Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 149 - Ice and Snow Visitors (1)

Taotao approached Xiao Qingjuan in the hope that she could participate in the winter vacation class competition and get the first place.

Because the prize for the first place is two catties of flour.

Of course, this is because the first production team of Lingxi Oasis is still a super poor unit, and this time Taotao and the others have offered more courses…

Jiang Hongzhi spent the night with an abacus to count the little inventory in the collective warehouse over and over again, and finally squeezed out this little prize.

Even so, Xiao Qingjuan’s eyes lit up.

She knows that the scientific research station has opened a lot of courses for everyone. Could it be that…

Taotao interrupted her random thoughts at the right time: “A person can only participate in the selection once!”

Xiao Qingjuan smiled, thought about it carefully, and said, “Then I’m suitable…”

“Cultivation of seedlings and protection of pests and diseases.” Tao Tao made the final call.

Xiao Qingjuan suddenly felt a little… guilty.

“Feifei Mom, I really can’t do it!” Xiao Qingjuan said quickly, “I, I didn’t even recognize the word! How dare you fight for this first place! I, I will think about other things!”

Taotao smiled and said, “Everyone knows that this subject is the most difficult, so the number of applicants is the least! As for literacy, how many literate people are there in your village, don’t you know?”

Xiao Qingjuan was stunned.

Of course she knew that this village was an illiterate village!

There are more than 200 men, women and children in the whole village, only the educated youth from outside are literate, and there are no more than ten people together!

Otherwise, Bai Taotao wouldn’t preside over the class to literate everyone!

Among the seven or eight educated youths, four or five men were basically brigade cadres and could not participate in these class evaluations. Most of the two or three women are married and have children, and they are quietly running the housework at home…

That being said, it doesn’t seem like there is no chance!

Xiao Qingjuan bit her lip.

Tao Tao said to her: “There is still a month left, I will teach it again and again, you just need to pay attention to the class!”

Then he smiled again, “Big Brother Jiang and the others have also held a lot of activities. When the time comes, you can participate more and get more prizes… You and Hua Niu can also have a good New Year during the Chinese New Year!”

Xiao Qingjuan thought for a while and nodded, “Then I’ll… listen to Feifei’s mother in class!”

Tao Tao smiled.

For her, “Feifei Mom” ​​is a strange kind of identification.

Tao Tao will not bring children.

When she was in the fairy world, she had never even seen a child; occasionally, when she was living in the world, before she had time to see the world, she was in danger and was rescued by the master and brought to the Mei Zong.

After she was reincarnated, she stayed in Ruyi Village, and her family loved her. Even the two little children, Hongdou and Huangdou, regarded her as someone who needed to be taken care of… Later, I watched the birth of Mungdou and Potato, but my sister-in-law Tan Fenghui was too capable. , She took care of the children’s food and drinks, and of course Taotao helped take care of them…

But only after you give birth to a child can you experience what it’s like to be a mother.

That’s what it feels like to be relied upon, trusted, looked up to, and loved.

So Taotao still likes the title “Feifei Mom”.

Although no one calls her that.

About Xiao Qingjuan and Hua Niu are the only ones who call her that.

Taotao smiled and said to Xiao Qingjuan: “Okay, then you can go back quickly, and adjust the time later, you should do housework, you should come to class, if you can’t get a firewood a day…”

Xiao Qingjuan hurriedly said, “One firewood a day won’t be too expensive!”

Before, she only went to class every other day, and it wasn’t that she couldn’t get a single firewood a day. The main reason was that she couldn’t arrange the time… Now it’s going to be winter, but she and her daughter go out of the house (mainly because There is really nothing to share at home.) Nothing, she hopes to spend more time on things like catching voles, collecting firewood, and Xian clothes to earn potatoes.

Now, since Feifei’s mother said so, she will definitely participate.

The two smiled and said goodbye to each other.

Tao Tao returned to the research station.

Now Xiao Feibai has a fixed friend to play with him every day, except for eating and drinking, he almost doesn’t use Tao Tao to manage.

