Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 47 - Chen Juxiang humiliates herself (1)

Chen Juxiang and Li Cuier coaxed Gui Cai to go to the big house, while they went to the village committee.

It was the autumn harvest season. During the day, everyone in the village went to the fields to rush to harvest, and didn’t return to the house until it was dark… Everyone was exhausted to death!

At this time, most of the people have already eaten dinner and are preparing to pack up and go to bed early, because the production team has a dead rule – they must get up at five o’clock every morning to gather and go to work.

Chen Juxiang stood in the small square in front of the village committee, took a deep breath, and howled loudly—

“Murder! Help!”

The small square of the village committee is the most central place in the village. It is surrounded by the homes of a dozen villagers, and behind it is the small courtyard of the Zhiqing Station…

Almost as soon as Chen Juxiang howled, someone shouted from a distance, “What’s the matter? Which murderer?”

In the distance and near, someone opened the courtyard door and walked towards this side wearing clothes—

Chen Juxiang started her performance, “Damn Bai Zhenggan! He instigated his daughter-in-law and his stupid girl… and ruined my family’s precious wealth! Come on folks and judge us!”

Saying that, she kicked Li Cui’er fiercely: cry, shout, and make trouble for the old lady!

Li Cui’er reacted, took out her handkerchief and covered her face, “crying”, “Oh my precious wealth…you are young! You are…finished…”

Chen Juxiang was almost **** off by Li Cui’er, so she whispered, “Your wealth is not dead yet, how are you mourning?”

Li Cui’er was stunned for a moment, coughed twice, and then started howling again, “God-killed Tan Fenghui! Heaven-killed Bai Taotao… They made my family rich…”

But for a while, she was too ashamed to say anything about the little crucian carp and crucian carp, so she blurted it out, “Oh, this is incredible! We can’t live this day, help…”

As a result, there were originally a few villagers who were going to come to watch the fun, but when they heard Chen Juxiang and Li Cuier reported the names of Bai Zhenggan, Tan Fenghui and Bai Taotao?

The crowd scolded again and again—

“Unlucky! I met these two mourning stars! It’s gone!”

“The daughter-in-law of Dongsheng wants to bring milk dolls, the peaches are so thin that there are not a few taels of meat left, and the wealth in your house is as fat as a cow, how can people bully your wealth? I am afraid that your wealth has bullied other people’s aunts, now Are you here for a rake?”

“Oh, don’t associate with this kind of person, she is staring at her, maybe one day she will come to corrupt you! Hurry up, hurry up!”

“We can trust the sister-in-law Zhenggan’s family, but it’s you who cheat people’s money all day long…”

“Don’t come here, everyone, go back to rest early…Aren’t you tired from picking up the millet for a day today?”

In this way, the crowd dispersed spontaneously before they gathered.

Chen Juxiang and Li Cuier were dumbfounded.

Chen Juxiang didn’t believe this evil, and continued to shout, “Hey! You just watched the village cadres bully people? Bai Zhenggan is bullying people with his power! The people in his house beat our expensive money, we ask him for compensation, what’s wrong? The village chief! Fourth uncle! Seventh wife! Come out… come out and give us justice!”

No one pays attention to her.

Chen Juxiang was stunned, she shouted frantically, “Help, kill! Kill, kill…”

As a result, she kept shouting until her throat was dry and hoarse, and no one paid her any attention?

Li Cuier squatted aside and said in a low voice, “Why don’t we go back, shameful…”

Chen Juxiang gave Li Cuier a vicious look and said angrily, “They don’t want to come out? Don’t want to worry about me? No way! I’ll go find them!”

Then he ran to the village chief’s house in a rage, and slammed the door, “Village chief, come out! I’ll ask you, do you care if Bai Zhenggan kills you?”

The yard of the village chief’s house was quiet, no one said a word.

It was the village chief’s old lady who answered in an old-fashioned yard, “Which mad dog is roaring outside? Erwa, throw a piece of junk out to scare the dog!”


Something fell from the sky and fell right at the feet of Chen Juxiang and Li Cuier, and then made the sound of liquid hitting the ground…

Accompanying it, was a… a particularly unpleasant smell?

