Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 20 - Still peach pure and lovely (1)

Bai Taotao’s family returned to Ruyi Village.

At the entrance of the village, many people rushed up and said—

“Liren, I don’t know what’s going on, you have a lot of bamboo growing in your house!”

“Zhenggan, those bamboos in your house are still catching snakes, and they seem to be biting Fugui’er. You have to be careful!”

“Dongsheng, please don’t let Hui’er go back, anyway, you have also split up that house, forget it!”

“It’s really strange, you share the same yard, how come only your family’s house is covered with bamboo…”

The family looked at each other.

Only Tao Tao knew what was going on.

Out of prudence, everyone sent their luggage, Bai Zhenggan, Tan Fenghui, Tao Tao and the children to the Seventh Wife’s house for a temporary stay, and the others went back to the old house to have a look.

Tao Tao is clamoring to go-

Everyone tried to persuade them, but Taotao held her small pot of grapevines, dragged Song zhi and ran away! Everyone had to ask Song Zhi to take care of Tao Tao, and then went to the old house together.

The scene is spectacular.

The big house originally had only two rooms, but Nan Sheng built one, and separated it from the attic. In fact, it was quite spacious. But now there are countless green bamboos peeking out from the windows inside the house…

And the most strange thing is that outside the site of the big house, the ground is clean and tidy, not to mention bamboo, not even a single weed.

Everyone was stunned.

Taotao held Song Zhi’s arm in one hand and pinched the leaves on the vine in the other, and asked, “Little grape, is there really a snake in it?” 】

【Yes! 】

The thin and high-pitched voice of the little grapevine rang out, [Brother Tiansun said that several times someone took a hatchet and tried to cut off the bamboo at the door. Brother Tiansun almost failed to guard the door, and Sister Yangmei gave it an idea. , said to let the green snake move over…]

[But we can’t drive snakes either. Later, I asked the old grandfather, and the old grandfather taught Uncle Banyan to use his sudoku to catch a few live mice and sent them to Brother Tiansun, and then the snake was recruited. However, it was the cauliflower snake that was recruited, not the green snake. 】

Taotao is afraid of any kind of snake, so she asked nervously, [Then are there still snakes now? 】

Little Grapevine, [No, I was scared away by that woman, but there seem to be mice. 】

At this time, Li Cui’er rushed out of her house and cursed with her arms on her hips, “Tang Liren! You’re the one who’s making a fool of yourself. When you left, you had a bad idea and planted bamboo in your house on purpose? mine, right?”

Tang Liren looked at her like a fool, “If I have this ability, can I just build a new house in Hexi!”

Li Cuier: ! !

Bai Xingxing, “Fourth aunt, you also know that our family is guarding you?”

Li Cuier: ? ? ?

Bai Lili, “Fourth aunt, I heard that Fugui was bitten by a snake?”

Li Cuier:…

Just, so angry that I can’t speak.

Bai Dongsheng asked his mother and sisters to step back, took a hatchet to clean up the bamboo blocking the door, and went into the house to check to make sure that there were no snakes, and only then did his mother and sisters come in.

The family had been busy for most of the day before packing up the bedding, boxes and cages, soft clothes, pots and pans that could be moved away. Bai Dongsheng and Song Zhi carried, carried and carried them around ten times. , finally moved.

Although everyone was very curious and wondered why the old house was actually covered with bamboo, the new house was the most important thing for the whole family right now, no one.

For Ruyi Village, no matter who builds a new house, it is never a family matter, but a major event for the entire village.

What’s more, Bai Zhenggan and his wife have always been very popular in the village.

At the moment, Bai Zhengqian and Bai Ershu discussed for a whole day. The brothers divided the land in Hexi and decided the layout of their house. Then they arranged the village chief, several production team leaders, and a few members of the clan. All the old people shouted, and everyone had a meeting all day.

