Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 52 - The forgotten Yan Naqian

After Lili left, life at home became calmer.

Tang Liren still goes to work every day to cultivate wasteland.

Xing Xing signed up to go to Houshan to pick wild tea leaves. This job can earn 5 divisions of labor a day!

Tan Fenghui does housework at home every day, doing laundry, cooking, gardening, knitting sweaters, nursing children, etc…

Taotao and Zhou Xiaoni go to feed the pig grass, take care of the chicken and duck pens in the pigsty every morning, and guard her library at noon. In the afternoon, she will either go to the back mountain to collect firewood and dig wild vegetables, or she will bring red beans and soybeans. Go to the river fish to put cages to catch small fish and shrimp.

Song Zhi strikes iron every day, goes to the city every three or five o’clock, and then comes back out of breath to many people’s factories to throw away unwanted spare parts. s things.

——A few days after the autumn harvest, it really started to rain like Xing Xing said!

Thanks to this year’s autumn harvest, because the recipes arranged by Taotao are too tempting, the whole village, men, women and children, is dispatched collectively. With many people and great strength, all tasks were completed four or five days earlier than before, and the grains were all dried and put into storage.

But other villages are not so lucky!

I heard that some villages have encountered insect pests and reduced food production, and then hit the rainy season… so that all the people in the village are frowning, and they don’t know how to spend the winter this year.

Also because of the rain for seven or eight days in a row, Taotao muttered at home, “It’s really annoying to rain, and the clothes won’t dry for days! This is the last one I have on, and if I hang it out again, If I don’t do it, I won’t have any clothes to change…”

Song Zhi was taken aback.

After a few days, he made a… something like a wardrobe came out. However, he just made a simple frame out of bamboo, and asked Taotao to find some clothes that were too old to be worn anymore, made a cloth cover to cover the frame, and then made a small mechanism at the bottom of the frame.

——It is a hand-cranked rotating disc with fan blades, and a pot of charcoal fire is placed under it.

This is the dryer made by Song Zhi.

When the sun is out, this bamboo rack is a shelf, which can hold several layers of flat bamboo sieves for drying goods; when it rains, take off the bamboo sieve, hang wet clothes in, and put a small charcoal stove with a fan at the bottom. Take it and put it on the bottom of the bamboo frame, and then cover it with a cloth cover…

Then I started to shake a wheel attached to the small charcoal stove. It took a long time to shake it, and it took about three or four minutes to shake it to the end, until it stopped shaking completely.

Let go-

The runner began to slowly turn in the opposite direction, driving the fan blades installed at the bottom of the bamboo frame to turn in a hurry.

The small charcoal stove is burning charcoal blocks, the fan blades are turning and blowing hot air, and the outside is covered with a cloth cover…

As long as the clothes hanging inside are not so wet, it takes about two hours to turn the turntable a dozen times to dry the half-wet and half-dry clothes in the “dryer”. It is so useful!

Of course, later this invention of Song Zhi was donated by Tang Liren to bake dried shiitake mushrooms in the village… This is not to be mentioned for the time being.

In the past few days, Bai Zhengqian held a meeting at the village committee with the theme of “carrying out the construction of spiritual civilization in Ruyi Village”, and then took out the material copied by his precious daughter Taotao and passed it on to everyone.

He said again: “Look! This is what Comrade Bai Taotao proposed! Look at it… What a simple suggestion, starting from the subtle, slowly cultivating the villagers’ personal qualities and improving their spiritual civilization, but after careful study, I just know how much energy these small incidents contain! So ah! Can we not give the twenty catties of rice she asked for? Ah, can we not give it?!”

The village cadres passed on the materials, and everyone present read it.

Well, Tao Tao’s suggestion is indeed quite good.

Secretary Ke Bai’s roar…

Everyone looked at each other.

——No, secretary, wow, in fact, you can make up your own mind about the requirement of 20 catties of rice!

