Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 62 - Bai Lili was bullied

According to the villagers who came to report the letter, Cheng Zhujun was stuck at the long-distance bus stop, and when he saw someone, he asked, “My fellow, do you know Uncle Bai Zhenggan and Aunt Tang Liren from Ruyi Village?”

Finally asked the villager’s head.

This villager is from Jixiang Village. At that time, when Bai Zheng started to build a new house, Uncle Tang led the crowd to help, and this villager also came at that time. He not only knew Bai Zhenggan, but also knew where Bai Zhenggan’s home was.

So Cheng Zhujun took out a dollar and asked the villager to make a special trip to Bai’s house, saying: The pears are not good, come quickly.

When the villagers arrived at Tao Tao’s house, it was already past eight o’clock at night.

Tang Liren’s legs went soft immediately…

Fortunately, Tao Tao and Xing Xing supported him.

Tan Fenghui took out some warm roasted sweet potatoes in the stove, handed it to the villager who reported the letter, thanked him repeatedly, and sent them out the door.

Tang Liren over there burst into tears, “My pear! What’s going on here…”

Bai Zhengqian was also worried.

After thinking for a while, he said to Song Zhi, “Tomorrow, you can accompany your aunt and Tao Tao into the city and see what’s going on.”

Song Zhiyi responded.

The next day before dawn, the three of them went out to the village to catch a bus.

Along the way, everyone felt heavy.

It was still not until three or four o’clock in the afternoon that Tao Tao got out of the car with her mother and Song Zhi.

As soon as they got out of the station, everyone saw Cheng Zhujun who was guarding the exit of the bus station.

“Little Bamboo! What’s wrong… My sister, what’s wrong with her?” Taotao asked anxiously.

Cheng Zhujun was even more anxious than her, “Don’t say get on the bus, I’ll take you to her dormitory to find her!”


When everyone looked, they saw a semi-old tricycle parked beside Cheng Zhujun.

Cheng Zhujun explained: “I borrowed this, get in the car!”

Tao Tao and Tang Liren got into the car.

Song Zhi said to Cheng Zhujun: “You are also sitting in the car, tell me how to go, and I will pedal the car.”

Cheng Zhujun saw that others had tall legs and long legs, and the body of the tricycle was not big, so he probably wouldn’t be able to sit down. What’s more, he was still a man and had more strength to pedal, so she slipped into the car and sat with Taotao Tang Liren, pointing her finger forward, pointing the way from time to time.

At the same time, she also took the time to say to Tao Tao, “That’s what happened…”

Bai Lili came to the city to work, and the work place was not far from Cheng Zhujun’s house, so the two often communicated.

There is electricity in the city at night. After Bai Lili finishes her work during the day, she often reads and reads at night. It happened that Cheng Zhujun was also self-studying under Taotao’s guidance.

So every night after Cheng Zhujun finished setting up the stall, he would go to Bai Lili’s dormitory to find her. The two would spend half an hour checking each other’s progress in learning, and then Cheng Zhujun would leave.

But one night a few days ago, when Cheng Zhujun went to look for Bai Lili, he found Bai Lili crying.

Cheng Zhujun asked her what was wrong, and she said that she was a little uncomfortable, and told Cheng Zhujun to leave it alone.

The next night, Cheng Zhujun went to Bai Lili again. Well, Bai Lili was injured all over his body, and his face was blue and swollen! Cheng Zhujun hurriedly asked her what was going on, Bai Lili just covered her face and cried…

Cheng Zhujun had no choice but to ask other people in the same bedroom as Bai Lili, but everyone was silent, and no one dared to say anything! Cheng Zhujun took a closer look and found that the wound on Bai Lili’s hand had festered!

She couldn’t bear it, but as the New Year was approaching, Uncle Qin and his wife took leave this year to go back to their hometown. Cheng Zhujun couldn’t find someone to find out about the situation.

