Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 183 - good times (1)

Song Xi, Song Zhi, father and son reconciled.

Everyone lively lived in Song Xi’s villa for a few days.

Tang Liren rushed over from Songshi.

She wanted to persuade Xing Xing to stay in Nandu to raise her baby, so she bought a lot of Xing Xing’s favorite food from Songshi City, and also prepared a lot of things for Xing Xing to give birth to a child, and came to Nandu with a large bag.

Song Xi sent a car and asked Song Sui to go to the train station to pick up Tang Liren.

Tang Liren was quite uneasy, and said to Song Sui, “Oh, you don’t need to drive to pick it up, it’s so bad!”

Before Song Sui said a word, the soldier who was driving said, “Don’t worry, Auntie, this is not against the rules! Besides, seeing that the chief is in good spirits and in a good mood, we will be more motivated to work!”

Tang Liren didn’t know what was going on here, so she didn’t dare to ask more, so she glared at Song Sui.

Song Sui quickly explained what happened a few days ago.

Tang Liren was both surprised and delighted, “If I had known this, I should have come earlier!”

Song Sui smiled and said, “Then you must go through the retirement procedures first!”

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Liren was already in her fifties, and she had already reached the age of retirement. Although she has gone through the retirement procedures, she feels that her body and health are still good, and she can work for a few more years, so she signed a reemployment contract with the unit and worked for a few more years.

The college entrance examination resumed a few years ago. The first batch of college students (that is, Xing Xing and Song Sui) have graduated, and each unit has added fresh members. After Tang Liren’s reemployment contract expires, the unit will no longer Renewed the contract with her.

So this time, Tang Liren came over after the handover procedures were completed.

After arriving at Song Xi’s villa, Tang Liren understood why Song Sui came to pick her up.

Because he is free!

——Song Zhi was cooking in the kitchen wearing a floral apron. The yard was filled with a strong aroma, and it was a mixed type. I think he should have cooked a lot of good dishes!

——Bai Zhengqian and Song Xi competed in weightlifting in the yard. The two foolishly carried a 50-pound bag of rice from one end of the yard to the other, and then started a stopwatch to see who was faster with two wins in three rounds…

——Tao Tao squatted in the backyard to grow vegetables. Song Zhi had already turned the soil early in the morning. She planted some ginger, garlic and onion, as well as tomatoes, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, mustard greens and so on. It is convenient for Xing Xing and Song Sui to be at home in the second half of the year, in case they don’t want to eat in the cafeteria, they can go directly to the vegetable garden and pick up the greens.

——Xing Xing sat on the side and watched Fei Fei Mo Mo and a cat and a dog run wild…

Seeing Tang Liren coming, Feifei and Momo ran over and shouted happily:

“Grandma is here!”

“Mom! Grandma is here!”

The usually cold villa immediately became lively.

Bai Zhenggan quickly put down a 50-pound bag of rice on his shoulders, and ran out to meet Tang Liren; Song Zhi also waved his spatula and ran out; Tao Tao came out from the backyard…

Seeing the luggage all over the ground brought by Tang Liren, the family members were amazed—

“Wife, why do you even bring a washbasin? Are you here to beg?”

“My God, Mom, how did you bring all this stuff?”

“Mom, you’ve worked hard!”

“Hello grandma! Did you bring brother Tudou?”

“Grandma, I miss you so much!”

Tang Liren was both funny and angry. She scolded a few skinny people and praised a few good ones. Finally, she hugged her two grandchildren, kissed them, took out candy from her pocket and handed them to eat.

Tao Tao ran out with her **** to object, “Mom! Don’t give them candy… Feifei is already changing his teeth!”

Tang Liren, “Objection is invalid!”

Then he explained to Feifei, “My dear grandson, you can eat with candy, don’t bite with your teeth!”

Feifei nodded with the candy.

Tang Liren glared at Tao Tao proudly, “Look, my good grandson is so good!”

“It was also born to me!” After speaking, Tao Tao put down the **** she was carrying on her shoulders and ran to sort out the luggage that Tang Liren had brought.