The village chief’s wife asked, “What did you throw away, Erwa?”

A milky voice sounded, “Tai, my brother pooped. I pulled a leaf and wrapped his **** and threw it out…”

The village chief’s wife was furious, “You threw the **** out? Isn’t that… tomorrow your dad and your brothers will step on **** when they go out? I’ll beat you to death, you little bastard!”

For a while, the yard became lively, some persuading the old lady, some scolding the cub, some laughing, and some crying, but no one paid any attention to Chen Juxiang, who was desperately patting the door.

Chen Juxiang was so angry that she stepped on… shit, turned around and left.

She went to other village cadres and clan elders, but no one was willing to take care of her.

Chen Juxiang was so angry that her eyes darkened——

She took a deep breath and fell down softly, clutching her heart.

Li Cui’er was taken aback, “Mom? Mom, do you want to…”


But he said that Gui Cai slowly moved to the door of the yard of the big house, and wanted to knock on the door, but he didn’t dare.

He vaguely heard the laughter of his uncles, aunts and cousins, as well as the milky voices of red beans and soybeans…

Although I couldn’t hear what they said, I could hear—the uncle and aunt’s voices were doting and resentful, as if they had no choice but to hold the house full of children? The sister-in-law’s voice is very gentle, as if to persuade and comfort? The laughter of the cousins ​​is so good that people can’t help but smile when they hear it. And Red Bean, her voice is loud and crisp!

It was also thanks to the red beans that were talking, and Guicai then understood what the Dafang family was talking about—what they were talking about, raising fish in the rice fields? Then from “why can only fish and shrimps and crabs” to “can’t they escape?” to “sigu, you said that there is nothing to do with fish other than braised, stewed and steamed”…

The yard in the big house was full of laughter.

The wealthy was dumbfounded.

His mind couldn’t turn around.

——Chen Juxiang came to make trouble just now. Why didn’t the big house family take this to heart, instead they were discussing fish farming, shrimp farming, stewing soup and braised soup?

In the eyes of the big room, do you just despise Chen Juxiang and their four rooms?

But in the eyes of his mother Chen Juxiang and his mother Li Cuier, there is only a big room.

They talk all day long, if the big room is not divided, someone will cook, collect firewood, do laundry, and carry water! If the big room hadn’t been divided out, I would be so tired every day! Why are you eating wild vegetables again today? If the big house has not been divided, even if the wild vegetables are sticky, it will be better than this pig food…

In addition, Chen Juxiang and Li Cui’er also calculated the income of the big house every day – today Tang Li and Bai Lili went to work, Tang Liren counted eight divisions of labor, Bai Lili only had seven divisions of labor, and Tao Tao was in charge of the library for a day Counting 2 work points, and then Taotao Xingxing has to cut and feed pig grass every day. Together, the two can earn 5 work points a day…

There is also Song Rank’s work points, I just don’t know how Song Rank gave it to the big room… If you calculate it like this, alas, the big room can earn 20 work points for less talk a day!

But in the ancestral house, the third and the fourth go to work, each of them earns 10 work points a day, and Chen Juxiang can earn 5 work points a day. When added together, it means that he can earn 25 work points a day?

It seems that the income of the ancestral house is stronger than that of the big house.

But Gui Cai knew that Chen Juxiang and Li Cui’er calculated Dafang’s income every day for only one reason – they were jealous of Dafang. The days in the big house seem to be better than those in the ancestral house?

It’s only been half a year since the family was separated, and the red beans and soybeans have grown taller; the three cousins ​​are no longer the same as they used to be yellow, skinny, and malnourished. They are plump, fair skin, healthy pink on their cheeks, and dry hair. She has become smooth, supple and beautiful… Even if it is Auntie Tang Liren, she works in the field every day, her skin is actually fairer, her eyes are brighter, and the nasolabial lines on the corners of her mouth seem to be lighter?

If they weren’t rich, full and well fed, how could they have changed so much in such a short period of time?

I don’t know what Red Bean said, screeching, and then everyone in the big room burst into warm laughter.

