Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 21 - A new life for the Tao Tao family

Yan Naqian was very unhappy.

The postman came to the village to deliver letters. Everyone else received letters from family members or friends. Even Song Zhi had them, but she didn’t.

She couldn’t figure it out – why didn’t Song Sui write to her?

Just, so angry!

But she rolled her eyes, picked up Song Zhi’s letter, and studied it carefully.

I don’t know who wrote the letter to Song Zhi. It was a thin letter with a piece of letter paper in it? The sender’s address on the envelope says “Address Details”, but the postmark shows that the letter was sent from Kyoto.

——Song Sui and his adoptive father Song Xi are in the southern capital, so this letter is definitely not from Song Sui or Song Xi. It may have been sent by Song Zhi’s friend in Kyoto.

Who would have written to Song Zhi? What did the letter say?

Yan Naqian became more curious the more she thought about it.

Somehow, she quietly pinched Song Zhi’s letter, ran into her bedroom, closed all the curtains, went to bed, pulled the quilt to cover herself, then found the flashlight beside the pillow and turned it on.

In absolute darkness, the light of the flashlight is particularly dazzling.

Yan Naqian lay on her back, holding the letter in one hand, and holding a flashlight in the other hand to look at the letter. Through the white envelope, she could vaguely see what was written on the letter inside.

Of course, this is also because the person who wrote the letter to Song Zhi didn’t write a few words at all.

[Song Zhi: Good to see the letter! I’m already handling your order to return to Beijing. This matter is extremely urgent. Also: Send a reply to your wife, or call me directly. 】

The inscription is a “yellow” character.

Yan Naqian looked at every vague word carefully, over and over again.

Until the light of the flashlight caught her eye.

She just turned off the flashlight, sat up, and gasped heavily.

——Song Zhi is going back to Kyoto soon? sky! He came to Ruyi Village for less than a month, yet… he was going to return to Beijing? !

Yan Naqian’s heart was filled with unstoppable jealousy and anger.

It has been almost two years since she came to this small mountain village, which was so poor that she couldn’t even afford to eat.

The problem is, she really doesn’t seem to have a way out.

Now even Song Sui ignores her…

Yan Naqian bit her lip.

There was a fire burning in her heart.

It was the anger of the hopeless return to the city, and the jealousy of Song Zhi’s ability to return to the city.

Another thought suddenly popped into her heart—since Song zhi was the only person she saw who had hope of returning to the city; is it possible that she married Song zhi so that she could follow him back to the city?

This idea began to grow wildly in Yan Naqian’s mind.

She quietly put Song Rank’s letter back into the letter basket, and then began to figure out how to approach Song Rank.

Yan Naqian feels that her success rate is quite high.

——Song Zhi was her savior, saving her from being defiled by the white **** pit. So she has a legitimate reason to approach him and “repay him”.

——She is the most beautiful girl in the village… uh, well, maybe Bai Taotao is prettier than her, but Bai Taotao is a fool! Song Zhi has no reason not to like beautiful and literate city girls.

——Like Song Zhi, she is an educated youth from the city, so she should have more common topics.

——Song zhi was isolated by Jiang Hongzhi. If she made a gesture to Song zhi at this time, cared about him, cared about him… Wouldn’t it be easy to capture?

Yan Naqian smiled proudly.

While returning the letter, she inadvertently glanced at the educated youth attendance board posted on the wall and found that Song zhi was on vacation today?

Ah, that’s a good thing!

Song Rank is on vacation today, and it just so happens that she doesn’t have to go to work. Most of the people in the village have gone to work. It’s a good opportunity to get close to Song Rank!

Yan Naqian happily went to find Song zhi, but after searching around, Song zhi was not in the village?

Later, after asking someone, I found out that Song Zhi went to town today.

Yan Naqian was a little discouraged.

After thinking about it, wait for Song Zhi to come back.

She was also a little overjoyed: Song zhi must go shopping when he went to town, right? Then, why don’t she create a chance encounter? Maybe after a few words with him, what will he give her?

So Yan Naqian ran to the kitchen to ask for some rice water.

——In such a backcountry, skin care only depends on a bottle of vanishing cream, how can that be enough!

When Yan Naqian was still in the city, she could drink fresh milk at home. So she keeps a small mouthful of milk every day and applies it to her face, and sometimes uses egg whites as a mask.


Only use rice water.

In the educated youth station, everyone takes turns to cook. Today, Jia Xiaohong is in charge of cooking for everyone.

