Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 35 - The boss finally solved a situation

At the end of August, the village committee of Ruyi Village held a vote on the workers, peasants, soldiers and students in the whole village.

The two selected people will be offered the opportunity to go to college.

There are three production teams in Ruyi Village, and each team elects one person—Bai Dongsheng, Bai Aimin, and Zhou Chunsheng were selected, and they are about to enter the final election of the village committee (the whole village).

Zhou Chunsheng is very eager to get this spot.

——Because he wanted Bai Taotao to be his wife.

Zhou Chunsheng knew very well that Song Zhi, who lived in Taotao’s house, simply got the moon first.

But he also knows Bai Zhenggan’s character too well – Bai Zhenggan loves Taotao more than cherishes his own life. The better Song Zhi’s condition is, the more worried Bai Zhenggan will be. After Taotao married Song Zhi, she was arrested because her family was not strong enough. Song Zhi’s family was coldly treated.

Fortunately, Tao Tao is only seventeen years old this year.

Zhou Chunsheng felt that he still had a good chance – to win a recommended place, and to go back to college for two years. Taotao was nineteen years old, the age of marriage, and he could just propose to Bai Zhenggan to marry Taotao.

At this point, Zhou Chunsheng believes that he is far superior to Song Zhi:

First, judging from the fact that Song Zhi can speak three foreign languages, he will definitely not stay in Ruyi Village all the time. But Chunsheng is a local. After he married Taotao, he would stay under Bai Zhenggan’s eyes all the time. Bai Zhenggan could continue to take care of Taotao.

Second, Chunsheng is also a child that Bai Zhenggan watched grow up. Although Bai Zhenggan also worried that he was the son of the landlord’s family, in the past so long, Bai Zhenggan helped him secretly… If Bai Zhenggan hates him product, will you do this?

To sum up, Zhou Chunsheng is determined to win the recommended quota.

But his competitiveness is far inferior to Bai Dongsheng and Bai Aimin.

Final voting has begun.

——Dong Sheng is 26 years old this year, and has been the production team leader for several years. At the beginning of this year, he was also elected as the production team leader candidate. He went to high school in the county town. He is reasonable, clear-headed, strong, honest, reliable, hard-working and brave. He has dealt with many housework disputes for the villagers. There are more than 400 adults in the village, and Dongsheng’s votes reached 350!

——Bai Aimin is eighteen years old this year, he is Dongsheng’s cousin. He is still very young, and although his education is only a primary school culture, he also has the virtue of being diligent and down-to-earth. Aimin’s reputation in the village is far inferior to that of his cousin Dongsheng. The only thing he can tell is that he bravely stood up and stabbed the neighboring village Huang Er about human trafficking without fear of revenge.

Of course, Bai Aimin also knew very well that the reason why he was able to get more than thirty votes was entirely because the villagers did not want to see the third candidate, Zhou Chunsheng.

In fact, Zhou Chunsheng’s conditions are not bad.

He is 22 years old this year. Before finishing junior high school, he dropped out of school due to family changes and went home to work in agriculture. Up to now, he has been the leader of the production team for two years. He is always quick-witted. Whenever there is a dispute between Ruyi Village and other villages, the village chief and the party secretary will call him to handle it. He can complete the task perfectly every time. . But his physique is frail, and he is far from being like Dongsheng, who has done ten full work points a day, and can still carry it when he gets home…

And his biggest constraint is the imprint on him that can never be erased – he is the son of the landlord’s family.

Final balloting closes.

Several cadres of the village committee have already counted the votes, and the list will be announced soon. Zhou Chunsheng knows that he is still seven or eight votes behind Bai Aimin!

He had some key points and decided to stop it. He also anticipated such a situation early in the morning, and prepared a speech carefully for this, ready to canvass for himself.


“Please wait!” someone shouted.

Zhou Chunsheng looked at Jiang Hongzhi in the educated youth team in astonishment.

I saw Jiang Hongzhi jumping out of the team and shouting loudly: “The village chief, secretary, folks, I have something to say!”

Everyone was stunned.