After another two days, the scars on Bai Lili’s body became more and more serious, and she couldn’t even walk…

Cheng Zhujun was in a hurry, so he had to go to the long-distance bus early in the morning to block people. Finally, he found a villager who knew Bai Zhenggan and sent a message to him.

After listening to Cheng Zhujun’s words, Taotao and Tang Liren were even more anxious.

Song Zhi also accelerated the speed of pedaling the tricycle.

After a while, under the guidance of Cheng Zhujun, Song Zhi rode the tricycle to the back door of the state-run hotel not far from the train station.

The family dormitory area of ​​the state-run hotel is here.

It is now more than four o’clock in the afternoon, and there is still an hour before dinner time. Almost all the employees are busy in the restaurant in front.

In the state-run hotel, there are not many employees, only 20 or 30 people. The dormitory compound is not big, and there are only a few old people with babies sitting idle.

Tao Tao stood at the door of the dormitory compound, looked inside, observed it for a while, then went outside to buy a handful of hard candies for five cents, and asked her mother and Cheng Zhujun to wait outside, she went in and found a The old man who seemed to be kind-hearted asked, “Old man, is Bai Lili there?”

The old man, “I’m not here, it’s work time, she’s working in front of her!”

Then he looked at her again, “Who are you?”

Tao Tao smiled and said, “I’m a fellow from the same village as her. It’s almost New Year’s Eve. I want to come over and ask her when I’m going back to the countryside. I want to take the bus back with her.”

Then she saw two dirty children crawling around at the feet of the old man, she took out a few candies from her pocket and handed them to the children, “The children are so beautiful, come, auntie, please. Eat candy!”

The old man said quickly: “Oh, you are too polite!”

Tao Tao smiled and asked, “Mother-in-law, is this your grandchildren? It looks so smart and clever…”

She coaxed the old man into a smile with a few words, and then tentatively asked, “My fellow just came to work in your unit not long ago, and I don’t know if she is used to it…”

The old man looked left and right, lowered his voice and said, “When Chef Qin was still there, Bai Lili had a good time. Now Chef Qin and his wife have taken leave to go back to their hometown for the Chinese New Year… Bai Lili was bullied! Alas, I’m still young, and my parents aren’t around… You, why don’t you send a letter back and ask Bai Lili’s parents to come and lead someone… Forget it! When Lao Qin comes back after the new year, she will come back again!”

After a pause, the old man said again, “But at this juncture, when the unit is looking for people, Bai Lili is a temporary worker. If he leaves now, if there is a chance to become a regular in the future, he is afraid that others will take this. say she…”

Seeing someone coming from a distance, the old man stood up and prepared to leave with a pair of grandchildren.

Tao Tao took the time to ask another question, “Mother-in-law, who can’t get along with my fellow villager?”

Saying that, she grabbed another handful of candies in her pocket and stuffed them into the old man’s hands, “Mother-in-law, keep it and use it to coax your grandson to eat.”

The old man clenched the hard candy in his palm and dropped a few words lightly, “…Zhang Zhifa’s wife.” Then he left with his grandchildren.

Tao Tao left the yard.

Tang Li and Cheng Zhujun gathered around, “How?”

Tao Tao said one by one, and then Tang Liren said, “Mom, go and ask who this Zhang Zhifa’s wife is.” After speaking, she took out a handful of the fruit candy she just bought and stuffed it with her mother.

Tang Liren nodded.

She also has her own way.

Tang Liren stood for a while at the entrance of the family compound of the state-run hotel. She saw a middle-aged woman and greeted her, “Hello comrade, I have something to trouble you, I want to ask… Do you know Zhang Zhifa from Tongzi Village? ?”

A middle-aged woman, “Zhang Zhifa? Is it Chef Zhang of a state-run hotel? But his hometown doesn’t seem to be Tongzi Village, it seems to be from Nankou Village!”

Tang Liren, “Ah, then, that may be wrong, thank you!”

—So she knew that Zhang Zhifa was a chef in a state-run restaurant, and his hometown was in Nankou Village.