The next day, under the command of the village chief, thirty or forty strong laborers from the village went up the back mountain together, dragged back a dozen big trees, and then someone started a one-stop operation: sawing wood, making door frames Cutting panes, laying foundations for new houses, drawing corner lines, digging pits to build thatched huts, building stoves for kitchens, pulling carts to the next village to change bricks… I was very busy.

On the third day, with the efforts of everyone, two small courtyard houses were built!

Tao Tao’s house is on the top of the mountainside, and Uncle Bai’s house is on the bottom of the mountainside. The two families watch each other, which is both intimate and private.

Bai Zhenggan also built a house for Song Zhi.

– In fact, it is one of the courtyards of the big house, but it has two doors. The back door leads directly to the yard of Bai’s house, which is convenient for him to have a partner at Bai’s house; the front door leads directly to the outside, which is convenient for him to enter and exit freely.

Song Zhi was very moved.

But he has always been introverted and not good at words, and he doesn’t know how to repay Bai Zhenggan.

After thinking about it, he decided to go to the town and buy some gifts for the Bai family.

When he went to the educated youth station to register for attendance, Jiang Hongzhi was very unhappy, “Song zhi, you’ve only been here for less than a month. How many times have you taken leave?”

Song Zhi said lightly, “First of all, I am on vacation, not asking for leave. Second, I am on vacation according to regulations. Do you have any comments?”

Jiang Hongzhi became very angry, “You still have the face to say that you are following the regulations…” Suddenly remembered that the educated youth have four days off every month, although Song Zhi asked for four days of leave in a row, the last time he took it was in April. Four days off, it’s already May.

Jiang Hongzhi choked.

Seeing that Song Zhi left without looking back?

Jiang Hongzhi hesitated for a while, then chased after him, “Hey! Song rank…Wait a minute!” He ran to Song rank, took out money and tickets from his jacket pocket, and handed them over, “Since you’re going to town, then Bring me…two boxes of vanishing cream and two thin silk scarves, the kind that lesbians use to shade from the sun.”

“No time.”

Song Zhi ignored him and left.

Jiang Hongzhi’s face turned red for a while.

When he arrived in the town, Song Zhi went to the town post and telecommunications office, found the operator, said he wanted to call, and then reported a series of numbers.

The call was quickly connected.

Song Zhi, “Hello, I’m Song Zhi, is Professor Huang here?”

It was Guan Hailong who answered the phone.

He was a little surprised, “It’s you…how about you, are you doing well over there?”

Song Zhi fell into silence.

—His mother died young, and his father entrusted him to his old friend Guan Qingbai to raise him while he was in the baby.

He and Guan Hailong grew up together, and they were no different from their own brothers.

But his feelings for Guan Hailong and the Guan family are complicated.

Now Guan Hailong asks him if he is doing well?

Song Zhi avoided answering, “Is Professor Huang there?”

Guan Hailong, “…Haishan has been thinking about you.”

Song Zhi frowned.

After a long while, he asked again, “Is Professor Huang there?”

This time, Guan Hailong finally answered, “He… is not here, do you need to leave a message?”

“No need.” Song zhi hung up the phone neatly.

Guan Hailong on the other end of the phone prepared a lot of words to talk to Song zhi, but heard a beeping disconnection sound?

For a moment, he was stunned.

Suddenly someone asked from behind, “Who is calling?”

Guan Hailong was taken aback!

Turning around and looking, there is Professor Huang standing behind him? ? ?

Guan Hailong was anxious, “Yes, it’s a call from one of my relatives…”

Professor Huang stared at him for a while, then turned and left.

Guan Hailong broke out in a cold sweat inexplicably.

He went back to his seat, sat down, opened the drawer with the key, and found a stack of letters under a heavy notebook.

-A total of ten letters, three of which were sent back by Song Zhi, and eleven letters that Professor Huang asked Xiao Mao to send to Song Zhi. They were all cut off by him.

Guan Hailong lowered his head and stared at the dozen or so letters for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the end, he rolled the dozen or so letters into a ball, hid them in his trouser pocket, and hurriedly left the department.

