Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 82 - Big White Peach\\\'s Wrath (1)

Just as Wang Guangcai staggered away from the table, everyone stared at him.

Of course, because of the angle, no one saw Song Zhi stretch out his long legs and trip over Wang Guangcai.

After Wang Guangcai fell to the ground, he staggered to get up and suddenly saw Wang Bingyuan.

The two police officers rushed over quickly, one pulled Wang Bingyuan behind him, and the other held the stool lifted by Wang Guangcai…

However, the strength and speed of Wang Guangcai’s shot was beyond everyone’s expectations.

He kicked the police directly.

The police misestimated Wang Guangcai’s speed and strength, not only did he not dodge, he was kicked out three or four meters away!

The section chief of the Security Section of Agricultural University and two security guards rushed up immediately…

Good guy, that Wang Guangcai was crazy, he insulted Wang Bingyuan in a mess, and then brought down a section chief and two security guards one by one!

There were many students present also eating in the cafeteria.

In an instant, the female students screamed and cried and fled, and the male students accused one after another. Most of the people fled, but there were also a few courageous people who stood by, waiting for an opportunity to come over and subdue Wang Guangcai.

Song Zhi stood up and stared at Wang Guangcai coldly.

——He will not forget the look this guy looked at Tao Tao just now.

He can’t stand it.

The girl who was pampered by him on the top of his heart was afraid of melting and flying, and wished to collect all the best things in the world and pile them up for her…

How could she be desecrated by such evil and salty eyes?

Song Zhi stared at Wang Guangcai, and his eyes suddenly burst into a sinister light.

He stood up silently, took a few gloomy steps forward, and jumped behind Wang Guangcai at an unbelievable speed. ——

This series of movements is like a cloud of water, and there is no pause for half a second.


The huge and fat body fell firmly on the cement, making a thrilling muffled sound.

Wang Guangcai did not move.

The police officer who had Wang Bingyuan behind him immediately went over, put his hand under Wang Guangcai’s nose, and then heaved a sigh of relief, “He passed out…”

Before he finished speaking, everyone heard Wang Guangcai’s snoring like thunder.

Everyone was in shock.

The president of Agricultural University said to Song Zhi embarrassedly: “Xiao Song, you, you…you are quite strong hahahahaha.”

Song Zhi had regained his gentle and elegant appearance in an instant, and explained with a polite smile: “I have been a blacksmith for years in the countryside to cut the queue.”


Nice to meet you.

The staff of the Women’s Federation sighed: “This person goes crazy when he is drunk. He doesn’t recognize his six relatives. He beats people so badly. Could it be that his wife was really beaten to death by him?”

Director Tian looked at Wang Bingyuan distressedly, “Pity those two children! I saw it when I was in the office just now… If it is a normal father-daughter relationship, how could Bingyuan be so afraid?”

At this time, everyone rushed over to take care of the police officer who was kicked by Wang Guangcai.

I saw that the policeman’s face was ashen, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth?

Everyone was so frightened that they carried him out on a bench and hurried to the hospital.

With the school leaders around, Tao Tao and Song Zhi didn’t need to come forward for these matters. However, Director Tian and the staff of the Women’s Federation took Wang Bingyuan away, saying that they wanted to chat with her alone.

Wang Bingyuan also wanted to take Taotao and Zhang Lingzhi as company, but the staff of the Women’s Federation did not allow it.

Given that the other party was a woman and had great goodwill, the unconscious Wang Guangcai was also guarded by the security department… Wang Bingyuan was no longer afraid and followed Director Tian away.

Tao Tao and Song Zhi went to the single dormitory of the University of Technology.

Song Zhi’s face was very gloomy, and he kept holding Taotao’s hand.

——I don’t know why, Wang Guangcai looked at Tao Tao with fascination, and so far he couldn’t let Song zhi feel relieved.

Tao Tao also felt Song Zhi’s unhappiness.

She has been pondering.

Is it because you didn’t have a good meal? Or was it because he drank on an empty stomach? Ah, could it be that he was injured when he beat Wang Guangcai?

