Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 166 - Peace and Peace

There are three exits in the basement: one exit leads to Tao Tao’s bedroom, one leads to the greenhouse exit, and one exit leads directly to the outside of the research station.

Taotao told Yu Bai to take the road that led directly to the outside of the research station.

She also wanted Yu Bo to bring the dog.

Uncle Yu refused, saying that the dog stayed in the basement so that Tao Tao and Zheng Yamei could be emboldened.

He touched it out alone.

After Yu Bo left, Taotao listened to the sound of fighting and killing from above her head for a while…

——Is it broken and hoarse?

Tao Tao smiled and asked in a low voice, “Yame? Are you hungry?”

Zheng Yamei’s voice came, “I’m not hungry.”

Her voice was hoarse, and her voice was full of tension.

Tao Tao said, “I’ll turn on the flashlight for a while.”

She unscrewed the flashlight.

The small space was suddenly filled with light.

Taotao looked at the two children beside her – Xiao Feibai and her younger brother were lying face to face, sleeping soundly. Xiao Feibai’s hand also wrapped around his younger brother in a protective manner.

As soon as the lights came on, Zheng Yamei’s first thing was to check the exits and vents. She was afraid that the doors and lids were not properly closed. What if her whereabouts were exposed?

Taotao looked at Zheng Yamei’s nervous and frightened expression, smiled, packed up the luggage around her, took out two enamel cups, and found a bag of milk powder, poured some milk powder into the enamel cup, Put a little white sugar, and then said angrily, “Oh, I didn’t bring down a spoon for stirring.”

She had to open the thermos, first poured a little bit of boiling water into the cups, and kept shaking…

After the milk powder and white sugar were all melted into the water, I poured some boiling water into it.

After preparing the hot milk, Taotao handed it to Zheng Yamei.

Zheng Yamei was almost dying of nervousness.

Tao Tao handed her the hot milk, and she shook her head.

Tao Tao insisted on giving it to her, and she took it.

Tao Tao prepared another cup of hot milk and whispered to Zheng Yamei, “I’m going to turn off the flashlight.”

Zheng Yamei said in a low voice.

Tao Tao turns off the flashlight.

Although it was dark in front of them, Taotao and Zheng Yamei were each holding a glass of hot milk in their hands, blowing lightly and sipping a sip of the fragrant and warm sweet milk from time to time, and their nervousness slowly disappeared.

Taotao asked Zheng Yamei, “Yamei, did you and Xiaoyu know each other before?”

Zheng Yamei, “I don’t know. Most of us have been trained for many years and only have one mission. After finishing the mission, we will return to the place. No one can know anyone.”

Taotao gave an “ah”, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to inquire about this.”

Zheng Yamei hummed.

Tao Tao asked again, “Actually, I want to ask, are you as good as Xiao Yu, are you good at fighting?”

Zheng Yamei shook her head.

Soon, she realized… In such a dark environment, Tao Tao was invisible.

“I know a few tricks to capture. However, if you really want to fight…you still can’t,” Zheng Yamei said. “Xiaoyu is different from me. I guess he is a special forces soldier.”

Taotao agreed, “I see it too, look at the quilt he folded, most people can’t fold it!”

Zheng Yamei burst into laughter.

——Yu Bo lives in a large warehouse. Taotao and Zheng Yamei go in and out every day to get things. Of course, they can see Yu Bo’s bedding, luggage and various things, which are always kept very neat. Especially the quilt, square and folded like a tofu block.

After chatting for a while, Zheng Yamei finally calmed down and started chatting with Tao Tao, “Sister Bai, do you think those people…are they horse bandits?”

“I think so!”

Zheng Yamei said: “It seems that there is a woman among them. I heard her say your name.”

Tao Tao nodded, “Yes! That woman is from this village. When I first came here two years ago, I was a little bit uncomfortable with her.”

Then he told about Wang Awlzi.