Tang Liren walked a few steps aimlessly, and saw a few middle-aged women chatting on a street corner not far away—Tang Liren remembered very clearly that when Song zhi stepped on a tricycle to take them into this alley, these few Women are chatting here, and they are still chatting now? It’s been over half an hour!

Tang Liren went over, “Hello, old sisters, I’m here to ask you a few things!”

The women looked at Tang Liren, “What’s the matter with you?”

Tang Liren said, “Excuse me…Where is the dormitory compound of the state-run hotel? I’m from Nankou Village, and I want to find Chef Zhang…”

Woman A, “The dormitory compound of the state-run hotel is over there!”

Woman B, “He’s at work at this time!”

Third woman, “What are you doing with him?”

Tang Liren, “Is he at work? Well, then I can also find his wife… Oh, anyway, I was also entrusted to bring the words, and I will complete the task when I bring the words, haha! By the way, old sisters, you guys Do you recognize his wife? Can you help lead the way? Or help spread the word.”

Several women looked at each other and asked, “What are you talking about?”

Tang Liren, “His parents asked him that he hasn’t brought money back for more than half a year. Recently, the village suffered another disaster and life is difficult. Please bring some money back to help.”

– First of all, Tang Liren didn’t know how old Zhang Zhifa was and whether she had parents at home, so she used the word “elder”; secondly, when she said the disaster in the village, she attracted people’s attention.

This year, it is true that the income of Shili Baxiang is not good. It is normal for people from my hometown to ask for money.

The women immediately blew up their nests and started talking about—

“Then I’m definitely not going to talk to you!”

“That’s right, go by yourself!”

“Zhang Zhifa’s wife is very savage! Don’t go, if you go, you might even be beaten!”

“Which one called you to send a message, I’m afraid it’s not very good and kind?”

When Tang Liren heard the show, she immediately asked: “Old sisters, to tell you the truth, I’m actually not from Nankou Village. My relatives married in Nankou Village, and they knew that I was going to the city today, so I asked me to bring this message. Yes… But as for my relative, I can’t offend me now. So please do your best, tell me about the Zhang family, and I’ll see how I can take this… not to be offended…”

With that said, Tang Liren also took out a few candies that Taotao handed her just now, and handed them to the women one by one, “Old sisters eat candy… Oh, I’m really scared, please give me some advice!”

The women took the candy, peeled off the candy wrapper and ate it, and chatted.

This said, Zhang Zhifa’s wife is greedy for petty cheap, savage and unreasonable, and especially jealous. Whoever it is, as long as it’s a woman, she only needs to say one more word to her man… that’s the end, this woman will definitely be killed by Zhang Zhifa’s wife!

In the past, there was a little girl who was a temporary worker in the state-run restaurant. When she attacked Zhang Zhifa, she asked one more question, “Master, how long do you want to cut the green onion?” Then Zhang Zhifa’s wife went crazy and said that this little girl wanted to seduce her. Man, in the end, the little girl was forced to do nothing and jumped into the river to prove her innocence… Fortunately, she was saved by a passing People’s Liberation Army, so she didn’t really lose her life.

Zhang Zhifa’s wife also gave birth to a son and a daughter, a nine-year-old daughter and a seven-year-old son.

She is extremely patriarchal, and her son is used to being lawless. Her daughter is like her family’s slave. All the housework is done, and she has to find a way to earn money outside… I heard that she also stipulated that her daughter must every day How much money do you have to earn to come back? If you don’t earn it, you will be beaten and scolded. In the winter, your daughter is starving and kneeling at the door with her shirtless. Who would dare to go over and secretly give her a bowl of rice to eat and cover it with a piece of clothing… Okay? , Zhang Zhifa’s wife will tear down other people’s homes!

My daughter was forced to do nothing. She sometimes stole, sometimes robbed… The owner came to the door, and Zhang Zhifa’s wife pushed her daughter out, saying, “She stole it, and it doesn’t matter to me if she robbed me, or you’ll be killed.” she?