Taotao stood at the door and watched Xiao Feibai and Hua Niu play the game of turning the flower rope, and then walked into the scientific research station with a smile.

The dull, but fulfilling days passed day by day.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Song Zhi consigned the water truck driver to bring a message, saying that he could come to the oasis the day after tomorrow, and he saved four days of vacation and could stay here in Taotao for four days.

Peach is looking forward to it.

After all, the family of three had not seen each other for more than 20 days.

She deliberately took time to come out and tidy up the room – the New Year’s goods she bought and the luggage brought from Kyoto were all slowly disassembled by her, and all the things she needed to use were taken out… Slowly, the things in the room became more and more more and more.

This room is small, and she and Xiao Feibai don’t feel anything when they are squeezed together. But Song Zhi was tall, so he was afraid that three people would squeeze into one room, which was too small.

However, it started to snow and sand that night.

Tao Tao fell asleep and was awakened again by the increasingly denser and louder sound of snow and sand hitting the roof.

He took out the flashlight and watch from under the pillow, and checked the time–11:30 at night? !

Taotao waited for half an hour with her eyes open. She couldn’t help it. She got up and put on her cotton-padded clothes. She turned on the flashlight and called out Deng Gaoyun and Shi Yuxi…

– The felt on the roof of the greenhouse must be covered.

Otherwise, I’m afraid that the blizzard this time will be worse than the last time, and it will not be good to overwhelm the greenhouse.

Before that, Tao Tao called the two dogs into the house and let the sleeping son guard him, and then he went out with his brothers and sisters fully armed to pull the felt cloth.

The three of them worked for nearly two hours. They were hit by the snow and sand in the face, they were cold enough, and they were sweaty and tired from the heat. They finally pulled up all the felt cloths of the two greenhouses.

When we returned to the research station, it was already two o’clock in the night.

Tao Tao made a fire, boiled a pot of gnocchi soup, put some salt, lard, and some chili sauce made by Shi Yuxi. The three brothers and sisters ate the soup and water.

Then Taotao boiled two more pots of boiling water, and filled all the boiling water bottles. The extra hot water was divided between Deng Gao Yunshi Yuxi and Deng Gao, one pot per person, and brought into her own room to wash.

Tao Tao took off her sweaty autumn clothes, wiped her body, and used the rest of the hot water to soak her feet.

After eating a big bowl of noodle soup, soaking her feet again, she felt warm all over her body… Then she took her son to bed and fell asleep.

It was a good night’s sleep.

Just after waking up, she felt something was wrong.

Look at the watch again –

God, it’s already half past ten in the morning? ? ?

Tao Tao sat up all of a sudden and looked at the dim light in the room, almost wondering if her watch was broken.

——It’s just like it’s not yet dawn, how could it be half past ten in the morning?

She quickly put on a cotton coat, walked to the glass window to see, and understood.

It was snowing so densely and thickly outside that it was obscuring the sun…

It looked like it was just dawn.

Tao Tao looked back at her son who was sleeping on the bed.

——The little guy was warmed by his mother’s body temperature. After a while, he kicked the quilt and lay on his back, his hands and feet stretched to the extreme, and his face was flushed. Appears to be sound asleep.

Tao Tao smiled, went over to hug her son and shook it for a while, and then kissed the little guy on the cheek.

Xiao Feibai closed his eyes and asked vaguely, “Mom, Dad is getting fat?”

Tao Tao was stunned.

She sighed.

Such a heavy snow, I don’t know how many days it will fall, and I don’t know when it will melt.

It seemed that in a short period of time, Song Zhi could not come here.

Although she knew that Song zhi would not be able to make it, Taotao still used some spiritual power and asked the little grape in the warm shed, [Little grape, can you contact Song zhi’s situation? 】

Little Grape replied quickly, [Tao Tao, in the morning he went back to his room to shave and change his clothes. Then seeing that the snow was too heavy, he changed back to his overalls and went to work in the workshop. 】

Taotao breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Little Grape again, [How are you? Cold? 】

Little Grape, [It’s cold! It’s cold in the soil, and it’s so dark that there’s no daylight… Tao Tao, I don’t like it here. 】

Taotao quickly appeased the little grape, [I’ll go over to burn the charcoal pot in a while and sprinkle some water for you… Are the other plants okay? 】

Small grapes, [they seem to be more adaptable than me… peach peach I am cold. 】

Speaking of later, Xiao Grape’s voice became aggrieved.