But some smart people quickly understood what Bai Zhengqian meant, and immediately expressed their stance,

“Peach is really smart!”

“Tao Tao is good at making recipes, mobilizing the whole village, allowing our village to harvest early autumn and avoid the rainy season. It’s really good!”

“Oh, the supply and sales contract with the state-run hotel is still led by Tao Tao!”

“In other villages, millet has diseases and insect pests, but our village does not have it. It is also Taotao who explains the pests and diseases to everyone every day.

The rest of the people who were not so bright also suddenly understood and understood.

Thinking about it again, Taotao is not a village cadre. She is very young and very smart, and has no competing interests with the village cadres here, that is, to praise the little girl…

That little girl has done so much to maintain the village, she should have been praised!

All of a sudden, everyone exclaimed.

Hearing everyone praising Taotao wildly, Bai Zhenggan couldn’t mention how proud he was.

As a result, the 20 catties of rice that Taotao applied for on behalf of the library were soon issued in the form of bills and handed over to Taotao.

Taotao was holding 20 small pieces of paper with the official seal of the village committee, on which was the village accountant’s handwriting “See you pay a pound of rice”, she was happy!

——She wants to carry out a series of spiritual and civilized activities in the village, but she is afraid that the attitude of the villagers to participate is not enough. Now with the support of the village committee, she can get 20 catties of rice, and then she can put the 20 catties of rice. as a prize…

The event can begin!

In fact, the spiritual outlook of Ruyi Village is acceptable among the six natural villages under the jurisdiction of the entire township.

But Tao Tao was still a little dissatisfied.

So she had already planned it in her heart, and she wanted to change Ruyi Village slowly and little by little.

The first and foremost is to make the villagers maintain personal hygiene at all times.

Farmers in the countryside don’t care much about their self-image. They are poor anyway. They don’t have a lot of decent clothes, so they should be worn out. If they have long hair, they should grow longer. They all know each other; it doesn’t matter if your hands and feet are dirty or your nails are dirty… Hey, who is not like this in the whole village!

So Taotao, when her library was open for three hours a day, first persuaded women to pay attention to their image…

In fact, as soon as the freshness wears off, the women who come to the library every day no longer like to study. They come here to chat.

Tao Tao has been mentioned a lot, and the women are still a little unhappy. Do you think Tao Tao looks down on us and thinks us dirty?

They didn’t come much after that.

Tao Tao was not angry either, and wrote a notice at the gate of the village committee in a few days—

[Ruyi Village’s October 1967 Spiritual Civilization Selection Competition is about to start]

Eligibility: All villagers.

Selection rules: The village committee team will randomly check three times, and those who keep the same in the three random checks and have the highest score will be the winners.

Special Note: The winner will receive a mystery prize.

However, Taotao sold out and did not say anything about the selection.

As soon as the news came out, the library of Mencora became lively again, and the women were chatting—

“Peach, what is the selection? Tell us about it first!”

“Peach, first tell my aunt what the prize is? If it’s a good thing, my aunt will participate.”

“Why do you have to comment three times? It feels so troublesome…”

“What is the selection, Tao Tao, please explain it, so we should be mentally prepared!”

A few days later, Taotao organized the first spiritual civilization selection.

The location was in the small square of the village committee, and the villagers who were willing to participate in the selection came uneasy with small benches.

did not expect–

The selection is actually:

1 Do you wash your hair often? Is the hair greasy?

2 Is your hair combed? (Men: Do you shave your beard regularly?)

3 Do you change clothes frequently? Are the clothes and pants clean? (Note: can be patched)

4 Do you brush your teeth morning and night? Are your teeth white?

5 Are you wearing shoes? (Note: straw sandals can also be used)

6 Are your hands clean? Are nails trimmed regularly?

The villagers were dumbfounded.

Xing Xing arranged for everyone to come forward in turn and let the village cadres check their personal hygiene one by one.

Taotao stood aside to record the name and score.