Gui Cai couldn’t help but think of red beans again.

Hongdou has always been courageous, she is cheerful and lively and generous, and there is no one who dislikes her in the village.

Although Gui Cai and Hongdou are uncles and nephews, one is eight years old and the other is six years old. They are quite different in stature, but they are not too different in age. Guicai sometimes thinks about it, Grandma often says that he is a golden grandson with a handle, and red beans are a loser…

But why do the people in the village like red beans and hate him?

At this moment, Gui Cai suddenly understood.

——Hongdou dares to speak and act, never thinks she is a loser, nor does she think she is worse than his leader Jin Sun… It is because her family gave her courage!

The uncle and auntie in the big room love girls very much.

Then, why do the uncle and aunt love the girl so much?

To be honest, Guicai doesn’t think “with a handle” is any good at all. His eldest brother Fugui’er and second brother Fugui’er also carry handles. One of them is seventeen and the other is fifteen. They are the rare big fat men in the village, but what’s the use? Open your mouth to eat.

It is expensive, because he is the youngest, and he is often called by his family to do some housework…

Rich money is a thief. The white pearl of the third room is the best example! Bai Zhenzhu went to work with the third uncle at a young age and worked hard to support the family, but how did the third house treat her?

Your wealth will never suffer from such a loss!

Therefore, whenever he was instructed by his family to work, Gui Cai would not do it, and even imitated his elder brothers and scolded his grandmother and mother.

Compared with the grumpy and lazy brothers, the bitter and mean-spirited mother who loves to take advantage of everything and drags everything to her parents’ house, the grumpy grandmother, and the older sisters who are fighting for work in the big family… Gui Cai is still very eager to have a family like a big house.

It was late at night, and the cold was penetrating the bones.

Gui Cai unconsciously gathered up his clothes and slapped the courtyard door with a sullen face, “Uncle! Uncle Niang… You are good, open the door for me!”

The laughter in the yard stopped.

In the main room, Bai Zhenggan asked suspiciously, “I seem to have heard the voice of Gui Cai? My daughter-in-law, go take a look.”

Tang Liren responded and was about to stand up—

Xing Xing held Tang Liren down, “Mom, you’re exhausted today, hurry up and take a hot bath, I’ll just go outside and take a look.”

With that said, Xing Xing hurried out of the main room, lifted the door bolt that was lying on the side, and opened the courtyard door.

She saw the treasure standing under the steps.

Gui Cai said pitifully, “Fifth sister, I-I haven’t eaten dinner yet…for stuttering!”

Xing Xing Liu raised her eyebrows, “My family owes you something? You and your mother and your own milk are in a mess, and you only came to our house to corrupt money with your front feet, and you have the face to ask for food on your back feet? Are you so shameless! Get out! If you don’t roll again, your legs will be discounted for you!”

With that said, Xing Xing was about to close the door.

Guicai still wants to try harder, “Fifth sister, listen to me—”


Xing Xing closed the door.

Gui Cai touched the ash on his nose.

Tang Liren raised her voice and asked, “Who is it?”

Xing Xing said with a smile: “No one! My dad heard it wrong! Hmph, how could anyone still want to come at this time? If someone really dares to come to us to eat and drink, let’s see if I don’t kill him alive. !”

Tang Liren frowned, “What did you say?”


Tao Tao and Xing Xing went to boil hot water, and let a few strong laborers take a hot bath, and the whole family took a break.

No one cares about the wealth outside the door.

Your wealth wants to go–

But somehow, the thought of going back to that dirty, messy house made him very upset, and he thought it would be better to stay outside the courtyard of the big house, even to hear the laughter of their house… …

As a result, he didn’t even know how he fell asleep!

In the early morning, before dawn, the big family got up.

Tao Tao went to the kitchen to make potato flour, Lili went to the back of the kitchen to wash clothes, Xing Xing took a big broom to sweep the yard, and after sweeping the yard, she carried the broom to sweep the paths outside the yard.

As soon as the door opened, someone rolled in!

Xing Xing was taken aback and looked intently – is it your wealth?