On Song Zhi’s side, the phone call to find Professor Huang failed. He didn’t want to talk too much with Guan Hailong, so he hung up the phone, paid the operator, turned around and left the post and telecommunications office.

The relationship between him and Guan Hailong is really indescribable.

The home situation is complicated.

Guan Qingbai married two wives. The original partner is Du Min, who gave birth to a son and a daughter for Guan Qingbai. His son Guan Hailong and his daughter Guan Haishan are all about the same age as Song Zhi. When Du Min was still alive, Song Zhi, Guan Hailong and Guan Haishan spent a relatively wealthy childhood.

When Song Zhi was seven years old, Du Min died of illness.

A year later, Guan Qingbai married Fang Ling.

Fang Ling is a widow, with her son Fang Shenghao (Fang Shenghao and Song Zhi are the same age), who was born to her deceased husband. Later, Fang Ling gave birth to Guan Qingbai’s youngest daughter, Guan Haifu.

In general, the main family conflict of the Guan family is that the two children born to the first wife and the two children born to the next wife do not deal with each other, and then Song Zhi, the adopted son, is caught in the middle, and it is very uncomfortable.

Song Zhi has been boarding at the school since he was in junior high school. He also tries to find excuses to stay at school on weekends or holidays, which gives him more time to study than others. It’s only during the New Year’s holiday that I have to go back to Guan’s house to deal with it.

Song Zhi and Guan Hailong are brothers who grew up wearing a pair of shorts.

I do not know since when, the two gradually drifted apart.

In order to avoid the war in the Guan family, Song Zhi stayed at the school and did not want to go back. He turned over the books in the library; Guan Hailong, in order to protect his sister Guan Haishan and his status in the Guan family, directly reported Fang Ling and Fang Shenghao. go to war…

A few years later, Song Zhi was directly recommended for admission to Xidu University with excellent grades. Guan Hailong dropped out of school before finishing high school, and finally, relying on Guan Qingbai’s relationship, he became a teacher in an elementary school.

The battle song of the educated youth going to the countryside was blown, calling on intellectuals to follow the trend and go to the places where they were most needed.

At that time, Song Zhi had already obtained the place to stay in the school, but Guan Hailong got the gossip: he was already on the list of educated youth going to the countryside.

Guan Hailong didn’t sleep for three days and three nights, because he didn’t want to go to the countryside, because Fang Shenghao also stayed in the city.

Guan Hailong thinks that Fang Ling does not have the ability to let Fang Shenghao stay in the city, it must be the old man (Guan Qingbai) who did it! Is there such a father? My own son doesn’t help, but goes to help the foreigner brought by the concubine? !

In the end, he came to Song Zhi, hoping to exchange work units with Song Zhi. Then he stayed in the city, continued to fight Fang Haosheng, and Song Zhi went to the countryside.

Of course Song Zhi didn’t want to.

Guan Hailong said to him, “How did my mother treat you when you were young, you should still have an impression, right?”

“She kisses your **** son better than me, my own son. When I was a child, I had a fever, so she just poured me a few big glasses of cool white water and covered me with a quilt. But if you have a fever, she will directly Take you to the hospital, watch over you for a few days and nights, and dare not close your eyes for a moment…” Guan Hailong talked about the past.

– That’s because Song Zhi was born prematurely and has always been in poor health. When Song Xi was carried to Guan’s house in swaddling, her adoptive mother Du Min was unwilling to take care of her. After all, her biological son Guan Hailong was also three or four months old. But he couldn’t stand Song Xi and Guan Qingbai’s pleas, and he felt that it was really pitiful for Song zhi to lose his mother at such a young age, so he agreed.

Recalling his gentle and kind adoptive mother, Song Zhi was silent.

Guan Hailong said again, “Just think about how much Hai Shan paid for you…”

Song Zhi had a headache when he heard the name “Haishan”.