Then others can’t really care about a child of a few years old, they can only admit that they are unlucky.

Tang Liren has always loved her children, and when she heard this, her fists became hard.

Another woman said, Zhang Zhifa himself is not a thing, he and his wife, it is a broken pot with a bad lid, absolutely!

Zhang Zhifa’s wife looked at him very closely because the man was indiscreet and had a previous criminal record, and he hurt his first cousin. That cousin was an orphan, and her parents were gone. She lived in his house since she was a child, and she didn’t dare to say that she was bullied by him. He still has the face to find a partner for his cousin, and he also received a large amount of dowry money from the other party… As a result, the night before the wedding, the cousin left a letter to his fiance and jumped into the river to die.

The man came to Zhang Zhifa’s theory and asked Zhang Zhifa to return the dowry. Zhang Zhifa said that the money will not be refunded, and the body can be given to you. The other party refused to do it, and they quarreled without a word. Later, Zhang Zhifa took a kitchen knife and slashed several other people. The other party called the police, and the police came to mediate, but Zhang Zhifa would rather go to jail than pay back the money.

So he served a year in prison. The first thing he did after he was released was to go to the man’s house to make a scene, and the second thing was to sell his cousin’s body to another family for a yin marriage. !

– Is this smart hair still human?

Tang Liren was gasping for breath.

At this time, another woman said, “Hey, have you heard that there is another temporary worker in the state-run hotel recently. She is a little girl from the countryside. She looks strangely beautiful. She is a good person and sweet mouth… I I just heard that Zhang Zhifa wanted to **** this little girl, so his wife looked at him closely, and bullied that little girl to death, probably because she wanted to force that little girl to go…poor!”

Tang Liren’s heart clenched tightly, “That little girl is…”

“I don’t know if it’s called Apple or Pear. She’s a good girl, but she’s so unlucky!” said the woman, “Oh, it’s time, I’m going home to cook!”

The women hurried away.

Tang Liren gnashed her teeth and joined Taotao, Cheng Zhujun, and Song zhi, and told everything she had heard.

Taotao first asked Cheng Zhujun if he knew Manager Xu and Section Chief Feng in the state-run restaurant.

Cheng Zhujun did not know him.

She ran to inquire, and came back after a while, saying, “Senior Feng is not here either. Like Uncle Qin, he also took leave to go back to his hometown for the Chinese New Year. Manager Xu is here… Zhang Zhifa’s wife is Xu Fengjuan, she is Manager Xu’s niece. Manager Xu’s mother has been hospitalized these days, and Manager Xu hasn’t been to the unit for several days.”

Tao Tao thought to herself: That’s no wonder.

Tang Liren asked, “Then Xu Fengjuan is also an employee in this hotel?”

Cheng Zhujun ran to inquire again, and then came back in a hurry, “Xu Fengjuan is not a regular worker, she is also a temporary worker in a state-run hotel.”

The crowd suddenly realized.

—Zhang Zhifa bullied Bai Lili for being gentle and beautiful, and wanted to take advantage; Xu Fengjuan and Bai Lili were both temporary workers, so they had a conflict of competing for positions!

So, how to solve it?

Tao Tao said, “Mom, it’s already time for dinner, let’s go eat!” Then she said to Cheng Zhujun, “Has your brother’s illness been cured? Don’t go back to cook, let’s cook together. Go to a state-run restaurant for dinner.”

This time, Cheng Zhujun didn’t refuse and said, “Then you go first, I’ll go home to pick up my brother.”

The crowd parted ways.

Tang Liren discussed with Song Zhi, “Xu Fengjuan is Manager Xu’s niece, so it is estimated that the bowl of water is not level. What should we do with this…”

Song Zhi thought for a while, “I’m familiar with the director of the Red Star Factory. He has a good relationship with the mayor. Do you want to…”

Tao Tao said: “It sounds like these two are not good people! Let’s find a way to see with our own eyes. If they are really bad people, we must cut the grass and root, and we can’t let them continue to harm people!”