Tao Tao couldn’t stop.

She woke her son up and went out to get breakfast.

Deng Gaoyun and Shi Yuxi also got up.

The two of them were also amazed, saying that it was so dark that they thought the watch was broken…

The three of them simply ate some breakfast. Taotao got the straps, put her son on her back, and entered the greenhouse from the back door of the warehouse together with her brothers and sisters.

Because the felt cloth was pulled on the top, the light in the greenhouse was also very poor, and it was no different from the night. The brothers and sisters gave birth to charcoal pots and sprinkled some water on the plants. Taotao deliberately touched the small vine, chatted with it a few words to comfort it, and then returned to the scientific research station.

And because they had nothing to do, Taotao and Shi Yuxi discussed how to make some noodles while the weather is cold now, so as not to have to make noodles temporarily every time they cook.

So the three adults started chatting and kneading and kneading the noodles to make noodles, and Xiao Feibai followed the two puppies to play in the house.

The three made a lot of noodles.

They need to hang the finished noodles outside and let them freeze naturally, but they are too lazy to wear cotton clothes, so they rush out of the office one by one and hang the noodles on the drying rack in the yard…

Da Huang and Da Hei were frightened, and rushed out with the three of them… Then they ran back inexplicably, followed them out, and rushed back again…

Xiao Feibai laughed and cried happily, and even Tao Tao and the others couldn’t help laughing.

It snowed heavily all day.

The three big and one small in the scientific research station do not have any burden, after all, since the living materials in the warehouse are sufficient and rich in variety.

However, Tao Tao was a little worried about Song Zhi.

According to Little Grape’s rumors, Song Zhi’s mood was obviously a little irritable – the heavy snow blocked the road, so that the water transportation was suspended, and it seemed that there was no need to stop the snow these days. He was impatient and wanted himself again and again When I drove to the oasis, I was persuaded by Professor Dong and others.

Then he became restless, went back to the room to lie down, went to the rest pavilion on the ground to wait for the snow to stop, went to work in the workshop but was not in the mood…

Tao Tao sighed.

There was no way, she could only unilaterally know Song Zhi’s situation.

Until the next morning, the goose feather snow still had no intention of stopping, but the village was obviously restless.

There is the sound of dogs barking.

After a while, Jiang Hongzhi came to pat the door, “Peach! Peach open the door!”

Tao Tao hurried over to open the door.

Jiang Hongzhi led twenty or thirty strong men in the village, all of them standing at the door in full armor, with seven or eight dogs beside them. They wore hats on their heads, hatchets, poles and other items in their hands, ropes tied around their waists, and clogs tied with straw ropes under their feet, as if they were going out for a long journey.

“Brother, what are you doing?” Tao Tao asked.

Jiang Hongzhi said, “Lend me your two dogs!”

Then explain a little bit.

——I saw a military flare near the village last night. It must be someone in danger nearby. So Jiang Hongzhi organized people to go out to search and rescue.

Tao Tao thought for a while and said, “Brother, wait for me here.”

Then she hurried back to the house.

Her two dogs were only teenagers according to their age. In such a cold day, she was afraid that the dogs could not stand it, so she called the dogs, picked up two pieces of old cotton coats on the ground, and tied them to on the dog.

– Those two pieces of old cotton-padded coat were originally used as kennels for the two of them.

Dahuang Dahei was obedient, and let the hostess “dress” them with cotton coats.