Xing Xing also went to see.

Tang Liren hurriedly stopped, “Xiaozi, you can’t squat, Xiao Sui, quickly bring a stool for her to sit on!”

Bai Zhenggan pulled Tang Liren over, “Say hello to your in-laws first!”

Tang Liren then looked at Song Xi, “My father-in-law, how are you! Yo… my father-in-law, you and Xiaozhi look so much alike!”

Song Xi smiled and shook hands with Tang Liren, “Mom, you have worked hard all the way!” Then he explained, “Song zhi looked like his mother when he was a child, but he will look like me when he grows up!”

Then he pointed to Feifei and Momo, and said to Tang Liren, “These two are young, and they look the same as Song rank now… They don’t look like Song rank when he was a child! So this looks is a bit different. Magic.”

Xing Xing interrupted, “Feifei looks like my sister!”

Song Sui said: “Feifei’s facial features are still like my brother’s, eyes and temperament like that of a sister-in-law…”

Bai Zhenggan, “Alright, alright, in fact, you all look like me!”

The crowd burst into laughter.

Song Zhi stood at the door of the kitchen and shouted, “It’s time for dinner!”

Everyone smiled and greeted the old and teased the young. They entered the kitchen in a lively manner, lined up to wash their hands, and then lined up to go to the living room with dishes, dishes, rice, soup bowls, etc. from the kitchen.

Tang Liren looked at Song Xi secretly.

Originally, she was quite worried, afraid that Song Xi would not be easy to get along with.

But seeing that the atmosphere at home was so harmonious, Fei Fei Bai Bai’s behavior was normal, and Song Xi was also smiling… Only then did Tang Liren feel relieved.

Song Zhi’s cooking skills are very good.

There are many people in the family, so he cooks a lot of dishes.

Today, Tang Liren is coming, and a few hard dishes are a must: braised pork, pork with dried plums and vegetables and fried crispy meatballs. In addition, there are also the children’s favorite sweet potatoes, steamed eggs with pureed meat, colorful soup made of loofah, fungus, tomato, egg drop and wolfberry; Cold dishes such as cucumbers and vinegared peanuts.

Braised pork is pure meat without any side dishes. It is stewed to a crisp and delicious taste. It is also a popular and popular dish for all ages.

In order to make this dish, Song Zhi bought a total of five catties of pork belly, but as soon as he started eating it… Within three or five minutes, a large bowl of pork belly was looted!

Fried small crispy pork is also very popular.

Because Taotao made several dipping sauces: those with sweet and sour tomato sauce, those with sweet and spicy flavors, those with strong and spicy garlic, and those with wine-flavored fermented bean curd; Taotao even brought a portion of washed lettuce, Let it be dipped in fermented bean curd sauce and eaten directly with lettuce leaves…

Using small crispy meat to dip different sauces to eat, you can eat a completely different taste, and it is also a dish that everyone likes very much.

Song Xi was full of praise for his son’s craftsmanship, “…How on earth did you train?”

Song Zhi said humbly: “Everyone in the Taotao family can cook. If they can’t cook well, they will be ashamed to be the son-in-law of the Bai family… Xiao Sui’s cooking skills are not bad. He is especially good at stewing fish. There are a lot of people, so he has to cook more these days.”

Song Sui said with a smile: “No problem! Just tomorrow… The whole fish feast will be arranged!”

Song Xi asked curiously, “Then Howard can cook?”

Tang Liren’s face immediately collapsed, “Why mention him!”

Xing Xing and Song Sui shrank their necks, lowered their heads and held the bowl to eat, daring not to say a word. Bai Zhengqian also slowed down the rhythm of eating small crispy meat, with a sad expression on his face.

Taotao had just returned from the Northwest, and she didn’t know what happened to Sister Lizi, and Song zhi didn’t even know.

“What happened to my third sister?” Tao Tao asked.

Tang Liren, “Nothing!”

Tao Tao looked at Xing Xing.

Xing Xing held her rice bowl and said hesitantly, “That’s it… It’s Howard’s brother and Huo Huachu who have returned to China!”