“Why are you still here?” Xing Xing frowned.

Gui Cai rolled to the ground, still not awake. He usually sleeps until after ten o’clock in the morning every day, then subconsciously rubs the back of his head that was hurt by the fall, folds his arms around his chest, falls asleep again, and snores?

Xing Xing slapped the broom and scolded: “I gave you a face, right? I just told you yesterday that if you dare to step into my house, I will beat you to death! Do you think I am joking with you?”

As he spoke, he slapped the broom a few times, and Gui Cai was woken up by the pain. He cried out “Ow”, jumped up and looked around, feeling strange to himself, “…I, why am I here?”

Xing Xing carried the broom and continued to beat people, “Get out of here!”

Gui Cai escaped from the yard.

Angrily, Xing Xing chased him out and drove him to the intersection, only to come back in a hurry. Holding a sigh of relief, after sweeping the path two or three times, as soon as he entered the yard, he threw the broom and cursed, “It’s really bad luck!”

Tang Liren came out of the back room and asked her, “What are you doing? Why are you crazy early in the morning?”

Apricot:  …

Taotao shouted in the room, “Xingzi! Xingzi come here!”

Xing Xing turned around and ran into the kitchen, “What are you doing?”

As soon as she entered the kitchen, she saw the red beans and soybeans sitting on the side, and the sister and brother were grilling the meat on the stick bones. Spoon, kept removing the meat from the stick bone.

Tao Tao stood in front of the stove wearing a flower apron, picked up a piece of noodles from the pot with chopsticks in one hand, and then ordered Xing Xing, “Open your mouth, help me to see if this potato flour is cooked, it tastes salty. Enough is enough!”

Xing Xing was sizzling hot, and after tasting it, she nodded earnestly, “It’s cooked, delicious!”

Peach is quite happy.

Because this was her first time trying to make potato flour, and it was so delicious!

“You go to the vegetable garden and help me break a few leaves, pick a few shallots, and wash them all for me!” Tao Tao said.

Xing Xing responded and turned to go to the vegetable garden.

Soybean licked his lips and whispered, “Gu! Try it!”

Tao Tao said with a smile: “I can only understand if you have said everything.”

So anxious that Soybean blushed, “Four… aunt! Give me… try!”

Of course Taotao wouldn’t really embarrass soybeans, so she smiled and fed red and soybeans a piece of potato flour each, and asked, “Is it delicious?”

The little siblings nodded desperately, their eyes sparkling.

Soon, Xing Xing delivered the washed leaves and green onions. Tao Tao tore the vegetable leaves into pieces and threw them into the pot, and cut the chives into small pieces and threw them into the pot as well.

A large pot of fragrant pork stick bone soup and potato powder is ready.

Tao Tao and Xing Xing worked together to remove the big soup pot from the stove, and put a tin pot on the shelf to boil water, so that they could fill up the boiling water bottle at home, so that the family could drink some hot water whenever they wanted. Hot water.

On the other side, the red beans and soybeans have also removed the meat from the stick bones.

There was actually a full plate.

Taotao brought some shrimp chili sauce over. This deboned meat, which was stewed to the point of dissolving, was the best dipped in chili sauce!

At this time, Song Zhi had also washed up, and the whole family sat around in the main room and started to eat breakfast.

The fragrant and delicious bone soup is served with potato powder that is soft and refreshing with a little bit of teeth… It’s really delicious!

Tang Liren sighed: “It’s great to have a daughter! Every time we Tao Tao entered the city, we learned a lot of craftsmanship. Let’s talk about potatoes. How did we know that we could add flour to make this kind of potato flour? Weather When it’s cold, it’s really exciting to eat a bowl of noodles that are so hot with soup and water!”

Bai Zhenggan said, “Potato powder is delicious, and I also want this stick bone soup to enhance the flavor! With broth, why is it not delicious!”

Tao Tao interjected, “You don’t know, this stick bone was stewed last night by me, but when I lifted the lid of the pot in the morning, I was frightened, and there was a thick layer of lard on the soup surface! I broke it all. It’s in a pig jar. Did the bones have that much oil?”