Next, Taotao rummaged through her luggage to find two packages, and hurriedly brought it to Jiang Hongzhi, “Brother, this package is labor insurance gloves, this package is lining…”

Labor insurance gloves are Taotao’s personal supplies. She considers that working in the greenhouse requires a long time to hold hoes and other tools, and she is afraid of grinding her hands. The lining is also Tao Tao’s personal supplies. At first, I was afraid that after I came here, the glass could not be replaced in time, so I thought of using the lining to temporarily replace it.

Labor insurance gloves can’t keep warm for a long time, but there is nothing to talk about.

These white interlinings are a good thing!

They are light and thin and not very breathable. The peach lining was cut into a width of one meter and a length of two meters. First, it helped Jiang Hongzhi to put it on his body, and after finishing it, it turned into a white vest.

Taotao explained: “This cloth can’t keep warm, but it can block snow, so that snowflakes will not penetrate the cotton coat.”

Jiang Hongzhi was very grateful, “Thank you, peach.” Then he asked the villagers to follow suit and put the lining over the cotton coat.

He was leading people away—

Tao Tao thought of something again, “Brother, wait a minute!”

Then she ran back to the room and took out the unpleasantly sweet package of candy she didn’t want at all, and handed it to Jiang Hongzhi, “Brother, take this with you too! In case you’re hungry outside. Now, you can top it!”

Jiang Hongzhi measured it and found that this package of candies is more than a pound!

“Thank you!”

The smile on Jiang Hongzhi’s face brought a bit of warmth, and the villagers who accompanied him also looked at Taotao gratefully.

“Be careful on your way!” Tao Tao waved at them.

A group of people left with a dozen or so dogs.

Among them, Dahuang Dahei, who is wearing clothes, looks particularly majestic.

After Jiang Hongzhi and the others left, it snowed heavily for another day and night.

Taotao and her brothers and sisters stayed in the scientific research station to eat and sleep well. Every morning, they went to find a way to remove the snow on the roof of the greenhouse, and then swept the snow near the scientific research station a little…

The whole village, the whole oasis is covered with snow.

It was surprisingly quiet, and it also made people feel uncertain and flustered.

Mainly, Jiang Hongzhi and the others went out all day and night, and they didn’t know what was going on.

Tao Tao and the others didn’t dare to go out. The ground was covered in snow, and they actually didn’t know where there were pits or slopes. It would be bad if they fell.

Xiao Qingjuan came once, mainly to see if there was anything wrong with Taotao.

Tao Tao hurriedly stuffed her a bag of milk powder, a two-pound bag of flour, and a small jar of lard for her to eat with Hua Niu. Then she asked her to bring a package containing ten catties of flour, a bag of milk powder, and a package of dry goods such as various mushrooms and kelp to Zhou Chunni.

——Because Zhou Chunni was pregnant and Jiang Hongzhi was not at home at the moment, and there were three such young children in his family, Taotao was still quite worried about Zhou Chunni.

Xiao Qingjuan thanked Taotao and carried her things away.

About an hour later, Xiao Qingjuan came back to report her.

Probably, Xiao Qingjuan was afraid that Taotao would stuff her with something, so when she knocked on Taotao’s door, she simply said that Zhou Chunni was all right, and then entrusted Zhou Chunni with the return gift she brought to Taotao, as well as the gift she gave to Taotao. Tao Tao’s return gift was stuffed to Tao Tao, and she ran away quickly.

Tao Tao laughed and laughed.

After opening the two packs, Zhou Chunni brought seven or eight pancakes, and Xiao Qingjuan brought a pack of… fresh cacti? ? ?

Taotao was very surprised, and hurriedly called Deng Gaoyun to see.

——It’s true that cactus likes drought and is resistant to micro-alkali, but this thing should not survive in a place so cold in winter.

Deng Gaoyun took the large piece of cactus and looked at it over and over, and said, “This variety can be eaten, and it is grown. Look here, here… These are old wounds, which were broken and healed later. It must be a flower. Niuniang picked it up from a place far away from here, and worked hard to support it… This variety is too common, we don’t have it in our greenhouse. Otherwise, you can break a few pieces and put them in the greenhouse, and use it as a vegetable to improve your life. good.”