“So what?” Tao Tao asked.

Xing Xing glanced at Tang Liren and did not dare to say anything.

Taotao asked Tang Liren again, “Mom, Huo Huachu and his wife are back… so what?”

Tang Liren thought that Song Xi was not an outsider, so she bluntly said, “Didn’t Huo Huachu go abroad to recuperate? His wife also followed, leaving behind his son Ming Cheng, who has been raised with Lili?”

Tao Tao nodded.

When the third sister of the family hadn’t married Howard, Xiao Mingcheng and Xiao Mingyong had been following Mrs. Huo. Later, the third sister and Howard got married, and Xiao Mingcheng and Xiao Mingyong followed Lizi sister.

Tang Liren continued: “When the couple was abroad, they gave birth to a son named Huo Minglun. After the three of them came back… Ming Cheng and Ming Lun didn’t deal with each other. It was almost three days for a small quarrel and five days for one day. What a riot! Her sister-in-law said that your third sister didn’t teach Ming Cheng well!”

“We didn’t know about this in the first place. There was a time when Howard ran directly to the house to find your third sister. I felt strange. First, your third sister didn’t come back at all. Second, your third sister never talked about her and Howard. What’s going on…what’s the matter?”

“On the last question, I realized that it was Xiao Mingcheng and Ming Lun who were quarreling. Ming Lun had a **** cut on his leg. His sister-in-law scolded Ming Cheng, and Ming Cheng ran away. As soon as Ming Cheng ran away, no one would look for him. Without him, his sister-in-law went to your third sister, and without knowing what to say, your third sister took Mingyong and Mingchan and ran away from home!”

“The old lady couldn’t find her daughter-in-law and grandchildren. She was so angry that she was admitted to the hospital and called Howard. Howard thought that Lizi had brought the children back to her parents’ house, so she came directly to find…”

Speaking of which, Tang Li was so angry that her eyes were flushed red, her rice bowl was slammed on the table, and there was a “bang” sound——

“Tell me, can I not be angry? I beat Howard hard with a broom and then went to Kyoto to find Lili…”

Taotao hurriedly asked, “Is it important for the third sister?”

Tang Liren wiped away her tears, “It doesn’t matter! It’s because Ming Cheng ran away, Li Li was afraid that he would have something to do and would go after him, and she was worried about Ming Yong and Ming Chan at home, so she took the child to chase together… As a result, Ming Cheng ran away. When we got to the mountain, he said that he wanted to shave his head and become a monk! Lili persuaded him before taking the children down the mountain. The main reason was that I was too anxious and didn’t tell anyone…”

Taotao breathed a sigh of relief and asked again, “When did this happen?”

“Just last month, when we just had summer vacation in early July!” Tang Liren said.

Tao Tao said, “Then why don’t you write to me and tell me! Let Ming Cheng Mingyong go to my place to relax!”

Tang Liren said indignantly: “what’s the matter, as soon as I went over, Mrs. Huo dragged me to cry, and said it for the sake of Howard’s face, so family affairs can’t be too big…”

Song Xi was alone, and suddenly a big family came out. He was very enthusiastic, and because of Song Zhi, he liked the big family of Bai’s.

After listening to Tang Liren’s words, he immediately said, “What does it look like on a horse! Mother, don’t be angry, I’ll call Howard in the afternoon!”

Tao Tao said immediately, “Dad, don’t make trouble!”

Song Hee:  …

He was a little aggrieved.

Want to do something for the family, why is it called adding chaos?

Is he unworthy?

Song Zhi explained: “Dad, Taotao Xingxing and Lili are sisters. If they can solve the problem, they can solve it by themselves. If they can’t solve it, let you elders come forward.”

Xing Xing also nodded, and said to Song Xi, “That’s right, Dad, you are our king bomber! When you were playing cards, someone gave a little four or five, and you just made a king bomb?”

Only then did Song Xi turn anger into joy, and nodded again and again, “Okay! I will support you. If you quarrel and fail to win, I will come forward!”

The children also laughed.