Jiang Hongzhi said, “Folks, it’s been three years since I came to Ruyi Village to jump in the queue! In the past three years, my performance… I believe everyone is taking care of me, right?”

With that said, he began to call out—

“Aunt Fourteen, the year before last, you went up the mountain and fell into that deep pit. You were trapped for a day and a night. Finally, I passed by there and heard your cry for help. I wanted to pull you up, but you lost the strength. It was me. I jumped out of the deep pit and let you step on me to help you get out of the trap, you should still remember?”

“Uncle Eight, in the past few years, I have been writing letters for you and your son who joined the army. He sent a letter, and I read it to you word by word…”

“Brother Dongsheng, when Bai Zhenzhu came to ask for trouble, something happened to Hongdou. At that time, I was called. It was I who taught them to do artificial CPR, and Hongdou was out of breath…”

“The fourth uncle, the seventh wife, for the past few years, the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Spring Festival every year… I have taken the comrades from the educated youth station to the orphans’ home to condolence and clean up. I believe you also remember…”

Those who were named by him all nodded in unison, agreeing with what he said.

Jiang Hongzhi said: “I have come to Ruyi Village for so many years, and I have regarded it as my own home early in the morning… Now the village has this opportunity to be recommended to go to the University of Workers and Peasants, don’t I… Have no chance to run for election? ?”

The villagers looked at each other.

Song Zhi sat aside with his arms crossed, staring at Zhou Chunsheng.

He couldn’t help but pay attention to this… the imaginary rival who wanted to pry his corner all the time.

Including what Zhou Chunsheng was thinking now, Song Zhi knew all about it!

—— Zhou Chunsheng just wanted to compete for the recommended places, after two years of college, he came back and asked to marry Tao Tao!

Pooh! Go dream!

Until you see Jiang Hongzhi coming out to take over the game? Song Zhi suddenly had an idea in his heart.

How about helping Zhou Chunsheng? Let him go far, so that he won’t always come looking for Taotao, causing him to pay attention to Zhou Chunsheng’s whereabouts every day. As long as Zhou Chunsheng doesn’t go to work, he has to put Taotao in jail… Chunsheng will definitely try his best to drill beside Taotao!

As for when Zhou Chunsheng will come back…

What if Song Zhi couldn’t marry Tao Tao within two years? Might as well just kidnap it!

Thinking of this, Song Zhi waved at Xiao Hongdou.

Hongdou has lost some of his previous memories, other than that, other injuries have been slowly recovered, and there is no serious problem. The little girl was very clever, and quickly ran towards him, “Uncle?”

Song Zhi smiled and whispered a few words to the little girl.

The little girl understood and went to find Zhou Chunsheng.

Song Zhi left the village committee site and went to Pingdi behind the Zhiqing Station.

After a while, Zhou Chunsheng also came and asked Song Zhi, “Are you looking for me?”

Song Rank, “Do you also want to be guaranteed a place?”

Zhou Chunsheng blushed, “I can’t even think about it?” His mind was pierced, and he was a little embarrassed.

Song Zhi smiled slightly, “Of course I can! But, isn’t this the way to kill Cheng Yaojin!” Not far from the village committee square, both of them could clearly hear Jiang Hongzhi’s impassioned tone of voice. I hope that the village committee can be persuaded to let him also participate in the election.

Zhou Chunsheng was silent.

Song Zhi, “I know, you must have prepared a live speech, right?”

Zhou Chunsheng was a little surprised, “How do you know!”

Song Zhi thought it was a little funny, “How can you get votes if you don’t speak?”

Zhou Chunsheng:  …

Song Zhi, “However, I’m curious what you would say.”

Zhou Chunsheng didn’t want to talk to him.

But after thinking about it, no one usually wants to discuss this with him, and he doesn’t know whether the content of the speech he has prepared is appropriate or not. Besides, Song Zhi came from Kyoto after all. He has a lot of knowledge, so he can discuss with him… Maybe it will be beneficial.

Zhou Chunsheng immediately said: “I, I just want to play the card of grief, and I want everyone not to keep holding on to me as a ‘the landlord’s brat’…”


Song Zhi scolded lightly, “What pot can’t be lifted without opening it!”

