do in my spare time during the New Year. Anyone of you bring me some wool, and I will knit a sweater for Xiaofei Bai!”

Tao Tao did not agree, “Senior sister, the work of knitting sweaters is not thankful. I will arrange for the child’s clothes, shoes and socks. If you have time, you should study the subject or thesis and try to graduate as soon as possible.”

Shi Yuxi was a little embarrassed and lowered his head.

Tao Tao sighed.

Chen Yicheng asked Taotao, “Little Junior Sister, my hometown is in Nandu. When spring starts tomorrow, I’ll bring you some dried seafood. This is a desert. Occasionally eating some dried seafood is a change of taste.”

Tao Tao said quickly: “Dried seafood is precious, Senior Brother Chen, please don’t mess around!”

Chen Yicheng smiled, “Don’t worry, I just brought some dried kelp, dried seaweed, and dried shrimp. The old family made them themselves, and it didn’t cost much.”

Taotao, “That won’t work, unless you accept the money I give you, and I only want it after you accept it!”

Chen Yicheng scratched the back of his head, “Then… let’s do it!”

Qi Huan asked, “Little Junior Sister, shall I bring you some condiments or something? I think you only have salt and soy sauce in your kitchen.”

Chen Yicheng also said: “Yes, little junior sister, you are so good at cooking,”

Taotao thought for a while, then shook her head, “Those are not easy to carry, the weight is not much, and they are still dead. Before the heavy snow seals the mountain, I will go to the county town, I will buy anything I am missing, and I will not make a big mistake. Brought it all the way from Kyoto.”

Then she asked Shi Yuxi again, “Senior sister, are you going to the city?”

Shi Yuxi hesitated for a while, then shook his head, “Forget it, I’m not going, and I… have nothing to buy.”

She looked pale, obviously depressed. After thinking for a while, he said to Tao Tao, “Tao Tao, when you go to the county seat, please go to the post and telecommunications office to have a look. If there is any letter from me, bring it back for me.”

Tao Tao nodded.

——Everyone knows a little about Shi Yuxi.

After Zuo Tianhua went to the countryside to cut the queue, maybe he was not used to it or something. He frantically wrote letters to Shi Yuxi, sent registered letters, and two or three telegrams a month.

There is only one content: let Shi Yuxi quickly ask Professor Fu for help, he must find a way to ask Professor Fu to help him get in touch, and give him a chance to return to Kyoto.

Qi Huan also complained to Taotao privately, saying that Zuo Tianhua spends a lot of money on writing letters a month. If I knew this earlier, why didn’t I cherish it in the first place…

At the beginning, Shi Yuxi was forced to do nothing by Zuo Tianhua, so he looked down on his face, took Zuo Tianhua’s letter to Professor Fu, and conveyed Zuo Tianhua’s words.

Professor Fu opened the skylight and said to Shi Yuxi, “You are a sensible person. How many times have I given him a chance, you will see it in your eyes. Now he has gone to the countryside to cut the queue… This is an arrangement of the state. , What ability do I have to bring him back? Does he have great ability? Or is he absolutely necessary in a certain field?”

“Yuxi, don’t think about him, you have to think about yourself. You are not too young, you are only one year behind Zuo Tianhua, next year will be your last year, if you can’t pass The defense… Yuxi, then you really… hurt my heart too much. I don’t want me to be a teacher who can’t take students, do you understand what I mean?”

Since then, Shi Yuxi never mentioned Zuo Tianhua to Professor Fu again.

Thinking about it now, Shi Yuxi’s most troublesome thing is Zuo Tianhua’s crazy letters and her graduation thesis.

Hearing Taotao saying that he wanted to go to Lingxi County to buy New Year’s goods, Professor Fu said, “There will be a special car to pick us up at that time. Why don’t you go with us without changing trains.”

Tao Tao nodded, “I’ll ask someone to send Song Zhi a message. On that day, when the car turns a corner and goes to a satellite city, take him with you too!”

“No problem,” said Professor Fu.

After a group of people had dinner, Zhou Chunni rushed to find Taotao.

——It was because Taotao wanted to hold a cultural class in the greenhouse when the snow closed the mountains.

Zhou Chunni pulled Taotao aside and started chattering:

Jiang Hongzhi also did put forward his opinion. But because he is different from Tao Tao, he asked Zhou Chunni to come over and convey it on his behalf.

Jiang Hongzhi’s opinion is: Taotao can never give everyone free lessons. Although she is well-intentioned, free things will definitely cause controversy in the future.

He put forward a preliminary idea: each family can only go to one person in turn every day, and they cannot go empty-handed. Each person must bring a firewood or a potato. After class, there must be an exam, and there must be an elimination system. Those who get too poor grades will be fined for a few days and not allowed to go, and another person in the family will go out to participate.