Then Tang Liren asked Xing Xing and Song Sui, “What’s your plan?”

——Song Sui is okay, she had a unit before she was admitted to university. After he was admitted to the university, he became a directional trainee, and even the tuition was paid by the unit. Now that you have graduated, you can go back to the unit with the flow and work hard with a diploma.

——Xing Xing, who didn’t have a unit before, has been working as a temporary worker in the canteen in the municipal party compound. Now graduating from university, it should be allocated by the national package. But her personnel file ended up in Songshi DMV, and because she wasn’t there and there was a word of pregnancy on the medical report… The DMV leader came to Bai Zhenggan and Tang Liren several times, thinking overtly and secretly. Let Xing Xing give up this job.

Bai Zhengqian arrived a week early, thinking that he had already told the children about it…

This is also one of the things that Tang Liren is most concerned about at present.

Xing Xing glanced at Song Sui and said, “We have made a decision!”

“Dad, Mom, I must get the job at the DMV! I was admitted to the university by my ability, and this is also the job assigned to me by the state. Whether I like this job is another matter, but I can’t just take it easy. Let it go!”

“However, Song Sui and I do want to venture into the deep city…”

Xing Xing smiled and said: “So, my job must be kept! Mom, Song Sui and my dad have already discussed, I will take care of my health here, and then give birth to the child… But I also It’s not that I’m disabled, in the process, I’m going to learn to do business with Song Sui.”

“When the baby is born, I’ll go back to work at the DMV!” Xing Xing said.

Tang Liren put down most of her heart, “If you think so, I’m relieved! Don’t worry about work or something, you have an idea, your dad is back, and your dad and your brother will help you! You, The most important thing now is to take good care of your body! Give birth to the baby smoothly!”

Apricot nodded.

Tang Liren remembered another thing, “By the way, are you two going to… do business? What business?”

Song Sui said: “I have already inquired, the Nandu government is currently preparing for the South China Fair… This South China Fair, our government has come forward and invited foreign businessmen to come to our country to purchase goods. We decided to sell local specialties. One is our hometown Ruyi Village. The first is the melon No. 1 grown by the fourth sister in the Northwest China! Mom, do you have any suggestions?”

Tang Liren, “My suggestion is… Can you two hire me? I am in good health and strong! I can do eight divisions of labor in one day!”

Everyone laughed.

A meal, in the joy of singing and laughter, was finished in a lively manner.

In the next few days, the family took a good tour of Nandu.

The reason why it is said to be a family is because… the two sons-in-law of the Bai family are all from the Song family, and the two daughters-in-law of the Song family are all from the Bai family…

Speaking of which, Song Zhi didn’t have much time to go back to the southern capital. It was the first time for Tao Tao and Tang Liren to come here. Xing Xing and Bai Zhenggan came here once but they were not familiar with each other, so Song Sui led the team and led everyone around. Attractions near Nandu.

Song Xi also played along with him.

What surprised everyone was that Song Sui took everyone on a trip together, but Song Xi had never been to every place? ? ?

Every time Song Sui took everyone to a scenic spot, Song Xi was happier than the others; every time Song Sui took everyone to eat some delicious snacks, Song Xi also liked to eat more than others… The high-spirited appearance was simply better than Feifei and Mo. Mo would be even happier.

Song Xi was a little embarrassed, “I’ve been working hard all these years, but I really don’t have the mood to go out and walk around.”

People understand him.

Bai Zhenggan comforted Song Xi, “It’s almost the same, we Tao Tao went to my grandmother’s house the farthest before we went to college!”

Peach: ? ? ?

The crowd laughed.

After a few days of eating, drinking and playing in Nandu, it was time for the Taotao family and Bai Zhenggan to leave.

Bai Zhengqian came to ask for leave, and now it’s time to take the leave; Song zhi and Tao Tao also have arrangements-they plan to go back to their hometown in Songshi first, and then go back to Kyoto. After all, Song zhi has just returned from abroad and needs to report to the unit. check in.