He has always regarded Haishan as his own sister – he really watched his adoptive mother get pregnant, her belly grew gradually, and then Haishan was born. He still remembers the first time he saw Haishan’s birth, Haishan’s stinky appearance, Guan Qingbai’s clumsy change of diapers for a baby, and Haishan’s lost teeth…

But Haishan didn’t take him as her own brother. She fell in love with Song Zhi madly and paranoidly!

She has done many, many things for him, including but not limited to cooking and stewing soup every day and then sending it to Song zhi’s school, telling everyone that she is in love with Song zhi, that if Song rank is not married, she even got a tattoo on her chest. A fancy English word zhi…

Later, Song Zhi was admitted to the graduate school, and under the leadership of Professor Huang, he joined the scientific research group, and the guard was tight. Guan Haishan can no longer give him three meals a day freely, plus Song zhi’s deliberate avoidance, he will never appear during non-year or festival… Guan Haishan collapsed and cut his wrist.

Even so, Song Zhi did not agree to Guan Haishan’s confession.

But now Guan Hailong is making such a ridiculous request to him?

Song Zhi refused again.

A few days later, the haggard and exhausted Guan Hailong went to Song zhi again and shouted hysterically, “Song zhi! You are so cruel? Do you want to watch my family die? How did my mother die? You really don’t have a clue. Count? When you were a child, you were plagued by disasters and illnesses. She broke down just to take care of you!”

Song Zhi was silent.

Seeing that he was unmoved, Guan Hailong continued to say in a hoarse voice: “And Hai Shan! How long have you been in contact with Hai Shan? Do you know that she was looking for a shortcoming for you again last night?” He showed Song Zhi a fresh knife wound on his hand, “If I hadn’t moved quickly and snatched the fruit knife, she…”

“Song zhi! I don’t want to be a loner! I don’t want my sister to die after my mother died, and I don’t want Fang Ling and Fang Shenghao to erase the traces of me and Hai Shan in this family! Song zhi, I can’t leave I have to stay in the city, I have to protect Haishan!” After speaking, Guan Hailong cried and cried.

At that time, Song Zhi said lightly, “I hope you will not regret making this decision, and you must be very clear that once I agree to this matter, we will be strangers in the future, including Guan Haishan.”

Guan Hailong raised his head abruptly, staring at Song zhi with red eyes.

After a while, he nodded, “Okay, then take it as… You should repay my mother’s kindness of upbringing!”

Recalling the past, Song Zhi let out a long sigh.

He went to the supply and marketing agency in town.

When he helped Wu Ruian translate the manual in the city, Wu Ruian gave him a handsome reward – three hundred dollars. Coupled with Song Zhi’s previous savings, the next few years should not be too difficult.

So, what to buy for the Bai family?

In Song Zhi’s opinion, although he and the Bai family have been together for less than a month, the Bai family is a very strange existence.

-Du Min regards responsibility as a shackle. She promised that Song Xi would take good care of Song Zhi, and she really took care of other people’s children. Really, when her children and Song rank were in trouble, she would abandon her own children for the more ill Song rank.

She really made up for Song Zhi’s deep desire for maternal love, but it also made him tremble, and always felt guilty for Guan Hailong and Guan Haishan.

– Song Xi has no sense of responsibility and ignores Song Zhi.

-Professor Huang has great hopes for Song Rank, so that this hope has turned into a heavy pressure, forcing Song Rank to watch over several scientific research projects for Professor Huang at a young age.

Bai Zhenggan was the one Song Zhi felt most comfortable with among the elders Song Zhi knew.

He is an ordinary working people, with both advantages and disadvantages in character. He has three positive views, and teaches his family and children to be diligent and united.

Although in terms of knowledge, vision, and overall situation, perhaps Bai Zhenggan could not be Song Zhi’s mentor, but the Bai family really gave Song Zhi a “home” feeling.

The family members have their own faults, but it does not prevent them from loving each other. They are very considerate of each other. After eating and living in Bai’s house these days, Song rank was attached, and felt that their family had a very natural and natural affection.


