Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 188 - The encounter of the three sisters

Tao Tao looked at Bai Jade.

Bai Jade turned her head to the side uncomfortably.

Tao Tao asked Bai Jade, “…Where did you go after that? I even called the police and said you were gone.”

——Bai Feicui once lived with Tao Tao’s classmate Wang Bingyuan’s father. Wang Bingyuan’s father abused Wang Bingyuan’s sister and brother, and later wanted to be rude to Tao Tao… Finally, he was sentenced for abducting and selling Bai Yu Cui.

It’s a pity that the white jadeite also disappeared.

But at this moment, Bai Jade didn’t want to answer Taotao’s question.

Bai Zhenzhu said, “Let me tell you what happened to me over the years… Speaking of which, we haven’t seen each other for almost ten years.”

After White Pearl was released from prison, she went back to Ruyi Village.

She went back secretly.

Her parents have divorced, her mother remarried, her father remarried, and her four sisters are gone. I heard that my father’s newly married stepmother is capable and powerful. She brought a teenage son over, and gave birth to a son who is over a year old…

Ruyi Village has gradually become wealthy. The father and stepson go out every day to do farm work to earn work points. The stepmother takes the younger son to manage the housework at home, and the other women go to the mountains to mow hog grass to feed the pigs, sweep duck dung to pick up eggs, and earn some money. Duck eggs or something to subsidize households.

Father’s life was fine.

White Pearl quietly went to see her mother who remarried to Linzhen.

Her mother, Huang Sanni, doesn’t know the characters, she’s a little stupid, and her personality is just so-so… Her parents and in-laws look down on her. She married a widower three years younger than her, and her new husband was a carpenter in the town. She had a son, a daughter, and two unmarried younger siblings.

The carpenter gave Huang Sanni a list of rules and regulations: make three meals a day, tidy up the house, finish all the housework, and then watch the shop with the carpenter’s sister, remember the high, medium and low stools How much is a piece, someone buys it, and the money has to be collected correctly.

Huang Sanni was involved in the case of abducting and trafficking women by her parents’ brother, and was called by the police to question her. Because he is too timid, he will be a little nervous after he comes out, but he can do housework swiftly.

The carpenter’s family are all good people, and after Huang Sanni got married, she took care of the whole family’s housework. Decently married the carpenter’s sister, and took good care of the carpenter’s children, so that the carpenter and his brother could free up their hands to work with peace of mind…

Later, the food for the carpenter’s family was probably not bad. Huang Sanni got fat, wore new clothes, and looked young. When Bai Zhenzhu went to see her, she almost didn’t recognize her!

Speaking of this, Bai Zhenzhu smiled and said to Taotao: “I think, my parents and my mother each have their own strengths and weaknesses. It’s just that…they are uncomfortable! Marry a capable and powerful daughter-in-law, and the days will be prosperous immediately. If you marry another man with a big idea, you will find the backbone immediately…”

Tao Tao looked at the white pearl.

Bai Zhenzhu probably thought of her parents. After thinking about it for a long time, she finally sighed and smiled bitterly: “It’s ridiculous that my mother… I originally went to see her to see if she was doing well. If it’s not good, I will Just take her away…but she’s doing fine, just look at it…”

“Anyway, it’s definitely better than following me,” Bai Zhenzhu laughed. “So I thought, go say hello to her and leave. I didn’t expect…she doesn’t know me anymore.”

Tao Tao looked at White Pearl.

White Pearl’s eyes were red, and her voice was deeply nasal, “I just…stand in front of her, but she, she told me that a high stool is three yuan a piece, and a medium-sized one is five yuan. Small seventy cents…”

Saying that, White Pearl burst out laughing.

Song Zhi brought two bowls of noodle soup over, then frowned and stared at the three white pearl sisters.

He still vaguely remembered the appearance of White Pearl and White Jade, but he had never seen Bai Panjin—Bai Panjin was married before Song zhi joined the queue to go to Ruyi Village.

Bai Zhenzhu recognized Song zhi at a glance, “Song zhi! You are still the same, basically nothing has changed… I am Bai Zhenzhu, this is my sister Jade, do you still have any impressions? Also, she is my eldest sister. Hope for gold!”

Saying that, Bai Zhenzhu introduced Song Zhi to Bai Panjin again, “Eldest sister, he is Song Zhi and Taotao’s lover. He used to be an educated youth in Ruyi Village, and later married Taotao…”

Bai Panjin looked at Song Zhi, a little cautious.