Everyone made an appointment, because Xing Xing is pregnant this year, and it is not suitable to walk around, so everyone will come to Nandu to celebrate the New Year this year.

On the night before Song Zhi was about to leave, Song Xi called Song Zhi to his room on the third floor.

“I used to be a bastard, I’m sorry, and I didn’t care enough about your brother,” Song Xi said, “…Fortunately, it’s not too late for us to reconcile… Over the years, my salary has nowhere to be spent. You and Xiao Sui have saved nearly 30,000 yuan over the past 30 years!”

Song Zhi, “You take it, Taotao and I are not bad for money, your daughter-in-law can do it! We have a house in our hometown in Songshi, and we also have a house in Kyoto. She told me a few days ago that she is pretty good. I like the climate of Nandu, and I plan to save some money to buy a house in Nandu, and then when we get old… It’s good to come here to retire.”

Song Xi thought for a while, “If that’s the case, why don’t I buy a house for you and Xiao Sui each in Nandu! My villa looks big, but if I die, the house will have to be recycled, and it won’t fall to you. Brother’s head.”

“Dad, what nonsense are you talking about!” Song Zhi frowned.

Song Xi explained: “That’s what I said…”

“That can’t be nonsense,” Song Zhi said unhappily, “Xiao Sui and I can’t compare to Tao Tao and Xing Xing. They have complete parents, brothers and sisters. Apart from our father, our brothers have no other relatives! If there were misunderstandings in the past, forget about it… In the future, Taotao and I will stay in the Northwest for many years, even if I want to meet you, it will be difficult…”

Song Xi smiled, “It’s alright! We can still meet up there. You two are free during the winter and summer vacations, and you will often come back to see me at that time. Besides… I also have family leave! But, I didn’t know this before. Now I know where the family leave can be spent!”

Song Zhi nodded.

The father and son were suddenly speechless.

After a long time, Song Xi said: “Son, I heard that there is a lot of wind and sand in the northwest, which is the poorest place in the country. I am suffering for you and Taotao!”

Song Zhi smiled, “I’m fine, the unit’s welfare is good, you don’t need to worry about eating, drinking, and lhasa, just work hard. Taotao is very hard…”

Then he explained Taotao’s environment in the northwest side of the country, and told Song Xi what work Taotao had done.

“…However, I’ve also been away for two years, and I don’t know what Lingxi Oasis has become now, but I’m not going to ask her. I think, I’ll wait another year. When the spring starts next year, me and She went to see it for herself. I believe that Lingxi Oasis must have undergone earth-shaking changes.”

Song Zhi said with a smile.

Song Xi nodded, “From your wish book, I can tell that Tao Tao is a child with big ambitions!”

Song Zhi said with a smile: “She is small and thin, but she has a big wish. Thanks to her, thanks to her family, I…”

Having said that, he stopped.

Song Xi patted his son’s shoulder, “Then you have to treat others well! I won’t say anything else, look at you’ve been gone for two years, Feifei Momo followed Taotao, the two children are good, smart and sensible. If she has a little bit of bad intentions, your family won’t get better!”

“I will.” Song Zhi said with a smile.

That night, the father and son chatted until the early hours of the morning.

Early the next morning, the Taotao family and Bai Zhenggan were leaving.

Song Xi has been silent, but his eyes have been lingering on Song zhi, Taotao, Feifei and Momo…

In the end, he was cruel and said to Song Zhi, “Let Xiao Sui send you off! I, I will go back to work!”

Song Zhi nodded.

That being said, when Song Zhi’s family left the military compound in a car, Song Zhi sat by the car window and fell into deep thought, but suddenly saw…

——Song Xi was standing on the side of the road outside the compound, staring at the cars coming out of the military area one by one.

Does he even have a telescope in his hand? !

The father and son met so unexpectedly!

Song Xi looked embarrassed, while Song Zhi was angry and funny.

However, the soldier who was driving didn’t notice it and drove away…

Song Zhi rolled down the car window and looked back.

He saw that his father had picked up the binoculars and was looking towards him!

Song Zhi’s eyes were a little red.

He waved back.