Taotao hurriedly reached out and touched Song zhi’s stomach—well, his lower abdomen was full of hard lumps of abdominal muscles, and she couldn’t tell if he was starving.

Tao Tao touched Song zhi’s forehead—she stopped, stood on tiptoe, and reached out to him; he realized her intention, immediately lowered his head, and cooperated with her obediently. However, the temperature of his forehead was normal, and he didn’t look uncomfortable.

In the end, Taotao pulled Song Zhi’s hand again and looked over and over – his hand was warm and dry, slender and strong, with thin calluses on the palms and fingers, which was caused by his long working in the farm. Doesn’t seem to be hurt anywhere?

Taotao looked at Song zhi worriedly, “Are you uncomfortable?”

Song Zhi: …

– She doesn’t know anything.

He looked at her ignorant eyes, sighed, and touched her head, “No.”

Tao Tao, “Then I will cook noodles for you today, okay?”

Song Zhi, “I’ll cook it, hurry up and take a hot bath.”

Tao Tao thought for a while, “Then you still beat three eggs, then you two and me one!”

Song Zhi finally smiled and asked meaningfully, “Let me not be too vain?”

Tao Tao suddenly became angry and threw off his hand, snorted heavily, and ran in front of him.

Song Zhi slowly followed.

——Originally, his unhappiness stemmed from others coveting his beloved girl, but his girl couldn’t understand other people’s sexual cues, which would be more or less disadvantaged. But after thinking about it, he didn’t plan to separate from her. Since she doesn’t understand this, he will protect her.

Why ask her to comprehend those unbearably pickled things?

The two returned to Song Zhi’s single dormitory. Song Zhi was still cooking noodles, and Tao Tao went to take a bath first.

After eating, Taotao took the initiative to close the door and pushed Song Zhi down.

She could feel that Song Zhi was very angry today.

But she didn’t know why.

In the past, most of him were very gentle. Of course, sometimes he also has emotions, but most of them can be controlled, at least the expression on his face can be maintained.

He rarely gets out of control.

It is today.

She pressed him down and bit him, harder than usual, but cautiously.

Song Zhi’s eyes suddenly became dark.

He hugged the big white peach tightly, with a domineering aura that was completely irresistible.

Tao Tao broke free and pouted and asked, “What the **** happened to you today?”

He looked at her fixedly.

“Why are you angry?” Tao Tao tilted her head and looked at him.

Song Zhi answered lightly, “No.”

– It had nothing to do with her.

Tao Tao questioned him, “Then why are you different from usual? Is it because you drank?”

Song Zhi: …

“I heard that a man can’t be hard when he’s drunk!”

Song Zhi: ! ! !

First, I’m not drunk.

Second, where did you hear this crap?

Today, let you see whether it can be hard!


Song Zhi began to calculate.

——Da Baitao has always been heartless and rarely worried about him like this. Rather than…

Song Zhi frowned, “It has nothing to do with drinking, but it does feel a little uncomfortable.”

Taotao was very concerned, “Where is it uncomfortable?”

“Hands hurt.” Song zhi replied casually, then he held the big white peach and gently licked it for a while, then whispered something. Da Baitao was very hesitant, but considering that he beat Wang Guangcai and his hands hurt today, in order to take care of his emotions, she still lay down unwillingly…

At night, when Song zhi sent Taotao back to the girls’ dormitory, Taotao lay on Song zhi’s back and fell asleep.

It wasn’t until he lifted her up and carefully put her on the ground, Tao Tao didn’t respond, she closed her eyes and walked to the girls’ dormitory, and when she walked to the second floor, she opened her eyes and glanced down.

He stood downstairs and looked at her with a smile on his face.

Tao Tao always feels like something is wrong?

It’s just that my mind is confused, and I can’t think of anything.

Back in the dormitory, she went to the balcony and waved at Song Zhi, then yawned and climbed onto the bed——

The girls in the dormitory were chattering very lively, and it sounded like they were divided into two groups:

One group, led by Sun Ximei, was talking about how to deal with Qian Cuicui’s thief who stole the hawthorn cake; the other group, led by Zhao Jinglian, discussed the matter of seeing Wang Bingyuan’s father beating her in the dining hall today… He was talking about how to donate to Wang Bingyuan.