Zheng Yamei frowned upon hearing this, “…she is so lazy, so she goes to the horse bandits? Hey, she’s so stupid? It’s been so many years of liberation, what kind of climate can the horse bandits become? Maybe it’s already a desert. The last batch of horse bandits. Did she join the Guo Army in 1949 when she took refuge with them?”

Tao Tao also said: “Actually, I think that if she works by hand and has enough food and clothing, she may have more dignity, and it is much better than living with a horse bandit…”

After the two chatted for a while, the hot milk in the cup was exhausted.


Someone tapped the vent on one side of the basement, and whispered, “Peach?”

Tao Tao’s eyes widened instantly.

It’s Song Zhi’s voice!

She quickly opened the ventilator and whispered, “Song rank!”

Song Zhi’s voice became clearer, “…Are you and the children okay?”

Taotao was excited, “It’s alright! Feifei and Momo are both asleep, Yamei is with me, and the dog is there! By the way, have you seen Xiaoyu?”

Song Zhi, “I… I’ll tell you later, not only I’m here, but also the legion. Xiaoyu is with us, and Hongzhi is also. Xiaoyu has already told us about the situation in the research station. Taotao, we’ll go in and clean them up later, you stay in the secret room and don’t move until I tell you to come out, then come out again.”


There was a roaring sound outside.

About another hour passed…

Tao Tao hid the flashlight under the quilt, unscrewed it, and looked at her watch. Looking at the time, it was already half past five in the morning.

So, Song Zhi and the others are planning to wait until dawn?

Not long after Tao Tao turned off the flashlight…

all of a sudden—

I heard the sound of shouting and killing from above my head again.

In fact, the horse bandits have been shouting and killing, but the sound and movement are getting smaller and smaller.

Now it should be Song Zhi and the others who rushed into the research station, and they made a loud ping-pong ping-pong sound.

And the scene was quickly under control.

After a while, Song Zhi entered the room, probably removed the cot, lifted the cover of the entrance to the hole, and said to Tao Tao, “It’s a mess outside… You stay here with Xiao Zheng and the children, wait a minute. Wait a minute. We will try to pack up as soon as possible, and then pick you up.”

Tao Tao responded with a hello.

Zheng Yamei didn’t say a word.

Song Zhi should also go to pack up.

Above the head came the sound of dragging and lifting heavy objects, and many people kept walking around and shouting…

Zheng Yamei suddenly stretched out her hand, held Taotao’s hand tightly, and whispered, “Sister Bai, Brother Song, what are they… cleaning up? Is it, is it…”

– Did someone die?

Tao Tao smiled calmly: “It’s okay.”

After a pause, she comforted Zheng Yamei again, “Even if you die, don’t be afraid, I’m here!”

Inexplicably, Zheng Yamei breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Feibai woke up sleepy, lay on Taotao’s lap, and asked vaguely, “Mom, I seem to hear Dad’s voice…”

“Yes! Your father has already arrived. He brought people and arrested all the bad guys,” Taotao said with a smile, “However, the bad guys made a lot of mess up there. Dad and the others cleaned up a little and took us out. “

Xiao Fei sat up and shouted loudly, “Dad—”

Taotao, “Keep your voice down, Momo is still sleeping!”

Xiao Feibai stuck out his tongue.

Song Zhi had already heard it, and ran to the entrance of the cave, poked his head and shouted, “…Feifei?”

Xiao Feibai said happily: “Dad! Did you catch the bad guy?”

“The bad guys have all been caught! Feifei, wait a moment, wait for your father and uncles to clean up the things above, and come to pick you up, your mother, and your younger brother, okay?” Song zhi said to his son patiently.

——Mainly because he was full of guilt for his wife and children.

Xiao Feibai said: “Okay! Dad, Feifei is very good, Feifei listens to her mother, and my brother is also very good, I have never cried!”

Song Zhi smiled, “Then Dad must reward you and your brother!”

Taotao, “Feifei, don’t pester Dad all the time. Dad has to clean up quickly before we can go out.”

Xiao Feibai nodded again and again.