Tao Tao nodded.

So she broke off a few pieces of cactus and inserted them into the greenhouse, soaked the rest of the cactus, scraped and sliced ​​them in salt water, and then added some bacon to fry them.

In the middle of the night, someone knocked on the door of the research station.

Tao Tao quickly put on her clothes and got up to open the door.

——Jiang Hongzhi and the others came back and brought back a seven-man team.

Jiang Hongzhi came to return the dog and labor protection gloves, and asked her if she had any medicine.

Taotao frowned and looked at Jiang Hongzhi, only to see that his nose was red from the cold, his hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes were frozen, and even the cheeks were full of red folds and cracks, and quickly asked: “Yes Who? What was injured?”

Jiang Hongzhi replied: “The seven people belonged to the oil exploration team. They were trapped by the blizzard, and the car overturned and couldn’t go. We walked all day to get there, and we took them for a day and a night before we came back… …”

Then he talked about the symptoms of everyone, “Our people, it’s not a big problem, mainly relying on the bag of fruit candy you gave, and finally came back alive! But among the seven people, one old man has a fever, it is estimated that Frozen. A man was injured and covered in blood, the details of which are still unclear. There is also a woman who said, said she had dysmenorrhea…”

Speaking of this, Jiang Hongzhi, a man in his thirties, was also a little uncomfortable, but he still tried his best to hold back and continued: “She said she wanted painkillers.”

Tao Tao said, “So you need antipyretics, cold medicines, topical hemostatics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and pain relievers?”

Jiang Hongzhi nodded.

Taotao went to get the medicine and handed it to Jiang Hongzhi, “You have to read the instructions for these medicines and give them to them. The other medicines are enough, but when I went back to the city last time, I didn’t prescribe too many painkillers, only The last one is down, take it!”

Jiang Hongzhi nodded again, thought about it, and thanked Taotao again, “Peach, thank you… When I’m not at home, you still take care of Chunni and my little guys for me.”

“It’s okay! Sister Chunni also gave me a dozen pancakes!” Tao Tao laughed.

Jiang Hongzhi didn’t say anything, but bowed to Taotao, and then hurried away with the medicine.

In the afternoon, someone knocked on the door of the research station again.

Taotao went to open the door and found that the person was a man and a woman, both men and women in their early thirties, all with fresh faces.

The two were stunned when they saw Tao Tao.

——Although the girl in front of her was wearing a bloated cotton-padded coat, she still showed a slender waist. In addition, she was born with snow-skinned black hair and a beautiful face, and both of them were stunned for a while.

Tao Tao frowned, “Excuse me, what’s the matter?”

She also looked at the man and woman in front of her, and had already guessed their identities—presumably they were the people Jiang Hongzhi and the others rescued?

I saw the man dressed in thin clothes, pale and ordinary in appearance; the woman was pretty, with a ruddy face, and her eyes looking at Tao Tao were a little sharp.

The man came back to his senses and said, “Hello comrade, who is the person in charge here?”

Tao Tao, “I am.”

The two were stunned again, probably didn’t expect such a young and beautiful girl to be the person in charge of the scientific research station?

The man said: “Hello comrade, my name is Qi Jiajun, this is my colleague Li Xueyu, and we are all from the oil exploration team. It’s like this… We were trapped by Blizzard on the way to our mission. The team leader arranged for us to live in the production team warehouse, but Xueyu is a **** after all… So, can you please take Xueyu in?”

Taotao directly refused, “I’m sorry, we have no more rooms here.”

Qi Jiajun and Li Xueyu opened their mouths in shock.

They did not expect that Taotao would actually refuse their request.

Tao Tao smiled at them and closed the door.

When she turned around, she saw Shi Yuxi’s surprised expression.

Tao Tao shook her head towards Shi Yuxi and pointed her finger behind her.

Shi Yuxi didn’t say a word, and followed Taotao to the kitchen at the back.

When Deng Gaoyun saw it, he also came over.

“Peach, why don’t you help her?” Shi Yuxi asked in a low voice.