See Yan Naqian rummaging around as soon as she enters the house?

Jia Xiaohong snorted coldly, “Young grandma wants to eat egg custard again?”

Yan Naqian said with a stern face: “Don’t say that!” If someone with a heart overhears and calls her a “capitalist”, then she will be finished!

Jia Xiaohong sneered: “You weren’t like this before. Calling you young mistress makes you so happy! You even joke that I don’t even know what egg custard is. Why, are you scared now?”

Yan Naqian bit her lower lip and vaguely heard someone coming towards the kitchen? She immediately said with tears in her eyes, “Xiaohong, we are all proletarian brothers and sisters, why are you targeting me like this?”

As soon as Yan Naqian finished speaking, Jiang Hongzhi stepped into the kitchen, and when he heard this sentence, he became angry, “Jia Xiaohong, you are also an intellectual, why do you target your proletarian brothers and sisters every day?”

Jia Xiaohong, “I…”

Jiang Hongzhi ignored Jia Xiaohong and supported Yan Naqian, “Didn’t you say you’re not feeling well? Why did you come out again? Come on, I’ll take you back to the house to rest…” Then he shouted without looking back, “Jia Xiaohong Make a bowl of egg custard for Naqian!”

Yan Naqian’s eyes were full of light, and she said to Jiang Hongzhi shyly and timidly, “Hongzhi, thank you.” Then she said to Jia Xiaohong, “Xiaohong, bring Taomi Shui to my house later.”

Jia Xiaohong twisted her nose in anger.

At lunch, Yan Naqian ate a tender egg custard, washed and rubbed her face with rice water, and went to take a nap.

Jiang Hongzhi, who was hiding in the next room, was opening a letter from his mother.

The last time he wrote to his mother to ask for money, he should have received the remittance slip today, but why didn’t he receive the remittance slip, there was only one letter?

Surprised, he opened the envelope and saw a total of two pieces of letter paper inside.

One is my mother’s handwritten book, with only a few numbers. The writing is very large and very scribbled. The letter paper was even scratched by the nib of the pen. It can be seen that when the mother was writing, she was very excited and angry.

【Do you like this kind of stuff? 】

Jiang Hongzhi was stunned.

Then he suspiciously opened another letter.

This piece of stationery was written in a full page, neat and beautiful, but the content was a little strange. Jiang Hongzhi became more and more confused, and suddenly remembered, this seems to be Yan Na’s word?

He took another notebook, opened it and checked the handwriting——

This book contains thirty poems excerpted by Yan Naqian, which is a birthday gift from Yan Naqian to Jiang Hongzhi.

As a result, he took the letter and compared the poem excerpts… I can be sure that this letter, which is covered with beautiful small letters, was indeed written by Yan Naqian!

Take a closer look…

The words full of affection are all about Yan Naqian acting like a spoiled child to a person named “A Sui”.

She talked about how she was bullied in Ruyi Village, how she missed this “A Sui”, and the past of her relationship with “A Sui” Lang, and how the head of the educated youth station in Ruyi Village was like. Bandit bully, how is she chasing and beating the pitiful girl, how much she hates this ugly and smelly educated youth station master…

Jiang Hongzhi was so angry that he couldn’t catch it in one breath, and he almost passed out!

——He is the head of the Ruyi Village educated youth station!

It’s a pity that he still holds Yan Naqian in his hands and pets him, and he is reluctant to let her suffer a little bit of grievance.

Jiang Hong’s ambition was not enough, he walked out of the bedroom angrily with a gloomy face, grabbed the letter paper, wanted to confront Yan Naqian, but suddenly stood still.

How to explain Yan Naqian’s letter and how it got into his mother’s hands?

——Unauthorized opening of other people’s letters is the most despised and the most despicable act by the intellectual youth.

Jiang Hongzhi suppressed his anger and returned to the room.

He picked up a pen and wrote a reply letter to his mother, asking how she got Yan Naqian’s letter…

But still angry.

It doesn’t matter how his mother got this letter from Yan Naqian, but the content on the letter was actually written by Yan Naqian!

When work started in the afternoon, Jiang Hongzhi was still unable to swallow his breath. Just when the educated youths gathered for the roll call, let Jia Xiaohong shake Yan Naqian awake, shouted, and said to everyone: “Okay, everyone is gathered, let’s go! Let’s go to work!”