In short, it must be considered from many aspects:

First of all, it cannot be free. Once it is free, ordinary people will not cherish it. Over time, they will take it for granted. On the contrary, make them pay the price of a firewood and a potato a day, which is exactly the cost they can afford.

The second is that you can’t get all the staff together, otherwise there will be no sense of superiority.

Finally, there must be a system of rewards and punishments. This is actually a gambler’s mentality. In the boring days when the mountains are blocked by heavy snow and there is nothing to do, if the production team members are not properly guided, according to past experience, they will meet eight times out of ten. Playing poker together for money…

When the spring comes, I will owe a lot of debt, and then I will beat the cubs and curse the mother-in-law again.

After listening to Zhou Chunni’s retelling, Tao Tao was surprised.

——I really can’t tell, Jiang Hongzhi is serious, and his ideas are still very thoughtful and sophisticated. Why didn’t I see it when I was in Ruyi Village before?

After thinking about it, Tao Tao was relieved again.

——Jiang Hongzhi’s growth should have been built on the basis of being defeated by her elder brother Bai Dongsheng, and he decided to no longer rely on cleverness, but to learn from elder brother Dongsheng in a serious and down-to-earth manner. Do the real thing!

Tao Tao was quite happy, so she said to Zhou Chunni: “Brother Jiang is really good! I didn’t think about these things… It’s all up to Brother Jiang and you to arrange. However, you can be considered as reminding me. This year, I have a fellow senior sister who is also staying here. She can also teach everyone, but she has to collect teaching funds.

“Of course, when I’m free in a few days, my senior sister and I will write down the content of the winter class for you, ensuring that it is suitable for all men, women and children, learning, playing games… Civil and military competitions, singing, painting, sports, etc. Both! It will definitely make you have a very meaningful winter!”

Zhou Chunni nodded happily.

She wasn’t entirely happy about the coming winter, which was supposed to be different.

What made her most happy was the arrival of Taotao, which improved her relationship with her husband Jiang Hongzhi.

Zhou Chunni knew very well that Jiang Hongzhi never looked down on her. He thought she was a rural woman and couldn’t recognize even the words… His communication with her could only stay on very basic topics such as eating, drinking and lhasa.

Sometimes when he is in a good mood and has a few more words with her…

Zhou Chunni couldn’t understand.

She couldn’t understand, so he could only agree, and he lost interest.

She had also been cruel, and had the cheek to ask him to teach her to read. But she is not a smart person. She has a bad memory and poor understanding. He patiently taught him a few times, but she couldn’t keep up with it or learn…

He was annoyed and lost interest.

The more time the two spend together, the less they say…

Until the peach came.

Jiang Hongzhi believes that Taotao’s project is a new springboard in his life. But due to the cautious style of this era, it is not good for him to get too close to Taotao, and Zhou Chunni and Taotao are sisters from the same village, so the relationship is even closer…

Jiang Hongzhi asked Zhou Chunni to pass the word.

And because he was afraid that Zhou Chunni would miss out, or that the tone and attitude of his words would irritate Taotao, Jiang Hongzhi would explain to Zhou Chunni again and again, and asked her to repeat it to him…

Of course, at the beginning, Jiang Hongzhi still despised her.

Slowly, after more than a few times, Zhou Chunni kept up with Jiang Hongzhi and Taotao’s ideas, and finally got enlightened. When Jiang Hongzhi taught Zhou Chunni, he no longer taught her ten sentences and she forgot eight. …

His attitude towards her gradually improved.

Now, when Taotao and Jiang Hongzhi are discussing issues through Zhou Chunni, Zhou Chunni will even tell Jiang Hongzhi what she thinks, and sometimes Jiang Hongzhi will also discuss a few words with her.

The couple talked a lot and communicated a lot. When Jiang Hongzhi was in a good mood, Zhou Chunni would have the courage to chat with him, talk about housework, and talk about things in the production team…

The relationship between husband and wife is much better.

Even after dinner today, Jiang Hongzhi said to her: “…I will wash these bowls, hurry up and tell Taotao, and come back when you’re done! Wait, remember that you are still pregnant now. Body, be careful on the road.”

Zhou Chunni was so happy that she even walked like she was floating!

Once upon a time, he actually began to care about her! Zhou Chunni still remembers that when she was pregnant with her first child, it was when she first arrived here. At that time, he just came to report and became an ordinary member of the production team of Lingxi Oasis.