Song Zhi glanced at Tao Tao, and seeing Tao Tao was smiling, he also said to Bai Panjin in a pleasant manner: “Hello, Sister Panjin, have you had breakfast?”

“I, I, I… We’ve all eaten it,” Bai Panjin said sarcastically, imitating Song Zhi’s gentle manner, “You, you too… Good morning.”

Bai Jade stared at the two bowls of noodle soup with golden poached eggs lying there, and said sourly, “It’s almost noon, you haven’t had breakfast yet?”

Li Li’s face turned red all of a sudden.

Taotao said generously, “Yes!” Then she pushed a bowl of noodles in front of her, pushed another bowl of noodles in front of Lili, and said to Song Zhi, “Song Zhi, find some peanuts and melon seeds. What are you going to do, okay? Pour some more tea, let’s talk about it…”

Song Zhi responded and turned away.

Tao Tao asked White Pearl, “Have we disturbed your work?”

Bai Zhenzhu quickly shook his head, “It doesn’t matter, we are doing the contracted work. We shouldn’t unload these rice, but we stopped by and helped them carry a few bags…”

Only then did Taotao feel relieved, and she said to Bai Zhenzhu with a smile, “Then go ahead and say, Sister Lizi and I will make breakfast first.”

White Pearl nodded and continued to speak.

She left Ruyi Village. Although the sky is big and she has both parents, she feels… as if there is no place for her at all.

It just so happened that that time was also the most powerful years of the big tandem. Bai Zhenzhu got a green military uniform without a leader, learned culture in prison, memorized the quotations in the little red book, and met one or two “like-minded” friends. Finally, with the help of these friends …

White Pearl has gone to many, many places to connect.

It is precisely because of this that she has traveled to most places in the country and has a basic understanding of these cities and villages.

There are four white pearl sisters, the second sister Bai Panyin and the younger sister Bai Feicui have lost contact. She only knows which city the elder sister Bai Panjin is in, and where she is, she doesn’t know at all.

So during the big series, White Pearl purposefully went to the city where Bai Panjin is located, and tried to settle down…

After two or three years of visits, Bai Zhenzhu finally found out the whereabouts of Bai Panjin.

At this time, Song Zhi found some fried melon seeds and boiled peanuts, and brought a cup and tea with a boiling water bottle.

Tao Tao said, “Let’s talk here, go see the children!”

Song Zhi nodded and went out to find the children.

At this time, Taotao and Lili had already finished their noodles.

When Song Zhi was cooking the noodles, he put lard, sesame oil, lard residue, fried egg and chives in the noodles… The rich aroma made the white jade drool drool.

Then she would see fried melon seeds and boiled peanuts on the table. She couldn’t help it, and quickly grabbed a handful of fried melon seeds and started eating them.

Taotao shook the tea leaves in the tea bag into the enamel cup, made five cups of tea in total, and said to Bai Zhuzhu and Bai Panjin, “This sea of ​​people is so vast that you can actually meet… This is a kiss. Sisterhood!”

Bai Zhenzhu smiled and turned to look at Bai Panjin.

Bai Panjin sighed and talked about his experience.

“When I used to be a girl at home, I really felt… that life was too boring. My grandmother was in the fourth room, and all good things were close to the fourth room, and I even discussed with the fourth aunt, saying that I wanted to find a high dowry gift for me. People, the betrothal gifts you received are good for rich and noble sons to marry daughters-in-law!”

“In addition, my mother has never given birth to a son, and she is looked down upon by the villagers… So I did a stupid thing and went to my mother-in-law to marry me. I got my wish, but I didn’t know until I got married. Staying at your mother’s house, with your big house in front of you to support the sky, that’s really good!”

Speaking of which, Bai Panjin was silent.

After a long while, she smiled bitterly and said, “I don’t want to say what kind of family I married… Don’t ask in the future. In short, when Pearl appeared in front of me, I, I really cried! I didn’t cry when I was beaten to death by the milk, but I cried when I saw Pearl!”

“Later, with the help of Pearl, I escaped with Ah Yao. At that time, I was pregnant with one. Later, I was displaced and miscarried… I almost died without the child. If it wasn’t for Pearl and Ah Yao took good care of me, I’m gone.” Bai Panjin said.

