Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 201 - end of text

Taotao entertained Bai Xiamei, her cousin’s grandnephew, for a few days.

She personally took Bai Xiamei to visit the oasis.

Tao Tao has always liked to take pictures.

In the past, as long as she could, she would take one or two photos every month. If conditions do not permit, as long as she has the opportunity to go to the county seat, she will also go to the photo studio to take pictures as soon as possible.

The home has accumulated a whole large cardboard box of photo albums.

However, that’s fine too.

When Tao Tao is free, she will always look through the albums she has collected to feel and review the changes of the times.

Since the end of the 1990s, the whole country has started to develop rapidly like the gears of an era have been added.

The BB machine once became people’s favorite electronic product. Before Oasis had no phone calls, Song Zhi also bought a Chinese pager for Taotao, and he called Taotao three times a day. But the problem is that there is no base station in the oasis, and Taotao often cannot receive the information sent by him.

Just a few short years later, the mobile phone was introduced.

At the beginning, the mobile phone was called Big Brother, and it was as big as a brick. If you wanted to open it, the initial installation fee would have to exceed 10,000 yuan!

Song Zhi also wanted to buy one for Taotao…

Was rejected by Tao Tao.

At that time, the oasis did not have any infrastructure, and she could not even receive a signal from a pager. Even if she had a big brother, it was still a decoration and useless.

Times are developing faster and faster.

In just a few short years, the first-generation eldest brother disappeared. Lixin, Motorola mobile phones are available, the cost is not as expensive as the big brother, and the signal is better.

In another two or three years, more and more signal base stations will be built, and mobile phones will become more and more popular… Pagers have withdrawn from the communication stage.

Tao Tao also has the first slider phone.

However, she felt that this thing was useless, because at this time, with the help of the Construction Corps, Oasis had already laid a telephone line. Compared with a mobile phone with a poor signal, the call is smoother and the call quality is better.

But in the past few years, Oasis has also built a signal base station, and mobile phones have become more and more convenient.

In addition, there are various other electronic products.

Song Zhi bought Taotao a digital camera, and also bought an MP3 for Taotao, so she could listen to songs while working in the greenhouse… But later, Taotao found that MP3 was very convenient for learning English, so she I gave Qianqian my MP3.

In the past two years, the penetration rate of computers has also increased.

Taotao applied for a computer from her unit. First, she spent a few days to learn all the office software, and then spent almost a whole year of spare time to input all her experimental data into the computer and save it.

Taotao sighed with Song Zhi in private, “Why don’t we both study these electronic products? Look, I am a tree planter, a hundred years of trees, ten years of people… I have worked here for thirty years. , did not change the entire Northwest China, but these electronic products have really improved our lives!”

Song Zhi thought for a while, “Then according to what you said, you have planted a tree for thirty years… but you have changed the appearance of the oasis! The engine I made is terrible, and it can only go to the sky after thirty years. …I can’t come back now!”

Tao Tao laughed.

Song Zhi said: “I don’t care, it’s a big deal to study for another thirty years!”

Of course, this is a couple chatting in their spare time.

At this moment, Taotao took her digital camera and kept taking pictures of Bai Xiamei and Qianqian.

Of course, she also asked Qianqian to take pictures of her.

Bai Xiamei has seen the night view of the oasis, which is as beautiful as the Milky Way on earth.

But the oasis during the day made her even more shocked.

One is the beautiful scenery of the oasis.

——All the roads are planted with flowering green trees, which are very lush and eye-catching. Then there must be a large-scale orchard, fresh garden or vegetable center that is planted on a large scale at a distance of about 20 to 30 meters from the road.

From a distance, a piece of land is divided into square…

For example, the fiery pearl rose garden.

Pearl roses are picked and selected, dried by craftsmanship, directly packaged into rose tea that can be soaked in water, and then stored and transported.

There are also some other flower tea planting bases, more apricot forests, peach forests, melon fields, etc…

First, the oasis facilities are perfect.

Taotao drove a four-wheeled battery car, and took Bai Xiamei and Qianqian to hang out in the oasis. There is only one road in the oasis, and that is the Huanhu Road. Every 500 meters or so, there is a large pavilion by the lake. There are some simple fitness facilities built next to the pavilion, including sinks, trash cans and a small newsstand. Every three or four pavilions, there will be a van-style toilet.

Bai Xiamei was stunned, she couldn’t help but exclaim, “Auntie, you have done a great job here! It’s like a tourist area!”