On the spot, more than half of the people slipped away, and they did not dare to go to the village cadres to check.

The rest of the people tried to calm down, but they were also embarrassed and blushed.

Since that day, the villagers have been stimulated. At first everyone talked about hygiene, and everyone loved cleanliness.

They comb their hair neatly, change their clothes when they are dirty, and mend them as soon as possible, and keep them clean and tidy at all times. set.

In addition, those who don’t like to brush their teeth also hurriedly asked someone to go to the town to buy toothbrushes, toothpaste and toothpowder, and those who didn’t like to wash their faces began to wash their faces every day; …

During this process, Taotao saw blood on the fingers and toes of many people. She couldn’t help being angry and funny. On the one hand, she reported to the village committee and asked the collective to order a batch of nail clippers. On the other hand, she gave her small scissors for clothes Donate it and put it on the small table in front of the library, tied with a rope, and next to it is a bottle of alcohol and a large bag of clean thumb-sized rags.

You can go there and use small scissors to cut your nails, but everyone must use a rag dipped in alcohol to wipe the edges of the small scissors clean before use.

For the second selection, Taotao notified everyone three days in advance.

So this time, everyone confidently lined up to check with the village cadres.

The men all shave their beards clean, and some of the women deliberately apply head oil, wash their faces, and apply vanishing cream, put on their best clothes and best shoes, and are more concerned than going out to visit relatives!

All of a sudden, everyone found out how the whole village has become so good-looking?

“Peach Blossom, the clothes you are wearing today are so beautiful!”

“Aunt Liu, why are your braids so beautiful?”

“Sister Seven, your shoes… you made them yourself? How did you make them? It’s so beautiful!”

“Wow, Uncle Shiba, you are in good spirits today!”

“Jiu Jinzi! You look so handsome today! Hey, you have to be like this every day and marry your daughter-in-law early in the morning!”

The village cadres are also very happy that the villagers can have such a spiritual outlook.

So this time, the village cadres strictly checked the personal hygiene of the villagers according to Taotao’s previous explanation. They even asked people to open their mouths to check if their teeth were yellow.

Tao Tao was still sitting by the side, registering all the inspection results of the village cadres.

The villagers thought: wow! The village cadres check their personal hygiene so carefully, it can be seen that this is a very important thing…

In the following time, the villagers took care of themselves more and more seriously.

After the autumn harvest, it is the slack season. Although the Ruyi Village Committee has announced many tasks to go to work, most of the other villages have nothing to do.

So it’s dating season.

There are more and more matchmakers who come and go in Ruyi Village and other villages who come to visit relatives.

Outsiders were surprised to find the changes in the villagers of Ruyi Village – why are they all no longer as sloppy as they used to be, and they are all more particular about it?

Clothes must be changed every three days at most, hair is combed every day, teeth and face are brushed and washed twice a day. Many women also like to take ragged clothes to the library to sew—it is said that the librarian Tao Tao will teach everyone how to mend ragged clothes. look good!

In an instant, handsome men and pretty women in Ruyi Village…

Attracts countless matchmakers.


This fall, the most sought-after single man in Ruyi Village is Bai Taotao’s third uncle!

He is in his 40s this year. He is divorced in his prime, and his four daughters are all gone… Not to mention the rest, he is a good farmer because of his strength. He can earn 12 per day when he is busy With the advantage of work points, in just a few days, there were not ten or eight matchmakers who came to the door to match the match for the third uncle Bai!

——There are divorced women, widows with dead husbands and children, and even older girls in their 20s and 50s who have never been married…

For some reason, Uncle Bai kept shaking his head, unwilling to marry again.

Those have nothing to do with peach.

What Taotao is most concerned about now is the third personal hygiene evaluation in the village.

In the first inspection, she caught the whole village by surprise; in the second inspection, in order to improve the confidence of the whole village, she informed her three days in advance; so the third inspection…

Tao Tao is scheduled for the Double Ninth Festival on the ninth day of September.