It wasn’t until almost nine o’clock in the morning that Song Zhi and the others cleaned the inside of the research station.

His figure… Although he was thin, he tried the entrance on the floor and couldn’t get down. So he bent over from the entrance next to him and let Zheng Yamei and the dogs go out first…

Song Zhi wanted to pick up his younger son, but he was standing in this basement with his head against the ceiling, so he could only bend down.

Taotao didn’t let him hold Xiao Momo, but let him hold the bed and hold Xiao Feibai with one hand, while she picked up her little son, and the last one got out of the basement.

The snow outside has stopped.

It’s not like the sun is shining, but seeing the bright world again… is still refreshing.

The exit Song Zhi chose was the greenhouse at the back of the scientific research station.

Tao Tao stood in the greenhouse as soon as she came out. She noticed that the black felt cloth on the roof of the greenhouse had been removed.

When she saw the little grapevine, she quickly hugged the child with one hand, and touched the small grapevine with the other hand, [Little grape, thank you for helping me yesterday, now I’m fine! My kids and I are safe, thank you! 】

The voice of the little grapevine sounds very pleasant, [It’s so good, Tao Tao, it’s best if you’re okay. 】

Tao Tao smiled and stopped talking.

But I had already made up my mind, I had to boil an egg, cool down the water that had boiled the chicken shell, and pour it over the small grapes.

Little grapes have always liked eggshell water.


Tao Tao lowered her head again, frowning at the scattered footprints on the ground in the greenhouse.

Looking further afield, I could see that many of her newly cultivated seedlings had been trampled.

Tao Tao looked distressed.

Song Zhi explained, “It wasn’t our people who stepped on it. I have explained where they can go and where they can’t go.”

“Did the horse bandits do it?” Tao Tao gritted her teeth.

Song Zhi replied, “It’s Wang Meijiao!” and then briefly explained a few words.

——The horse bandits yesterday were brought by Wang Meijiao. But for some unknown reason, those horse bandits suddenly fell into infighting and started fighting. The other horse bandits were unfamiliar with the research station, so they could only stay in the research station and fight. But Wang Meijiao knew the structure of the scientific research station, so when the bandits started fighting, she quietly opened the back door of the warehouse, closed it with her backhand, and hid in the greenhouse.

Song Zhi and the others climbed the window to enter the research station.

At that time, most of the 20 or 30 horse bandits had fallen, and there were still a few particularly fierce ones, who were gnashing their teeth and fighting hard…

Song Zhi and the others captured all the horse bandits, or moved or carried them to the production team.

But thinking I can’t let one go…

So Song Zhi commanded the legion and the villagers. First, he sent people to guard several exits of the greenhouses, and then shook off the snow and collected all the felt cloths covering the roofs of the two greenhouses.

The light in the greenhouse was bright, and everyone discovered that there were no Tibetans in the greenhouse.

Hearing this, Taotao felt very strange, “Then how do you know that the seedlings I cultivated were trampled by Wang Zhuizi?”

Song Zhi, “Hongzhi and Lan Caizhu mobilized the villagers to find out if there were any foreigners in the village… They were hiding in the vegetable garden or in the house. As a result, Hua Fugui asked Qiao Yingniang to come to Hongzhi, saying that Wang Meijiao had returned.”

“The legion went to two comrades and brought Wang Meijiao with her. Wang Meijiao burst into tears and cried, and said that she was forced by Li Sian Ye… But that Li Sian Ye should be the leader of the horse bandit, He is physically fit, he should have been fighting all night, and when we went in to catch him, he could still have a few tricks with Xiao Yu…”

“Master Li Sian is in good spirits. When he heard Wang Meijiao’s words, he roared, saying that if Wang Meijiao hadn’t led him here, he wouldn’t have died…”

Speaking of this, Song Zhi explained again: “Wang Meijiao is actually very timid. When a comrade from the legion asked, she told the truth. She said that when the horse bandits started fighting, she hid in the shed and would see you at dawn. We caught all the horse bandits… She quickly escaped from the greenhouse and hid in Hua Fugui’s place.”