Taotao glanced at it and found that Wang Bingyuan and Qian Cuicui were not there.

Vaguely, Tao Tao seemed to hear someone calling her name downstairs?

“Sister – Wang Bingyuan! Bai Taotao… Zhang Lingzhi!”

Taotao had already heard that it was Wang Xuepeng. But she was so tired and sore, she hurriedly called Zhang Lingzhi, “Lingzhi! It seems that brother Bingyuan is here…”

Zhang Lingzhi hurried to the balcony and responded, “Hey! Just come, wait!”

She was about to go down to have a look, but Taotao stopped her, “Don’t say that Bingyuan’s father is here, lest her brother be worried, and say that the teacher has something to do with Bingyuan. If her brother has anything to do, tomorrow at noon Let Bingyuan go back and have a look.”

Zhang Lingzhi responded and hurried downstairs.

After a while, she came back with several bells and whistles in her hands.

Tao Tao laughed when she saw it.

——In fact, she guessed that Xue Peng came to deliver the storage rack.

Zhang Lingzhi gave the things to Taotao, and then conveyed Wang Xuepeng’s words, “Xuepeng said that the family is fine, mainly because Bingyuan had agreed to go home to eat with him and grandma today, but I don’t know why I didn’t go back, so I came to ask Ask, by the way, bring what you want…”

Speaking, Zhang Lingzhi lowered his voice, “He told the cost of these two things, and it’s up to you to decide how much you can sell…”

Tao Tao didn’t say a word, and kept fiddling with those two things.

Sure enough, as Wang Bingyuan said, Wang Xuepeng’s hands are very skillful – the wire is twisted firmly, and the fabric is sewn very finely.

However, Wang Xuepeng is still very smart. There are two types of shelves: the bathroom shelf is a wire shelf, and it is bare; but the storage shelf is sewn with floral cloth, so he sewed three different colors of floral cloth.

Tao Tao kept looking over and over again.

Sun Ximei pays great attention to Taotao – she has been living in praise since she was a child. Others envy her background, envy her talent, and envy her appearance and figure…

Before coming to Kyoto to go to school, before seeing Bai Taotao, Sun Ximei always had enough sense of superiority.

But since she met Bai Taotao, Sun Ximei felt that this Bai Taotao was specially here to attack her?

——Bai Taotao is prettier than her, has a sweeter voice, and has a softer figure than her. She is not stage fright when she hears a speech. She is clearly the youngest, but she has become a monitor!

In Sun Ximei’s heart, it was called envy, jealousy and hatred!

At this moment, seeing Bai Taotao gesticulating and gesticulating with a floral cloth stand, Sun Ximei couldn’t help asking, “Hey, what is that you’re holding?”

Tao Tao ignored her.

She put her comb, hand mirror, hair rope, fan, trumpet flashlight, and even the face cream she used on the floral cloth shelf, and then looked left and right…

Zhang Lingzhi said, “Are you going to hit a nail? Come and let me help you!”

Taotao agreed with a smile and pointed to a place, “Help me hit the nails here!”

The place she chose was at the head of her bed, a place that could be reached even when lying on her bed, and where she could reach it when she stood on the ground with her hands raised.

Zhang Lingzhi really found a nail, found a thick book, and beat it for a while, and the nail was firmly nailed.

Tao Tao hung the storage rack full of small bits and pieces.

After thinking about it, she lay down, then took off the watch on her wrist and put it in the storage bag. After a while, she took out the watch again, and at the same time took out the flashlight from the storage bag, turned on the flashlight to look at the watch, turned off the flashlight, and put the flashlight and the watch back into the storage bag respectively.

In the end, Tao Tao sat up with an expression of approval, “Well, this one is okay, it’s really useful!”

This was originally what she deliberately showed to the girls in the bedroom.

As she expected, the girls exploded in an instant—

“Oh, this thing is good! It can collect all kinds of odds and ends!”