While speaking, the three walked to the state-run hotel.

A woman in her thirties sat at the door, with a fierce look on her face.

She saw these three people: Song Zhi was well-dressed, and Tao Tao was beautiful and elegant, but Tang Liren was dressed simply and looked like a countryman?

The waitress in this restaurant looked like her nostrils were upturned, “Want to go to a state-run restaurant for dinner? Do you have any money? Get out if you don’t have any money! Don’t stand here blocking our business!”

During the conversation, a young couple with a small child also walked into the state-run hotel.

Hearing that the waiter’s attitude was so bad, the husband couldn’t help frowning and said, “This comrade, you are a restaurant employee and you are in the service industry, can you be a little more polite? We are here to dine with you. , not to be angry.”

The waiter took a look and saw that the husband of the young couple was wearing sharp trousers and a Chinese tunic suit, the wife was wearing leather shoes and a Shanghai brand watch on her wrist, and the child in her arms was also brightly dressed. Her attitude was a little better, and she didn’t speak so loudly, “Oh, I didn’t say that you wouldn’t be allowed to come in for dinner… Go in, go in!”

However, when the family of three entered—

The waiter still stopped Tang Liren and said with a pair of white eyes, “Country people are not allowed to enter!”

Tang Liren was angry, she took out a handful of banknotes from her pocket and slapped it on the table in front of the waitress, “Can you count how much money there is here?”

The waiter looked at it, at least there are more than ten Zhang Dalian?

Her arrogant arrogance subsided a little, “…Go in! Hey, let me tell you, you can’t just order vegetarian dishes when you enter our restaurant, or you can get out of here! If you don’t want to eat it, don’t eat it!”

Tang Liren was so angry that she thought that my family Lili was not working here, so because of your service attitude, I wouldn’t even come if you asked me to come!

It was dinner time, but there were not many people in the restaurant.

Tao Tao’s group of three found a seat and sat down, and the family of three also sat down at the table next to them.

The vicious waitress came over with a small basket.

– She has chips in her basket, with different colors representing different prices.

The waitress stared at Tang Liren with slanted eyes, which meant “If you don’t pay too much, my mother will drive you out”.

Tang Liren exchanged chips of ten yuan.

The waiter’s expression turned a little darker, and he urged impatiently, “Hurry up and order! What are you doing?”

Taotao looked at the wooden sign with the names of various dishes on the wall, and ordered the braised pork and steamed egg that she wanted to eat; Song Zhi ordered homemade tofu and fried eggplant, and Tang Liren ordered a white cut chicken And a bowl of loofah meatball soup, plus two bowls of rice for one person, a total of ten bowls of rice…

A total of three yuan and six.

The waitress took away the chips of three sixty cents, then found the small cards of these dishes from the basket, threw them on the table rudely, and went to the next table.

Tao Tao, “The business here is so bad, is it because of this woman’s service attitude?”

The woman turned her head angrily and looked at Tao Tao.

Tang Liren, “Forget it… Song zhi, hand over the card!”

Song zhi took the small card and went to the reception window to register.

Turns out the young couple at the next table had already quarreled with the waitress!

Taotao heard the truth, because the young couple ordered a soft white porridge, a stir-fried vegetarian sanxian, a western red egg drop soup and two bowls of rice.

The very fierce waitress scolded, “You are too embarrassed to go out with only so many dishes? I think you two are well-dressed, so you don’t have a job? There is no unit canteen to eat? Come to us to spend Come and enjoy it for less than a dollar?”

The wife couldn’t help it, “Why are you like this, what do you care about us!”

Waitress, “Poor ghost! Don’t come if you can’t afford it…”

The husband was also angry, “We only need these few items, you can tell me if you will give me the money in exchange? It’s okay if you don’t change the money, I’ll go to your manager Xu!”

“It’s only eighty-five cents, so I still have the face to go to the restaurant!” The waitress rolled her eyes, took the money angrily, and found a few small-denomination chips to throw on their table, which is equivalent to getting change.