While speaking, Song Zhi led Tao Tao to the scientific research station.

There are still many people busy in the research station.

Most of them were acquaintances, men from the village, and a few familiar officers and soldiers in the legion.

They were mopping the floor with buckets and mops.

Seeing Taotao, people stopped their work and greeted her—

“Comrade Bai, are you alright?”

“We’re late, you’re startled!”

“Sister Song wasn’t frightened, right? Don’t be afraid, those bad guys have already been caught.”

“The people of Tao Taoji have their own good looks, and nothing will happen!”

Tao Tao smiled and thanked everyone.

She looked down at—

Although people have splashed water and washed the ground with sorghum brooms, you can still see the pink bloodstains all over the ground, and even the air has a faint smell of blood.

Tao Tao asked Song Zhi, “Are many people dead?”

Song Zhi replied: “No, when we carried the people out, all the horse bandits were still alive, but they suffered quite a lot. I heard from the other horse bandits that they were divided into three groups, and they beat each other and never died. Master Li Sian couldn’t call them, so he had to stand aside and intervene when he saw who was about to be beaten to death…”

Xiao Momo woke up, opened her eyes and looked around, flattened her mouth, licked her lips again, and wanted to cry.

Tao Tao hasn’t had time to coax…

Xiao Feibai ran over, stood on tiptoe and called to his brother, “Be good brother, don’t cry!”

Strange to say.

Xiao Feibai shouted such a sentence, and Xiao Momo’s mouth suddenly grinned, showing his toothless gums and laughing. !

Tao Tao carried the child into her room.

The room had been cleaned up by Song Zhi, but it still looked messy.

But Taotao didn’t care too much, she first carried the child to the bedside, picked up her clothes and nurtured her youngest son.

Song Zhi quickly turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. After a while, he came in again, holding a water bottle in his hand.

He poured the hot water from the boiling water bottle into two washbasins respectively, first called Xiao Feibai to wash himself, then twisted a hot towel and handed it to Taotao.

Tao Tao simply took off the cotton-padded clothes that were stained with a lot of soil and ash, and wiped herself with a towel, which made her feel refreshed, and asked Song Zhi to bring some clean cotton-padded clothes to put on.

After Xiao Feibai washed his face and brushed his teeth, he went out.

After a while, she ran back, “Mom, Niuniu said, her mother asked us to go to the production team warehouse for lunch! Uncle Jiang called her to make a big pot of rice, and the uncles of the soldiers also want to eat!”

Peach should go down.

“Mom, can I go with Niuniu first? Grandpa Tang and Grandpa Lao said they would go over now, and they can let us ride their horses and take us there!” Xiao Feibai asked.

Taotao, “Then you have to thank them!”


Xiao Feibai held Niuniu’s hand and ran away together.

When Xiao Momo finished breastfeeding, Taotao handed the baby to Song zhi, and she began to clean up the various losses in the room.

Fortunately, she had already carried the banknotes and various supply tickets with her in advance, so there was no loss of money. But the vanishing cream and silk scarves in her drawer, including the soap and powder that she has not had time to use, and even a pearl necklace that Song Zhi asked someone to buy for her…

are gone.

And some of the New Year’s goods she kept in the house were also damaged.

For example, she kept two bags of unopened milk powder, one bag was missing, one generation was scratched, and half of it was spilled… There were also four bottles of canned fruit in glass bottles, yellow peach, pineapple, bayberry , The lychee bottle was also broken…

The spare quilts in the closet, the woolen coats she and Song zhi wore, and the replacement cotton coats were all torn with the tip of a knife, and even the plush fur shoes she had never had a chance to wear were gone…

The more Taotao counted, the more unhappy she became.

Although the people on her side were not harmed, Wang Zhuizi was so annoying, and the horse bandits were so poor… There is a high probability that she will not be compensated for these losses!