Song Zhi hesitated again and again, bought two bottles of Red Star liquor for Bai Zhenggan, a few pairs of labor insurance gloves for Bai Dongsheng each, and bought a box of vanishing cream for each of the female relatives of the Bai family, and weighed two pounds of candy for red beans and soybeans. Tan Fenghui’s unborn child bought two bags of milk powder.

After thinking about it, Song zhi bought two more bags of milk powder.

Carrying large and small bags, he was about to go back to the village when Song Zhi glanced in the direction of the post and telecommunications office, pondered for a moment, and then passed by again.

This time, while no one was paying attention, he took out a piece of paper with the phone number in it, wrapped another dollar in the paper, and handed it to the female operator at the counter.

“Comrade, please do me a favor. After connecting this call for me, if the other party asks who you are and who you are looking for, you can say that your name is Xiuzhen and you want to find your uncle Huang Mingsong. When Huang Mingsong answers the call, Give me the phone again, okay? I’ll pay the bill after I finish talking.”

The female operator saw the dollar as soon as she unfolded the note.

She hesitated for a moment, nodded, and quietly held the dollar in her palm, and then dialed the phone number on the note.

It was connected after a while, and it was a man who answered the phone, “045 Research Institute, where can I find it?”

Female operator, “I’m Xiuzhen, I want to find my uncle Huang Mingsong, is he there?”

“Yes, he is! Please wait!”

After a while, another vigorous voice sounded, “Hello?”

“Are you Huang Mingsong?” the female operator asked.


The female operator quickly gave the microphone to Song Zhi.

Song Zhi took it, “Professor Huang?”

Professor Huang on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, “So it’s you…”

Song Zhi interrupted him, “Have you been in the office? I called you once just now, and Guan Hailong said you were not there.”

Professor Huang was stunned again, and looked at Guan Hailong, who was staring at him.

He covered the microphone with his hand and said to Guan Hailong, “Hailong, that… I have a private matter, please go out first, okay?”

Professor Huang usually doesn’t look at Guan Hailong with his eyes.

So kind at the moment…

Guan Hailong was a little excited, “hey”, turned around and went out, and closed the door for Professor Huang intimately.

Then Professor Huang let go of his hand and said, “Well, there are no outsiders anymore. Song zhi, how did you contact me? Oh, you kid, you ran away quietly, I wrote so many letters to you. You don’t come back either…”

Song Zhi, “Teacher, get out quickly.”

Professor Huang, “What?”

Song Zhi, “The situation is not right now. You’d better stop all the projects at hand… You were having a closed meeting before I left, so I left you a letter, didn’t you see it?”

“You still left me a letter?” Professor Huang got angry when he heard it, “No wow! If I received your letter, why would I be angry with you! As soon as I finish the meeting, you don’t say a word. It’s only three days since the hair was sent to the countryside, I thought it was you who suffered some grievances…”

Song Zhi, “I didn’t feel wronged, I went to the village voluntarily.”

After a pause, he explained again: “After the decision was made at that time, I found that there was only one place left in Songxian County, so I wrote you a letter before I could wait for you to end the meeting for another interview.”

When he left a letter to the teacher, he was afraid of revealing the secret, so he only persuaded a few words in a very subtle way. I didn’t expect that the teacher really didn’t receive it?

Think again, the teacher didn’t answer the first call, and the second time he asked the female operator for help, the teacher received the call?

Song Zhi had already guessed who was causing the trouble, and couldn’t help but feel extremely disappointed.

He urged again: “Teacher, you have to stop all the projects in your hands immediately! Especially the two projects in the East Second Experimental Zone.”

Professor Huang stayed for a while, “You mean…”

“It’s not the right time now,” Song rank said softly, “Let’s put it aside for a while, and then restart it when there is a chance. The other is a few brothers, if they have a way, they should transfer away quickly. A better place to go to the countryside. As for you, it’s best to… recuperate from now on.”

Professor Huang broke out in a cold sweat, “Is the situation really so critical?” He has always relied heavily on Song Zhi. The kid is agile, with solid expertise and a keen sense of politics.

Song Zhi urged again, “The sooner the better.”