Zhou Chunsheng was stunned, “Huh?”

Song Zhi, “Make the most of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses, understand?”

Zhou Chunsheng still didn’t understand, “Jiang Hongzhi is better at saying than I…”

Song Zhi, “Just like you have always been proud in front of me that you are a native of Ruyi Village, this is your greatest advantage!”

Zhou Chunsheng’s handsome face suddenly flushed!

——Did he really act so obviously in front of Song Zhi?

Song Zhi continued: “So you should work **** this point! No matter how eloquent Jiang Hongzhi is, he got this quota in order to use it as a springboard, and he will leave Ruyi Village in the future! You think the villagers will see Do not understand?”

“You are different. You are a local. After you finish your studies, you will come back and continue to serve the villagers! As long as you understand this, who do you think the villagers will choose?” Song Zhi asked .

Zhou Chunsheng opened his mouth wide, “But, but they always think I’m a son of the landlord’s family…”

Song Zhi, “That’s why you need to learn more than Jiang Hongzhi, be transformed!”

Zhou Chunsheng: It makes sense! ! !

Song Zhi taught him again, “Actually, the people in your village don’t hate you, they just hate your grandparents… People are human, and it’s not that you haven’t seen the hard work you’ve done in the past, it’s just because you still have grandparents. The elderly are still alive, and there are some injuries caused by historical reasons that they cannot forget… Don’t fight for these votes, you won’t be able to win them anyway.”

“Have you seen how Jiang Hongzhi canvassed votes? He only attracts people like that… He has been kind to the people. So, don’t mention a word about the landlord’s scumbag! All the drafts you prepared before are invalid. , improvise! The point is… to highlight your nostalgia for the village, you went out to get an education, and you came back to serve everyone better! This is the only reason you suppressed Jiang Hongzhi.”

After speaking, Song Zhi listened carefully to Jiang Hongzhi’s speech from the village committee square for a while, and said to Zhou Chunsheng–

“Listen, what Jiang Hongzhi said, every word and every sentence, reminds the villagers how much he has contributed to this village… He is taking favor! So you must do the opposite, stay for a while. When you go up to speak, every word and every sentence, you must clearly let the villagers know that you are grateful to them, and even if someone treats you badly, it is also a kind of spur for you. You want to learn More knowledge, to repay the village that raised your three brothers and sisters!”

Zhou Chunsheng was shocked.

——Song Zhi is not at all indifferent to everything like he usually shows. It should be said that there are only things he doesn’t want to manage, and there is nothing he can’t do, right?

Zhou Chunsheng suddenly felt that in the face of such a powerful rival in love, he seemed… unable to resist?

After Song Zhi finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

“Wait a minute!” Zhou Chunsheng summoned the courage to stop him, “You help me, are you trying to… squeeze me out so you can monopolize Taotao?”

Song Zhi, “Yes!”

Zhou Chunsheng was shocked and angry, “…you!”

Song Zhi, “Then are you still fighting for the recommended spot?”

Zhou Chunsheng:  …

– How could he not fight for it? If he can’t change his current state, he will be the son of the landlord’s family all his life! He is not qualified to marry Tao Tao at all. So his only way out is to get a recommended spot… When he returns from his studies, he will not only have the qualifications to marry Taotao, but also become a cadre and achieve class transition.

“We must fight for it!” Zhou Chunsheng said decisively.

Song Zhi smiled and left.

Zhou Chunsheng is always quick-witted.

After getting some advice from Song Zhi, he found a new direction, quickly made a draft, and hurriedly returned to the village committee square.

At this time, Jiang Hongzhi had just finished his speech, and his whole face was youthful and full of confidence.

It was just the people present, from the village chief and Bai Zhenggan sitting on the rostrum to the villagers, women and children sitting below the stage, and the villagers were all silent.

Zhou Chunsheng raised his voice and said, “Village chief, secretary, folks, I also want to say a few words…”

He and Bai Zhenggan made eye contact.

Zhou Chunsheng clearly understood the approving look in Bai Zhenggan’s eyes.

His confidence suddenly increased!