Tang Liren, “Pig intestines also have a lot of oil, but that oil… doesn’t taste good!”

Xing Xing, “I think pork stick bones are much more delicious than pig intestines. We will buy more pork stick bones in the future!”

The family chatted and laughed, and ate a big pot of stick-bone potato soup powder.

Tang Liren, Bai Lili and Song Zhi were about to go out to work.

Bai Zhenggan called Soybean over and asked his little grandson to put on his shoes.

Tang Liren asked him, “Where are you going out too?”

Bai Zhenggan, “I’ll go to the village committee to have a look.”

——After Chen Juxiang and Li Cuier left yesterday, it has been calm. But according to the virtues of these two **** stickers, they will never stop until they have a fight.

It is better to go to the village committee than to let them make trouble at home.

Tang Liren, “Then I’ll go with you!”

Bai Zhenggan said, “Go to work! Harvesting millet is a big deal, and you and I are both village cadres. You have to take the lead. Besides, the Chen family is making trouble. Your step-daughter-in-law’s status is even more embarrassing than mine. If you go, it will be counterproductive… I’m fine, I have Taozi Xingzi and Hui’er on my side, and several elders in the village are also on my side… I’m really fine, just leave!”

Tang Liren explained to Taotao and Xingxing, “If you have something to do, call me personally and tell me!”

The daughters should go.

Tang Liren was about to leave first with Bai Lili and Song Zhi.

It’s just that as soon as the three of them came out of the yard, they saw… your wealth?

Gui Cai tried to run in a panic, but his left foot stepped on his right, and he fell firmly to the ground.

“Your wealth?” Tang Liren frowned.

Gui Cai got up again and greeted Tang Liren and her party embarrassingly, “Auntie…morning, third sister early, Song Zhige…morning.”

“What are you doing here?” Tang Liren asked.

Gui Cai didn’t eat dinner last night, and didn’t eat breakfast today. He was already so hungry that he was so hungry that he was standing in front of the courtyard of the big house early in the morning, listening to them talking and laughing inside, and smelled a strong smell. The aroma of the pork bone broth…

He couldn’t stand up now, and said in a low voice, “Auntie, give me something to eat, I’m so hungry that I’ve changed my mind.”

Tang Liren felt angry when she thought about what happened last night. In addition, Chen Juxiang and Li Cui’er would definitely be looking for something else today, and her mood was even worse, and her attitude couldn’t get better, “If you don’t have food, go to someone else. Family discussion? Is your mother dead?”

Treasures:  …

Tao Tao leaned against the courtyard door and stretched her head out to take a look.

Song Zhi said to Tang Liren, “Auntie, you and the third sister go first, and I have a few words with Guicai.”

Tang Liren, “Don’t get too close to them… Anyone who has said a few words to them will be deceived and deceived by them in the end!”

Song Zhi, “You guys go first.”

Tang Liren sighed and left with Lili.

Song zhi called Gui Cai aside, not knowing what he and Gui Cai said, Gui Cai nodded, his expression was a little sad?

Song Zhi then raised his voice and said, “Tao Tao, go get a roasted sweet potato.”

——Because I was afraid that the strong laborers would be hungry when they went to work, the sisters put a few sweet potatoes next to the stove every morning when they were cooking. When the rice is ready, the sweet potatoes are roasted. When the strong laborers go to work, each of them will bring a roasted sweet potato.

Roasted sweet potatoes are sweet, filling and serving as a snack.

There are children such as red beans and soybeans at home, and my sister-in-law also likes snacks, so sisters often bake a few more and put them at home, and whoever is hungry will eat a little…

Tao Tao slammed the door and looked at Song zhi disapprovingly.

But seeing Song Zhi’s insistence…

Tao Tao had to pout and ran to the kitchen to get a roasted sweet potato.

Song Zhi took it and handed it to Gui Cai, “I lent it to you, and I will return it to me later.”

Gui Cai was going crazy with hunger. Looking at the fragrant and steaming roasted sweet potatoes, his eyes flashed green and he nodded casually. He grabbed the red roasted sweet potatoes and shoved them directly into his mouth… Reluctant to peel the skin? !