Early in the morning, she first acted with the women’s federation in the village, went to the elderly care center to pick up all the orphans and widows, gave them a haircut and shampoo in the small square of the village committee, and gave them gifts: one person and two new clothes. Clothes, one for autumn and one for winter, plus one pound of white sugar, one packet of milk powder and ten salted duck eggs per person.

The old people were very happy, smiling happily with toothless mouths.

After condolences to the elderly, the third personal hygiene inspection in the village began.

This time, everyone is very excited and looking forward to it.

– Mainly for that mysterious prize.

Suddenly someone said yin and yang angrily: “People are playing you like monkeys! It’s like buying and selling livestock. Let your mouth open to check your teeth and fingernails… You are not ashamed!”

Taotao looked intently, was it Li Cui’er who was talking?

Take another look at Li Cuier…

In the past two weeks, the appearance of most people in the village has changed, but Li Cuier is still the same – she is wearing an old dirty blue cloth printed top, but the back collar, front and cuffs are dirty. It was black and gray, and there were a few holes in the elbows… In addition, the hair was tied into a sparrow’s tail, and it was a little scattered, and the face was full of filth.

To put it in the past, the images of the people in the village are mostly similar.

Li Cui’er did not look so outstanding.

But today, everyone put on their best clothes and kept themselves neat and tidy…

It makes Li Cuier look like a beggar!

Plus she spoke with one mouth, and everyone smelled a bad breath?


Everyone retreated in unison, all of them showing contempt for Li Cui’er.

Li Cui’er didn’t realize it, and asked people, “Also! Do you know what the prize is? Maybe it’s a piece of rag! It could also be a bag of rapeseeds. If you want to eat ready-made ones, you have to grow your own haha. Ha ha ha ha……”

After thinking about it for a while, Li Cuier said to herself, “If the prize is something good… just watch it, it’s not Taotao’s mother, Taotao’s sister-in-law, or her sister!”

Her tone was vitriolic, but no one paid her any attention.

Bai Taotao didn’t want to pay attention to Li Cuier either.

The selection process went well.

But the winner was beyond everyone’s expectations.

——This lucky one is Zhou Xiaoni!

It wasn’t until then that the villagers suddenly remembered, as if… Since Zhou Chunsheng left and Zhou Chunni got married, Zhou Xiaoni seemed to have changed a person?

The former Zhou Xiaoni was just like the other children in the village, she was stubborn and sloppy.

After Zhou Chunni left, thirteen-year-old Zhou Xiaoni became reticent. She was busy every day from dawn to dusk…not a moment.

Carrying water, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning the yard, and growing all kinds of vegetables in her own yard, and raising a few chickens and ducks; Cleaned up neatly.

It’s just that Zhou Xiaoni has been following Bai Taotao for a while now…

Bai Taotao’s family has always been clean, maybe because Bai Taotao’s light covered Zhou Xiaoni, so everyone didn’t pay attention to her.

Now that the selection results are out…

Everyone was in an uproar at first, and then happily accepted.

“Xiao Ni is really clean! Not only does she clean up herself, but her home and outside are also clean and tidy! It’s worth it!”

“It’s really not easy for little Nier. Her parents are gone, her elder brothers and sisters are gone, she is alone to support the family… She’s only thirteen! Oh, this award should belong to her!”

“Little Nicole is so good. If you want me to say, everyone in our village should learn from her! What’s the matter with one person? You have to live a good life alone!”

“Give the prize to Xiaoni this time! I’ll fight for it next time!”

“I’m going to **** with you! It’s like you love cleanliness more than Xiao Ni! Look at the dandruff on your hair… You haven’t washed your hair for a few days?”

Next, Bai Taotao announced the mysterious prize for the winner – two catties of rice!

There was another uproar in the audience!

What does two kilograms of rice mean?

The old men with the best physical strength in the village, who can do 12 work points a day, have to work for four consecutive days!