Li Li wondered: “Ayao?”

Bai Panjin explained: “I have given birth to five children in total, A Yao is the eldest son, but he can’t speak, he is dumb… The other children have been taught badly by them, and they do not kiss me. Only A Yao has been following Me. When I ran away, I also asked four other children, but none of them wanted to come with me…”

– Dumb? Can’t speak?

Tao Tao, “Yao is the young man who rescued Tan Li yesterday, right?”

Bai Panjin suddenly realized, “Yes! It turns out that a relative of your family fell into the lake? Yesterday, Ah Yao came back and told me… that someone fell into the lake, he went down to help, and when he came back, his clothes and pants were soaked. “

Lili, “The one that fell into the water is my sister-in-law! By the way, you will stay here for a while, right? My mother-in-law said, I want to give Ah Yao a little gift!”

Bai Panjin said quickly: “No, no! The lake is actually very shallow! It is only one meter three or four high, as long as the height is over one meter five, you will not be drowned! Your sister-in-law may have been frightened and did not stand. She choked on the water when she slid down steadily, otherwise she would be fine as long as she stood up…”

Taotao said, “I hope Big Sister Jin, you can continue talking about ancient times! Let’s talk about whether to give gifts or not!”

Bai Panjin continued: “Afterwards, I, Ah Yao and Zhuzhu have always depended on each other for life and family… She went to many places, and she also took our mother and daughter to go together.”

“In winter, we go to the southernmost desert island to raise ducks, catch clams and crabs in the sea… The winter there is like summer. When it comes to summer, the weather is too hot to stay still, so we go all the way to Go west.”

“The three of us didn’t have a letter of introduction, we couldn’t stay in a hotel, and we couldn’t buy a train ticket. So when we went out, we could only sleep at the bottom of the bridge, and we could only pick up the coal car when we went out. “

Bai Panjin smiled and got down to business, “When we got to the far west, we helped the production team there to pick cotton… A lot of black households like us go to help them pick cotton in autumn. They are very short of manpower. , won’t ask where we are from…”

“Anyway, the salary will be paid every three days. If you arrange to live in the Datong shop, you can solve the food and lodging! It’s just that there are no vegetables to eat there. I eat wheat cakes every day, most of the time I eat the reserved frozen meat from the top, and occasionally Kill a few sheep for us to eat. The three of us can eat three laps of fat every year… When the autumn passes and the cotton is picked, the three of us earn money, and then we add food and supplies for the winter and go back to the deserted island… …”

Taotao is quite yearning, “I haven’t been to the western Xinjiang to see cotton fields! I haven’t been to the desert island to see it… Sister Jin, have you had a hard time on the desert island? Can you usually eat enough? Can you eat fish, shrimp and crab every day?”

Bai Panjin smiled and said: “We built a mud house there, planted rice, all kinds of vegetables, and raised chickens and ducks… fish, shrimp and crabs are indeed available every day, but those things can’t be caught. I eat it every day, and I eat too much gout. Besides… Although I can catch fish, shrimp and crab every day, the number is quite small, and most of the time it’s not enough for the three of us to have a meal. So most of the fish, shrimp and crab are marinated when they come back. In case of a typhoon or something, there will be stuttering when hiding at home.”

Tao Tao nodded again and again.

Lili asked, “Then how did you meet Jade?”

Everyone’s eyes gathered on Bai Feicui’s body.

Bai Jade was a little flustered, “That’s how we met! It’s nothing…”

Bai Zhenzhu glanced at Bai Jadeite and said lightly, “It was really an accident to meet her.”

After a pause, he corrected again: “It should be said that it was a bad relationship.”

However, it was said that Bai Jade was once again sold by Wang Bingyuan’s father Wang Guangcai after having a relationship with Taotao at the Agricultural University a few years ago!

Bai Feicui is a lazy person, but he doesn’t want to use his brain.

Back then, she was young and beautiful, and she was resold several times, and she was spoiled for food and drink… But as the years passed, her appearance was vicissitudes and her figure was out of shape, and no one wanted her anymore.

Later, she joined a few gangsters to be a fairy dancer, a male passenger who specialized in pitfalls.

Soon, there is a bitter master to report the case to the police station. Bai Feicui and her gang were targeted by the police, but it was ridiculous that they didn’t know it.