Tao Tao was frightened by his cruel eating.

Song Zhi said to her in a soft voice, “Go back to the house… It looks like it’s going to change today, so add more clothes. I’ll take your valuables to work.”

Tao Tao’s eyes widened: Did you take him to work?

She looked at Gui Cai again.

——I saw Gui Cai eat two fist-sized roasted sweet potatoes with two or three mouthfuls, choked to death, but nodded desperately?

Song Zhi left with the wealth.

Tao Tao stared at Song Zhi and Gui Cai’s back, a little confused.

However, Song zhi took the precious wealth away. Later, when she went out with her father, sister-in-law, and sister, she didn’t have to worry about who would smash the door of her house.

Bai Zheng dry injured his waist and moved slowly, only one step behind before he walked out the door slowly.

Tao Tao said that for some unknown reason, Gui Cai came home early in the morning.

Xing Xing’s eyes widened, “He’s here again? He was at our door last night, and I chased him once when I went outside to sweep the floor this morning! Fourth sister, what do you mean by that? His family is ruined and he has no home, so he came to think about our family?”

“Shut up Xingzi!” Bai Zhenggan drank lowly, “Don’t talk nonsense!”

Xing Xing shut her mouth shyly.

Bai Zhenggan also found it very strange, “After all, Gui Cai is still a child, why doesn’t he go home at night, and his parents don’t care?”

While talking, the family went to the village committee.

There are three production brigades in Ruyi Village, and most of them left after receiving their farm tools, and a few groups were left behind.

The villagers gathered around and whispered and lingered. The village cadres and brigade cadres kept urging them, and the villagers just turned around and left.

Suddenly see Bai Zhenggan coming?

The villagers quickly greeted him in a low voice——

“Secretary, Chen Juxiang is here to do something again!”

“Secretary, can I help you call the fourth child?”

“Secretary, if you’re not in good health, just ignore this crazy woman and go back and rest!”

“Secretary, Chen Juxiang is ill, don’t make trouble with him…”

Tao Tao has already run over.

In the middle of the crowd, Chen Juxiang actually knelt on the ground with her hair disheveled, a white cloth strip was tied to her forehead, and she was still holding… Grandpa Taotao’s tablet? ? ?

Bai Zhengqian also came over slowly with a cane.

Seeing Chen Juxiang’s posture, Bai Zhengqian was so angry that his face turned ashen!

Elder Zong, including the fourth uncle and the seventh wife, were sitting on the side, persuading Chen Juxiang earnestly—

“Juxiang, what do you have to say!”

“Isn’t it an unreasonable person, why don’t you tell him well!”

“Juxiang, stay on the line, see you in the future!”

“Why are you here? It’s a family, and you’re like this… You can’t even talk well in the future!”

At this time, Chen Juxiang had already seen Bai Zhenggan.

There was a mad and vicious light in her eyes, and she suddenly raised the tablet of Grandpa Tao Tao and said loudly: “God’s eyes open! Master, if you know something underground, you will manifest your spirit… Take a good look, your good son. How did he treat our orphans and widows!”

Tao Tao immediately instructed Xing Xing, “Go to Song Zhi immediately, tell him the situation here, and then tell him that I will let him come here with your valuables!”

Xing Xing, “What’s the use of calling Song zhi? We have to call our mother for this, right?”

She was so anxious that Taotao gave Xing Xing a slap, “Our mother is a daughter-in-law, and Chen Juxiang is a stepmother… Our mother only suffers from Chen Juxiang! Hurry up and find Song Zhi!”

Xing Xing had to run away!

On the other side, Bai Zhenggan had calmed down, he motioned Hongdou to find a stool and sat down with a cane.

Chen Juxiang sneered, “My mother is still kneeling, do you have the face to sit down? Sit on an equal footing with your dead father? Bai Zhenggan, you son of a bitch! Kneel down, kneel down for me!”