“After putting away the socks, **** and underwear, it will be more refreshing!”

“It looks good, but this color is too rustic!”

“Tao Tao, where did you get this thing? Did you buy it? How much does it cost?”

“I want one too…”

Tao Tao said, “I bought this from Bing Yuan, seventy cents a piece!”

——The cost price of Wang Xuepeng’s newspaper is 62 cents.

However, Taotao and Cheng Zhujun have cooperated for many years, and at a glance, it can be seen that Wang Xuepeng’s price is wrong.

Do this first.

Open up the market.

When everyone heard that this storage rack was only 70 cents a piece, their eyes widened and they said in unison, “Tao Tao, bring it here and show it to us!”

Tao Tao generously handed things over for them to see.

Zhang Lingzhi winked at her, meaning: Xue Peng only earns eight cents a piece, is it worth it?

Tao Tao smiled.

At this moment, Wang Bingyuan pushed the door and entered, full of fatigue and haggard face.

The girls immediately stopped talking and asked her—

“Bingyuan, are you back?”

“Bingyuan, have you eaten? I think you didn’t eat well in the dining hall. I have a steamed bun, can you eat it?”

“Bingyuan, are you taking a bath? Xuewen and I have saved boiling water, you can take a bath quickly!”

“Bingyuan, are you okay today? Didn’t you get scared by that person? Oh, we all saw it, it’s scary…”

“Bingyuan, let us know if you have anything in the future. We all live in the same dormitory, so we should be like sisters…”

Wang Bingyuan didn’t expect her classmates to be so enthusiastic, she was stunned for a while.

Taotao urged her, “Bingyuan, hurry up and take a shower, the lights will be turned off in only 20 minutes!”

Wang Bingyuan nodded without thinking.

There were two girls who stepped forward and insisted to pour more than half of the boiling water in their thermos into Wang Bingyuan’s bucket, and urged her to take a bath quickly. Wang Bingyuan thanked them in astonishment, grabbed the bucket and took a change of clothes and ran to the washing room.

Tao Tao remembered something, and hurriedly got out of bed, took a bathroom shelf and chased after her, “Bing Yuan, try to use this!”

Sun Ximei’s mind was very flexible. Seeing that Taotao was chasing Wang Bingyuan with a shelf, she also ran to the washing room.

At the moment, there are two girls chasing after.

Wang Bingyuan was inexplicable.

Tao Tao gave her a look, “Last time I spent a dollar to find this shelf made by your brother. He sent it just now. I want to try it and see if it works.”

Wang Bingyuan’s eyes widened: Xue Peng is here?

But seeing Tao Tao’s sweet smile, knowing that there should be nothing at home, she felt relieved.

But Sun Ximei, who was following behind, heard it and was very surprised, “This thing costs one dollar, it’s very expensive! Well, how does it work?”

While speaking, several girls came to the Yuxi room.

Taotao hung this shelf in the shower compartment, and when she pulled it, the flat wire rack turned into a three-dimensional basket. Wang Bingyuan put the clean clothes into the basket according to Taotao’s instructions, and then covered the towel. on top of clean clothes.

At the bottom of the basket were two iron mesh baffles that could be put down. Wang Bingyuan also followed Taotao’s instructions, flipped one down, and put her soap on top.

Taotao pointed to another baffle and said, “You can put combs, shampoo, etc. here, but Bingyuan won’t be able to show it if she doesn’t wash her hair today…”

Zhang Lingzhi urged: “You guys go out quickly and let Bingyuan take a good bath, it’s only ten minutes before the lights are turned off.”

Tao Tao ran out with the other girls.

Sun Ximei caught up with Taotao, “Hey, Wang Bingyuan’s younger brother made these two kinds of racks? One for seventy cents and one for one dollar? Then I’ll buy two, just as Zhao Jinglian and the others are not talking, they want to help Wang Did Bingyuan get through this difficult time?”

Taotao, “Why are you telling me this? It’s not that I’m selling it.”

Sun Ximei choked.