——She knew that Taotao was not a stingy person. When Jiang Hongzhi and the others set off to look for someone, Taotao rummaged through so many private goods for them, including Jiang Hongzhi looking for her to take medicine to save people, Taotao. Peach is also given. You know, those medicines are also bought by Tao Tao with her own money.

Tao Tao said: “You two didn’t see it… When the two came, the man was wearing a jacket, and his hands were all scratched. Men’s, with men’s scarves on their heads…”

Deng Gaoyun guessed: “This shows that they may be lovers, and **** men feel bad for lesbians?”

Taotao looked at Deng Gaoyun with contempt, “Don’t make guesses as a bachelor.”

Deng Gaoyun’s face was hurt.

Shi Yuxi explained: “If the two of them are really lovers, lesbians will feel sorry for **** men. In such a cold day, even if a **** man wants to wear his cotton-padded clothes to a woman, the woman will refuse, and at most can only accept it. Wear an extra scarf like that.”

After a pause, Shi Yuxi said again: “Even if it’s not a couple, a **** can’t accept a colleague’s cotton-padded clothes with such peace of mind! Now that the weather is more than ten degrees below zero, how can she wear two cotton-padded clothes and let her My colleague is wearing a jacket!”

Deng Gaoyun suddenly realized.

Shi Yuxi hesitated, “Tao Tao, but she is a **** after all, and she has encountered difficulties. Why don’t we help?”

Taotao said solemnly: “So I just want to say hello to my brothers and sisters… I have the final say on this matter! I will not accept this Comrade Li Xueyu to live in our research station.”

After a pause, Taotao explained: “Just now when Brother Jiang came to me to get medicine, he said that Comrade Li Xueyu has dysmenorrhea, so she needs painkillers… Of course, if she is really uncomfortable, I can understand, pain relief I also gave the medicine. But the problem is, she can tell her menstrual cramps in front of a man she doesn’t know, Big Brother Jiang… and I saw her face just now, it’s rosy and full of energy!”

“A person who protects himself so well in a difficult situation and is not afraid to trouble others at all. I think this is a difficult person to get along with, so I don’t want to make myself uncomfortable.” Taotao said calmly.

——The most important thing is that Jiang Hongzhi did not accompany the two to come to her.

It can be seen that Jiang Hongzhi also disapproved of Tao Tao’s acceptance of the two.

Deng Gaoyun, “I listened to the younger sister!”

Shi Yuxi also nodded, “I understand, I also listen to you.”

While speaking, someone knocked on the door, “Comrade? Comrade! Please open the door!”

Listening to the voice, it was that Li Xueyu.

Tao Tao passed by and said loudly, “Is there anything else?”

Li Xueyu, “Comrade, please open the door!”

“If you have something to say directly, I am a laboratory here, and I open the door too many times. As soon as the temperature drops, the samples in my laboratory will be scrapped.” Tao Taoxin scoffed.

Li Xueyu:  …

Seeing that she didn’t answer, Taotao said, “Comrade, hurry up and go back, it’s windy and snowy outside!”

Li Xueyu said quickly: “That’s it! I heard you have medicine here… Is that right? Can you give me two more painkillers?”

“No, the last one has been given to you.”

Li Xueyu, “Is it true that you don’t know painkillers? Show me the box of your medicines, okay?”

Tao Tao and Shi Yuxi, who were hiding in the door, exchanged glances.

Shi Yuxi gave Tao Tao a thumbs up.

Taotao said loudly, “I bought the medicine with my own money, and I know how many pills I bought! Come on, comrade! I’m going to do the experiment too.”

Li Xueyu was anxious, “Wait! Also! I still have something to do… Well, I saw some dried noodles hanging in your yard just now, can you give us a handful?”

Tao Tao, “Didn’t the leader of the production team give you anything to eat?”

Li Xueyu’s tone was a little anxious, “The pancakes they gave were dry, hard and cold, and I couldn’t eat it at all… Comrade, open the door and let’s talk face to face, okay? We are all lesbians, I hope you can understand me. !”