Bai Zhengqian said lightly: “It’s a new society now, parents should be respected in their hearts, don’t kneel, kowtow, etc. These are all feudal ideas, we must put an end to them, we must learn modern civilization, and we must engage in Four modernizations. By the way, what are you kneeling here for?”

Chen Juxiang, “What am I for? You don’t have a clue?”

“I don’t know at all.”

Chen Juxiang sneered, “Yesterday, your daughter-in-law Tan Fenghui and your daughter Bai Taotao smashed my grandson’s precious crucian carp with stones, but they were all smashed! My good grandson was ruined like this…you Want to mess around?”

Bai Zhenggan, “So what?”

“Pay—money!” Chen Juxiang roared desperately with all her strength.

Bai Zheng laughed dryly, “How much did you pay?”

Chen Juxiang stared at Bai Zhenggan with gloomy eyes, “I want you to pay me… 100,000 yuan!”

The surrounding villagers gasped in unison!

Bai Zhengqian felt more and more amused, “Do you know how much 100,000 yuan is?”

Chen Juxiang:  …

Bai Zhenggan said earnestly: “One hundred thousand yuan, we need the strong labor of our whole village, working 365 days a year, not a single day, doing 12 work points every day, and then not having to eat or drink a penny. Flowers…”

Chen Juxiang shouted hysterically, “It’s none of my business! You have harmed my grandson for the rest of his life! You will have to pay for the rest of your life! Not only you, but your wife, your son, your daughter-in-law, your daughter and your daughter’s son-in-law in the future. They, and their children…you will have to pay for this forever! You have to work your whole life to support us!”

The surrounding villagers were in an uproar.

Tao Tao clenched her fists.

——She now understands a little bit why her brother Nansheng is so cruel and maddened.

For such an unreasonable, crazy and arrogant old woman, she simply called the white black, which made it impossible for people to reason with her calmly.

Bai Zhenggan asked again, “Where is your precious wealth? You can call him out and ask him what’s going on!”

Chen Juxiang, “You still have the face to ask me?”

——Shang Guicai didn’t come back overnight, Chen Juxiang thought, he must have sneaked into the big room. According to the tyrannical temperament of Gui Cai, the big family can’t handle it at all.

Judging from Guicai’s usual living conditions, he should still be sleeping at the moment. Whoever dares to disturb him sleeping, he can directly lift the roof!

So the old **** Chen Juxiang was there, “Ask him yourself!”

Bai Zhenggan frowned.

But Xing Xing ran quickly into the field, and saw Song zhi and Gui Cai bending over to cut rice together with a sickle?

“Brother Song Zhi-“

Xing Xing ran over, briefly explained the scene of Chen Juxiang making trouble in the village committee, and said, “My fourth sister said, let you hurry up and bring your valuables over there!”

Song Zhi nodded and called out Gui Cai.

Gui Cai came over very well-behaved, followed Song zhi to sit next to the field ridge, washed his feet, put on his shoes and socks, and the two walked in the direction of the village committee, and exchanged words from time to time?

Xing Xing followed behind, looking at the two people in front of her in disbelief.

Is this the hell?

Why did your wealth go to the ground to harvest the corn?

“Xingzi!” Tang Liren yelled.

Xing Xing was frightened, stood still, turned her head and looked at her mother dumbfounded.

Tang Liren, “What happened?”

Xing Xing bit her lower lip.

He couldn’t help but recounted what happened at the village committee’s side.

Tang Liren almost died of anger, she pondered for a moment, she explained a few words to Lili, then washed her feet, put on her shoes and socks, and came up.

Xing Xing, “Mom! Mom, where are you going!”

Tang Liren, “Don’t worry about me, go to the village committee! If that old woman dares to touch your father, you will… first pick up a few stones to defend yourself! If she dares to touch your father, you will kill him!”

Xing Xing quickly picked up a few more stones and ran towards the village committee.

At this time, Taotao has been guarding her father, watching Bai Zhengqian negotiate with Chen Juxiang.

She vaguely noticed that Chen Juxiang was so arrogant, she probably wanted to anger her father.

——Even though Chen Juxiang is a stepmother, she is also an elder. If Bai Zhenggan is provoked and speaks out or does inappropriate things in public, then he will be at a disadvantage.