On the day of the incident, Bai Feicui and her gang were preparing to frame the passengers in the black hotel at the train station, and then the police kicked the door open. As a result, the victim thought the police were here to arrest whoring, and was so frightened that she jumped out of the window and ran away. !

Bai Feicui was frightened, and ran after the benefactor.

As a result, the guest ran away, and Bai Feicui foolishly ran in the wrong direction… and directly broke into the house of Bai Zhenzhu and Bai Panjin!

——White Pearl and Bai Panjin take Ah Yao on a long journey every year. They have no money, but they have to survive. then what should we do?

So they scavenged and sold waste along the way to earn some money, and then they got some handicrafts and bought them on the black market. After saving enough money, they hurried to the next stop.

They also wandered to this city. In order to facilitate some small business in the black market near the train station, they used felt cloth and sacks to separate a “house” in a dead end of an alley to live temporarily.

Confused, Bai Jade broke into White Pearl and Bai Panjin’s house directly.

At the moment, the three sisters met, but did not dare to recognize each other.

In the end, Bai Panjin asked Bai Feicui, “Who are you?”

Bai Feicui heard the familiar local accent, and saw two old but familiar older sisters… At that moment, she was a little broken.

The police came to investigate later, but under the cover of Pearl and Panjin, they didn’t know that this stray woman with dull eyes and a dirty body in front of them was the white jadeite they were looking for every day, dressed in fancy dresses and with heavy make-up. .

After the police left, Bai Feicui begged Bai Zhenzhu to quietly find her son and daughter…

Yes, during nearly ten years of wandering, Bai Feicui gave birth to a son and a daughter, both of whom are unknown.

In this way, the three Bai sisters, together with their three children, began to live together.

They have always maintained the frequency of migrating once a year, and they have gradually become accustomed to living in and out of the western border of the mainland and the deserted islands in the South China Sea.

But a few years ago, the situation began to slowly stabilize. When Bai Zhenzhu and the others went out, they no longer hid in Tibet because they didn’t have a letter of introduction. They could buy a bus ticket, stay in a hotel, and go out more easily… Bai Zhenzhu thought about it, and wanted to settle down in a city with more opportunities.

In addition, as Ah Yao grew up, White Pearl decided to stabilize as soon as possible and earn some family property before marrying a daughter-in-law for Ah Yao.

They had also been to Shencheng and Nandu, but they felt that it was not conducive to find a daughter-in-law for Ah Yao, and finally came to Kyoto after going around.

Bai Zhenzhu and Bai Panjin are very hard-working women, Bai Jade is lazy, but no one is used to her, and she can only work hard like her sisters…

White Pearl has gone to many places, and her well-informed melon seeds are still alive. She will take the initiative to go to the logistics departments of many units and propose a labor contract system, that is to say… the unit assigns her the worst work, the roughest, the heaviest, the heaviest and the dirtiest, and she finds a way to complete it. You will get so much if you finish it in one day, and you will get so much if you finish it in 100 days.

Just because of the low asking price of white pearls, the high labor intensity and the high rate of return… She finally made a name for herself. The logistics staff of many units will recommend them to their brother units…

Even the work at the sanatorium was introduced by someone a year ago.

Because they are sincere and diligent, and offer low prices, they will be hired to do any outsourced work in the sanatorium.

Only then will I meet the Taoli sisters.

Tao Tao heard it and sighed, “It’s really fate!”

Bai Zhenzhu said: “Why not! If you come two days late, we will leave after finishing the work… Then we will not meet.”

Tao Tao remembered something and asked Bai Zhenzhu, “Why did you run away when you saw us last night?”

Bai Zhenzhu was a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice, “Isn’t that… I don’t think I’m a good person, and I don’t deserve to be your relative! So, I’m ashamed to see you!”

Tao Tao, “How do you know that you are not good enough for us?”

Bai Panjin smiled and said, “We go back to Ruyi Village every year! Although we don’t meet you every year, we hear from you every year! So, we all know that your family is doing well now. !”

“Uncle is now the secretary of the municipal party committee, and Auntie is also a cadre! Brother Dongsheng and sister-in-law Fenghui are also very promising… You and Song Zhi are married, and you are a teacher in Kyoto, and Lili is married to Dalian. Guan’er, Xing Xing took the college entrance examination a few days ago… We all know this!”