Taotao smiled and said: “Why not! At the beginning, these pavilions were built for the workers in the village. The main thing was to give them a place to shelter from the wind when they had lunch. Later, the villagers There are more and more left-behind children, and it’s not fun for the elderly to walk their babies, so they slowly added those fitness things…”

“In the past few years, everyone’s life has been good, and they have money in their hands. People in the county like to come to us on weekends to play, pick some fruits and vegetables on the spot, and then eat farm dishes in the restaurant. …Also, on weekends, the villagers will move out the small cruise boats… You can still go boating here!”

Qianqian also smiled and said, “Yes, Xia Mei, on the weekends, we will be very lively here!”

Tao Tao Zai drove the battery car with the two little girls and continued to move forward.

Bai Xiamei saw several five-story complex buildings that looked like schools.

Qianqian pointed to the area and said, “Look at Xia Mei, that is the school in our village! The school in our village is very famous, whether it is elementary school, junior high school or high school, the enrollment rate is very high! It’s amazing, so many villagers around here send their children here to go to school…”

“I used to go to school here. I didn’t go back to Kyoto until I was in junior high school. Now my good friend Chang Chang is back, and she will go to school here in the future! By the way… You can live on campus here!”

Through the school gate, Bai Xiamei saw the spacious football field, playground, running track… She couldn’t help but sigh, “Oh my God! It’s really good here!”

Qianqian raised her chin proudly, “These are all built by my mother and the two mayors of our village!”

Tao Tao was amused by her daughter and reached out to rub her daughter’s cheek.

There is another feature of this oasis that surprised Bai Xiamei.

That is the personal qualities of the local residents.

For example, on the way there, Bai Xiamei saw a 12- or 13-year-old child playing the violin in a pavilion; there was also a very thin middle-aged aunt who was practicing the exercises in a spacious training suit… I can see that , she was practicing opera and the like, but because the child was playing the piano, she had been quietly practicing walking, lowering the waist, single gestures and the like.

Later, when Bai Xiamei walked back, the 12- or 13-year-old child who practiced the piano was gone, and the very thin aunt pulled her throat and raised her voice!

For example, there are two college students who went back to their hometown for summer vacation. They were talking in a small language… Taotao listened to her when she drove by, and said something loudly to them. The two college students were so happy that they hurriedly asked Taotao for some questions in French, and Taotao gave them directions with a smile…

Bai Xiamei was stunned.

Qianqian told her proudly, “My mother knows English, Russian, Japanese, Korean and French!”

Bai Xiamei asked Qianqian, “Then how many do you know?”

Qianqian choked, and after a while, she blushed and said, “I, I know five!”

Tao Tao smiled sullenly, said hello to the two college students, and continued to drive forward slowly in the small battery car.

Bai Xiamei asked Qianqian reluctantly, “Oh? Then which five foreign languages ​​do you speak!”

Qianqian snorted and said, “You heard clearly ha… Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow… Tweet Tweet Tweet Tweet…”

After the call, Qianqian couldn’t help but laugh.

Bai Xiamei laughed until she couldn’t even breathe.

Tao Tao couldn’t help laughing too.

Although Qianqian has little achievements in learning, this child is very affectionate.

At a very young age, Qianqian has been able to accurately remember the birthdays of all family members, favorite foods, favorite colors, disliked foods, disliked foods…and everyone’s likes.

When she is a little older, no matter who is celebrating the New Year or the birthday, she will be very considerate to inform the rest of the family…

Up to now, Qianqian is also the one who communicates the most with all the family members.

She accurately knows everyone’s movements, recent emotions and needs, and will contact you very considerately.

For Taotao, she and Song zhi are busy people who do not recognize their six relatives, and their two biological sons also inherited her and Song zhi’s enthusiasm for work…

Now I have a little padded jacket. I care about the weather in the place where my family members are all day long. When it’s cold, she reminds you to put on clothes. When it’s hot, she reminds you to prevent heatstroke. She will also tell my family members in time, who and so are worrying about something recently, and who Who has had a happy event recently, who needs help, and what is the latest trend of who and who…

However, Qianqian is not a social cow.

She is only lively at home, and when she goes out, she is still very shy.

Taotao likes Qianqian.

The whole family loves Qianqian.

Lingxi Oasis makes Bai Xiamei amazed.

She stayed in the oasis for two days, and then went to visit the nearby Feitian Cave with Qianqian.