After all, Bai Zhengqian has been a class cadre for more than ten years. He has seen the world and dealt with many critical incidents. He has knowledge and skills. He became more and more calm, more and more chatty…

Chen Juxiang was compared to the one who made trouble unreasonably.

At this time, Gui Cai and Song Zhi hurriedly arrived.

When the fourth uncle saw him, he hurriedly called him, “Come over here, Guicai! You honestly tell Uncle Tai, in the end…are you injured?”

Gui Cai’s face darkened.

——Although he was mentally prepared, once he knew that Chen Juxiang was still making a fuss about it, he was so angry that he asked with a sullen face, “Which one said that I was injured?”

Seventh Auntie, “Your milk! She said that your crucian carp and crucian carp have been smashed? It’s impossible in this life? Someone really smashed you?”

Over there, Chen Juxiang was desperately winking at the noble messenger.

Gui Cai was furious, squinted at Chen Juxiang, and cursed: “Fuck her mother’s fart!”

Li Cui’er had been shrinking to one side, but seeing that the situation was not good, she ran over quickly, took Gui Cai aside, and begged him in a low voice, “My little ancestor, don’t you speak? Can you get the money? It all depends on your milk today!”

Seeing that Gui Cai was standing upright, everyone was so angry that he jumped three feet high just now. It didn’t look like the crucian carp and crucian carp were smashed, so they didn’t believe Chen Juxiang’s words so much.

Bai Zhenggan said: “Was Gui Cai injured? What happened yesterday? Let him talk about it! He is also one of the concerns!”

In order to overwhelm Bai Zhenggan, Chen Juxiang shouted at Guicai, “Don’t be afraid, Guicai, there is milk for you! In the future, when we have money, we will be able to eat and drink spicy food for you. Healing is not a problem…”

When Gui Cai heard this, this **** old woman was still talking about this? He was so angry that he slammed away Li Cuier’s hand, rushed over and kicked Chen Juxiang’s heart!

Chen Juxiang, who had been kneeling for almost an hour in order to make a bitter plan, never imagined that such a change would happen. She didn’t hide at all.

Everyone was stunned.

Gui Cai still didn’t solve his hatred, and pointed at Chen Juxiang and cursed, “Did I tell you last night that if you want to get married for the sake of wealth, you say that the people in the big house smashed the wealth with stones. The crucian carp and crucian carp! Don’t get involved with the young master! Did the young master say it, did he say it? You are so forced to use the young man to talk about things, I tell you, if you dare to say more, the young master will treat you The house was demolished and you were kicked out! You immortal!”

Gui Cai said to the onlookers again: “Well, I’ll just tell you about it once. Yesterday, my mother took me to smash the yard of my uncle’s house. Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the uncle’s family’s absence, so we went in to order something. In the end, my sister-in-law in the lobby and the others came back! My mother asked me to take off my pants to scare my sister-in-law in the lobby and the others…”

“Later…” Having said this, Gui Cai was also embarrassed to say that he showed his little crucian carp to his mother, so he murmured and continued, “Later my mother hit me with a stone, and it was a little painful at the time. But it’s all right now!”

Saying that, Gui Cai jumped a few times again, indicating that he was fine, “I’ll say it again, I’m fine! In the future, whoever of you dares to talk and say that the young master is not good, the young master will demolish his home!”

The onlookers were talking about the villagers——

“It turns out that they want to make money and marry the rich!”

“No, Chen Juxiang is too shameless, it’s so flattering!”

“It really turns black and white! This kind of person is too much!”

“She has such a big face that she dares to ask for 100,000…”

“I feel ashamed to be in a village with such a person!”

Chen Juxiang collapsed to the ground, trembling all over.

Li Cuier was also stunned, and murmured “Gui Cai”, she wanted to ask “are you a ghost”, but she didn’t dare to say, for fear that he would reveal more of how she and Chen Juxiang usually scolded Big room, calculating big room…

Bai Zhengqian is also a little confused, how can your wealth be turned against the water. But it’s for my own good.

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