Said, Bai Panjin said happily: “Tao Tao, I am really happy for your family! You are very good people, smart, hardworking and united… So your family is slowly getting better. This makes us feel full of energy! As long as our sisters learn from your family, sooner or later, we will gradually get better.”

Tao Tao smiled, “Your life is quite exciting too!”

Lili asked, “Sister Pang Jin, you go back every year to visit the third uncle and the third… your mother?”

Bai Feicui hurriedly replied: “I come back every year! But every year I go back like a thief, and I won’t let them see us, so I just look at us from a distance, and think of something to bring them back… …and left.”

Tao Tao wondered: “Why is this?”

Bai Zhenzhu said helplessly: “After all, the family we used to have… has been separated. Now it has become a family for my father, a family for my mother, and a family for the three of us… I think, in fact, after the separation, everyone has a better life. .”

“The son my stepmother brought is our younger brother. He joined the army when he was 18 years old. After three years of retirement, the country has arranged for him to work in a frozen meat factory in the city, which is not very good. What! Then the little son that my stepmother gave birth to my dad went to elementary school last year!”

“My mother and stepfather are also very good… A few years ago, my mother had a stomach perforation and went to the hospital for an operation. Then my stepfather paid for her treatment, and he was not soft at all. The younger brother on the stepfather’s side My sister is also filial. When my mother was in the hospital, they took turns delivering meals to accompany her… Tao Tao, tell me, are they… all doing well?”

Having said that, White Pearl’s eyes slowly turned red.

Bai Feicui snorted, “It’s not that we are all girls! When we were in the same family, we lost money and dragged them down! Now they both remarried and remarried, and they both have ready-made sons. …isn’t it good?”

Bai Panjin said in a low voice, “That’s not the case, maybe we and them… are not suitable for being a family. Besides, aren’t we doing well now!”

Several of the cousins ​​were talking when suddenly someone came in while talking.

——It’s Mrs. Huo, the children and Song Zhi. Huo Huachu and Tan Li also followed.

Taotao glanced at the wall clock on the wall of the restaurant and was surprised that it was almost twelve o’clock now?

Feifei Momo pounced on Taotao, Xiao Mingchan pounced on Lili…

The children were sweetly calling out to their mothers, and the scene suddenly became lively.

Mrs. Huo looked at the White Pearl sisters in the gardener’s uniform, a little surprised.

Li Li hugged Xiao Mingchan and introduced to Mrs. Huo, “Mom, these three… are relatives from my hometown, they are distant cousins.”

——Actually, the surname of the third uncle and the fourth uncle is Chen Bu, and everyone in Ruyi Village knows it, but they did not change their surnames or remove their clans because of their affection. Therefore, Li Li said that the White Pearl sisters are distant cousins, and the White Pearl sisters have no objection.

Mrs. Huo understood.

Who doesn’t have a few rural relatives!

Only Tan Li couldn’t help pouting secretly when she saw that the three of them were wearing dirty gardener uniforms, and they all looked haggard and old.

Mrs. Huo warmly greeted Sister White Pearl, and after a few chats, she asked, “Then you guys made an appointment to meet here?”

Mrs. Huo is a deputy state-level cadre. Although she was raised after retirement, she was given this treatment because she contributed a lot to the country during the Anti-Japanese and Anti-Japanese War.

She is a resounding hero.

Sister White Pearl had heard of her heroic deeds since she was a child. Now that she saw the real person, she was not only nervous but excited, but also a little at a loss. She kept her head down and didn’t dare to look directly at Mrs. Huo.

Lili smiled and said, “No, it’s a coincidence.”

Mrs. Huo said in surprise: “coincidence? God, then you are too lucky! Since it’s such a coincidence, why don’t we have a meal together?”

Bai Zhenzhu quickly waved his hand, “No no no, it’s too disturbing…”

Li Li smiled and said, “Eat it together, that’s it!”

Taotao, “Bring Ah Yao along too! Let Tan Li thank him! Also… Fei Cui, are your children here? If so, ask them to have dinner together and let them recognize our children as well. face.”

Tao Tao’s first half sentence offended Tan Li!

She thought this white peach was really interesting. Yes, she fell into the lake, but her son also went to save him! Why do you say that the dumb young man saved her?

However, no one would care, no matter how unhappy Tan Li was.

However, Mrs. Huo felt strange when she heard it, and hurriedly asked who A Yao was.