The villagers who were still convinced by Zhou Xiaoni just now have their eyes turned red with envy and hatred!

Zhou Xiaoni was both surprised and delighted. In the eyes of everyone’s envy, she took the stage and accepted Tao Tao’s award – two notes with “one pound of rice” stamped with the red official seal.

The yin and yang strange voices from the crowd——

“In my opinion, is it still Bai Taotao’s favoritism? Who doesn’t know, Zhou Xiaoni is Bai Taotao’s sidekick… It must be Bai Taotao who told Zhou Xiaoni about the selection early in the morning, and Zhou Xiaoni only passed the three rounds of evaluation. !”

Bai Taotao heard that this was Li Cuier’s voice.

However, before Tao Tao returned his mouth, the villagers were already excited—

“It turns out that the people from the secretary’s family love cleanliness and decency in our village, but look, no one from the secretary’s family participated in the awards this time! How can this be called favoritism?”

“That’s right! Little Nier didn’t love cleanliness until today. People were like this two or three months ago. Did she know two or three months ago that she was going to do this selection today? If this is the case, people are for these two Jin rice has maintained personal hygiene for two or three months, so I think it should be taken too!”

“Hmph, it’s up to others to be clean when you’re dirty! Look at yourself, you’re as dirty as a beggar!”

“Why, are you jealous? Then clean up yourselves, just like you, the fourth white child still doesn’t despise you, I feel sick when I see you!”


Li Cuier was scolded and cried and ran away.

Then Bai Zhenggan spoke again, encouraging everyone to learn from Zhou Xiaoni, improve their personal hygiene, and improve the hygiene of their own homes, and then asked everyone to pay more attention to the next selection project at the library. I heard that there are also prizes. Oh!

After the meeting, Zhou Xiaoni ran to pick up a pound of rice, and then kept the other pound of rice receipt certificate.

That night, she steamed a small half of a pound of rice, touched a duck egg, went to the vegetable garden and pulled a few leaves, made a random duck egg and vegetable leaf soup, made some pickles, and took it. A bottle of shrimp chili sauce that Taotao gave her came out.

This is her dinner.

She can finally eat a full meal of pure rice!

When the rice was cooked, Zhou Xiaoni took a deep breath with the fragrant rice—

Rice without any grains and beans is really fragrant!

Simply intoxicating.

Then she took a chopstick and mixed the shrimp chili sauce into the rice and mixed it… The oil flowers in the chili sauce dyed the rice red! Zhou Xiaoni took a big mouthful of grilled rice and was choked, so she poured a few mouthfuls of duck egg vegetable leaf soup, and then ate a few mouthfuls of crispy pickled vegetables…

She sighed comfortably, thinking quickly what to do with the remaining half of the rice.

——Take out another half and cook a pot of white porridge tomorrow morning, she can eat it all day by herself! The remaining bit, save it first, and cook it into rice in a few days to satisfy your cravings.

When I was eating my mouth full of oil—

Suddenly someone shouted outside the door, “Xiao Ni? Is Xiao Ni at home?”

Zhou Xiaoni heard that it was Bai Taotao’s voice!

She quickly put down her job and ran out, “I’m here! I’m at home! Sister Tao Tao… Have you eaten yet? Do you want to come in and eat together?”

When she said this, Zhou Xiaoni involuntarily puffed up her chest – thanks to that pound of rice, this was the first time she had dared to invite others over for dinner so generously.

Tao Tao smiled, and without entering the room, she directly handed over something in her arms.

Zhou Xiaoni took a closer look, is it a four-eyed puppy?

Tao Tao said, “My uncle sent a litter of puppies, and my mother asked me to send one to you… You raised it, and it will be given to you to take care of the home in the future!”

The puppy was chubby, with moist eyes, and barked twice towards Zhou Xiaoni.

Zhou Xiaoni was overjoyed, and her heart was turned into cuteness by this little milk dog. She quickly took it and said shyly, “Sister Taotao, I-I have nothing to return!”