Soon, he saw – his father also waved at him.

Song Zhi smiled.

Tao Tao said: “I heard from Uncle Zhao that the winter in Nandu is very warm, and sometimes wearing short sleeves will help you celebrate the New Year… When the coldest time is, just wear a sweater under your jacket! Song Zhi, we will come to Nandu this year for Chinese New Year. , I planted some melon No. 3 in the Kyoto laboratory and brought it to eat during the New Year!”

Bai Zhenggan, “Isn’t it Melon No. 1? No. 3 has already been released?”

Tao Tao explained: “Melon No. 1 has been planted on a large scale, and No. 3 is still being cultivated…and these two are completely different varieties!”

Bai Zhenggan snorted, a little hesitant, “How many months are there from now until the Chinese New Year?”

“It’s only been more than five months.” Song Zhi replied.

Bai Zhenggan, “More than five months… Hey, it’s so hot here, I don’t know if your mother is used to staying here or not…”

Taotao and Song Zhi looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile.

– Parents are also very loving, but to take care of their children, they have to be separated. But also because of their love for their children, parents are willing to compromise and temporarily separate.

Taotao and Song Zhi couldn’t help holding each other’s hands tightly.

The group returned to Songshi by train.

What Feifei and Momo are thinking about is to play with a few cousins!

Bai Dongsheng, Tan Fenghui and Hongdou were overjoyed when they met Taotao and Songzhi!

The guys played lively for a few days.

Hongdou is 20 years old this year and is going to study abroad. She now very much hopes that Song Zhi can tell her about the situation of foreign universities and the study atmosphere.

Song Zhi always answered the questions raised by his children and nephews about their studies.

He immediately recommended several schools suitable for red beans, and analyzed them one by one…,

Tao Tao ran to ask Tan Fenghui, “Sister-in-law, how is your health recently?”

Tan Fenghui smiled and said, “What else can I do? Just listen to the doctor and treat it conservatively! However, the past two years have been pretty good. Every year, the physical examination and re-examination are once a year. The doctor said that the situation is not bad.”

Tao Tao looked at Feng Hui carefully.

——A few years ago, when Hongdou was arguing that he wanted to deal with Fan Heng, it was when Tan Fenghui was at his worst mental state. At that time, Tan Fenghui was stubborn, with a yellow face and thin muscles, and the whole face exuded a gray and dead air that did not belong to a living person.

In the past two years, it has been properly maintained. Tan Fenghui has gained some weight and immediately looks young. Her skin was fair, and although the corners of her eyes were already wrinkled, her face was glowing with a healthy ruddy, and her eyes were bright, and her smile contained obvious happiness…

It looks like a beautiful and tranquil middle-aged woman.

Tao Tao was relieved, and asked Tan Fenghui again, “Sister-in-law, how is my third sister recently?”

Speaking of Lili, Tan Fenghui’s smile faded.

“Have you heard about the Huo family? It was Huo Huachu and his wife who came back from abroad with a young son, and they made a fuss. Once Mingcheng ran away from home, Lili brought The children went to chase… Then his sister-in-law made a big deal of the matter. My mother was so angry that she was admitted to the hospital. Howard came to our house to look for someone, and was beaten by my mother with a broom and slammed out…”

“My dad sent me to Kyoto, which means to bring Lili and the children back to live for a while to relax. The main reason for this is to let Howard know that our Lili is supported by her parents’ family! But who? I know, even my own mother came to apologize to me, but Lili refused to come back, saying that the children were going to school…”

“That’s what happened in July. Schools are closed in July!” Tan Fenghui sighed, “she refused to come. I really had no choice, so I talked to Howard. He was very friendly in front of me. Sincerely, he said that he made Lili aggrieved because of his busy work… I will definitely take more care of Lili in the future…”

Tao Tao frowned.

Tan Fenghui continued: “I had to come back alone, and then tell your eldest brother… I also watched Lili grow up, and since I was a child, I knew that she is the most affectionate person in this family, for the family’s sake. Man, she is willing to let her sacrifice her life, but ah… ah, I really can’t express the feeling, anyway, I just feel uncomfortable!”