However, she threw it too hard, and the two or three bamboo chips bounced on the table a few times before falling to the ground.

The husband was furious, “This is how you entertain diners? You, pick it up for me and apologize to me!”

The waitress, “Sick!” rolled her eyes and left.

The husband was so angry that he wanted to catch up and reason with the waitress, but the child held by his wife might have been frightened, so he burst into tears and weakly called his father…

The wife also said, “Forget it, don’t have the same knowledge as this kind of person! Hurry up and hand over the sign, Jiaojiao is starving.”

The husband suppressed his anger and hurriedly went to the window to hand over the small wooden sign, registered, and then returned to his seat, ready to bend over to pick up the bamboo chips…

The waitress came over again and stepped on one of the bamboo chips!

The husband’s already calm emotions were stirred up again, and he couldn’t bear his anger, “You!”

The waitress gave the young couple a contemptuous look and walked away arrogant.

The wife reassured her husband, “Don’t worry about her, hey, it’s also my fault. I came here to eat once during a dinner party in my work unit, and I was shocked! That’s why I thought about convincing you to come and eat once. Who would have known their attitude? Bad, we won’t come again in the future, okay?”

The little girl timidly called out to her father again.

The husband finally calmed down, took his daughter from his wife’s arms, and coaxed in a low voice.

The family of three gets along quite warmly.

Tao Tao saw this scene in her eyes and felt that the waitress was really sick, so she said, “What’s the attitude of this waitress?”

Just in time, another waiter came to deliver the dishes, which were steamed eggs and fried eggplants.

Hearing Taotao’s words, the waiter who served the food looked at the fierce waiter sitting at the door and said, “This is because, isn’t it near the end of the year recently, many people in our hotel have asked for leave to go back to their hometown for the New Year, and even The cashier also took a leave of absence! The manpower is not enough, so she replaced it!”

“She’s a temporary worker… But she has a good life. She is the niece of our hotel manager, so she can do this job as a substitute cashier. How is it? It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It’s a pity, I’ll wait for someone to take care of it after the New Year. The regular worker of the iron rice bowl is back, and she also goes to the back kitchen to wash dishes and pick vegetables!”

After saying that, the waiter who served the food turned around and left.

Tang Liren, Tao Tao and Song Zhi looked at each other.

— That fierce waitress, a temporary worker, or the niece of the restaurant manager?

Xu Fengjuan? !

At this time, Cheng Zhujun held his brother’s hand and was about to enter the restaurant.

Xu Fengjuan, who was full of flesh, stood up at once, “What do you want to do?”

Cheng Zhujun was frightened, “Eat, eat!”

“Eat?” Xu Fengjuan looked at Cheng Zhujun and her younger brother, why didn’t she think that this pair of siblings didn’t look like people who could afford to eat in a state-run restaurant, so she yelled at them, “I think you two want to eat shit? “

Cheng Zhuping was still young, so he cried with fright when he heard “Wow”.

Tang Liren shouted: “Little Jun, come in quickly!”

Cheng Zhujun quickly took his brother’s hand and ran in, with a look of shock on his face, “My God, this waiter is so fierce, it scared me to death…”

Cheng Zhuping cried and choked.

Tao Tao touched a few candies and came out to coax him, “Brother don’t cry, take this…”

Cheng Zhuping looked at Taotao with bright eyes. First, he glanced at his sister and saw that her sister showed an expression of approval. Then he took the fruit candy from Taotao, “Thank you, sister Taotao!”

Taotao patted his head, “No thanks, but it’s time to eat, take this candy, don’t eat it, and eat it after dinner, okay?”

Cheng Zhuping was taken aback, “Why?”

Taotao, “I’m not hungry because I eat candy, but we ordered braised pork. When you’re full after eating candy, you won’t be able to eat braised pork… Wouldn’t it be a loss?”

Cheng Zhuping nodded again and again.