Yan Naqian slept in a daze, and was suddenly dragged out by Jia Xiaohong. She still couldn’t tell the difference between east, west, north and south, but she still said very gently: “I-I’m still a little uncomfortable, very dizzy, you go…”

After speaking, she decided to go back to the bedroom to make up for her sleep.

Jiang Hongzhi said coldly, “Naqian, what’s wrong with you? Would you like to accompany you to the hospital to check your body and see if you have some incurable disease?”

Everyone was stunned.

Yan Naqian was shocked, her clear eyes filled with disbelief, “Hongzhi, you…”

Jiang Hongzhi glanced at him and saw Song Rank’s vacation record on the attendance sheet hanging on the wall, and without thinking he put on a big hat to Song Rank, “Even Song Rank said, why do you ask for leave every day? He is a newcomer, and he has such thoughts, if I turn to you again, it will make other comrades feel chills!”

“Naqian, we educated youths go to the countryside to jump the queue to work, not to enjoy happiness! You can go to see a doctor if you are sick, and you can’t always refuse reform through labor on the grounds that you are sick! Otherwise, we can’t always do it for you alone. Special, right? You have to take care of the feelings of other proletarian brothers and sisters! Isn’t that right, comrades? Come on, come on, let’s go to work together!”

Jiang Hongzhi left after speaking.

Yan Naqian bit her lip, and there are one hundred people who don’t believe it and ten thousand people who don’t want to.

Jia Xiaohong couldn’t help but drag her into the team, and went to the fields with everyone to work.

All afternoon, because Jiang Hongzhi’s attitude towards Yan Naqian changed, no one paid any attention to Yan Naqian. Yan Naqian was taken seriously by Jia Xiaohong, and she couldn’t find a chance to slip away, so she had to bask in the sun all afternoon, peeled the edamame for another afternoon, her nails hurt, and she was so angry that she cried.

However, Yan Naqian still misses Song Zhi who went to town.

After dinner, she simply went to the intersection of Bai Zhenggan’s house and waited.

——Song Zhi will definitely take this road when he comes back.

Unexpectedly, waiting and waiting, she actually arrived at night? It was getting dark, and Yan Naqian was afraid and wanted to leave, but was unwilling. Somehow the people in the educated youth station today treated her like this! So she can’t leave now!

Yan Naqian thought calmly and felt that Jiang Hongzhi’s attitude towards her was actually too strange, and she must find a new spare tire as soon as possible.

Furthermore, maybe she and Song zhi had a few chats, and Song zhi, who had just returned from shopping in the town, would give her something… so that she could show off at the educated youth station and regain her goddess face. !

So she suppressed her fear and continued to wait.

Finally, someone came panting, and taking advantage of the faint light of the stars and moon, she could see that the person who came was Song Zhi, and he was carrying a huge burden? ? ?

Yan Naqian was excited, took a deep breath quickly, adjusted her tone, and called out in the most shy and soft tone, “Brother Song Zhi—”

In the end, Song Zhi walked away with the burden as if he hadn’t seen her.

Yan Naqian: ? ? ?

– Is he deaf or blind!

Aiming at the big burden he was carrying, Yan Naqian quickly chased after him and called him a dozen times in a row!

But he ignored her, completely pretending she didn’t exist, and walking faster and farther?

Yan Naqian panicked and wanted to catch up, but she stepped on a small stone and fell!

“Brother Song Zhi! Save me, save me—”

Unexpectedly, Song Zhi seems to run faster?

Yan Naqian was stunned!

—What the **** is going on here? How could Song Zhi be such a person? Mingming, Mingming, on the first day he arrived at Ruyi Village, he bravely rescued her from Baishikeng’s hands. Now she has fallen, and she needs his help too. How could he… turn a blind eye run away?

Yan Naqian lay on the ground and cried for a long time, but for a long time no one came to help her out of the sea of ​​misery.

In the end, she could only get up by herself crying, and limped back to the Zhiqing Station.

No one in the educated youth station ignored her.

A total of four people lived in the women’s bedroom, and Jia Xiaohong was there, but ignored Yan Naqian, who was now sitting in her bunk holding a men’s clothes sewing, looking at the style, it looked like Jiang Hongzhi’s.

Yan Naqian took a few more glances, and Jia Xiaohong yelled at her, “What to look at! What’s so beautiful!”

The female educated youth sleeping in the upper bunk patted the bed board, “Xiaohong, please be quiet, I want to sleep.”