Tao Tao smiled and said, “Thank you for what? You are such a fool! Well, as long as you can really live your life well, my parents will be very happy! However, you are the one who takes care of your family now. But you must feed the dog!”

Zhou Xiaoni looked at the puppy.

The puppy hissed his tongue and licked her hand.

Zhou Xiaoni said sincerely, “Sister Taotao, thank you, and thank my uncle and aunt for me!”

“No thanks!” Taotao walked outside, stopped suddenly, and asked her, “Tomorrow we’re going to the town to go to the market, and we have an appointment with Uncle Tan’s ox cart. Are you going?”

Zhou Xiaoni’s eyes lit up, “Go!”

——She had saved a lot of dried mushrooms, dried peppers, etc., and was about to take them to the town to exchange for something else.

Tao Tao raised her hand towards her, “Then at seven o’clock tomorrow, see you at the entrance of the village!”

After speaking, she ran away.

Zhou Xiaoni stared blankly at Tao Tao’s disappearing figure, smiled, and returned to the house with the puppy.


The next day, the Taotao family, except Bai Zhenggan, all carried large and small bags and went to the village to wait for Uncle Tan.

Also accompanied by Er Aunt, sister-in-law Yongjun, sister Caixia from Erfangjia, and Zhou Xiaoni who had been waiting at the entrance of the village early.

After seven o’clock, Uncle Tan finally came over with an ox cart.

Song Zhi helped stack the things everyone brought into the car, and the women sat on them jokingly——

He was too embarrassed to squeeze with the women, so he walked beside Tao Tao.

——It takes about two hours to go from Ruyi Village to the town. It also takes two hours to ride the bullock cart, and the advantage is that you don’t have to carry your own luggage.

The women were joking and laughing…

Suddenly someone shouted from behind, “I’m doing my sister-in-law! Tao Tao… Wait a minute!”

Everyone turned their heads and looked – Yan Naqian was running towards this side?

Xing Xing was anxious, “Uncle Tan, let’s run!”

Tao Tao laughed.

Tang Liren glared at her little daughter both funny and angrily, and shouted, “What’s the point of running? It also seems that we are hiding… as if we are doing something shameful!”

However, Tang Liren was really annoyed by Yan Naqian, so she said to Uncle Da Tan, “Don’t mind her, Da Tan, let her run for a while, we should walk, don’t stop for her!”

Uncle Tan responded.

So, Yan Naqian chased after——

She fully thought that the ox cart would stop and wait for her.


Yan Naqian felt extremely embarrassed!

But although the bullock cart didn’t mean to stop, it didn’t mean to accelerate either?

I also thought that according to the original plot, if she didn’t marry Song Zhi as soon as possible, she would not be able to get a place to return to the city… Leave this terrible place.

Yan Naqian gritted her teeth and continued to run wildly to chase the car.

If the mountain doesn’t come, it’s me, I go to the mountain!

But the big buffalo seemed to be walking slowly, but it took Yan Naqian about half an hour to catch up.

She had never suffered such hardships in her past and present life, and felt extremely wronged.

She saw Song Zhi.

She only had Song Zhi in her eyes.

So Yan Naqian put one hand on the wooden fence of the ox cart, and stretched out the other hand towards Song zhi with tears in her eyes, “Brother Song zhi—”

Song Zhi avoided it perfectly.

Yan Naqian almost fell to the ground…

Fortunately, he desperately held on to the wooden fence, and then he stopped in a very embarrassed manner.

The women on the ox cart have stopped talking, and everyone is staring at Yan Naqian, as if she is an alien.

Yan Naqian woke up, bit her lip, and warned herself in her heart: Since these people don’t like her, she shouldn’t be too attached to them.

So Yan Naqian said politely, “Tao Tao, please let me go and give me a place to come out.”

Taotao replied sweetly: “Sorry, Sister Naqian, I have a lot of luggage here and I can’t move it!”