The little girl at the next table is also making trouble, “Dad, Jiaojiao is hungry, hungry…”

At first glance, the husband seems to be someone who can’t take care of children, and can only coax; the wife is in a hurry, looking for something to eat to coax her daughter, but she can’t find anything.

Taotao took out three hard candies, held them in her palm, and showed them to the little girl, “Little sister, let’s play a game! I’ll ask questions, you answer. If you answer one question right, I’ll I’ll give you one candy, if you answer three questions correctly, I’ll give you three candies, okay?”

The little girl was only two years old at most. She was very beautiful and thin, and her hair was thin and yellow. She looked at Bai Taotao for a while, then looked at her mother, and when she saw that she had no objection, she nodded.

Tao Tao clenched her hand into a fist and asked the little girl, “First question: How many candies do I have in my hand?”

“Three candies—” the little girl said sweetly.

Taotao spread her palms with a smile and counted one by one, “One, two, three… Wow, you are so smart! Congratulations on your guess! Then I will reward you with a candy!”

She really handed the little girl a candy.

The little girl was pleasantly surprised, holding the candy in her little hands, eagerly waiting for the next question.

Tao Tao clenched her hand into a fist again, “Second question: How many candies do I still have in my hand?”

“Three candies—” the little girl said sweetly.

People all laughed.

Tao Tao also smiled, spread out her hands, and counted, “One, two… Oops, you guessed wrong!”

The little girl was shocked, “What about one more?!”

People think little girls are more cute.

Taotao also smiled, “There’s one more candy… I owe you what I owe you! Congratulations, you got the answer right! I’ll give you another candy as a reward!” As she spoke, she handed another candy to the little girl.

Now Tao Tao has only one piece of candy left in her hand.

She asked the little girl quietly, “How many candies are left now?”

The little girl saw clearly, “One!”

Tao Tao clenched her fists again and asked, “Okay, then let’s start guessing… How many candies do I have in my hand now?”

The little girl said in a milky voice, “A candy—”

Taotao breathed a sigh of relief, “Fortunately, you guessed right, otherwise… If you guess three more, I’ll have to pay two more candies!”

Everyone laughed.

Tao Tao gave the candy in her hand to the little girl, then took out another candy and handed it to the little girl, “Hey, this is the candy I owe you, keep it!”

The little girl’s hands are too small to hold.

Tao Tao helped her catch it.

The little girl’s mother smiled and said, “Comrade, this is not good. I have to thank you for making fun of the children. It’s not appropriate for you to take so many candies…” Then she said to her daughter, “Jiaojiao, auntie is talking to you. You’re joking, do you want the candy back to auntie?”

Taotao smiled and said, “It’s alright, let her play with it! But it’s almost time to eat, so let the child eat after eating!”

The two families chatted.

Tao Tao only said that they came to the city to see relatives, and the other couple, the wife’s name is Dong Mingchun, who works in the county party committee; the husband’s name is He Zhaoguo, who works in the city party committee. This time, He Zhaoguo went to work in the countryside and passed through the Songxian Railway Station, so he and his wife made an appointment to have dinner near the railway station, mainly to see his wife and children.

The waiter in charge of serving the dishes finished the dishes on Taotao’s table, and then told Dong Mingchun, “Comrade, our chef said that there is no more white rice porridge, so you can change it for the same price!”

Dong Mingchun was stunned, “But my child has been sick these days, so he can only eat plain white porridge!”

The waiter, “That’s no way!”

turned away.

Dong Mingchun was anxious, “Wait! Why are you doing this!”

Tang Liren also stopped the waiter, “Comrade, could you please call Bai Lili out, please?”

The waiter responded and entered the back kitchen.

After a while, someone stretched out their head from the back kitchen. After seeing Tang Li and Tao Tao clearly, they shouted in surprise, “Mom? Tao Tao!”

Taotao, “Third sister!”

Cheng Zhujun, “Third sister!”

Bai Lili hurried over, “Mom, why are you here?”

Tang Liren clearly saw the bruises and marks on her daughter’s face, and said in surprise, “Someone bullied you?”