Zhou Chunsheng first bowed in the direction of the rostrum, “Thanks to the village cadres for giving me a chance to speak!”

Then he turned around and bowed to the villagers who were sitting on the ground below with all kinds of ponytails.

The place was still silent.

Jiang Hongzhi: I was so excited just now that I forgot to bow when I came on stage! fall~

Zhou Chunsheng looked around the villagers for a week and said, “The old saying goes, ‘A child without a mother is like a grass’, think about it, I’m only 22 years old this year, but it’s been almost ten years since my parents passed away. My brothers and sisters Three, when my parents left, I was twelve, about the same age as Gouwa. The youngest sister, Xiao Ni, was just learning to walk at the time, and Chun Ni was only seven years old at the time. It’s always been the biggest problem for me.”

“Fortunately, with the help of the villagers, my sisters and I survived!”

“Mother Eleven, you always scold me and cry, but when my Chunni fell ill and had a fever, you sent two eggs and put them in front of my house, right?”

“I admit that I am not as good as many of the younger generation in the village. I have poor physical strength, and I work hard, and sometimes I can’t get the work points that the women compatriots get… Uncle Xiao, every time I finish collecting, I am so tired that I have to hoe. I can’t even carry it, you have helped me carry the **** for the past two years. And Uncle Eight, I have seen you do farm work for me in silence several times…I want to thank you, you Don’t let…”

“Needless to say, the wives, aunts, and sisters-in-law in the village usually take care of our three brothers and sisters… If I really want to talk about it, I may not be able to finish it for a few days or nights. I… bow to everyone again. !”

With that said, Zhou Chunsheng wiped his tears and bowed to the rostrum and the audience respectively.

——Actually, what he said was also very skillful.

Mrs Eleven is getting old. Her husband died at the hands of Chunsheng’s grandfather. She has never remarried and is now an orphan in the village. She usually scolds the Chunsheng brothers and sisters when she sees them, but once Chunni fell ill and didn’t go out for a few days, it happened that someone else gave the eleventh woman two eggs… The tenth woman was kind-hearted, so she quietly gave those two The egg was delivered to Chunsheng’s door, but it happened to be seen by Xiao Ni, who was the housekeeper.

Now the villagers have heard that even the Eleventh woman who hated the Chunsheng family the most had released her kindness to these three orphans?

Many women in the audience also wiped away their tears.

Jiang Hongzhi secretly thought that something was wrong.

Zhou Chunsheng continued: “I won’t talk nonsense anymore. I said so much today, only for one purpose – I want to get the recommended quota for workers, peasants and soldiers, and then study hard and accept thought reform! If I am lucky enough to get this quota , I may have to trouble the villagers to take care of Chun Ni and Xiao Ni for me for a while… After I have learned the knowledge, I will definitely come back to the village and serve everyone well!”

The townspeople chattered about—

“I think Chunsheng is much more reliable than Jiang Hongzhi!”

“That’s right, Chunsheng is a person from our village, and he knows the bottom line!”

“Jiang Hongzhi wants to go back to the city, right?”

“Ask the secretary if you can change your vote? I will vote for Chunsheng!”

“Chunsheng has suffered hardships, and he is grateful. I will vote for him too!”

Jiang Hongzhi’s face turned blue and red.

——He is an outsider, and he can only tell these villagers what he has done for them in the way of grace. Zhou Chunsheng, however, is a local, and he is usually bullied by others, and he even puts on a gesture of “repaying his kindness”… This ideological realm is higher or lower, and it is simply a judgment!

It seems that this time he has no chance!

On the rostrum, Bai Zhengqian discussed with the village cadres and finally decided—

Simply ask Bai Dongsheng and Bai Aimin to make up a speech, and then the whole village votes.

The villagers agree.

Bai Dongsheng is used to seeing the scene, and he is not afraid of speaking on the spot. In addition, he has a calm personality. Although he is young, he already has his own plans for the future development of the village, so he will speak calmly now.

Bai Aimin was still too young and had some stage fright. He stammered and stammered, but he received a lot of good-natured laughter from the villagers.