She couldn’t swallow this breath, she had to go back to the place!

She turned her head and saw that Song Zhi had already scrubbed her little son with a towel, so she instructed him, “Add thicker clothes to Momo, let’s go to the warehouse, I still have something to think about. Ask Wang Awl.”

Song Zhi looked at her frowning expression, and said, “Money is an external thing, what you want, I will add it to you slowly in the future.”


With that said, Tao Tao walked out of the house.

At this time, the villagers had already helped her to clean the ground.

In addition, in order to ventilate and disperse the **** smell in the house, the villagers opened all the doors and windows in the scientific research station.

When Taotao came out of the house, the villagers said goodbye to her, “Comrade Bai, the house has been cleaned, let’s go, if there is anything else, just call us! I’m scared, take a good rest!”

Taotao solemnly thanked the villagers, and then went to check the situation of Yu Bai and Zheng Yamei.

——Yu Bairen is not there. His bed was carried aside by the villagers. Tao Tao saw that his bed was stained with a lot of blood… Tao Tao went back to her room to get a brand new set of sheets and quilts, changed Yu Bai’s bed, and threw the blood stained ones aside.

——Zheng Yamei is sitting in her room crying. Tao Tao asked, only to realize that she didn’t bring the money in her hurry, and the thirty dollars she saved and several bills were all gone. And all her underwear was turned over by those horse bandits, and they were thrown all over the place and trampled, and they were so dirty…

Tao Tao comforted Zheng Yamei a few words, and invited her to go to the production team warehouse together.

Zheng Yamei didn’t want to go, she wiped away her tears and said, “Sister Bai, I won’t go, I’ll look at the house here, just in time to clean up the place…”

Taotao didn’t insist, “Sure, then I’ll go over there and have a look. We’re not going to have a party today, and I’ll bring you something to eat when the time comes.”

As she said that, she called Song Zhi to add a cotton coat, and then stuffed the younger son into the cotton coat. The couple took the younger son to the large warehouse of the production team.

As soon as she went out, Taotao saw a dozen or so vigorous and strong horses with their reins tied at the entrance of the scientific research station? ? ?

Tao Tao thought to herself: If the horse bandits have no money to pay her, then she will need a horse. However, the value of the horse may be quite high, and I don’t know if her loss will be enough.

On second thought-

If her losses are not enough, then add the losses of Yu Bai and Zheng Yamei!

That should be about the same.

On the way, Taotao asked Song Zhi, “By the way, how did you arrive in time, and you brought people here?”

– Of course she knew why.

But she had to ask Song zhi, otherwise she would take his sudden appearance for granted, which was inappropriate.

Song Zhi’s expression was blank and tired.

“I do not know either……”

He said in a low voice, “Yesterday I worked overtime late, and when I returned to the dormitory, I poured some water on the pot of grape seedlings, and I fell asleep. I had a dream… You are a fairy in the sky, and you have to bring Feibai with you. Fly away with Chi Mo. I shouted at you and asked you to take me with you, but you just laughed… Then you flew higher and higher with the children, and I was very scared in my heart. “

After a pause, Song Zhi continued: “I don’t know what happened. When I slept in the middle of the night, the pot of grape vines suddenly fell off the table. “Bang’ was very loud, which scared me from a nightmare. Awake. At the time I thought, maybe something is wrong with you. Then I called the Legion for help and drove over in their military vehicle. “

Taotao, “Thank you for being here… Otherwise, it’s hard to say what will happen to the few of us. At that time, we were hiding in the burrow, and we were really afraid of being found by them, and we were even more afraid that these vicious people would hurt the villagers… …”

Song Zhi was silent.

He didn’t want her to know how when he called the head of the legion and asked for vehicles, soldiers and weapons, how the other party refused for unwarranted reasons.

How many tricks did he use to force the head of the legion to step back and give him a car and a platoon of soldiers…

On the way he came, he didn’t dare to guess what happened.

——What if the mother and son of Tao Tao have something to do?

He couldn’t face it at all.