The former production team leader gave Jiang Hongzhi a shabby room with air leaks from all sides. Jiang Hongzhi refused to do it, and wanted to reason with others… She thought about the new arrival, and it was better to have less than one thing, so she advised him to forget it. It is also used as an analogy when Jiang Hongzhi also targeted Song Zhi when Song Zhi first arrived at Ruyi Village to jump in the queue.

As a result, Jiang Hongzhi’s inverse scale was dissatisfied.

The follow-up is that Jiang Hongzhi didn’t go to someone for the theory, but because of this bad beginning, Jiang Hongzhi has been bullied and targeted for more than a year, and he also had a cold war with Zhou Chunni for almost a year.

He was also reluctant to talk to her until she gave birth. Because of this, he had no idea when she would give birth. On the day that Zhou Chunni was born, the aunt who lived next door noticed something was wrong, so she scolded Jiang Hongzhi and called other women to take care of Zhou Chunni and gave birth to the child.

Probably out of guilt for Zhou Chunni, and also out of love for her first child, Jiang Hongzhi began to serve Zhou Chunni’s confinement clumsily but thoughtfully and meticulously under the guidance of other women.

Those were the few sweet days that Zhou Chunni could feel in her marriage.

But the good times don’t last long…

Also because of her lack of learning and skills, lack of culture and quality, she has always had no common language with Jiang Hongzhi.

Gradually, Jiang Hongzhi was reluctant to talk to her, and the relationship between the two gradually cooled down.

Now that Zhou Chunni and Tao Tao finished talking, they hummed a little song and headed home.

She thought to herself: After Taotao opens winter classes in the future, she will have to study hard, strive to be a person with knowledge and culture, and strive to become a person who can share a common language with Jiang Hongzhi as soon as possible…

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Professor Fu and the others were going back.

The Taotao family wanted to ride the teacher’s ride to the county town to buy New Year’s goods. Shi Yuxi didn’t want to go to the county town, but the teachers and students forced her to go there in order to make her happy.

So, Taotao told Jiang Hongzhi and Zhou Chunni, and asked them to help take care of the greenhouse, and then help take care of the puppies for a few days…

On this day, a few teachers and students got into the body of a transport truck sent by the county government to pick them up. First, they went to the satellite city and picked up Song Zhi, and then the driver drove the transport truck into With the posture of a new generation of combat aircraft, it galloped away towards the county seat.

It may be because of the wind direction, the body of the transport truck is hung with a thick curtain, but it is not cold, but the bumps are too severe.

In order to keep warm, everyone crowded into a row, close to each other, and the teacher’s large and small bags were used as cushions and cushions by everyone…

Song Zhi was sitting on… I don’t know whose luggage, Tao Tao snuggled in his arms, Xiao Fei Bai slept on top of him, the family of three was packed warm, and also dizzy from the shaking and bumps .

After about three or four hours of crowding, we finally arrived at the county seat.

When everyone got out of the car, they all felt that their bones were about to fall apart.

Only Xiao Feibai, who slept comfortably along the way, was blushing and energetic, and was screaming for meat buns.

Tao Tao got motion sickness and went to the side to vomit.

Song Zhi was in a hurry, so he took the kettle and handed it to Chen Yicheng, asked him to help with errands, and went to the train station hall to get some hot water to rinse Taotao’s mouth.

Deng Gaoyun asked the teacher to wait here, he took the letter of introduction to the train station window to pick up the ticket, while Shi Yuxi went to the post and telecommunications office next to the train station to pick up the letter.

Professor Fu accompanied Taotao in the past, while Qi Huan stayed where he was to look at the luggage.

After a while, Shi Yuxi ran over in a panic and said to Professor Fu, “Teacher! Teacher is incredible…”

“What’s the matter?” Professor Fu asked with a frown.

Shi Yuxi held a thick stack of ordinary letters in his hand, and when he saw the handwriting on the envelope, he knew that Zuo Tianhua wrote it to her.

However, Shi Yuxi still had a telegram in his hand.

She handed the telegram to the teacher and said, “…Teacher, this is a telegram from Kyoto, for you, just arrived.”

When Professor Fu heard this, he was also anxious.

——The Kyoto side knew about her return date, and they sent her a telegram at this juncture. There must be something very important!

She opened the envelope three times and twice, only glanced at the contents of the telegram, and fell into a long silence.

After a while, Chen Yicheng filled a kettle with hot water and handed it to Song Zhi. Song Zhi tried the temperature of the hot water, it was too hot. So I mixed it with cold water from another kettle and turned it into lukewarm water before letting Taotao rinse her mouth and let her drink a few sips of water…

After Tao Tao recovered, she also leaned over and glanced at the contents of the telegram.

There were only eight words on the telegram, “The department caught fire and the log was destroyed.”

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