Finally, everyone voted again –

The number of votes for Bai Dongsheng has not changed, and there are even more than a dozen votes, from the original 350 votes to 363 votes.

Bai Aimin got 8 votes.

Zhou Chunsheng got 51 votes.

Jiang Hongzhi won 18 votes – only the educated youth in the village and a few village girls who admired him voted for him.

So Bai Zhengqian announced that the two places in the village who were recommended to enter the University of Workers and Peasants this time fell to Bai Dongsheng and Zhou Chunsheng!

Next, it’s time to fill out professional volunteers.

Bai Dongsheng had his father at the helm, and he also had the idea of ​​​​going into politics, so he directly filled out the ideological and political major of the party school.

Zhou Chunsheng hesitated.

——He originally just had the idea of ​​giving it a try to see if he could be selected, so he had absolutely no pre-judgment about majors and schools.

There was really nothing he could do, so he hurried to ask Song Zhi for help.

Song Zhi stared at Zhou Chunsheng, pondered for three seconds, and then happily gave the answer: “Study medicine!”

——Want to come back to marry Taotao in two years? Then go to medical school! The minimum is five years to start!

“Study medicine?” Zhou Chunsheng hesitated, “But I don’t know anything about it!”

“If you already know it, what else do you need to learn?” Song Zhi said coldly.

Zhou Chunsheng: That makes sense!

He also remembered that the staff in the team that came to the village for the scientific expedition some time ago all seemed to be very polite and respectful to Song Zhi, so he asked cheekily, “Study medicine, what will you do with me? Those repairing machinery… which one is more difficult?”

Song Zhi, “You can’t do math, you can’t study engineering, let alone science.”

After a pause, Song Zhi explained again, “I went to college at the age of seventeen and majored in engines. I have been studying for seven years now, and I dare not say that I have learned it…”

Zhou Chunsheng suddenly lost his heart.

After thinking for a while, he asked again, “Then you say, can I choose a party school like Big Brother Dongsheng?”

Song Zhi: Of course that’s not good! What should I do if you and Dongsheng are in the same school for party building, and after two years of marriage, you have feelings for each other, and Dongsheng is willing to make Tao Tao marry you?

“Don’t you have any brains yourself?” Song Zhi asked back, “If half of your ultimate goal of getting the recommended quota is for Taotao… Do you think your future actions can surpass Big Brother Taotao?”

Zhou Chunsheng shook his head.

——From today’s election results, it can be seen that the elder brother Dongsheng is only twenty-six years old, and he can already convince the whole village of young and old. Zhou Chunsheng asked himself, he can’t do it anyway!

Song Zhi, “So even if you choose the same path as Dongsheng, he will be the only one who will take care of you in the future. You will never be able to stand alone! Are you willing to be subservient to others for the rest of your life?”

Zhou Chunsheng:  …

“Is there any other subjects to choose from?” Zhou Chunsheng asked reluctantly.

——Does it require a scalpel to study medicine? He was a little scared.

Song Zhi, “Ask the secretary to go!”

Zhou Chunsheng ran to ask Bai Zhenggan again.

Bai Zhengqian kindly took out the “Notice on the addition of the names of two students from the Workers and Peasants University in Ruyi Village” and showed it to Zhou Chunsheng.

The notice lists several majors that are currently in short supply in the country and society, and it is recommended for students to enroll. There are general practitioners, veterinarians, post and telecommunications, forestry, road maintenance and the like.

Zhou Chunsheng’s eyes swept back and forth over the simple words…

I don’t know if Song zhi’s words were already preconceived in his mind. He looked around and finally felt that it was best to study medicine.

In the end, Zhou Chunsheng filled in the word “medicine” tremblingly on the recommendation form for the recommended places.

When Bai Dongsheng and Zhou Chunsheng filled out the recommended quota form, the village chief immediately rode a bicycle to the village and handed in the two’s recommended list.

After waiting for the approval from the superior, the letters of introduction from Bai Dongsheng and Zhou Chunsheng will come down, and the two will rush to the assigned school as soon as possible to enroll.

Naturally, some people are happy and some are sad.

Of course, the Tao Tao family was full of laughter.