After arriving at Lingxi Oasis, he met Yu Bai, who went to Jiang Hongzhi for help. When he heard from Yu Bo that there were indeed ruthless horse bandits…and when he went to Taotao on purpose, he was so scared and angry…

Thank goodness, Tao Tao and the children are safe and sound.

Until now, his mood and emotions have gradually calmed down.


People who delusionally want to hurt Taotao, still want to hope for a good end?

Taotao had already pretended to ask Song zhi, how could he suddenly appear here… Of course, even if he asked.

She didn’t take it to heart.

Taotao and Song Zhi hurried to the large warehouse of the production team.

Xiao Feibai, Niuniu, and Honghong took her younger brothers… A bunch of children were playing at the door of the warehouse. Xiao Qingjuan, Zhou Chunni, and Qiao Yingniang were busy building a simple stove on the other side of the snow, preparing to make a fire to cook.

Seeing Taotao, the women and children hurried over to say hello.

The production team built a bungalow here, which is divided into three large and two small, a total of five warehouses. It is usually used to pile up food, farm tools, or sundries in the public. One of them was an empty room. At this moment, twenty or thirty wounded horse bandits were lying on the ground.

Jiang Hongzhi, Lan Caizhu, the corps leader Zhu platoon leader, and Yu Bai were in another warehouse where farm implements were placed, talking about these horse bandits.

Tao Tao passed by, “Brother Jiang, Sister Lan, platoon leader Zhu! Xiao Yu!”

Everyone quickly greeted her.

Seeing that Song Zhi also came in with the child in his arms, everyone exchanged a few words with each other again.

Jiang Hongzhi asked Taotao, “Are you frightened?”

Tao Tao didn’t hide it from everyone, “If only I was here, I wouldn’t be afraid. I was mainly with two little ones, as well as Xiao Yu and Xiao Zheng… To be honest, I was really scared. I’m afraid I’ll implicate them.”

Yu Bo looked at Tao Tao, his eyes full of gratitude and shame.

Jiang Hongzhi comforted Taotao, “Don’t be afraid, this is the last gang of horse bandits! After taking them over this time… all the villagers in the desert can feel at ease.”

Lan Caizhu also said: “I’m discussing with Lao Jiang, and I think we should surround our territory, including this oasis, and send people to patrol every day!”

Platoon Leader Zhu frowned and said: “But according to our information, there are not many horse bandits anymore! Li Scar is the last nest. Most of the horse bandits have already been slain and reformed through labor! The rest have to change their names and go elsewhere. I went to work and farm in the place where I lived, and a small number of them went to take refuge with Li Scar… You have to surround the oasis and arrange manpower to patrol every day, this is nothing, it is even a good thing… Is it worth it? Do.”

Song Zhi, “The interests of the masses are above everything else.”

Platoon Leader Zhu was silent.

Yu Bai also said, “To be on the safe side, let’s enclose it!” What if the Neon Kingdom followed suit? If he pretended to be a horse bandit and hurt Song zhi and Bai Taotao, then he and the bodyguards who followed Song zhi would be ruined!

Jiang Hongzhi and Lan Caizhu began to discuss, how can we create the most economical fence and directly enclose such a large oasis?

Taotao said to Platoon Leader Zhu bluntly: “Platoon Leader Zhu, these horse bandits are very bad! They are bullying others, thinking that I am living in the house alone with my children, and they want to rob me of food and try to hurt me!”

“They also damaged a lot of personal belongings of me and our unit, Xiao Zheng and Xiao Yu. There is no way to set a price. If you have to put forward an amount… that is the upper limit!”

“But those horse bandits… I feel that they are too poor. Maybe they can’t even pay a dime. How can they afford to pay? But they have horses! So I want a horse!” Tao Tao said.

Zhu platoon leader was stunned for a moment.

I have to say that the horses of these horse bandits are of good breed, and each of them is fat and strong. He also wants to capture these horses. When spring starts, maybe the soldiers will be able to ride out on horses to patrol!