Professor Huang immediately made a decision, “Okay, I will immediately suspend all projects. Hey, it took so many years of hard work…”

Song Zhi comforted the tutor, “It’s not a bad thing. My brothers and I have been staying in the laboratory all the time. The theoretical knowledge is solid, but the practical experience is still lacking. It’s not a bad thing to take this opportunity to go to the countryside to exercise.”

Professor Huang was a little discouraged, “I went to the countryside to farm! What practical operations are you practicing!”

Song Zhi smiled slightly, “Otherwise, why would I choose Songxian!”

Professor Huang was stunned, and it took a long time to react, “I understand! Songxian is the place where the 156 project left the most, you, you are… a good boy! You really belong to him!” His face showed relief. smile.

Song Zhi also smiled and said softly, “Teacher, you have to take care of your health.”

The two hurriedly exchanged correspondence addresses and cherished each other.

When he left the post and telecommunications office, Song Zhi felt both light and heavy in his heart.

The easy thing is that he finally found an opportunity to warn his teacher. The hard thing is how did Guan Hailong become the face he is now.

Song Zhi was standing on the side of the road waiting for the bus with the things he bought from the supply and marketing agency.

– Ruyi Village is a two-hour walking distance from the town. If you are lucky, you can catch a passing shuttle bus, which can shorten the walking time to 20 minutes.

Waiting and waiting, he saw many people sneaking in and out of a small alley, everyone looking around, all carrying baskets and burdens in their hands?

Song Zhi understood.

There must be a black market there.

From the distance, it didn’t look like a bus was coming, Song Zhi passed by.

It is really a black market, and most of the things sold are small daily necessities. Soap, matches, headbands, needles and thread, and of course other things.

Song Zhi was attracted by a hawker in his 40s and 50s.

In front of the hawker lay a burlap cloth with forty or fifty old books on it. How many of them are Chinese-Russian high-level dictionaries, Japanese dictionaries, and Chinese-English dual-level dictionaries? ! The rest are mostly high school textbooks, as well as college textbooks, which seem to be language and literature?

The peddler was a little anxious when he saw Song Zhi standing there watching – all the other hawkers more or less sold some things out, but he was the only one who received them and didn’t sell a single one!

“Lady, do you want these books? The three big ones cost 3 yuan each! The other 5 cents… or if you take them all, I’ll only charge you 20 yuan…” the hawker said anxiously.

Song Zhi took out 20 yuan without saying a word to the hawker.

The hawker was stunned, wondering if he was asking too low a price.

Song Zhi took out another 50 cents, “Sell this furoshiki to me too.”

The peddler hesitated for a while staring at the two great unity and a five-cent ticket, then he simply took the money, helped pack all the books, handed them over to Song Zhi, and whispered, “Be careful, don’t Being seen by others will cause trouble!”

Song Zhi nodded.

The peddler thought and thought, and asked in a low voice, “What other books do you want, I can bring you more next month.”

Song Zhi, “Are there any foreign magazines?”

He hasn’t had time to say the words “mechanical”—

The hawker widened his eyes in surprise, “Foreign magazines? You’re going to die! No no!” Then he ran away in a panic.

Song zhi was helpless, carried the burden that weighed at least 20 kilograms, and walked down the alley.

When it was getting dark, a passing bus finally came.

When Song Zhi arrived at Ruyi Village, it was already dark.

He carried a heavy burden and walked towards Bai Zhenggan’s house.

It was dark and there were many stones on the dirt road. Song Zhi paid all attention to his feet to prevent slipping.

“Brother Song Zhi!”

Suddenly, a weak voice came out of the darkness.

Song Zhi looked around, and vaguely saw a dark figure sitting on the side of the road? Tian Tai Hei couldn’t see the person’s appearance at all, but listening to the voice, it sounded like Yan Naqian.

He ignored people and continued to walk forward without saying a word, carrying a heavy burden.