After a while, she said softly again, “Bai Taotao… I was wrong about what happened at noon today. At that time, I was really misled by Qian Cuicui, thinking that you were the thief who stole my hawthorn cake… I, I apologize to you, I’m sorry… If you still think about this, I won’t care in the future, I’ve already apologized to you anyway!”

As she said that, she blushed and pouted, and took the first step into the dormitory.

Tao Tao froze for a moment, then pursed her lips and smiled.

– Huh, quite proud.

Sun Ximei, at first glance, is a child who is too well protected, held too high, and too favored by his family, but his character is not bad, and he can correct his mistakes.

But Qian Cuicui really hates it – at noon, she deliberately pushed the suspicion of theft to Tao Tao, and tried every means to avoid making her false statement…

Even when everyone knew the truth, she still did not repent or apologize.

You can see the despicable character.

As soon as Sun Ximei entered the dormitory, she climbed up to the Datong shop, where she was still nagging, “…I don’t care, anyway, when Wang Bingyuan comes back, I will tell her that I want one for each of the two sets. But that cloth… oops, it’s so ugly, so ugly, I have to replace it with a nice cloth!”

A girl said: “I also want a storage rack, it is very convenient, and the price is not expensive. For such a rack, I think there are three layers of cloth, at least one foot of cloth! This foot of cloth is three dollars. What! Plus the iron frame inside, as well as the lathe and sewing elastic rope… Oh, it’s worth the seventy cents!”

Another girl said: “Actually, Bingyuan can set the price a little higher. Anyway, I wanted to help her. She is so useful… I can buy it for a dollar!”

Sun Ximei, “I can too! I’m not bad for money!”

While speaking, someone pushed the door and entered—

Everyone thought that Wang Bingyuan had returned, and everyone looked up at the door with a smiling face.

It turned out that the person who came in was Qian Cuicui?

Everyone turned their heads to the side again, ignoring her.

Qian Cuicui: …

She came in with her head lowered, went directly to the balcony, sat on the small stool, took off her cloth shoes, and put on slippers.

Tao Tao remembered something and asked Zhao Jinglian, “Sister Jinglian, didn’t you ask the dormitory teacher for a stool?”

——Why is that stool still on the balcony? It is said to be Qian Cuicui?

Zhao Jinglian glanced at Qian Cuicui, her face turned cold.

She replied, “I have already asked the dormitory teacher, and the teacher said…that stool is not from Qian Cuicui at all, but is provided by the dormitory, and each dormitory has two stools!”

Taotao looked at Qian Cuicui.

Qian Cuicui walked towards Datongpu with her head lowered, looking as if she had been wronged.

Sun Ximei yelled at her, “Where’s my hawthorn cake?”

Qian Cuicui bit her lip, “I… don’t have any money now, can you, please forgive me for a few more days?”

Sun Ximei came from a well-to-do family and did not value money very much. She was most angry when Qian Cuicui stole something from her and led her to suspect Bai Taotao. After the incident, she didn’t even say a word of apology.

Sun Ximei has been staring at Qian Cuicui for a long time now. Qian Cuicui has no intention of apologizing at all, and she even walked over, looking like she wanted to go to bed.

Sun Ximei scolded Qian Cuicui, “You want to go to bed without taking a shower when you come back! Are you trying to kill me?”

Qian Cuicui’s face was red and her ears were red, “No, no… the lights will be turned off soon, I-I’m afraid of the dark!”

Sun Ximei, “Are you afraid of the dark, why don’t you come back to take a bath earlier? If you are afraid of the dark, you can treat us with integrity? Let me tell you, if you don’t take a bath today, I’ll let the three classes in the 69th grade know that you, Qian Cuicui, are a bad guy tomorrow. A sloppy woman who goes to bed after taking a shower!”

Qian Cuicui cried, took a change of clothes and a towel, and turned to go out——

Just happened to meet Wang Bingyuan who pushed the door and came in.

Wang Bingyuan washed her hair, her hair was wet, and she was carrying a rack with wet clothes in her hand.

The quiet room just now became lively.

“Bingyuan, go and dry your clothes before the lights are out!”