Of course, Taotao didn’t dare to let two girls as young as their age go out. It happened that a villager was going to take a relative who came and went to Feitian Cave. Taotao entrusted Qianqian and Bai Xiamei to the villagers she knew well, and also I handed over my digital camera to Qianqian.

Bai Xiamei went to Feitian Cave and went back to the oasis, and then Taotao, Song zhi and Qianqian sent Bai Xiamei to the county town to take the train together.

Song Zhi drove a pickup truck over, and the bucket was full of various souvenirs that Taotao had given to the family of the second room and the family.

Bai Xiamei was startled, “Grandma Wugu, you can’t do it! I can’t take so many things!”

Taotao smiled and said: “I absolutely dare not let you go alone! Don’t worry, I have already arranged. These luggage, we will check it directly at the train station, you don’t need to take it, you can pick it up in a few days. Just go to Songxian Railway Station and get it!”

“I found a partner for you, you two should be the rides all the way! She is Qiao Yingniang from our village. You have to call her mother-in-law. She also took the train to the provincial capital today to see her daughter. You arrived in the provincial capital. In the future…I’ll give you another phone number, that’s my old colleague Qiao Huan, you call her auntie, she happens to be going to Songshi to do some errands, and I’ve already asked her to buy a ticket for you…”

“Qiao Huan got off at Songshi, a few stops earlier than you… But I’ve already arrived at the Songshi site, so I’m relieved.” Taotao smiled.

Bai Xiamei stayed for a while, “Auntie… Actually, it’s really unnecessary. I, I used to go to school alone.”

Taotao smiled and said, “That’s different! You came to my site, and I definitely have to arrange for you. You don’t think I’m annoying, even if you think I’m annoying… Anyway, I’ve already arranged it! “

Qianqian made up the knife, “Keep in touch at any time on the road! I will text you at any time to ask where you are!”

Tao Tao gave her daughter a white look, “Yes, you arranged for Xia Mei to be the one who’s in the house, so why did you sneak out of the house yourself?”

“Mom! Didn’t you agree not to mention that?” Qianqian hurriedly shouted again.

There was laughter in the pickup compartment.

When she arrived at the county seat, Taotao went to the photo studio for the first time, and handed over the memory card of the digital camera to the owner of the photo studio, and asked him to help develop the photos. Bai Xiamei also wanted photos, but couldn’t wait that long, Taotao simply gave her the memory card, “Then you can take it to Songxian and wash it out yourself! When school starts, take this memory card to school, Just give it to Qianqian.”

Bai Xiamei thanked Taotao again and again, received the data card, checked her luggage with Song Zhi’s company, and waited for Qiao Yingniang under Taotao’s arrangement, and then she and Qiao Yingniang set foot on the road to the provincial capital. train.

After sending off Bai Xiamei, Taotao and Song Zhi once again threw themselves into their intense work.

Qianqian plays with her friends at home every day, and calls her two grandfathers and two brothers every day…

At the end of the month, Taotao and Song Zhi finally arranged their work and returned to Kyoto with Qianqian with some simple luggage.

Eleven years have passed since 1997.

Kyoto has also undergone tremendous changes.

The first is the street appearance.

Taotao still remembers that when she first came to Kyoto to go to university, her first impression of Kyoto was “the road is wide, the sky is high, and there are few buildings”.

There are not too many buildings, but there are almost no high-rise buildings, and the tallest house on the street is only four or five stories high. And it’s old, tattered, messy, and the slightly flat walls of all the buildings are all painted with quotes.


The streets are neat and clean, the roads are straight and spacious, and there are skyscrapers everywhere. The roads and streets are all clean, with a high-end modern beauty.

Secondly, the expressions, clothes, speech and behavior of the citizens have also undergone tremendous changes.

In the early 1970s, all the citizens of Kyoto looked pale, and the clothes they wore were not tattered, but they were all the same black, gray, and white, and there were only a few styles of clothes. The expressions on people’s faces were also numb and listless.

Now, citizens are wearing colorful and highly personalized clothes, and they are also pursuing personalization; their expressions are more confident…

Tao Tao’s family of three returned to Kyoto by plane, and then took the subway to go home.

However, whether it is on the streets or in the subway cars, everyone is discussing the upcoming Olympic Games, and everyone is in high spirits and full of energy.

Taotao has been chasing scientific research data recently. Although she knows that this is the first time this sporting event has been held in her own country, she has no idea about the details of this Olympics, so she just listens eagerly.