Bai Dongsheng himself was very worried–the second brother was away, his father’s old injury was not healed, and he was the only male in the family. If he went out at this juncture, what if someone came to bully his family?

Bai Zhenggan comforted his son, “I’m also a secretary anyway, and my seniority in this village is not too low. Your second uncle lives at the foot of the mountain, and he can hear anything if you stand at the door and shout… But about you It’s a rare opportunity in a lifetime! Don’t delay it!”

Tang Liren, “What are you afraid of! Your mother, I’m not old yet, I earned another eight work points yesterday!”

Tan Fenghui also said gently: “Yes, there is still me at home, don’t worry about it! It’s, it’s…” Just a few words, but I didn’t finish what I said later.

Taotao helped her sister-in-law to say, “Just don’t provoke those goblins in the city! Come back quickly after you finish school, your wife and children are still waiting for you at home!”

Tan Fenghui was embarrassed and annoyed, she stretched out her hand and wanted to pinch the aunt’s face, but when she touched it… smooth and tender? She couldn’t bear it anymore, so she grabbed Taotao’s braid and used her hair to show off her face!

Taotao was so itchy that she shook her head desperately, but couldn’t take it off. She had to cover her face with her hands, and said in a loud voice, “I’m sorry, sister-in-law, I was wrong… Your lord has spared me a lot…”

Xing Xing protects the fourth sister the most, helping to grab the fourth sister’s braid from the sister-in-law’s hand, and shouting, “Sister-in-law, we are helping you, why are you still bullying us!” Then she reached out to pick up the itch on Fenghui’s waist Meat.

Tan Fenghui laughed until she was itchy, Lili stepped forward to persuade him to fight, and pinched Xing Xing’s waist, “Stop making trouble!”

Xing Xing was forced to let go, only to be attacked by Tan Fenghui and Li Li!

For a time, the aunts and sisters laughed and shouted, making a mess.

Tao Tao regained her freedom, hurriedly climbed onto the kang bed, hid behind her mother, and took two pieces of sweet dried sweet potatoes to eat.

Tang Liren discussed with Bai Zhenggan what luggage to pack for Dongsheng…

Bai Dongsheng smiled when he saw the interaction between his wife and sisters.

The auntie and sister-in-law calmed down after a while.

Tan Fenghui gave Dongsheng a wink, and the young couple went back to the house.

Xing Xing came over aggrievedly, “Fourth sister, you are too unconscionable…” Before she could finish her sentence, she was stuffed with dried sweet potatoes by Tao Tao.

“Sweet?” Tao Tao asked her.

Xing Xing nodded quickly, “…Sweet!”

Lili asked, akimbo: “What about mine?”

Taotao quickly pulled out half of the dried sweet potato in Han’s mouth and handed it to Lili, “Third sister, here it is!”

Lili turned her head away with disgust on her face.

The family looked at Tao Tao and smiled.

Taotao suddenly remembered something, “Dad, Mom, why is our eldest brother called Dongsheng, and the second brother is not Chunsheng, but Nansheng? Is it because the word Chunsheng was taken over by Xiaoni and her brother? ?”

The whole family laughed.

Xing Xing whispered, “Don’t ask that in front of my eldest brother… My eldest brother’s name is Dongsheng because his nickname was Winter Melon when he was a child!”

Tao Tao suddenly realized, “So the second brother is a pumpkin!”

So brothers are melons, sisters are fruits, nephews and nieces are beans…

Tao Tao thought for a while, “The third sister is a pear, I am a peach, and the silly sister is an apricot, so the three of us are also ranked according to the size of the fruit?”

It’s easy to name your parents! It sounds pretty good though…

Xing Xing looked unhappy, “Why does Fourth Sister keep calling me stupid!”

Lili asked Taotao, “Then guess what’s the name of the youngest one in our family?”

According to the custom of Ruyi Village, it takes a hundred days for a newborn to be named, so now everyone still calls him Mao Mao.

Tao Tao thought to herself, what else is there to guess, there are already red beans and soybeans at home, “… mung beans?”

The family burst into laughter again.