Taotao, “I’m sorry, our scientific research station has run out of food, and those noodles are our last ration.”

Li Xueyu, “Then I can exchange pancakes with you, okay?”

“No!” Tao Tao asserted and refused.

Shi Yuxi and Deng Gaoyun in the door looked at each other, then turned their heads to look at Tao Tao, with surprised and approving eyes in their eyes.

Shi Yuxi: Little Junior Sister is really accurate!

Deng Gaoyun: Little Junior Sister has foresight!

Li Xueyu outside the door probably didn’t expect Tao Tao to be so difficult to speak.

She shouted anxiously: “Then, can you give me some of the candy you gave to the captain? I, my body is really uncomfortable… Please consider that everyone is a lesbian. …”

“No! It’s all been given!” Tao Tao continued.

Li Xueyu, who was locked out of the door, was suffocated!

It was the first time she was so unpopular.

why is that……

Is it because the woman (Bai Taotao) just now was jealous of her good looks?

Li Xueyu was gasping for breath.

Qi Jiajun, who was with her, was shivering from the cold, “Xueyu, since people don’t agree… Let’s go back quickly!”

Li Xueyu was in a fit of anger and banged the door of the scientific research station, “Hey, I said, what’s the matter with your comrade? Are there any other comrades in your unit? Let him come out and reason with me! State organs and units, why can’t you help each other when you are away on business? If there is no one else in your unit, tell me your name, and I will talk to your leaders!”

Tao Tao in the door didn’t care at all.

Qi Jiajun outside the door desperately persuaded Li Xueyu, “Xueyu, forget it, let’s go back…”

After a while, Taotao and her brothers and sisters no longer heard any movement outside, and they were convinced that Li Xueyu and Qi Jiajun really left.

Shi Yuxi was timid and asked Taotao nervously, “She won’t really complain, will she?”

Taotao sneered, “Who is she going to complain to? She doesn’t necessarily know which unit I am from! Besides, why should she complain? Why don’t I give her some noodles? Don’t give her painkillers? Or don’t give her candy?”

Deng Gaoyun also comforted Shi Yuxi: “Don’t worry, she has no reason to accuse us of our position. She was rescued by the production team, and the production team also placed her. She is a victim, so what right does she have to point fingers? “

“This person is really good at snapping hats! I also have to thank Taotao for being smart and alert and keeping this person out of the way. Otherwise, if we really let her live in our place, it would be annoying!”

Shi Yuxi nodded, “It’s best that the weather gets better soon, let these people go quickly!”

Taotao thought for a while and said, “Senior sister, just in case, we will eat the noodles today. If we can’t finish eating, we will also take it to the back. Also, our food and living materials are all collected. I’m afraid that the heavy snow won’t stop for three or five days, if that Li Xueyu thinks of other ways to break into us… no matter what she takes, I’m not happy.”

Shi Yuxi, “Then we will all eat noodles tonight and tomorrow morning!”

Deng Gaoyun, “I’m going to tidy up the warehouse, move the grain and living materials to the base of the wall, and then move the fertilizer and firewood to the front to cover all the food for food!”

At the moment, the three acted separately.

At dinner time, the three three-one snacks were served with steaming and delicious egg sesame oil noodles, each sizzling louder than the other.

When he was about to fall asleep at night, Jiang Hongzhi brought a few people over and called to open the door of the scientific research station.

With a solemn expression, he said to Taotao: “…do you have any medicine there? The two wounded in the oil exploration team, the young and old Qin Lao, have been unable to get rid of the fever, and they are talking nonsense. Huang Youming, who has been injured. Comrade was originally sane and it was no big deal, but now he also developed a high fever…”

Taotao thought for a moment, “Brother, wait a minute, I went to get the medicine box, I’ll take a look with you.”

Jiang Hongzhi nodded.

Tao Tao went into the inner room, took out some medicines in the medicine box, and put them away. Then he entrusted his son to Shi Yuxi, and then left with Jiang Hongzhi.