Yan Naqian:…

“Brother Song Zhi, you went to town? Why did you come back so late? I-I waited for you all day…”

Before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly screamed “Ouch”. It sounded like she accidentally stepped on a stone on the road and fell down? !

Song Zhi continued to walk up the mountain as if he didn’t hear it, and he walked steadily step by step!

Yan Naqian lay on the ground and cried for a while, but she didn’t see Song zhi coming to help, and he was walking further and further?

“Brother Song zhi! Help! Help! Come and help me, give me a hand!” At the beginning, Yan Naqian was quite careful to maintain her image, her voice was not too small or too small, and her tone was gentle and gentle.

After shouting, Song Zhizhen left without looking back? ? ?

She panicked, and there was a bit of anger in her tone, “Song rank! Song rank… Are you just so desperate?”

Song Zhi has already carried the burden and walked away.

He meandered up the mountain road and went around a big bend. From a distance, Song Zhi saw two houses scattered on the hillside according to the height of the terrain.

On the top is Tao Tao’s house, and on the bottom is Uncle Bai’s house.

There is no electricity in the mountains, but there is a faint light coming from the windows of the two houses. Do you want to come and the family is sitting in the house, eating, chatting, or doing crafts?

As they got closer, Song Zhi recognized that there was a bright lantern hanging in front of Tao Tao’s house.

He stopped.

The fool also knows that the lanterns hanging outside are lit for family members who return late.

Song Zhi’s heart warmed and he quickened his pace.

Sure enough, as soon as he approached the house, Song rank heard Tao Tao’s sweet and melodious voice, “Song rank?”

Song Zhi made a “hmm” sound.

“Why did you come back!” Taotao complained, “My mother has been talking about you for a long time! Everyone is waiting for you to eat… I’m starving to death! Hey, be careful of the steps!”

The girl’s sweet coquettish anger made Song zhi feel as if he ate a frozen big white peach in the midsummer afternoon.

Tao Tao had already turned around and ran away, shouting, “Mom! Mom Song zhi is back, let’s have dinner quickly, let’s have dinner!”

Song Zhi stepped onto the steps steadily, and couldn’t help but smile.

The originally quiet home suddenly became noisy.

Bai Zhenggan shouted first, “Xiao Song is back?”

“Uncle, auntie, I’m back!” Song Zhi responded with a smile.

Tang Liren gave orders in the house—

“Red beans and soybeans, you are about to collect your workbooks!”

“Hui’er, don’t do handicrafts… Hey, don’t move, this belly is getting bigger every day, just let them move the food!”

“Dongsheng, today’s food is good. Bring some wine to your father and drink a cup!”

“Pears! Remember there’s soup on the stove!”

“Xiaozi went to put away the lanterns, and the door was closed!”

“Oh, Taotao! My little ancestor, you have to take off your shoes before going to the kang…”

Song Zhi carried a huge burden over and piled it on the kang table.

Bai Zhenggan asked him, “What is this?”

Song zhi, “The family has a new house, and I have a room alone… I, I know that my uncle and aunt are really good to me, but I don’t have anything to hand, so let’s give you some small gifts! “

Bai Zhenggan, “You kid, why are you being polite…”

Then Song Zhi opened the furoshiki and showed a pile of books.

Looking at the pile of books, everyone was silent.

Bai Zhenggan’s polite words couldn’t go on anymore.

Song Zhi rummaged through two bottles of Red Star Liquor and handed them red and white dry; a stack of five pairs of labor insurance gloves was given to Bai Dongsheng; four packets of milk powder were given to the baby in Tan Fenghui’s belly; two catties of fruit sugar were given to red beans and soybeans; A box of cream…

The crowd laughed happily.

Song zhi collected the books in the bundle again…

Tang Liren couldn’t help but said, “Xiao Song, you… come back with these books, so no one will see them, right?”

Song Zhi, “No.”

Tang Liren thought for a while, “You should keep these books in the cellar in our yard, my aunt will give you a key, you can put the book in it, pick it up when you want to read it, and put it back after you’ve finished reading it. .”

Bai Zhenggan, “Listen to your aunt!”