Song Zhi’s understanding of the Olympic Games is no more than Tao Tao…

In the end, it was Qianqian who told her parents a lot about the details of the Olympic Games:

——In order to hold this event, the country built a very good gymnasium specially! After the Olympic Games are over, ordinary people will be able to enter the museum. The opening ceremony was arranged by a well-known director. I heard that high-tech means were also used. It will be an audio-visual feast!

In short, only what you can’t think of, nothing you don’t want to see!

Tao Tao’s curiosity came up, and she kept asking questions.

The family of three went back home talking and laughing.

Song Xi and Zhao Hongjun got the news early and are making dumplings at home!

Seeing a family of three entering the door, the old man was overjoyed.

——Song Xi is already seventy years old. His hair was all white, and he looked quite young but his back was still a little hunched.

The old man saw his precious granddaughter at a glance.

Seeing that her granddaughter went to the Northwest for more than half a month, she was raised by her mother to be white and fat, and she felt a little resentful, so she glared at Qianqian and scolded: “You don’t If you don’t make a sound, go to your parents, so you don’t like seeing me like this old man? Or, are you annoying when you look at me?”

Anxious, Qianqian took the old man’s hand and quickly explained, “No, no, Qianqian misses her grandpa! Grandpa, don’t look at how many calls I made to you when I was at my mother’s place!”

Song Xi still had a straight face, “I won’t forgive you unless you accompany me, the old man, to go fishing in the sanatorium!”

Zhao Hongjun whispered from the side: “The main thing is that Chief Zhang praises his granddaughter all day long…Qianqian, your grandfather also wants to show that he has a granddaughter with a small padded jacket…and more than Chief Zhang’s granddaughter. good!”

Qianqian:  …

Tao Tao and Song zhi couldn’t help but secretly laughed.

Song Xi was ruthlessly dismantled by Zhao Hongjun, his face flushed, and he scolded, “…It was originally my granddaughter that was more obedient!”

Qianqian said sternly: “Grandpa, you can’t compare yourself too much!”

Song Hee:  …

Then the wind changed, and he whispered: “Grandpa, go and find out, what are the advantages and disadvantages of Grandpa Zhang’s granddaughter? Let’s have a Tian Ji horse race, and we must let my grandpa win this victory!”

Peach:  …

Song Zhi: …

Qianqian continued: “But then again…Grandpa, your granddaughter looks average and has average academic performance. If I am compared by others, Grandpa will be responsible for soothing my heart! Oh, as long as I When I’m sad, I have to have a limited doll to heal my pain…”

Song Xi laughed, “Deal! I’ll give you a good rest tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow you go fishing with Grandpa! Grandpa will accompany you to the mall to buy your limited-edition doll the day after tomorrow!”

Song zhi, “Dad, don’t get used to her too much. Qianqian, you can use your father’s card to swipe it, and don’t waste your grandpa’s money.”

Song Xi’s eyes widened instantly, “I’ve only increased my salary in the last few years… Usually all expenses are paid by Xiao Sui, and I can’t spend a penny of my salary… I give it to my granddaughter. What’s wrong with buying a rag doll? You don’t need your stinky money, hum!”

Over the years, the father-son relationship between Song Xi and Song zhi has become normalized. From the beginning, Song Xi was cautious and paid for everything, and then he dared to occasionally yell at Song zhi because of his displeasure… and then later , he also dared to show his true character in front of his son.

——Song Xi was lonely all his life, and after he and his son made up his mind, his cold and silent character was completely reversed. He has become a willful old urchin who loves to laugh and scold, and his temper will come and go after a while…

But the father-son relationship between him and Song Zhi is obviously much better.

After listening to his father’s words, Song Zhi laughed, “It seems that because Xiao Sui earns too much, we have no desire to spend any money…”

——Song Sui has been the richest man in China for more than ten years.

The Tao Tao family’s material desires are relatively low, including the Bai family’s big house… After all, everyone has their own careers, even without the help of Song Sui and Xing Xing, the life will not be bad.

But Song Sui and Xing Xing like to buy things for their family members.

The things you buy are expensive and good.

In the beginning, everyone told them not to buy random things… But if they bought large and expensive things by themselves without saying hello to them, they would still be angry and would buy more expensive things, deliberately angering their family members.

Later, the family also compromised, and when they wanted to add something big, they took the initiative to tell Xing Xing or Song Sui.

Xing Xing and Song Sui happily added to the family.

However, because the two of them have always only bought expensive things, not the right ones, so… a lot of large and valuable things are of very good quality and will not be damaged after a long time of use.

Slowly, everyone has nothing to buy.