“Wang Bingyuan, why don’t you take my shampoo when you want to wash your hair?”

“Bingyuan, quickly take a dry towel and dry your hair!”

“Bingyuan, I put the steamed buns on the table. After drying your clothes and eating the steamed buns, you can sleep!”

“Bingyuan, I want to be with Taotao! Both…”

It was a world of difference from the cold eyebrows he had towards Qian Cuicui before.

Qian Cuicui stayed for a while.

In fact, Wang Bingyuan was also confused.

She is not a particularly popular person, at least not as popular as Qian Cuicui. But I don’t know why, everyone suddenly cares about her…

Wang Bingyuan was a little uneasy, so she went to dry her clothes, grabbed a dry towel, rubbed her hair, and climbed back to her bed.


With a light sound, the whole room was suddenly pitch black.

But the girls in the dormitory were all very excited, and you talked about it one by one.

“Bingyuan, I want the two racks that Taotao bought from you!”

“I want me too!”

“Bingyuan, your price is too low! Why don’t you ask for a higher price!”

“Bingyuan, I want to order two sets and four sets. I will send one set to my sister. She also lives in the Datongpu dormitory at the unit. These two things are really suitable!”

“Yes, Bingyuan, please raise the price a little bit!”

“Bingyuan, you can think of making something like this to improve our quality of life. It’s so smart, you’re willing to increase the price!”

Wang Bingyuan was very surprised.

Of course, Taotao designed these two things and let Xue Peng do it, with the intention of making money.

But the classmates let her raise the price one by one. What does this mean? !

But she hadn’t had time to ask—

Zhao Jinglian said: “Yes, Bingyuan, this is everyone’s heart! Everyone has heard about your family and wants to help you… You better raise the price a little bit, we will buy it too. “

Wang Bingyuan was stunned.

She got it.

Wang Bingyuan took a deep breath, “Thank you everyone! Everyone is willing to spend money to buy things made by my brother, I’m already very grateful to everyone. As for the price increase…it’s impossible, and it won’t be increased at all. We’ll make a list tomorrow and during the day. Register, everyone is willing to help, it is already the greatest help and encouragement to our family, thank you, thank you!”

The girls are quite simple.

——Before Qian Cuicui framed Bai Taotao without admitting or apologizing, everyone hated her to death. Now Wang Bingyuan thanked everyone seriously, and everyone felt embarrassed.

“Oh, what are you thanking for? You sold us something so cheap and useful. We should thank you!”

“Bingyuan, you won’t lose money, will you?”

“We live in the same dormitory, half-sisters! What are you saying, thank you, you are too outgoing!”

“Look back and wait for the shelf I bought to arrive. I’ll help you recommend it to others. For something so easy to use and so cheap, many people will definitely buy it!”

“Bingyuan is too polite!”

“We can’t be so polite in the future. We are a family!”

Qian Cuicui after taking a bath in the dark, returned to the bedroom in the dark again.

When she was standing at the door of the bedroom, she also heard laughter coming from inside.

But as soon as she opened the door—

There was an instant silence in the bedroom.

Qian Cuicui bit her lower lip.

With the mentality of trying it out, she said timidly, “Ximei, it’s too dark… Can you, help me with a flashlight? I’ll go to the balcony to dry my clothes.”

Sun Ximei was furious, “What’s the noise! ​​People don’t need to sleep?”

Qian Cuicui was so aggrieved that she wanted to cry.

After a while, the torch light came on. But from that angle, it seems like the head of the dormitory, Zhao Jinglian, called.

However, Zhao Jinglian was already on the bed, and the light of the flashlight could only shine on the balcony door.

Qian Cuicui was standing on the balcony, and vaguely saw that the bamboo pole was already covered with clothes, and she could no longer squeeze in a place?

Without thinking, she reached out and tore off Wang Bingyuan’s wet clothes, threw them downstairs, and then hung up her clothes.

Early the next morning.

Wang Bingyuan found that Qian Cuicui’s clothes were hanging in the place where she was hanging clothes last night, but her clothes were gone, not at all on the balcony! Wang Bingyuan was in a hurry and asked, “Qian Cuicui, where did you throw the clothes I hung up last night?”