The Taotao family lived in Songshi for half a month.

In mid-August, the family of four said goodbye to their father, siblings, nephews and nieces and returned to Kyoto.

Back to their lovely little home, the whole family is very excited.

Especially Song Zhi.

Although he and Taotao also have a small nest in Songshi, but strictly speaking, this small villa in Kyoto was built by him and Taotao from purchase to decoration, bit by bit.

Everything in the house has memories of him and Taotao.

The neighbors were very happy to see Song Zhi, who had been abroad for two years, come back. Many people came to say hello to Song Zhi, and by the way, they brought watermelons and grapes they bought or planted in their vegetable gardens. The peppers, beans, and even the eggs laid by the chickens and ducks…

Song Zhi was very happy.

When he came back from abroad, the Xu family prepared many gifts for him.

The big ones are all kinds of candy.

It is for the convenience of letting him bring it back to his neighbors and relatives and friends.

Song Zhi asked Tao Tao to return the gift to everyone, a piece of candy bought from abroad…

Everyone is happy.

Tao Tao also harvested a large basket of various fruits, eggs, vegetables and so on.

She looked through the contents in the basket, ran to wash two lunch boxes, and handed them over to Feifei, “Feifei, go to the cafeteria to buy two boxes of white rice and come back, my mother will use these dishes from my aunt and aunt. Cook and eat. We just got back today, so let’s keep it simple.”

Song Zhi said, “I’ll go!”

Taotao disagreed, “Let Feifei go, you stay at home to clean up the yard and living room, and I’ll cook! Momo is responsible for opening all the rooms in the house, and then the cotton pads in the parents’ rooms Bring out the quilts and pillows, as well as your and your brother’s quilts and pillows, and let your dad hang out in the yard to dry!”

Feifei and Momo immediately saluted Taotao!

“Okay mom, promise to complete the mission!”

“Mom, don’t worry, Momo will definitely complete the task!”

The two children turned and ran.

One ran upstairs to open the door and hugged the quilt; the other took a lunch box and went out to cook.

Tao Tao carried the basket to the kitchen.

Song Zhi looked at the jumping figures of the two sons, and then looked at Tao Tao’s background, and went to clean up with a smile.

Tao Tao made fried bacon with beans, fried spinach stalks with tomato diced, cucumber salad, and vegetable leaf egg flower shrimp skin soup. After thinking about it, I was afraid that it would not be enough to eat, so I simply cut three or four kinds of fruits and put them on a plate, and brought them out together.

At this time, Feifei had bought rice early in the morning, and Song Zhi took the two sons out to dry the quilt, and the yard was cleaned, including the living room and the rooms upstairs and downstairs. .

When the two children saw her, they asked for credit,

“Look Mom! We’ve cleaned up! Are you moving quickly?”

“Mom, I dried the quilt, I helped my brother wash the rags, and I helped Dad take out the garbage!”

Taotao said with a smile: “Okay! Then hurry up and wash your hands, we’ll have dinner!”

The children laughed and ran to wash their hands, while Song Zhi quickly pecked Tao Tao on the cheek before the children saw it!

Tao Tao was startled, stared at him with a pair of almond eyes, and scolded lightly: “The smell of sweat all over your body stinks to death!”

Song Zhi nodded with no ulterior motive, “Understood! I’ll take a shower after lunch later…”

Tao Tao was stunned, and after a while, she turned her head to look at his back, and said angrily, “What do you understand?”

Later, the family had a light, but very appetizing lunch.

After lunch, Song Zhi guarded his two sons to take a bath. Because the quilts were all taken out to dry, he let the children take a nap on the sofa in the living room on the first floor.

Song Zhi dragged Tao Tao upstairs.

I dragged the big white peach to take a shower again…

Then the two went into the room from the bathroom on the second floor, only to find that there was no quilt on the bed, and they went back to the bathroom…

After that, Da Bai Tao was exhausted and started scolding people. Song zhi then waited and washed Da Bai Tao, picked it up, sent it to the sofa in the living room on the first floor, and let her sleep with her two sons. nap.