Xing Xing and Song Sui kept asking their family members what they were missing… If they couldn’t find the answer, they would buy things indiscriminately!

In the end, Bai Zhengqian “falls in love” with fishing. He has more than a dozen fishing rods worth hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands! But the problem is that he has never caught a fish! Song Sui heard it and couldn’t help laughing. He simply bought a farm in the suburbs of Beijing and let people keep a lake of silly fish. As soon as the old man went fishing, he would immediately have the fish rush to a specific small pond. , In any case, let the old man catch fish.

Tang Liren was also forced to fall in love with health preservation. She also “liked” the precious bird’s nest, fish maw, etc., and then stewed supplements for her family to eat every day. As long as someone is at home, she is happy, and immediately starts to buy stewed supplements… No way, if she doesn’t eat it, she is afraid that the house full of supplements will give rise to worms, and it will not be worth it.

Tan Fenghui was forced to “like” perfumes… Xing Xing focused on a few luxury brands. As soon as a new perfume came out, she would buy it back to her sister-in-law immediately. Tan Fenghui couldn’t use up so many perfumes, so she had to share them with each other. A little red bean, and use it as toilet water to repel mosquitoes…

Speaking of Song Sui and Xing Xing, Tao Tao asked, “By the way, will Xiao Sui and Xing Xing come to watch the opening ceremony this time?”

Qianqian is a know-it-all, and quickly replied: “They won’t come! My uncle is going to open a power plant in a small country in Africa. I heard that the king and queen over there are going to entertain them. My aunt accompanied my uncle… I won’t be back until October. Woolen cloth!”

Song Xi said: “Alright, alright, you’ve been busy all the way, go take a shower and change your clothes… The Red Army and I are going to cook dumplings. After you wash up, the dumplings are already cooked! Today you can Guess what kind of dumplings we are making.”

Zhao Hongjun said solemnly: “First of all, we have to eliminate the bitter gourd stuffing…”

When Qianqian heard it, she said solemnly, “…that must be the stuffing of bitter gourd!”

Zhao Hongjun:  …

Song Xi blamed Zhao Hongjun, “Why did you remind Qianqian?”

Zhao Hongjun touched the back of his head embarrassedly, “The most dangerous place is the safest place?”

The crowd laughed.

Taotao and Song Zhi went to the master bedroom upstairs to take turns taking a bath, changing clothes, and going downstairs to eat dumplings…

It’s really bitter gourd stuffing!

Come to think of it, the old man was still worried that his granddaughter did not accompany him for the summer vacation, so the dumplings filled with bitter gourd were deliberately angry with them.

However, the bitter gourd was handled very well again.

First, blanch the water, squeeze out the water, dry it in the sun until it is half dry, and chop it up; then fry the minced meat until fragrant, and mix it with the chopped dried bitter gourd to taste. Very fresh.

The most important thing is that in such a hot weather, eating dumplings filled with bitter gourd on a clear fire is appetizing, refreshing, and delicious…

Tao Tao, who has always had a small appetite, even went to eat a few dumplings for the first time, and then explained to Qianqian, “Qianqian called your grandmother back and said that the dumplings filled with bitter gourd are delicious, and asked her to do the same. Develop a new variety of dumplings…”

Qianqian responded obediently.

Song Xi raised his chin proudly.

——Hmph, in my family, everyone is a master chef! The dumplings he made are praised by his daughter-in-law, which proves that his innovative ideas and his craftsmanship are very good!

Tao Tao ate too much, and went out for a walk after eating.

Song Zhi originally wanted to wash the dishes before going-

Qianqian hurriedly said, “Dad, go away with mom, I’ll wash the dishes!”

Song Xi, “I need you? I wash the dishes quickly and well…”

Qianqian, “Grandpa, just blow it. Last time you washed the dishes, you broke one!”

Song Xi was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, “What else can I mention about the old things, I can wash the dishes now!”

Grandparents and grandchildren are bickering with each other, like two children.

Seeing that the atmosphere was good, Song Zhi simply made room for his grandparents and grandson. He went out to find Taotao.

On a midsummer night, the breeze is breezy, which is much cooler than the daytime.

In the family compound of the dry house, many people are walking around.

People are talking about the upcoming Olympics…and they are talking about the opening ceremony vividly, and they are scrambling to talk about the details that they have heard, as if they have witnessed it with their own eyes.

Tao Tao is sitting with the neighbors in the neighborhood.

——Many people saw her and asked if she came back today. Then someone told her about the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, and someone else showed Taotao their little grandson who was born in the first half of the year.