Taotao felt a little strange, so she flipped through the thick books, and they were full of words like little bugs crawling around? Let’s take a look at the others, “Advanced Mathematics (1, “High School Chinese”, “College English”…

Bai Taotao thought it was strange, “Are these banned books?”

Xing Xing explained in a low voice, “It’s not that the books are banned, but in the eyes of those who care, they will say that those who keep these books are capitalists and ninth scumbags, so it’s better to be taboo. Fourth sister, you must not Tell others we have these things in our house!”

Tao Tao still doesn’t understand, but the expressions of the family members are very solemn, so…

She nodded seriously, “I won’t say it!”

“However…” Taotao couldn’t help but asked, “It’s very important to do learning, you see, Song Zhi can help Wu Ruian because he can speak foreign languages. These are good things!”

The crowd sighed.

Taotao asked Song Zhi again, “You’re the engine, right?”

Song Zhi sighed, “No, I can’t do it yet… All the engines in our country are imported from foreign countries. So I really want to make our own engines. I’m still learning knowledge and understand a little bit. But it’s far from enough…it has to go on.”

After a pause, he said loudly, “I will definitely create an engine that belongs to our country!”

Taotao thought about it for a while, and said decisively, “I want to learn too! Song zhi, can you teach me?”

Song Zhi nodded vigorously.

Bai Taotao stared at the three heavy worms crawling books and made up her mind, “If anyone dares to call me a fool in the future, I will—”

“I’ll scold them in a foreign language!” Tao Tao said triumphantly.

The crowd laughed.

Bai Xingxing, who knew the future, was the first to respond, “I want to learn too! It just so happens that this textbook is for high school and university… Parents, brothers and sisters, sisters, brother Song Zhi, think about it, although school is all suspended now, but Who knows when it will recover again? At that time, no one else will study, but we study every day, this is called, it is called…”

Bai Xingxing thought about it and thought about it, and finally thought, “This is what it is called, the opportunity will always be reserved for those who are always ready!”

Tan Fenghui smiled, “Xing’er, what you said is so eloquent! Well, I’ll learn too! I already have a junior high school education, ah, it’s always good to learn more!”

Xing Xing took Bai Lili’s hand and shook it left and right, “Third sister, you also learn! Learn more knowledge! Learning knowledge is the most profitable, because it can last a lifetime!”

Bai Lili was a little embarrassed, “I, my brain is too stupid! Forget it, you learn, I’ll cook for you…”

Tang Liren said with a smile: “Everyone in the family learns it! Your dad, and I, all learn together! Cooking and housework, everyone has a share! Housework can’t be done by women, but men too. Do housework!”

Taotao, “Mom! Let’s come to the competition to study, the one who loses seven days in a row will be punished by lot! Either climb the tree and sing folk songs! The flowers that get up must be worn all day…”

The crowd laughed madly.

“Why climb a tree and sing folk songs?”

“Oh my God with a pillow cover on your head? Still wearing it all day?”

“The clothes are reversed? You can think of it!”

“Hahahaha, peach, you are too cute!”

Everyone chatted excitedly and ate at the same time, the atmosphere was warm and harmonious.

After the meal, the Bai family went to read the books brought back by Song Zhi with great interest…

Song Zhi discussed with Bai Zhengqian and wanted to learn to strike with him.

Bai Zhenggan was the only blacksmith in the two large nearby villages. This has been raised for several months of injury, and a lot of work has not been done.

After listening to Song Zhi’s words, Bai Zhenggan was very surprised, “Xiao Song, this is not the same as going to work, it is even more tiring!”

As he spoke, he described the job – it looked like there was not much work, but it was actually very laborious, and it was a laborious job. But seriously, this job is a piece of shit.

First, the time of the blacksmith can be freely allocated. If the farm tools on the production team are broken, they will be collected together and sent to be repaired in a unified manner. When it is repaired, the blacksmith has the final say. Second, a blacksmith is considered a full-time worker, with twelve work points a day.

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