Now Bai Taotao offered to compensate her with a horse?

Here, platoon leader Zhu is still hesitating…

Wang Meijiao’s scream came from the warehouse next door, “Why do you keep me and the horse bandits together? I-I was forced by them!”

Wang Meijiao shouted indiscriminately—

“Jiang Hongzhi! Do you have a conscience? I am a member of our production team! Last year, you forced me away, regardless of my life or death… Jiang Hongzhi, as the production team leader, have you done your job well? “

“Xiao Qingjuan, Xiao Qingjuan? Don’t pretend to be dead! Go and call Hua Fugui! I’m his wife! I’ve been missing for more than a year, has he looked for me? Has he? Or, when I’m not there? You two hooked up? Xiao Qingjuan! Answer me!”

She also scolded Tao Tao——

“Bai Taotao! You are shameless, Bai Taotao! You actually… ran away, and made my mother suffer for you! Bai Taotao, you are killing every day…”

Before Wang Meijiao could finish her words, she saw Bai Taotao and walked into the room.

Bai Taotao is still so beautiful, like a flying fairy.

And because she gave birth to another child, she was taken care of by her mother Tang Liren when she was confinement, and she gained some weight… and she has not completely lost it yet.

So her goose-egg-shaped face looked round and fair, her almond eyes shone brightly, her brows were green without being drawn, and her lips were red without a point… a bit more beautiful than before.

However, at this moment, Bai Taotao sneered at the corner of her mouth and looked at Wang Meijiao… like she was looking at a fool.

Wang Meijiao opened her mouth blankly and looked at Taotao stupidly, with the meaning of “speaking ill of people behind their backs and being stabbed on the spot”, she felt very embarrassed…

In particular, she often said that Bai Taotao was beautiful and good-looking in front of the horse bandits, but she often suggested that Bai Taotao was inferior to her.

Now, Wang Meijiao felt that all the awake men around her were staring at Bai Taotao.

She couldn’t help feeling ashamed.

Taotao walked slowly to Wang Meijiao’s side.

Wang Meijiao sat on the ground with her hands tied behind her back with ropes.

—Most of the horse bandits were cut to pieces and lay on the ground. But there were also horse bandits like Wang Meijiao who sat on the ground with their hands clipped behind their backs, but not many.

Taotao directly slapped Wang Meijiao with a big ear!


An extremely loud and dull slap sounded.

Wang Meijiao’s face slanted, and she slapped Taotao abruptly. She raised her head in shock, looked at Bai Taotao, and screamed, “Why, what are you beating me for? Why are you beating me?”

Taotao sneered, “Just because of your filthy thoughts! You brought these people to me… You don’t need me to say what you’re thinking, if I say it, I think it’s dirtying my mouth! I just want to Let you know, Wang Meijiao, how stupid you are!”

“You ruined the marriage of Xiao Qingjuan and Hua Fugui because of your laziness… In the end, they left. Let’s talk about Xiao Qingjuan first, do you know how good Qingjuan is? Last year, there was a new policy to resume the college entrance examination! Qingjuan plans to take the adult college entrance examination. A teacher who is taught by correspondence! In the future, she may become a college student and a teacher at Oasis!”

“Look, Xiao Qingjuan is far away from you, is she getting better and better? Let’s talk about wealth… You separated him and Xiao Qingjuan, and he also promised to marry you. As a result, you don’t have a good life… You ran away, so do you know how Hua Fugui is doing now?”

“… Flower wealth is not as promising as Xiao Qingjuan, but he has participated in the labor arranged by the production team throughout this year, and he has not missed a day! During the Chinese New Year this year, he was allocated 100 catties of potatoes and 30 catties of flour, and he also received Ducks, duck eggs, cotton, green onions, sugarcane…”

“I heard that you escaped from the Wen Peng to Hua Fugui’s house early in the morning, so you should have seen the situation in his home, right? You know, Hua Fugui will have a good year this year! But what about you?”