In Zhou Chunsheng’s house, the three brothers and sisters were also muttering.

Zhou Xiaoni said, “Brother, am I dreaming? You, can you really go to school?”

Zhou Chunsheng nodded and touched the little sister’s head, “When your brother is not at home, you and your second sister must unite, and usually… walk around with sister Taotao.”

Zhou Xiaoni tilted her head and looked at her brother, “Brother, do you… like Sister Tao Tao?”

Zhou Chunsheng blushed instantly, “Don’t talk nonsense!”

“But I saw that Sister Taotao and Big Brother Songzhi are quite good?” Xiaoni said.

Zhou Chunsheng:  …

Zhou Chunni said, “Brother, when is the next election for workers, peasants, soldiers and students?”

Zhou Chunsheng, “Once every two years.”

“Can I participate?” Zhou Chunni asked hopefully.

Zhou Chunsheng, “Then try to lean in this direction!”

Zhou Chunni, “Brother, you are studying medicine, right? To be a doctor in the future… I, I want to be a doctor too, I wear a white coat, and everyone calls me Doctor Zhou… Wow, just thinking about it makes me feel like myself Great!”

Zhou Xiaoni teased her, “You don’t even recognize the words!”

Zhou Chunni was not happy anymore, “There are too many people in the village who don’t know how to read! Get the places first! Besides, if you go out, you will have the opportunity to receive education!”

Zhou Chunsheng frowned, “Chunni, it’s good to have a wish. But you have to judge the situation…”

“Wait! What do you mean by trial? What do you mean?” Zhou Chunni asked.

Chunsheng sighed, “Think about it, if this time, there is only one place in our village, who can go?”

“Brother Dongsheng!” Zhou Chunni said.

Chunsheng, “How does Brother Dongsheng usually behave in the village?”

Zhou Chunni was stunned.

——Bai Dong did not show up in the village during his life, and people did not like to talk too much. But no matter what happened in the village, he was always the first to appear. He does all the dirty work, and when there is a dispute in someone else’s family, he is the first to think of him…

Zhou Chunni understood, with an embarrassed expression on her face, “I can’t be like him!” After thinking about it, she smiled again, “We have a lot of people in the village, so it’s normal to have two places! Brother, why don’t you choose!”

Zhou Chunsheng, “Then can you achieve my level?”

Zhou Chunni, “Why not? You can’t work, and neither can I! You’re smart, and I’m not stupid!”

Zhou Chunsheng, “Then after Dongsheng and I left, what about two more descendants like Dongsheng? They both want to participate in the next election for worker, peasant and soldier student?”

Zhou Chunni:  …

She cursed a couple of times, walked away angrily, and slammed the door with a bang.

Zhou Xiaoni leaned over to her brother and whispered, “Brother, if you leave… I, I’m a little scared of her, it hurts when she hits someone…”

Zhou Chunsheng rubbed his sister’s head, “You usually finish your homework, and then study hard. You usually go to Taotao when you have nothing to do. At her house that day, I saw the textbook she copied… …I think she is also studying, you follow her, learn a little more, and when there is a chance in the future, you will also fight for the places of workers, peasants and soldiers, okay?”

Zhou Xiaoni nodded.

A few days later, the superiors gave the approval – Bai Dongsheng was assigned to the provincial party school to study ideology and politics; Zhou Chunsheng was assigned to study at XX Medical University in Kyoto.

There was an uproar in the village!

That’s all for Dongsheng. Zhou Chunsheng, the son of a landlord, can go to the medical university in Kyoto? ? ?

This is a blessing that has been cultivated in several generations!

That night, the whole village closed the door to teach the cubs: You see that the cubs of the landlord’s family can go to the university in Kyoto, why are you so unpromising? ? ? Then every household heard the sound of the parents beating their cubs and the cries of the cubs.

A few days later, Bai Dongsheng and Zhou Chunsheng left the village with their luggage in the eyes of the entire village.

Ruyi Village gradually returned to its former calm.

Of course, many people have devoted themselves to learning Zhou Chunsheng, so in the next period of time, the atmosphere in Ruyi Village is particularly good.