Jia Xiaohong immediately apologized, “I’m sorry, Sister Liqin.” The tone was very gentle and sincere. However, when he turned his head, he glared at Yan Naqian again.

Yan Naqian cursed inwardly, turned around to wash up, then sat in front of the desk and took out the key to unlock the padlock on the drawer, ready to apply vanishing cream, and then fell asleep.

Suddenly see a piece of letter paper in the drawer?

Look again, oops, isn’t this a letter she wrote to Song Sui? How come here? !

Yan Naqian was a little flustered, and just picked up the stationery—

“Naqian, what’s wrong with you? Why… come back so late? When I came back, my hair was messy and my clothes were dirty. Who did you have an appointment with? Did you go to the cornfield?” Jia Xiaohong asked suddenly.

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Yan Naqian gave a low drink, quickly put away the stationery, smeared some vanishing cream, locked the drawer and climbed into the bed.

She lay in bed for a long time and couldn’t sleep.

For a while, she wondered if Bai Xingxing made a mistake when she helped her send the letter, and then she wondered if the letter just now was a draft when she wrote to Song Sui… But there were many people in the dormitory, and she also It’s not good to open the drawer to find the draft, after all, there are a lot of bad words written by Jiang Hongzhi on it, which is incredible for people to see.

As everyone knows, Yan Naqian’s reaction was all watched by Jia Xiaohong.

——After dinner today, Jiang Hongzhi came to ask her to help sew up the clothes, and also explained to her that she should pay special attention to how Yan Naqian would react when she opened the drawer.

Angry, or guilty?

Jia Xiaohong observed it carefully, and then came to the conclusion: Yan Naqian is guilty! And coming back so late, there must be something tricky! So she made up her mind to tell Jiang Hongzhi one by one the next day.

It was late at night, and Yan Naqian still had no sleepiness.

For a while, she thought about Jiang Hongzhi’s taunting of her today, and the contempt of all the educated youths for her; for a while, she thought about Song Zhi’s letter, not knowing who would find a way to transfer him back to Beijing, and finally made up her mind— —

She must take Song rank down within a month!

However, pursuing Song Zhi is not an easy task.

The next day Yan Naqian took Song zhi’s letter and ran to him, “Brother Song zhi, this is your letter.”

Song Zhi saw the words on the envelope and knew that it was written by Professor Huang. Looking at the date on the postmark, he also knew what Professor Huang had written. It was nothing more than: Come back quickly, these projects will not work without you.

Since he only spoke with Professor Huang yesterday, Song Zhi was not interested in the content of the letter, so he politely and distantly said “thank you” to Yan Naqian, and stuffed the letter into his pocket.

Yan Naqian: So why is he so indifferent to returning to the city? Does this prove that he is too powerful, as long as he wants to return to the city, he can return to the city?

Yan Naqian looked at Song Zhi even more eagerly.

But before she could figure out how to approach him and inquire about his preferences, she suddenly heard that Song Zhi was going to be a blacksmith? And did he propose it himself?

Yan Naqian was too shocked: Isn’t Song Zhi going back to the city soon? Why are you still a blacksmith? Besides, a scholar or intellectual can be forced to do farm work and farming, even if he is forced to do farm work, what a shame to be a blacksmith! Did he still ask for it?

Also shocked were the people in Ruyi Village.

There is a reason why Ruyi Village and the adjacent Jixiang Village have a total of seven or eight hundred people, and only Bai Zhenggan is a blacksmith.

—Not everyone can afford that hammer.

—Not everyone can stand to strike in the heat of the day.

——Not everyone can suffer this hardship.

However, when the educated youth Song Zhi took off his white shirt and put on a leather apron with a bare upper body, everyone knew that this handsome and elegant young man actually possessed majestic muscles!

Of course, Bai Zhengqian also came, sitting on a chair beside him, in front of everyone, teaching Song zhi how to deal with the damaged farm implements.

Song zhi nodded, and as instructed by the master, lit the furnace to light the fire, fetched the water and soaked the tank, then threw the broken farm tools into the furnace to quench it until it turned red, put it on the forging table, and beat it with a sledgehammer.

His movements were of course clumsy and unfamiliar.

But after half the morning, he had repaired a pickaxe.

Bai Zhengqian and the villagers watched together.

“What are you doing, I think Song Zhiqing’s craftsmanship is okay!”

“It’s like this for the first time, of course!”

“Song Zhiqing is a scholar, I can’t imagine how powerful he is!”