—— Tao Tao is very familiar with the situation of wealth and wealth. In fact, this person has a very high temperament. It was only because he might have been spoiled by his parents in the past that he developed such an awkward temperament. Later, Xiao Qingjuan left him, no one used to him anymore, and he soon became normal.

Last year, Hua Fugui studied hard and became the champion of the first winter vacation basic culture class, and was rewarded.

This year, because Taotao set up a ring competition, Hua Fugui couldn’t compare to Zhou Chunni and Xiao Qingjuan in the cultural class, but he didn’t admit defeat, so he changed his goal and decided to win another award – the Family Hygiene Civilization Award.

He is a bachelor now, and he does not have to worry about feeding the whole family by himself.

As long as it’s the sanitation he’s cleaned and he keeps it, it’s really clean and hygienic.

Not surprisingly, this year, Hua Fugui became the winner of the Family Hygiene Civilization Award.

When Wang Meijiao escaped from the Wen Peng to Hua Fugui’s house, she also wondered if she had gone through the wrong door – that tidy and spotless yard was really Hua Fugui’s home? That man with clean clothes and handsome face is really rich and rich? ? ? And the warehouse of Huafugui’s family is actually filled with so many potatoes and flour? ? ?

Wang Meijiao regretted it.

If Hua Fugui’s house was so clean, beautiful and tidy, the granary was full again… Why did she run away?

Looking at the rich and noble flowers, the hair is shaved short, the clothes are clean and tidy, and the fact that he may have enough to eat at ordinary times makes the whole person look particularly burly and sturdy, and his eyebrows are beautiful. The man in his early thirties looked like a twenty-five-year-old descendant.

But she Wang Meijiao…

Over the past year, she has been running around with the bandits, and she has been eating too much. She is now a forty-one-year-old woman, and she is outrageously thin and has white hair! Look like an old lady in her 60s!

Wang Meijiao regretted it.

Tao Tao looked at Wang Meijiao and sneered: “…No one would have thought that you would go to the horse bandits?! What a joke! Wang Meijiao, do you know that they have killed people! Now they are caught, There may be a death sentence! You hang out with them… You think your crime will be light? It really has nothing to do with you?”

Wang Meijiao panicked and screamed, “I’m with the forced! I-I’m not with them!”

Taotao grabbed Wang Meijiao’s collar and asked, “You’re not with them? Then how did they find me? And…why are you wearing my clothes? You’re wearing me around your neck. pearl necklace? Are you still wearing my leather shoes?”

Wang Meijiao was stunned for a moment, then looked down, she was shocked!

——After she followed the horse bandits into the research station, she rushed into Bai Taotao’s room immediately. After confirming that Bai Taotao was not there, it might be after she escaped… The first thing Wang Meijiao did was to search for Bai Taotao’s things.

So she grabbed Bai Taotao’s clothes, rummaged through and found a pair of thick leather shoes… and put them on, and finally rummaged through the drawer to find a pearl necklace that looked very precious and beautiful…

She was so happy that she quickly dressed herself up.


Wang Meijiao rolled her eyes and shouted at Bai Taotao, “These are all mine! What evidence do you have that they belong to you?”

Taotao raised her hand again——


Wang Meijiao was slapped again.

Tao Tao scolded: “Idiot, my husband gave me the pearl necklace, and the silver piece on the pendant is still engraved with my name! As for the clothes and shoes… I still have a ticket issued by the supply and marketing cooperative, with shoes written on it. Size and size of woolen clothes! Your figure is not the same as mine, and my clothes and shoes are not comfortable for you, right?”

Wang Meijiao was stunned for a while, then collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks, and she muttered, “I was forced, forced by them! I’m wronged…”

Taotao slapped Wang Meijiao several times in a row, her anger had already come out, and she was no longer so angry.

She returned to the next room with a smile and asked Platoon Leader Zhu, “…how is it? Platoon Leader Zhu has considered it? Can you give me a horse?”

Zhu platoon leader looked at his face

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