Dressed As a Mother-in-law, She Leads the Whole Family To Turn Over

Chapter 33: Mao brothers

Chapter 33 The Mao Brothers

Jiang Ning's family was busy making money and had no idea about the farce happening at the entrance of the village. When it was getting dark, Yang Han sent two big bags of melon seeds and said, "They are all picked in the mountains. You can't get in over there. You just watch." If you don’t want it, I’ll take it away.”

“I want it, I want it!” Yang Datou hurriedly took the thing, “Uncle! Wait until I weigh it and weigh it before I pay you.”

There was no scale at home, so Jiang Ning came up with an idea. When he was selling fish in the town, he filled a bucket with water and weighed the bucket and water. When he came back, he used the bucket and water as a reference, so that he could roughly calculate the weight of things. , although it is not accurate enough, it is about the same.

Yang Han nodded, witnessed Yang Datou's operation with his own eyes, and couldn't help but praise him, and then said: "Yesterday, I went to Weijiang and asked several people about shells. Only one person had news. He said that every person on the Weijiang River On the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, many large ships will pass by carrying sea fish, and many fishing boats will stop for repairs when passing by the port. If you want shells, you can wait until the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month to go to the port and have a look, maybe there will be news. "

This is really a great thing for Jiang Ning, and she is already thinking about how to do it.

Perhaps Jiang Ning was overjoyed, and several children also jumped up and down happily.

Mianmian poked her little head out of the hut, then quickly retracted it, and was caught by Yang Han. He mused: "Today, two strangers came to the entrance of the village. They said that the young master of the family was lost and they were looking for him everywhere. He was so lucky that he bumped into Mr. Qian, and was so frightened that Mr. Qian ducked. They were surrounded by Yang Jun and the others. Now those two people are still imprisoned in the ancestral hall. Mr. Qian meant that he could not pay for compensation. Send them to the official."

The smile on Jiang Ning's face froze, and he twitched his lips unnaturally and said, "Thank you, brother Yang Han, for coming here to break the news. You must have met our family Mianmian too! She is a distant relative of my family, don't get me wrong. ”

Yang Han nodded, "I know, I just want to remind you, don't let your children run around outside during this period, those two are not good people at first sight."

“If you want anything, I will tell them carefully and not let them leave the village.” Jiang Ning looked at the other children with a deliberately bluffing face.

 Everyone was too scared to say a word.

Yang Datou quickly weighed the copper plate and gave it to Yang Han.

As soon as Yang Han left, Jiang Ning hurried into the hay shed and found Mianmian shivering in the corner. He felt very distressed for her. He quickly stepped forward to pick up the child and comfort her, "Don't worry Mianmian, no one in the village knows you are here. Then The two bad guys won’t even know that no one can take you away as long as I’m here, so we’re not afraid anymore!”

Mianmian tightly grasped Jiang Ning's sleeves, thrust her head into her arms, and refused to let go.

Seeing that she was frightened, Jiang Ning could not force the child to be put down, so he had to let a few children go to work first.

 This side of the old house.

Mrs. Qian moaned in the house, and Mrs. Li yelled in the yard, "What a careless thing! If you eat and hold on, you will have nothing to do!"

Yang Laoer was depressed because of Qian's injury, and he became more and more irritated when he heard Li's constant scolding, "Auntie! She's injured like this, can you calm down for a while and stop talking!"

Mrs. Li was so angry that she poked Yang Laoer's head hard, "Are you suffering from brain damage? She deserves it if she falls! I also want to ask, everyone is busy working, but it's better for her to say that she wants to go Picking wild vegetables, where are the wild vegetables? If it hadn’t been for this incident today, I would have thought she was so diligent!”

After they were separated, they all ate separately and even used firewood separately. Ms. Li didn’t know what Qian did for food every day, and she wasn’t curious about it. She never thought that even though their families were separated, Ms. Qian was still so lazy. This was because My man is so exhausted!

Yang Laoer drooped his head and said in a sullen voice, "Mom, the families have been separated, so just leave it alone."

Ms. Li was so angry at these words that her liver ached, "Okay! My good intentions have turned into being nosy! Since you don't let me interfere! Don't come to me if you have anything to do!"

Yang Laoer stopped talking and gritted his teeth and said: "Auntie, Qian's injury looks a bit serious. She needs to see a doctor. I don't have money. Can you give me some money first?"

Li's eyes widened for a moment, "Money for what? If my family had money, I would have taken it out long ago like Jiang did! I don't need any money now! Find a way to borrow it yourself!" This result was expected by Yang Laoer .

Qian listened to the whole conversation between the two in the house. When she saw Yang Laoer enter the house, she immediately gave him eye drops, "My mother is partial to the big house! She is blaming me for stopping her from getting the money to save her." She also wants me to die! Humph! I won’t let her have her way!

You take me to the Hong'an Hall in the town to find a doctor, then go to my parents' house to borrow money, and pay it back after harvesting in the autumn. "

Yang Laoer hesitated, "But we still have to build a house after the autumn harvest, and we don't get much food."

Qian was furious, "Then you just have to watch me die of pain?"

"No, no. I mean I'm looking for two people to ask for money." Yang Laoer became furious when he thought of those two bastards.

Qian curled his lips, "If they were rich, wouldn't they need to be locked up in the ancestral hall?"

The couple were still struggling with the money issue, when suddenly there was an exclamation from the yard, "Yang Dou, it's bad! Those two **** set fire to the ancestral hall."

Yang Laoer and Qian were shocked. One could not move, and the other hurried to the ancestral hall. They saw thick smoke rising from the ancestral hall in the dark, but there was no spark. They immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Jun said angrily: "Let those two **** run away!"

"What? My mother-in-law hasn't received her medical money yet! How could they run away?" Yang Laoer was completely panicked.

The village chief spit on the ground with a gray face and stamped his feet angrily, "Report to the official! You must report to the official!"

At night, the villagers of Rongshu Village beat gongs and drums as they headed to the county town. Seeing this attitude, they really made their teeth itch with hatred.

Mao Dali and Mao Erli finally escaped from the ancestral hall. They couldn't tell the direction in the dark. They fell several times on the field ridge and the dogs ate their shit. They fled to the foot of Qingfeng Mountain in a panic.

"Brother, what should we do? They must have reported it to the official." Mao Erli's face tightened, but the sound of gongs and drums in the distance was really heard.

Mao Dali thought for a moment and looked at a farmhouse in the distance with a fierce look in his eyes. "Now there is only one way, get the money and run away!"

The two men took a wooden stick and sneaked into the yard. Just as they were about to break in, the door suddenly opened and a figure rushed towards them. They only met each other and knocked them down.

The village chief and his party rushed to the county government office overnight. They never expected that the county magistrate had not yet taken office and all matters were backlogged. They could only accept the cases first and wait for the county magistrate to take office before handling them.

The village chief and his entourage sighed and hurried on their way under the stars and the moon, as if they were mourning their heirs, and finally returned to Rongshu Village when the sky was dim.

  After working all night, it turned out to be a waste of time, and everyone was feeling angry.

Yang Jun's forehead was on fire and he spat on the ground. He raised his head and was about to curse when he happened to see two people hanging on the banyan tree at the entrance of the village. He immediately widened his eyes and shouted: "The ancestors have appeared!"

 (End of this chapter)

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