Did you know that Ah Yao is the young man who saved Tan Li yesterday?

Mrs. Huo ignored Bai Zhenzhu’s refusal, and said quickly, “Oh, the children must come! It is necessary!” Then she instructed the assistant, “Xiao Zhang! Xiao Zhang, please tell the restaurant and come by the first-class table. Help me set up a table! Also, tell them… We have young and old, don’t drink alcohol, replace it with soda.”

Xiao Zhang hurriedly went to inform the kitchen.

There are three classes of seats at the moment:

The first-class feast is the highest standard of feast, usually with ten meat dishes, two vegetarian dishes, plus main food, cold salad, soup, dessert, wine and fruit.

Second-class rice noodles usually have eight meat dishes, two vegetarian dishes, staple food, cold salad, soup, and wine.

The third-class noodles are generally six meat dishes, two vegetarian dishes, plus staple food, cold dishes, soup or drinks.

Mrs. Huo obviously valued the distant relatives of the Bai family very much, so she asked to use the highest standard to entertain the distant relatives of Bai Lili.

But this made Tan Li feel even more uncomfortable.

——She and Bai Lili are both the daughter-in-law of Mrs. Huo! Why did she return to China for so long, the old lady didn’t invite the Tan family to a meal, and even used a first-class table to greet Bai Taotao’s rural relatives?

It’s irritating!

Bai Taotao had already asked Bai Panjin and knew that they and their children were all temporarily living in the staff dormitory of the nursing home.

So Bai Jade went and called all the children over.

Bai Panjin’s son, eighteen years old this year, whose full name is Bai Fangyao. Bai Feicui has a son and a daughter. The six-year-old son is named Bai Huihui; the four-year-old daughter is named Bai Tingting.

Bai Fangyao is not born dumb, he used to speak. When I was young, I was so hungry that I ate the poisonous wild fruit on the mountain. Later, he was rescued by a barefoot doctor, but because of the poisoning for too long, the vocal cords were damaged, which made him unable to speak.

Bai Huihui and Bai Tingting were timid. In front of so many people, they didn’t dare to look up or speak… No matter how Bai Jade scolded, coaxed, or threatened, this little brother and sister just kept silent.

Momo likes Bai Huihui and Bai Tingting very much.

Because Mo Mo is the youngest of the Bai, Song, and Huo families, the appearance of Bai Huihui and Bai Tingting now proves that he has also become a big brother… So he is like a big brother, holding Bai Huihui in one hand and Bai Tingting in the other. , and took them aside to play.

Mrs. Huo chatted happily with Sister White Pearl.

Taotao and Lili instead became bystanders.

Taotao asked Lili in a low voice, “Sister, do you think White Pearl has gotten better?”

Lili looked at Sister White Pearl, and replied in a low voice, “…I feel like she’s gotten better, otherwise she wouldn’t have to be a gardener, right? I’ll ask my mother-in-law to ask this courtyard later. Boss, if the three of them really get better, we can help them too.”

Tao Tao smiled and nodded.

It will be open soon.

After the waiter had prepared all the dishes, Mrs. Huo took the lead and stood up.

When she moved, everyone stood up.

Mrs. Huo said: “Today is not only to celebrate the chance encounter between Lili and her distant cousins, but also the thank-you feast for Ah Yao who rescued Ming Lun’s mother yesterday! So… Ming Lun, Ming Cheng, You two take a soda, toast Ah Yao and thank him.”

Ming Cheng and Ming Lun nodded, each picked up a glass of soda, toasted and thanked Ah Yao.

Because Tan Li was pushed down the lake by Ming Lun, Ming Lun bowed to Ah Yao when he toasted and thanked Ah Yao.

Ah Yao was so embarrassed that he couldn’t speak because of his broken throat, so he could only keep waving his hand, saying “it’s nothing”, and finally drank the soda in the cup and bowed to Ming Lun again…

Everyone laughed.

Mrs. Huo asked Tan Li to make a toast to Ah Yao and Bai Panjin.

Tan Li was very unconvinced.

But she was in a bad situation at the moment. Reason told her that she should listen to Mrs. Huo. After all, no one in the Huo family wants to pay attention to her anymore…

So she had no choice but to toast A Yao and Bai Panjin respectively, and couldn’t help but look at Huo Huachu beside her, thinking: I did as your mother said, isn’t this just handing you the Ladder? You should be nice to me.