“It’s really good. The hoes on our team have been broken for a long time, and now we have to make up for them!”

“Song Zhiqing, please help us repair the farm tools!”

Everyone was full of praise for Song Zhi’s work.

Yan Naqian has a complicated mood.

She wanted to get close to Song Zhi, but there were always people who went to the iron shop to find him, and she didn’t have much time to find him – Jiang Hongzhi didn’t know what was going on recently, and he didn’t have the slightest sympathy for her. He canceled the share of work points and forced her to go to work every day. Now if Yan Naqian doesn’t work, she won’t even be able to eat!

When she finally found an opportunity, she hurried to the blacksmith shop, only to see Bai Taotao, the silly daughter of Bai Zhenggan’s family, walking into the blacksmith shop with a small basket on her back.

Song Zhi smiled and said something to the little fool, then pointed to the side. Seeing the little fool nodded, he put down the big hammer, picked up the little fool, and put it on the tall cabinet beside him? !

Yan Naqian was shocked!

Song Zhi! And that little fool… is there really anything? That’s a fool!

Then, Yan Naqian saw the little fool sitting on the tall cabinet, dangling his legs, taking out something from the small basket and stuffing it into his mouth to eat, and stuffing a few into Song zhi’s mouth from time to time? ? ?

Song Zhi continued to strike.

The two smiled, you said something, I said something…

After about ten minutes, the little fool kicked her legs and let Song zhi hold her down.

This time, Song Zhi did not put down the hammer, but carried the little fool with his left hand. The little fool fed him a few more… I don’t know if it was a wild fruit or something, and then left.

As soon as he ran out of the blacksmith shop, the little fool seemed to remember something, turned around and ran back, and pointed at Song Zhi’s head.

Song zhi couldn’t help laughing, reached out his hand and touched the little fool’s head, and said something very softly.

The little fool happily ran away with the basket on his back.

Yan Naqian was struck by lightning!

——Is the person she saw just now really Song Zhi?

So he would laugh? He wasn’t silent either, he was even… gentle and patient. Is it because the object is a white peach? Bai Taotao is a fool? He treats Bai Taotao as a three-year-old child, right?

right! It must be so! ! !

Yan Naqian warned herself.

After thinking about it, she still leaned over and called him in a sweet, timid voice, “Brother Song Zhi—”

Song Zhi’s face was sinking and he ignored her.

It seems that the person who was talking and laughing with Bai Taotao just now is not him at all.

Yan Naqian couldn’t get off the stage.

She comforted herself: he talked and laughed with the little fool because he lived in the little fool’s house and was familiar with him. So she has to get in touch with him more…

“Brother Song Zhi, why did you ignore me when I called you that night!” Yan Naqian asked aggrievedly.

Song Zhili ignored her.

Yan Naqian:  …

It seems that he does not like this topic?

Yan Naqian immediately changed the topic she thought was very safe, “Brother Song Zhi, have you written to Uncle Song or A Sui?”

Song Zhi’s face became more and more gloomy, and he didn’t say a word.

In fact, Yan Naqian didn’t know the relationship between the Song family’s father and son, but only knew that Song Zhi had been staying in the capital. Compared with Nandu, where the material conditions and living environment were not so good, Yan Naqian felt that Song Xi let Song Zhi stay in Kyoto because he felt sorry for his biological son and wanted to give his biological son better conditions.

Seeing that he didn’t answer, Yan Naqian had to continue: “Brother Song Zhi, do you know that when Song Sui told me about you, he said…”


Song Zhi threw the forged reddish iron farm implement into the water tank, making a loud noise.

Yan Naqian was taken aback!

Yan Naqian had already noticed that Song Zhi seemed a little… dissatisfied with her?

Taking advantage of no one around, she boldly said, “Brother Song Zhi, are you treating me…”


Song Zhi said coldly.

He is most annoying to this kind of young women who are looking for things when they have nothing to do, look for things when they have nothing to say, and don’t say anything directly when they have something to do.

Yan Naqian was stunned, ashamed and angry, “Brother Song Zhi, how are you—”

Song Zhi suddenly turned his head and glared at Yan Naqian.

Yan Naqian was so frightened that she backed away, turned and ran away.

Song Zhi got peace as he wished.


But it was said that after the Bai family split up, the big family moved into a new house, and their family started a business, and they no longer had to guard against Chen Juxiang, Li Cui’er and others, and the family’s life became more and more beautiful.

