Dressed As a Mother-in-law, She Leads the Whole Family To Turn Over

Chapter 474: Another year of autumn

Chapter 474 Another Autumn Year

After settling Ayana's matter, Yang Santie exchanged all the nearly one million taels he earned for valuable jade and gemstones from outside the customs.

Xiao Chongyun came over after hearing the news, with a bit of worry on his stern face, "You have some broken hands, and there are so many injured. I'm afraid it's not safe to bring these jade gems back."

Yang Santie also had such worries. He frowned and let out a sigh of relief, "There's nothing we can do about it. With so many people working together, we must try our best to help everyone earn enough money. This time we have to go to Jiangnan to sell half of the goods. Go to the capital again.”

Xiao Chongyun suggested: "I will arrange two hundred private guards for you. You can help me take some things with you. Some of them are for people in the capital. I have put my names on them. I got the other few cars." Goods, my people will take action, you don’t have to worry about it.”

 This is equivalent to letting Yang Santie's caravan follow Xiao Chongyun's people, which increases security.

Yang Santie hurriedly agreed, "Good guy! I knew you were reliable! I won't thank you enough for your kindness. If you want anything, just ask for it. I'll bring it for you next time I come out of seclusion!"

Xiao Chongyun rolled his eyes and responded unceremoniously, "When I write to my father, my father will tell you."

 “So mysterious.” Yang Santie muttered a few words, but didn’t ask any more questions.

 After the caravan set off, Xiao Chongyun immediately wrote to the emperor about Ayana's situation.

Autumn is here in a blink of an eye.

 In Dongli Villa in Quzhou Prefecture.

Steward Zhu carefully served Yang Sizhuang and Yang Fugui, who were about to die, and did not dare to be careless at all.

 According to Jiang Ning's previous instructions, he arranged everything properly. Halfway through the Yin period, Butler Zhu went to Yang Sizhuang's yard with a lantern and asked Zhu San to serve Yang Fugui.

Yang Sizhuang has been taking physical exercise in the past three years. He is no longer the weak scholar who was carried out of the examination room in the past three years. Because of his martial arts practice, he has developed the habit of getting up early.

As soon as Butler Zhu opened the door, he got up by himself. He quickly washed up without needing Butler Zhu's service, dressed neatly and went out.

 This is still early.

 The cook has prepared the dishes.

 He and Yang Fugui had breakfast quickly and elegantly and set off in the carriage.

Every guest room in Youran Inn was filled with scholars rushing to take exams. As soon as their carriages came out, there were already many scholars walking together on the official road to Fucheng.

When we arrived at Gongyuan, a long queue had already started to form there.

The two of them were not in a hurry. They checked the test basket again while there was still time, and looked through the books carefully for a while. They got off the carriage when it was almost time.

The first three days of the exam, Yang Sizhuang and Yang Fugui both had experience and knew how to arrange the exam in the best state. The three days passed in a blink of an eye. This time they both left the exam room in good spirits. .

Seeing this, Butler Zhu and his party all breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly took them back to wash, eat and rest.

  It was raining during the second exam. The continuous autumn rain was thin and dense. When the wind blew, I went straight into the dormitory and couldn't answer the questions at all.

  Many candidates were already panicking, and vague curses were heard.

Yang Sizhuang was worried at first, but he calmed down after just a moment. He dropped the two boards and sat outside, with the papers inside and his back to the outside of the room when answering. In this way, although the light was poor It took a little while, but at least it ensured that the paper would not be stained by rain, and he could concentrate on answering.

This autumn rain lasted for three days and never stopped. When leaving the examination room, Yang Sizhuang could still hear many candidates complaining. Some people unfortunately caught the wind and cold and sneezed all the way out, which looked bad.

His heart was tight. After meeting up with Yang Fugui, he urged the coachman to go back. He immediately had two large bowls of **** soup prepared for them, and also prepared a large bucket of cold medicinal bath water for them to take a bath.

 When the two of them washed up and came out, putting on clean baked clothes, they felt relieved.

  It was a lot colder during the last exam, but fortunately it didn’t have that unpredictable autumn rain anymore, so I could still get through it by wearing two extra layers of clothes.

Three days passed, and Yang Sizhuang walked with ease when he walked out of the examination room.

Butler Zhu couldn't help but feel happy when he saw his state, and asked secretly: "What do you think, Fourth Young Master?"

Yang Sizhuang was confident, but his face remained calm. He waited until Yang Fugui got on the carriage and asked, "How is it?"

Yang Fugui is young after all, and the smile on his face betrays his mood.

Yang Sizhuang smiled and said, "It looks like we are confident! Let's go! Let's go find the second brother now and talk to him about the situation, then go out to buy some food and go back later."

 “Listen to your fourth cousin!” Yang Fugui agreed cheerfully.

Steward Zhu couldn’t help but shed tears of joy when he saw the two of them in such good spirits. It’s great! The two young masters are determined to win this time!

Because they were confident, the two of them started packing their luggage for the northward trip before the results of the Qiu Wei period came out.

It just so happened that Yang Santie and Yang Xiaohua came back.

Steward Zhu was overjoyed and hurried to notify Yang Erdan.

Brothers meet again after a long absence, and thousands of words only turn into wine in the cup, and after drinking freely.

Yang Sizhuang asked Yang Santie, "Didn't the third brother go out to do business? Why are you back?"

Yang Santie thought about what he had gained from this trip and smiled so hard, "I came back from outside the customs and went straight to Jiangnan. I sold a bunch of jade in Jiangnan and earned 1.5 million taels. I still have some goods. I let They took some back to Quzhou Prefecture, and sent the rest back to the capital. When the batch of goods in the capital is sold out, you are all waiting to share the money, hahaha."

 “One and a half million!” Yang Sizhuang was shocked.

Yang Erdan was also very surprised and couldn't help but ask: "Lao San, with so many goods, is it safe on the road?"

Yang Santie nodded repeatedly, "It's safe! How come it's not safe? There are Prince Xiaoyao's personal guards following us. As soon as the sign is displayed, who doesn't have the foresight to dare to take advantage of me? Hahaha, but I'm also afraid of being pregnant. Too many treasures happened, so most of them were sold when we were in Jiangnan, and the goods brought back to the capital were not that eye-catching. "

As he said that, he looked at Yang Erdan and said, "Second brother, when the time comes, I will directly give your share of money to the second sister-in-law."

Yang Erdan toasted him, "You can do whatever you want, but third brother, if you like to do business, I don't have any objections to you. But you should know the principle of keeping your money private. I will stay with you a few times, and I won't take advantage of it in the future." You're cheap."

It was also because their family had little wealth that he took a piece of the pie and took it as soon as it was good enough.

Yang Sizhuang and Yang Fugui nodded in agreement, "Third brother, we mean the same thing. Don't take the risk of bringing so much goods next time."

Yang Santie chuckled, "Don't worry, I know. This time I added Princess Yongyang's one hundred thousand taels and Brother Xu's few thousand taels to make me bold. But it turns out that the fat man can't eat it in one bite." Yes, I encountered something outside the customs this time. I won’t take Princess Yongyang to play next time. It’s fine for me to have some fun on my own.”

 “It’s just that you have to think of your words.” Yang Erdan said thoughtfully.

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