Mainly because her family was poor, she only had two clothes to change.

And what was thrown away by Qian Cuicui were her underwear! It’s dawn now, and the people coming and going downstairs are all people, and there are more boys than girls at Agricultural University. If Qian Cuicui threw it downstairs, Wang Bingyuan would be too embarrassed to pick it up!

Qian Cuicui went crazy and screamed, “Which eye did you see that I threw it?”

Wang Bingyuan pointed to Qian Cuicui’s clothes hanging on the bamboo pole, “I left it here last night!”

Qian Cuicui was hysterical, “I don’t know! I didn’t see the clothes drying there last night! Are you a police officer or a judge, and I threw your stuff when you opened your mouth?”

Wang Bingyuan was not a particularly talkative person, so she froze there.

Taotao grabbed her and said, “Come on, I’ll accompany you to find it!” Then she turned around and said to Zhao Jinglian, “Sister Jinglian, please assign a place for everyone to hang clothes. In the future, everyone will hang their own clothes without interfering with each other.”

Zhao Jinglian responded.

Tao Tao took a cloth bag and dragged Wang Bingyuan downstairs.

When they arrived at the open space in front of the dormitory building, they quickly found the clothes that had been thrown on the ground indiscriminately. But because it is wet clothes, it is easy to get dirty. It has been trampled on by people who come and go, and it is no different from garbage…

Wang Bingyuan burst into tears.

Tao Tao squatted down, picked up the dirty clothes, and stuffed them into the cloth bag, “It’s okay Bing Yuan, let’s take it back and wash it, it should still be able to wear.”

Wang Bingyuan sobbed and said, “I only have these two clothes in total…”

Taotao felt a little distressed, “I have several clothes. I’ll lend you some clothes first, okay?”

Wang Bingyuan shook her head, “I can’t squeeze into your clothes.”

——Tao Tao is only 1.62 meters tall, and she is slender and petite; Wang Bingyuan is 1.7 meters tall, and her long bones have been thickened by heavy physical labor.

It is impossible for her to wear Tao Tao’s clothes.

Taotao had to comfort her, “Let’s go back first and think of a way.”

Later, Taotao really thought of a solution, “Song Zhi won’t go out at noon today, he has a bicycle. Let’s go out on his bike and go to the town’s supply and marketing agency to buy a new set.”

“I do not have money……”

“If you don’t have any money, I’ll lend you a little bit first. You have to buy a set of underwear and underwear anyway, clothes… If you don’t want to spend money on it, didn’t your brother just buy it? Is the cloth used for the cloth cover of the storage rack? Let’s go back and have a look, and use the cloth to make a set of clothes.”

“How can I make clothes?” Wang Bingyuan wanted to cry even more.

Tao Tao comforted her, “Don’t worry, I will do it.”

Wang Bingyuan thought for a while, “But I can’t ride a bike either…”

“I can!”

Wang Bingyuan was stunned for a while, then hugged Taotao, “Taotao! How can I thank you! Woohoo, I’m so useless!”

Taotao asked Wang Bingyuan if Director Ueda and the two women’s federation staff had said last night how they would deal with Wang Bingyuan and her brother.

Wang Bingyuan choked again for a long time, and whispered to Tao Tao with red eyes, “They didn’t let you stay with me last night… It’s actually for my own good. They mainly wanted to ask if the beast was bullying. past me.”

Tao Tao’s eyes widened in shock.

Wang Bingyuan shook her head, “No.”

Tao Tao was relieved.

But Wang Bingyuan couldn’t help crying softly, “The night he killed my mother, he was drunk and wanted to bully me. My mother and my brother tried to stop me, and my mother…”

Wang Bingyuan cried aloud, paused for a while, and then said, “After my mother died, he didn’t dare. Later, I took my mother’s job, so I moved to the Datongpu dormitory of the unit, and then In addition, Xue Peng watched closely, so he had no chance to attack. After two years, Bai Jade came… Bai Jade is younger than me and better looking than me. Later, he didn’t have that kind of dirty thoughts anymore, he just treated me only. beat and scold.”