Walking on the fluffy snow at night, Tao Tao was not tall and slender, but after about ten steps, she fell behind.

The snow was so deep that she stepped on it with one foot, and it was difficult to pull her legs out…

Jiang Hongzhi looked back at her for a while, and instructed a strong man in his fifties, “Uncle Tang, go back to Comrade Bai!” Then he explained to Taotao, “It’s okay, let Uncle Tang carry you! He They already have grandchildren…”

Taotao understood Jiang Hongzhi’s meaning and did not object.

So Uncle Tang carried Tao Tao on his back, and the group hurried to the warehouse of the production team.

The situation in the warehouse was similar to what Tao Tao thought.

The conditions of the temporary residence will definitely not be very good, but according to Jiang Hongzhi’s thoughtfulness, of course, it is not much worse.

——There are seven berths lined up in the warehouse, the most “luxurious” one, with a door panel underneath, and the door panel is covered with hay and bedding. The other bunks are relatively shabby, with no door panels, only thick firewood and hay, with bedding on top.

The crowd was surrounding the two bunks, anxiously looking at the two comatose men.

Peach has passed.

The older injured person, with flushed face and closed eyes, muttered, “I…I’m sorry for the country, I’m sorry for the party…I-I didn’t bring the team well…I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

Taotao took out the thermometer and handed it to Jiang Hongzhi.

Jiang Hongzhi called for someone to untie the old man’s clothes and take his temperature.

Taotao asked Jiang Hongzhi how he gave the old man medicine.

The two discussed for a while…

Tao Tao recalled that when Guan Qingbai injured his leg and then quarreled with Fang Ling, he ended up having a high fever… The way the nurses took care of him seemed to be feeding him more water and then using alcohol to physically cool him down.

So she told Jiang Hongzhi these two methods, and then she pretended to grab the old man’s wrist and spent a little bit of spiritual power over there.

Soon, the old man stopped talking nonsense. Although his body temperature had not dropped, his breathing had gradually stabilized.

Tao Tao went to see the young injured person again.

When she saw this person, she felt that something was wrong, and quickly said to Jiang Hongzhi: “He must have other injuries on his body. Quickly take off his clothes for a comprehensive inspection!” After that, she avoided it.

Jiang Hongzhi hurriedly called someone to bring the charcoal basin, and arranged for two big men to take off all the clothes of the wounded.

Everyone couldn’t help but take a breath!

It turned out that the injured person’s elbow was obviously fractured, the broken bone pierced the skin, and there was a lot of blood!

Jiang Hongzhi took someone to check the injured person’s body, and confirmed that only this part of the wound was the most serious. He hurriedly asked someone to dress the injured person, leaving only this arm, and called Taotao to see.

Such an injury!

Tao Tao hesitated. She would be able to cure such an injury. After all, she had been in the Immortal Realm in her previous life, and various competitions and experiences were common, and injuries and healing were also common.

The question is, if she really cures this person, how will she explain it later?

Soon, Tao Tao no longer bothered about this matter.

How to explain later!

If she doesn’t try to treat her now, this person will have a broken arm, or she will die!

So she instructed Jiang Hongzhi, “Brother, I want a pot of boiling water, a clean knife, and a clean cloth… Come and be my assistant, I have to cut his arm with a knife and take out the broken bones. Yes, this is painkiller, you feed him first.”

Jiang Hongzhi hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice, “Are you going to have surgery?”

Tao Tao said vaguely: “I did it before.”

Nor is it a lie.

After a pause, Taotao explained again: “Look at the wound on his arm… it has turned blue and purple, and here… it is white and rotten! This proves that he has been injured for a day or two. , if he doesn’t remove the rotten flesh and broken bones, he will die!”

Jiang Hongzhi was taken aback.

The members of the oil exploration team quickly said to Taotao: “Comrade, you are right! Comrade Huang Youming has been injured for several days. We asked him several times, and he said that he is fine and has recovered. I can’t think of his injury. It’s already so serious… Please be sure to save him, he’s only twenty-five years old!”

Jiang Hongzhi will not hesitate

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