Although the food is still not enough, the ingenuity of the children of the family cannot be held back.

For example, in the past, everyone’s three meals a day consisted of two thin meals. Whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, beans must be mixed into the staple food and wild vegetables into the dishes.

Now, the mother and daughter have discussed it: since the three meals a day have to be mixed with beans, why not eat watery rice in the morning, pure bean rice at noon, and dry rice at night?

Do it if you think of it!

But pure bean rice is really not good.

My mother tried to make jelly with red beans and mung beans. Bean jelly, the production process is almost the same, first soak the beans, add water and grind them into mud, wrap the mud and pulp with gauze, wash and knead desperately, and separate the washed bean dregs from the soy milk.

Bean dregs can be mixed with homemade bean paste, steamed in a pot, and used as a side dish for porridge.

After the ground soy milk water is left for a few hours, the water and starch will automatically separate. Boil water with a pot, add starch, alkali powder, and salt, and cook with low heat while stirring, and cook until the slurry becomes thick and transparent.

Then let the boiled pulp cool and solidify, cut into long barcodes in a bowl, eat it and pour it with homemade garlic chili sauce, and then sprinkle some balsamic vinegar and sesame oil…

Not to mention how delicious it is!

As a result, the menu recipes of the Bai family were changed.

The breakfast is thick red bean porridge or mung bean porridge, the porridge is mixed with soy bean dregs, plus one boiled sweet potato per person.

For lunch, red bean jelly or mung bean jelly is enough, and usually a large pot of wild vegetable soup is also boiled. After everyone eats the jelly, they will drink two big bowls of vegetable soup… It’s so full to make people feel extremely happy!

For dinner, everyone can eat a large bowl of fragrant and hot white rice, usually a half meat, a vegetarian stir-fry and a soup.

Most people in Ruyi Village can’t eat meat and fish.

Tao Tao’s family can’t eat it either.

However, Wu Ruian gave Bai Zhenggan many gifts before, including bacon sausages and cooked lard.

In addition, after the second house moved out from the ancestral house over there, they went up the mountain together to set traps – this is actually a tacit understanding in the village.

Bai Dongsheng and the two cousins ​​of the second room took turns going up the mountain in the middle of the night to see the trap. Of course, it doesn’t happen every day. Occasionally, I can pick up rabbits, pheasants, etc. Tang Liren will clean up these prey, and put a little bit in the dish every two or three days, so that the vegetarian dishes can stick to it. Meat and fishy.

I haven’t gotten rich yet, and I can’t eat meat every day, but I don’t need to see annoying people all day long, and unpleasant things always happen… Everyone is very happy.

On this day, Tao Tao went out with a small basket.

She has performed well recently. She can speak well and often makes people speechless. Every night when Song zhi assesses everyone’s learning progress, Taotao is either the first or the second. Therefore, her parents and family members are a little relieved to her and allow her to be herself. She went out, but she was strictly ordered not to be more than 200 paces away from home, and she was also required to agree that as long as the family called her—

Otherwise, once a foul is committed, she will not be allowed to go out next time.

Tao Tao is very good and cherishes the opportunity to go out.

But not more than two hundred paces from home?

This is impossible.

Tao Tao is very smart, so she often runs to Song Zhi.

——Song Zhi’s place where he strikes the iron is 500 meters away from her house. She often takes the iron shop as the center and walks around the iron shop. In this case, once her family finds out that she has fouled, she will push Song zhi out as a shield.

Today too.

Tao Tao ran to the iron shop first, greeted Song Zhi, and then pretended to play nearby for a while. Seeing that a villager came to talk to Song zhi, she slipped away quietly.

Not for the others, because Little Grape told her that in a place so far away from the village, it was both remote and desolate, as if humans called that piece of land mass graves? There are a lot of potatoes hidden in the ground near the mass grave!

Little Grape explained that there were not that many potatoes at first, but no one had managed the field for 20 or 30 years. Slowly, there were more and more potatoes in the field…

Tao Tao wants to take a look.

After twisting and turning all the way, she finally found the wasteland, and then at the place that Little Grape said, she actually dug out a bunch of potatoes!

Taotao took a closer look at the dead vines covering the ground, and understood—most of the potato seedlings on the ground were dead, and even if they were not dead, they were covered by other weeds, and there was a mass grave not far away. It’s out of bounds, no wonder everyone dare not come here.