Song Zhi walked around the house and went out on a bicycle to buy rice, noodles, various vegetables, pork ribs, ginger, onion and garlic.

When he returned home with a full load of things on his bicycle, he hummed a ditty and stewed a pot of lotus root pork ribs soup, and then took a **** to the backyard to **** weeds and tidy up the vegetable garden.

When Tao Tao and the children were in Nandu, they wanted to be fast and go to a few places to play. In fact, I didn’t rest well when I went to Songshi, and even went back to my hometown Ruyi Village to live for two days. When I was in Songshi, I ran outside every day, and finally came back to Kyoto by a long-distance train for a day and a night…

Can be exhausted.

This afternoon, I slept until the sun went down.

The three mothers were still awakened by Song Zhi!

Song Zhi knew that his wife and children were tired, so dinner was quite simple and light.

A large pot of oily, clear lotus root stewed pork ribs soup, a plate of scallion oil dipped in sauce, a plate of watermelon noodles, and a large plate of watermelon that has been cut and swelled by cold water.

The bland water noodles are poured with a small spoon of scallion oil sauce, which is a delicious scallion oil noodles! If topped with a moist and slightly sweet hot soup, it is a delicious pork ribs noodle soup!

The ribs are dipped in scallion oil sauce, which is very soft and delicious, or eat a piece of lotus root that has been stewed softly and sweetly…

After eating noodles or soup noodles according to your own preferences, you can eat a few pieces of ice-cold and sweet watermelon. How can you be so comfortable this summer?

The family ate happily.

Everyone was fed up.

So Song zhi packed up the tableware, picked up Momo and sat on his shoulders, and put Feifei behind him, and dragged Taotao… The family of four went for a walk in the compound.

There are all attached sanatoriums in the dry rest house. The sanatorium is not large, but has a gentle grassy slope. In the hot summer, many people like to drag their children and daughters to this grassy **** for a walk, chat and cool down.

Occasionally, some short bushes were planted on the grassy slope, and there were flickering fireflies flying around.

Feifei and Momo were happy all of a sudden, and went to chase the fireflies with other friends screaming and laughing.

Song Zhi took Tao Tao’s hand and walked slowly along the hillside.

“When I was at my grandfather’s house, my eldest cousin chatted with me and said that the old man wanted to go back to China several years ago… But at that time, the environment in our country was not very good. One was that they had no way to come back, and the other was… to come back. I’m also a little scared. Now that I’ve gone abroad, they asked me a lot about the situation, and then decided to come back and build a factory…”

“I asked the old man, why do you want to come back so much? After all, compared with foreign countries, the economic conditions and environment are still far behind. Do you know how the old man answered?”

After a pause, Song Zhi continued: “…The old lady is the child bride-in-law of the old man. In fact, the two families are well-matched, and they started to get engaged because the grandfather Zeng was seriously ill, so he was only seven years old at the time. The old lady was married… That year, the old man was only nine years old.”

“The old man said that he still remembers that the second day after the old lady got married, she stood under a tree in the yard and drooled at the red scorpion on the tree. The old man asked the worker to climb up the tree. Go, I picked the two most cooked scorpions and brought them down, but those scorpions were not edible, they were still tied tightly…”

“The old man didn’t want the old lady to eat the raw scorpion, so he pretended to fall and crushed the scorpion on the ground… The old lady was aggrieved at the time, but she was a new daughter-in-law, and she was young and suffered from it. They didn’t dare to say their grievances. As a result, before the two of them could eat the scorpion, Zeng Tai-grandfather died of illness, and there was a war that year, so the family took them to Nanyang, and then they went back and forth. Ouzhou.”

“The old man said that it’s been so many years… Every year around October, the old lady always mentions that she hasn’t eaten the dumplings from her hometown, so he must bring the old lady back and let her eat a bite of the dumplings from her hometown… …”

When Tao Tao heard this, she was very yearning, “They have been together for a lifetime! Although they can’t eat the scorpion from their hometown,

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