Tao Tao held a small baby in her arms, and listened to the neighbors talking about the Olympic Games with great interest… with a smile on her face.

Song Zhi leaned aside and looked at Tao Tao quietly.

She sat under the dim yellow street lamp, and her delicate and beautiful facial features became more and more beautiful and gentle under the warm orange light.

Taotao has been married to him for nearly forty years, and now she has become an old lady who is physically close to retirement.

But she doesn’t look old at all.

She still has a delicate pointed chin, and her skin is still delicate and delicate due to long-term and meticulous maintenance. If you don’t mention her age, any stranger who sees her for the first time will think she is a young woman in her early thirties.

Tao Tao didn’t sit there for too long.

After chatting with the neighbors for a while, she returned the baby in her arms and smiled: “To tell you the truth, my father-in-law made dumplings today, and the taste is so good that I can’t bear to eat them. Sitting here, I really feel like the dumplings that I have eaten will pop out of my throat in minutes! Oops, I have to go for a walk to digest…”

She greeted everyone, stood up and walked to the lawn.

Song Zhiren, tall and long-legged, seemed to be following her slowly, but in fact he was by her side in two steps and three steps.

Tao Tao looked back at him and asked with a smile, “Have you finished washing the dishes?”

Song zhi was a little helpless, “No! I can’t compete with the old, and I can’t compete with the young…”

Tao Tao laughed “porch”, revealing a shallow pear vortex at the corner of her mouth.

——Probably only in their house, the housework is really done by everyone, and they are proud of it.

This is the tradition of the big family of the Bai family. Everyone always thinks about other family members. The gene of mutual love has probably been deeply engraved into the bones of the Bai family.

Tao Tao suddenly looked into the distance.

Song Zhi also followed her line of sight and looked into the distance.

——In the deep blue night, there are countless giant neon billboards competing for radiance and dazzling eyes.

“Song Zhi, I will retire next year.”

Tao Tao said.

Song Zhi listened quietly.

“But I think I’m still young…why should I retire?” Tao Tao murmured.

Song Zhi said in a low voice, “Don’t worry, as long as you are in good health, the unit will re-employ you. When we do scientific research, it’s not too late to work until you are eighty years old.”

Taotao sighed quietly, “I’m not worried about re-employment. I just think… I don’t seem to have fulfilled my dream, and the people of the whole country have not realized the real freedom of eating meat. I will retire before I can achieve my goal. It always feels like I’ve lost.”

Song Zhiqi said: “You still say that you haven’t achieved your goal? The Northwest China is not a particularly wealthy place. But look at the Lingxi Oasis, it is so well built, many big cities are not as good as it is. Up!”

After a pause, he added: “Lingxi Oasis has developed into what it is today, entirely because of your contributions and dedication, of course, Jiang Hongzhi and Lan Caizhu, and the result of the concerted efforts of so many oasis villagers. But you can’t help it. After all, they have been poor all their lives. It is indeed because you have been there that you have pointed them in the direction and brought them together to become rich… Even if it is, they have been away for more than ten years in the middle. Their locals are no match for the temptation outside, but you, a foreigner, have been guarding their home…”

Tao Tao smiled, “I didn’t come to hear you touting me.”

Song Zhi chuckled, “What I said is the truth.”

Taotao was silent for a while, then said: “I used to be really… ignorant of the sky and the earth, and said that I would lead the people of the whole country to live a life of free meat. But at best, the person who changed the times was not me. I… In the end, I was just Let the villagers of the oasis live a life of free meat-eating”

Song Zhi, “You have already helped a lot of people, not only those in Lingxi Oasis… You have to see, now the Lingxi Oasis is the center, and your concept of desert plant symbiosis has been used for a radius of 200 miles. , it turned the saline-alkali land into a fertile soil…”

“Tao Tao, you are a mortal, and so am I. We are part of the Hua Kingdom, and the Hua Kingdom belongs to everyone… It is everyone’s responsibility to love this country and build this country!” Song Zhi said softly.

Tao Tao pursed her lips and smiled.

She was indeed a little unhappy, but Song Zhi also reminded her.

In this world, she is a mortal.

She has worked hard and earnestly for her dream.

This country belongs to everyone, so—

Let’s fight together!

Tao Tao smiled and rolled her eyes, then turned to look at Song Zhi.

Song Zhi also smiled and stretched out his big hand, clasping her slender fingers tightly.

The two smiled at each other.

==The text of this article is over, thank you for your support==

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