Yan Naqian took a look-

Indeed, the ox cart was already full of large and small bags, and even because there was too much luggage, the people sitting on the ox cart were all hugging each other, and everyone was holding a basket or a bag or something in their hands.

Taotao said with a smile: “Sister Naqian, you can go with Song Zhi, come on!”

Yan Naqian: Come on, numb, the soles of my mother’s shoes are almost worn out, and there are a few blisters on the soles of my feet.

However, she managed to squeeze out a smile, “Okay!”

After a pause, Yan Naqian looked at Song Zhi again and said coquettishly, “Brother Song Zhi, Tao Tao let me go with you!”

Song Zhili ignored her.

——Originally, he was leaning on Taotao and walking by the ox cart; when Yan Naqian came, he took his place, so he went to the front of the car and chatted with Uncle Da Tan for a few days.

Uncle Tan moved his **** and let Song Zhi get in the car and squeeze with him.

Song Zhi thanked Uncle Da Tan, took the bull-steering seat, and sat side by side with Uncle Da Tan.

Yan Naqian was anxious when she saw it!

——Why is she the only one without a seat? Do you really want her to go to town? How about that! All the people were sitting and she was walking alone? It’s too cheap.

Yan Naqian hurried to the front, “Brother Song Zhi, do you still have a place there…”

there is none left.

The cow-driving seat was originally a one-person seat. Song Zhi and Uncle Tan sat huddled together, and one person only took up half of the buttocks.

Taotao cheered Yan Naqian on, “It doesn’t matter Sister Naqian, just take it as a workout!”

Xing Xing cheered for Yan Naqian, “Anyway, you have gained some weight recently, it’s time to lose weight.”

Yan Naqian:  …

Second Aunt Bai couldn’t help it, and asked Yan Naqian, “Yan Zhiqing, why have you gained so much weight recently… Our Dongsheng daughter-in-law was not as fat as you during her confinement period, don’t be like the Second Army, come on. What endocrine disorders, hormones, etc., become fat like that…”

Yan Naqian: Oh, I can thank you!

——The fact is, when Huang Er’s case came out before, the original body had a miscarriage. After Yan Naqian inherited her original body, she was afraid that her body would be depleted, so she tried to buy some brown sugar, milk powder, etc. to replenish her body.

In addition, she hated doing farm work so much, she always tried to avoid it, and because of the design of Jiang Hongzhi, the people in the educated youth station hated and feared her… No one dared to call her to work again.

She eats and drinks every day, and doesn’t exercise. Although the food is not good, she is still fat.

Tao Tao ignored her, and talked to Xing Xing about the things she wanted to buy in the town later, “…Our village doesn’t produce sweet potatoes, let’s change some sweet potatoes when we arrive in the town, all the sweet potatoes at home will be eaten quickly. It’s over. It would be even better if I could meet someone who could replace it with sweet potato flour!”

Xing Xing was also chattering, “Vinegar! There is also vinegar! Sweet potato flour is delicious when it is made into hot and sour flour! It’s a pity that the bottle of vinegar in our house was knocked over by soybeans… Let’s replace it with two cans of vinegar this time!”

Zhou Xiaoni and Sister Taoxing were already familiar with each other, so they also said, “I want to change a can of rapeseed oil, but I don’t know if I can get it.”

The red bean also mixed a mouthful, “Sigu buy me and soybean a piece of maltose! We promise to eat slowly!”

“Slow – slow! Eat!” Soy also shouted.

Taotao touched the heads of her nephews and nieces, and said with arrogance, “No problem!”

Yan Naqian rolled her eyes, looked surprised, and said to Tang Liren, “Auntie, it turns out that you … are going to the town to speculate?”

Tang Liren sneered, “Yan Zhiqing should take care of yourself! Look at the road, don’t shy away! Today in the town market, people from four towns and eight townships will come to barter, why don’t you go and sell the whole market? Everyone reported it once? Maybe it can even show that your consciousness is very high!”