Bai Taotao also wants to become a worker, peasant, and soldier student like Dongsheng’s brother, and enter a university to study!

So Song Zhi found a way to help her set a goal.

He was trying to find a way to get over a hundred old books on agriculture, such as “An Encyclopedia of Raising Chickens to Prevent Plague”, “Instructions for Plant Grafting”, “One Hundred Ways to Prevent Rice Diseases”, “The Correct Method of Growing Mulberries and Raising Silkworms”, ” Three hundred days to develop three hundred catties of fat pigs” and so on…

Then he explained that Bai Zhengqian, the village chief, and other production team leaders and team leaders had established a library in the village committee and donated these more than 100 old books to the village library.

The library is really poor.

——Actually, the village committee allocated a vacant office of about ten square meters. Song Zhi chopped a few pieces of bamboo, and under Bai Zhenggan’s teaching, made two “bookshelves” out of bamboo. After saying hello to the production team, he went to the warehouse and took out an old wooden box, transformed it into a table, and then smoked it. When the time came out, I made a few small stools, and the library opened.

Song Zhi also persuaded the production team to let Tao Tao serve as the librarian, open the door for three hours at noon every day, and count 2 work points a day.

This really cost him a lot of effort.

After all, adding a new type of work is still a fixed position, which means that there is an additional food distribution.

Even Bai Zhenggan didn’t agree with Song Zhi’s opinion. He felt that guarding the library was too much effort, and he was embarrassed to receive work points!

Song Zhi insisted, however, and promised that he could set up a literacy class in the village to teach everyone how to read. When Taotao’s new job is on the right track, she can let Taotao teach everyone how to read.

After several days of grinding, the village committee and the production team finally agreed to Song Zhi’s request.

In this way, Tao Tao also has a formal job.

Tao Tao has a goal. Every morning when she gets up and packs herself up, she and her sisters go up the mountain to cut grass for pig grass and sheep, and then carry it to the production team to weigh and cross. Then the sisters do laundry and cook. , Taotao cleaned up the yard and the house, and after lunch, she dragged Song zhi to the library to guard.

Recently, the villagers have been stimulated by Zhou Chunsheng, and they all want to learn about cultural studies. In a small library, there are hundreds of people crowded at the door, both men and women, young and old.

Song Zhi first took some time to assess everyone’s cultural foundation. Then the crowd was divided into two halves. One half was zero-based, and Taotao taught everyone to start by recognizing pinyin and writing their own name; the other half was a little basic, and Song Zhi directly took a copy. “Forty Kinds of Pests and Diseases Common in Rice Planting”, explained to everyone…

For a time, Tao Tao and Song Zhi became the characters that the villagers often talked about.

“Tao Tao is really not stupid, she’s quite smart! She knows a lot of words!”

“She’s good-looking and literate. She taught us to be patient!”

“This girl can do it!”

“Song Zhiqing people, too, are ten thousand times stronger than those in the Zhiqing Station!”

“Shh, this is the educated youth station, please keep your voice down…”

Yan Naxian, who was leaning against the dormitory window, heard the talk of these long-tongued women clearly.

She narrowed her eyes and thought carefully—although she died suddenly in the first three chapters of that novel, and the time she passed through was not right, but the situation she is in right now is completely different from that novel. Not the same!

——The plot of the original book is: Song Zhi will marry the original body after three months in Ruyi Village. But it’s been more than three months now, whether it’s the original body or Yan Naxian, the book-wearer himself, Song Zhi doesn’t even want to take a look at it! How did Yuan Shen marry Song Zhi?

——The first chapter of the original book is written three years later, the original body was tortured to death by his brother and sister-in-law in Nandu… In fact, the original body was already dead, and the heroine of the book came through, and then She cleaned up her evil brother and sister-in-law, and immediately rushed to Ruyi Village to divorce Song Zhi.

So, she came three years early?

Yan Naxian sighed.

Why come three years early! Still have to work hard to find the way back to the city…

But now it seems that there are only two ways to leave the village: one is to marry Song Zhi, and the other is to get a place as a worker, peasant and soldier student, go to school first, and then find a way to allocate work when assigning work.

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