She happily put the bunch of potatoes into her basket, made another mark nearby, and ran quickly home.

As a result, on the way, Tao Tao saw the flustered silly Xing Xing?

Tao Tao knows – broken! The family must have missed her, so they sent Xing Xing to look for her!

She quickly hid beside the cornfield, got into the cornfield with a squeak, and fell on the ground. After Xing Xing ran over, she was about to leave quickly——

Suddenly I heard a man and a woman walking out from the depths of the cornfield, still talking.

The woman said, “You’re a good friend! You chose her at a glance! Hmph, in this village, which descendant doesn’t like her!” The tone was sour.

The man laughed, “Yo, are you still jealous? It’s normal for a man to marry a woman, and I always want to marry a daughter-in-law!”

The woman sneered, “That’s it! I’ll fulfill you!”

The man said, “I’m really angry? It’s just your heart, it’s smaller than the tip of a needle! I promise you, even if I marry her, I will never forget you, you are my… sweetheart baby what!”

After a pause, the man said again, “Okay, it’s settled, you take these two dollars, when I propose marriage to Bai Zhenggan’s house in a few days, you go to the town to play, don’t stay in the village! Don’t make trouble, you know?”

Bai Taotao frowned.

Woman, “Are you afraid that I will cause trouble?”

The man said, “I’m afraid! I’m afraid that my aunt will die… If you want to ruin my affairs, it won’t do you any good, right?” Then there was a sound of gnawing and gnawing.

The woman was coquettish for a while, then she and the man got out of the cornfield one after the other and left.

Taotao was lying in the cornfield and felt that the woman looked familiar, but the man didn’t know her at all.

——However, this man will come to her house to propose marriage?

Proposing for whom?

According to the order of teeth, it should be Sister Lizi.

Tao Tao frowned.

At this time, silly Xingxing ran over in front of her again crying, crying and shouting, “Fourth sister! Fourth sister…Where have you been! Woohoo woo…”

Tao Tao picked up the potatoes in her small basket and threw them over!

Bai Xingxing was startled by the potatoes that rolled to her feet, and shouted, “…Who?”

Tao Tao, “Guess!”

Bai Xingxing’s eyes widened, “Fourth sister! Fourth sister, where are you? Come out to me!”

“I won’t come out! Come find me if you have the ability!”

She was so anxious that the apricots turned round and round, but the cornfield was too big, and she couldn’t find Taotao. In the end, she finally asked her grandfather to tell her grandmother to invite this little ancestor out.

The sisters went home.

The disobedient Tao Tao was scolded by Tang Liren.

But Tang Liren still felt bad for her daughter who was covered in mud, so she scolded and fed Tao Tao and fried peanuts with salt. After scolding for ten minutes, she also finished feeding a small bowl of fried peanut kernels with salt, and then she asked, “What are you talking about? , found potatoes at the mass graves?”

Bai Zhenggan thought about it for a long time and said, “I remember that it was the land of the landlord Zhao before liberation, and Ma Er rented it. Later, he died in the hands of the Japanese devils, and the land was deserted… It may be that he planted it at the beginning.”

Tang Liren lowered her voice, “Let Dongsheng and Song Zhi come over at night to have a look.”

Bai Zhenggan nodded.

That night, Bai Dongsheng and Song Zhi carried a burden and a **** over there, found the mark made by Taotao, and dug around the area, and they found that the ground was full of fat potatoes!

The two immediately came back with a load of potatoes each, and hurried to the second uncle Bai’s house to report the news.

That night, everyone worked together to bring back four or five hundred kilograms of potatoes, and before dawn, they ran back to turn over the soil, and then put some weeds on top…

Until dawn, the five strong laborers were exhausted.

And in the cellar of the big house, there are 500 catties of potatoes!

At dawn, the strong laborers went to work with dark circles under their eyes, while Second Aunt Bai brought her daughter-in-law and daughters over, and the female relatives liked to make potato jelly.

As for the five hundred catties of potatoes in the cellar, wait until night, avoid people, and evenly go to the second uncle’s house.

At lunch, Taotao ate potato jelly that tasted better than mung bean jelly.

But she was a little gloomy.

——Who the **** wanted to come to their house to propose marriage to Sister Lizi?

She tried to ask a question, but her mother said that the child should leave it alone? !

Tao Tao made up her mind, if the person who came to propose marriage was the one she saw in the cornfield… Then she definitely couldn’t let Sister Lizi marry such a person, bah!

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