– In this day and age, speculation is a felony. But the common people go to the market and barter, but they are open and aboveboard.

Does this Yan Naqian feel that she is very capable and has caught others?

Seeing the sarcastic smile on Tang Liren’s face, Yan Naqian knew that she had taken the other party’s pain in the wrong foot, so she had to give up angrily.

At this time, a bus came from far behind.

Taotao saw it and said to Yan Naqian with a smile: “Sister Naqian, how tiring to walk! Why don’t you catch this bus? You’re already here, you only need to spend two cents to take the bus to town. .”

Yan Naqian hesitated for a while, and said without a smile, “I’d better follow you guys. Isn’t this about losing weight?”

——She mainly thought that with her around, Song zhi and Tao Tao would not be so affectionate.

The shuttle bus roared and caught up with the slow ox cart. The driver even honked his horn and called “Bah Bah” twice, which means: Step aside! I’m going to overtake.

Uncle Tan drove the bullock cart aside.

Yan Naqian looked at the slowing bus and lost her mind for a while.

——Her feet are already very tired and painful, and everyone else is sitting on the ox cart, and she is walking alone… This feeling is actually quite humiliating.

She really wanted to get on the bus, and then overtake Bai Taotao and the others proudly.


Yan Naqian bit her lower lip, trying to stabilize her original thoughts – I’ve already suffered halfway, and I’ve eaten all the way, adding so many obstacles to me; in the remaining half On the way, I have to find the place to make you feel uncomfortable!

So she stuck her neck and didn’t want to look at the bus.

Bai Taotao chuckled.

Xing Xing didn’t understand, “fourth sister, why are you laughing?”

Taotao glanced at Yan Naqian and smiled, “It’s nothing.”

I have to say that because of Yan Naqian, the women sitting on the ox cart really can’t chat freely.

But the price Yan Naqian paid for it was not small.

She walked for two full hours, and the soles of the leather shoes, which were already badly worn and not very reliable, fell off…

Fortunately, finally arrived in town.

At this time, the market began to take shape.

Uncle Tan stopped the ox cart some distance from the market. Tang Li and Second Aunt Bai jumped out of the bullock cart with great skill, regardless of their luggage, and ran towards the market without looking back!

Yan Naqian was taken aback.

Then the others also got off the ox cart. Under the leadership of Song Zhi, they carried various backpacks, bamboo baskets and burdens on their backs, chasing Tang Li and Second Aunt Bai.

Yan Naqian was stunned.

She asked “what’s the matter with you” a few times, but no one paid her any attention; she also wanted to chase after her to see what was going on…

But people came all the way in an ox cart, and their physical strength was useless at all. At this moment, they were moving as fast as a tiger!

As for her, she walked for more than two hours, she was exhausted, and the soles of her feet were sore…

In the end, they could only watch Song Zhi and Bai Taotao run away.

Tang Li and Second Aunt Bai moved so quickly so that they could occupy a second-class position in the already large-scale market.

They ran back and forth in the market, and finally settled down.

At the moment, Tang Liren stood on the spot and occupied the position; Second Aunt Bai went to find Song zhi and the others… Soon, Song rank carried a large and small bag of things and led Taotao and the others over.

Almost everyone just took out the bamboo baskets, the backpacks and the things in the luggage, and they haven’t had time to arrange them. Someone came over, took them behind them, and set up a booth.

Song Zhi, sister Tao Xing, Tan Fenghui, who was with her child, and Caixia sister from the second room went to the market.

Tang Li, Second Aunt Bai, and Zhou Xiaoni stayed behind to set up the stall.

Song Zhi came to the market today because he also had his own ideas – he wanted to buy some used goods with recycling value.

So he told Taotao and went for free time.

Tao Tao continued shopping with her sister-in-law and her sister-in-law, and her eyes suddenly swept to a person.

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