Peach takes a deep breath—

“Did the Women’s Federation say how they would deal with it?”

Wang Bingyuan said sadly: “They said they would investigate the cause of my mother’s death. But when my mother died, she didn’t call the police or do an injury appraisal. He even went to the unit to make trouble, saying that my mother was because of her work unit and work. For those who died of overwork, the unit gave them a pension at that time… My mother’s body was cremated, and there is no evidence at all, so it is difficult to convict him.”

Tao Tao clenched her fists in anger.

After a while, Taotao thought of one more thing, “There is one more thing, which will definitely convict your father!”

“He’s an old beast, I don’t have such a father!” Wang Bingyuan said.

Tao Tao said seriously: “Even if there is no evidence to prove that your mother’s death is related to him, Bai Feicui’s whereabouts are unknown when she was abducted and sold! There was a police report in my hometown! Bai Feicui was later with Wang Guangcai. Together, maybe the kidnapper sold the white jadeite to Wang Guangcai, or is Wang Guangcai also one of the kidnappers?”

“Take 10,000 steps back, even if Wang Guangcai has nothing to do with the kidnappers, but Bai Jade was only fifteen years old when he disappeared, Wang Guangcai must be a strong girl and a young girl! Bing Yuan, we must report this one!” Tao Tao said .

Wang Bingyuan nodded again and again.

The two returned to the bedroom.

Qian Cuicui looked like a wronged and angry little daughter-in-law and ran away with tears in her eyes.

Zhao Jinglian led Taotao and Wang Bingyuan to the balcony, pointed at the bamboo pole for drying clothes and said, “Here, I glued the woolen rope on the bamboo pole with white glue, do you see it? Each person is a small grid…”

But the balcony is not big, even if there are two bamboo poles for drying clothes, which are divided into 12 equal parts, the location is really not big.

Wang Bingyuan muttered, “In winter, I can still hang thick clothes in Xiaotang Village. What about the other students?”

Tao Tao smiled, “Of course there is a solution! Well, soak your dirty clothes in water first. Let’s wash our faces and brush our teeth and go to breakfast. Song Zhi is still waiting for me!”

Wang Bingyuan hurried Tao Tao away with a tearful smile, “Then you go first!” Then she said to Zhang Lingzhi, “Lingzhi… please help me buy a steamed bun and bring it to the classroom, I will wash my clothes. Let’s go.”

“no problem!”

At noon, Taotao really rode a bicycle and took Wang Bingyuan to a nearby supply and marketing agency to buy a new set of underwear, and then hurried back to Xiaotang Village to find Wang Xuepeng to ask for floral cloth.

Taking this opportunity, Taotao asked Wang Xuepeng where he bought the wire and fabric.

——After all, iron wire is a scarce commodity and can only be obtained in batches. Therefore, Taotao felt that the price of things made by Wang Xuepeng was high, or that there was a problem with the price of the fabric.

Wang Xuepeng said: “I bought iron wire at a car repair shop, and my grandma and I went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy the disposal goods. But not every supply and marketing cooperative has a cloth head for disposal. We went to several supply and marketing cooperatives before we found it. Cloth head, and not too much!”

Tao Tao said: “The iron wire and the flower cloth have to find a way to get the processed products from the factory. Do you have any connections? If not, I should be able to find them in my hometown, but first, if I use my hometown’s connections , let’s get a share of the profits, and secondly, it takes a lot of time to ship things from my hometown… Xue Peng, your sister has already received a lot of orders for you!”

Wang Xuepeng was surprised and happy, “Really, sister?”

Wang Bingyuan smiled and handed him a note with the names of the people and the number they needed.

A cursory scan, there are at least a dozen or twenty!

Taotao reported her target cost price – the cost of each storage rack should be controlled at about 30 cents, and the bathroom rack should be controlled at about 45 cents.

“You can mix and match freely. If the cloth is expensive, the price of the iron wire has to be suppressed. If

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