Bai Lili suddenly remembered the injury on her face, and quickly covered her face with her hands, “No…”

However, Taotao also clearly saw that the third sister’s hands were full of scars, like scratches or burns?

“Third sister, your hand…” Taotao exclaimed.

Bai Lili hurriedly hid her hands behind her, and said embarrassedly, “I, I’m fine… By the way, what are you doing here?”

Song Zhi persuaded in a low voice, “Auntie, Taotao, it’s Lizi’s work time now, don’t disturb her for too long.”

Tang Liren took a deep breath, took a deep breath, and said to her daughter, “The little girl at the next table is ill and wants to eat a bowl of soft white porridge. Your colleagues just said that there is no soft white porridge, you can think of a way!”

Bai Lili looked at the little girl at the next table nestled in her young mother’s arms and nodded, “Okay, I’ll go make porridge for her now, don’t worry, it will be done in ten minutes… Right, I get off work at 8:30 at night, Where do you live? Or the train station guest house?”

Seeing that both her mother and sister nodded, Bai Lili said, “Then I’ll go look for you after work.” After that, she left in a hurry.

It is basically impossible to cook a bowl of soft white porridge in ten minutes.

However, the kitchen has rice soaked in water, ready to be steamed.

Baili Li scooped a spoonful of rice that had been soaked for at least three or four hours, put it in a wooden bowl, and then used the knife of a kitchen knife to gently beat the soaked rice into rice paste, and then poured it into a small bowl together with rice water. pot, bring to a boil, stir a few more times, remove it with a spoon and take a look—

Although it doesn’t have the thick feeling of soft white porridge, at least the rice grains are soft and rotten, which is suitable for sick children to eat.

Bai Lili poured the soft white porridge in the pot into a large bowl and took it out.

Sister Lu, who was in charge of serving the food, was not there.

Bai Lili walked to her mother and sister with the soft white porridge by herself, put down the porridge bowl, and said kindly: “The hastily boiled porridge may not be as thick as the soft white porridge, but it should be no problem for children to eat it. Just use it. By the way, be careful with the heat.”

Dong Mingchun scooped up the porridge water with a spoon and was very satisfied, “This is very good, thank you, comrade!”

Bai Lili smiled at her, and turned to see Sister Lu sitting at the door, as if she was mumbling with Xu Fengjuan?

Bai Lili didn’t think too much, and called to the door, “Miss Lu, I’ve already served the white porridge at table A and 3!”

As a result, Xu Fengjuan rushed over like a madman, and said in a vicious voice: “Didn’t I already say that there is no soft white porridge? Where did you get this porridge?”

Bai Lili was inexplicable, “It’s cooked now!”

Xu Fengjuan, “Today, the back kitchen didn’t cook porridge at all! Say it! Are you because you know all of these people, so you made a bulletin and privately… privately used the collective’s food to get food for your relatives?”

Bai Lili couldn’t come back to her senses, “They originally ordered this soft white porridge…”

Xu Fengjuan was aggressive, “But there is no white porridge in our restaurant today!”

He Zhaoguo couldn’t see it, “You are a restaurant! You can make porridge if you have rice! And we don’t know this lesbian… It’s just that we want to eat a bowl of porridge, and the menu in your restaurant also says Mianbai porridge, and then This comrade made us a bowl of white porridge, why did she use the collective things privately? Did you confiscate my money code?”

Xu Fengjuan scolded her with her hands on her hips, “Shut up for me! Did I ask you something? If you **** don’t want to eat, get out of here! You have the face to go to a restaurant for less than a dollar for a meal…”

At this time, Dong Mingchun saw that his daughter was so hungry that she was biting her fingers, so he took a spoon and scooped a spoonful of hot porridge.

Xu Fengjuan overturned the bowl of porridge that was boiling with soup and drank, “The origin of this porridge is unknown, none of you want to eat it!”

Xiao Jiaojiao was so frightened that she cried loudly with a “wow”.

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