Unexpectedly, Howard didn’t even look at her at first glance, as if he knew her completely.

Tan Li was angry, and suddenly felt that the scene she just played was just for monkeys!

Mrs. Huo waited until Ming Cheng, Ming Lun and Tan Li toasted Ah Yao and Bai Panjin and then invited everyone to enjoy the feast.

Before I knew it, I started chatting about Ah Yao’s marriage.

Ah Yao bowed his head in fear and sincerity.

Speaking of Ah Yao’s marriage, Bai Pearl’s face is bright.

“We Ah Yao are the best, not only caring, but also doing a lot of work! Going to the fields to grow vegetables and serve crops, that is a first-class expert, a carpenter, a mason, a mason… He can also do it! So I gave him a picture. The girl from Tongzhou, the decision will be made in a few days, and after the dowry and dowry have been agreed, the engagement banquet will be held soon!”

“First let them get engaged this year, and pick a good date next year for them to get married… Our sisters have also earned some money over the years and want to build a home near the girl’s house… No, it’s two homes, they are young The two live in one house, and we live in one. In this way, we can be considered settled down, and we will no longer have to wander around in the future!”

Saying that, White Pearl laughed.

Bai Panjin, Bai Jade, including Ah Yao, Huihui and Tingting also showed their sincere smiles.

——Yeah, although with mothers/aunts, life is much better than before. But the days of wandering around like this all the time, eating the last meal without the next meal are still terrible. I can settle down, have a house of my own, and eat hot soup and rice for three meals a day…

Days like this are so beautiful to think about.

Taotao asked, “Then when are you going to have a wedding? Also call me and let me meet the world!”

Taotao’s classmates and friends are basically the same age as her, and the wedding has already ended. It’s true that she hasn’t attended a wedding or drank wedding wine for a long time.

If Ah Yao wants to get married in the short term, she still wants to join in the fun.

When Bai Zhenzhu heard this, he gave an “ah” and asked in surprise, “What? Taotao… can you come?”

“Why not?” Tao Tao looked surprised.

Li Li also said, “The good days are set, you all come and tell me, our children are too naughty, and they have to eat more food to be sensible!” She then looked at Ming Lun.

Ming Lun subconsciously felt that Li Li was talking about himself, but his expression was inexplicable, and he didn’t know what custom this was. But he also felt that Lili was gentle and kind and would not harm him.

Ming Lun didn’t care so much, and only focused on eating meat.

And White Pearl was so happy that she almost jumped up, “Okay, okay! Taotao, Sister Lizi… Then I’ll tell you the set date when I look back.”

“It’s done!” Tao Tao said with a smile.

After Bai Zhenzhu and the others finished their meal and chatted with Mrs. Huo for a while, they went back to work and continued to work.

Taotao took Lili to the hot spring again.

Around three or four in the afternoon, the Taotao family followed the Huo family and left the hot spring hotel.

Originally, Mrs. Huo meant to give Ayao 100 yuan as a thank you gift for saving Tan Li. But later, Li Li and Mrs. Huo discussed it and said that it might be better to send some tickets of equal value to Ah Yao.

Mrs. Huo thought it was very reasonable, so she asked Bai Lili to ask Bai Zhenzhu.

Of course, Bai Zhenzhu told Lili that she didn’t want anything… In the end, it was Taotao who asked Bai Huihui to tell her that Ah Yao really wanted a bicycle.

So Bai Lili asked the retired veteran cadres in the sanatorium for help, asking one by one, and finally exchanged cash for a bicycle ticket from one of the veteran cadres and handed it to Bai Zhenzhu.

White Pearl was overjoyed!

You know, with an identity like her, you can’t get an industrial ticket at all. Now Bai Lili has helped her get a bicycle ticket… This will not only make Ah Yao’s marriage more dignified, but this bicycle will also directly improve the living standards of their family!

Bai Zhenzhu couldn’t say anything of refusal anymore, she took Bai Lili’s hand with tears in her eyes, thanking her again and again.

Li Li smiled and stuffed the bicycle ticket into Bai Pearl’s hand, “Hurry up and take it! Let’s eat Ah Yao’s wedding wine later!” After saying that, she got into the car and left.

White Pearl tightly clutched the bicycle ticket and waved to the vehicle that went away.

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