Dressed As An Omega Who Was Divorced By Seven Alphas

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

He Huan played with the small metal ball in his hand, it was cold in texture.

He trusted Fitz’s promise of being on call, but he didn’t trust himself.

The reason why he didn’t trust himself was so **** bad, after being affected by Fitz’s pheromone yesterday, all the efforts he had made these days were all in vain.

The exchange of saliva allowed his body to replenish the pheromones of alha, and some indescribable longing was aroused again.

What’s more disturbing is that since the union, he hasn’t been appeased by Alha for a long time, and the insatiable bad nature of Oga in his body, like a compressed spring, finally explodes and rebounds.

He Huan was very afraid that one day he would be controlled by his body’s desires, so he took the initiative to call Fitz off, forcing him to do some indescribable things.

If it is marked again thoroughly, it will be over.

At the elevator entrance, He Huan stood in front of the trash can, looked at the small metal ball in his hand, and threw it in with his eyes closed.

Ding dong—

The dull beating sound of the ball came from the trash can, as if accusing He Huan of why he abandoned himself.

As if covering his ears, He Huan quickly opened the door and entered the room.

He leaned back against the door panel, calming down the messy emotions in his heart.

I ran into Fitz at the entrance of the hotel. He was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

On the contrary, he immediately smelled Fitz’s pheromone, just like the instinct of living beings to eat and sleep, he had a natural closeness to Fitz’s pheromone.

I can’t help but want to rub his chest, hang my hands around his neck, and then…

He dropped his pants and looked at the wet marks on them with disgust.

The situation is getting worse.

After entering the bathroom, he chose to take a shower. The cold water washed over his body, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, without taking away any heat.

He had the illusion that his body had evaporated the water.

He Huan hit the wall hard with his fist, making a depressing muffled sound.

Then, his body softened, and he knelt on the ground, leaning his neck like a dying person.

The low moans echoed in the bathroom, and even the sound of Lili washing could not cover up.

The fragrant fragrance of flowers permeated the whole bathroom, rushing from left to right, rampaging, frantically looking for the destination of fusion.

The cold and tasteless water dripped in his mouth, and he swallowed it mouthful, as if imitating oga to accept some kind of gift from alha piously.

Unfortunately, this is just ordinary water, not the antidote oga was looking for.

This torture lasted for a particularly long time, and even the skin was washed cold white by the cold water, before He Huan stood up holding the washstand.

His legs trembled because of excessive curling, and he almost knelt down again.

The large bathroom mirror reflected his bewildered face, which was extremely fragile.

He Huan walked out of the bathroom tremblingly wrapped in a bathrobe, and it took half a century to move to the bedside step by step.

Going on like this is not an option, he can’t eliminate the marks in the near future, and the number of estrus will become more and more intensive.

What’s more imminent is that his flowering period is coming.

Albizia julibrissin blooms from June to July and bears fruit from August to October.

He had delayed the flowering period abruptly because he wanted to get rid of the marks.

The accident with Fitz yesterday was like forcibly breaking the seal and releasing a demon. Not only can he no longer control the flowering period, but he also has to worry about the eruption at any time.

Lying on the bed for a while, exhausting all the spells he had learned, he couldn’t find a way to deal with it.

He Huan thumped the pillow a few times as if venting his anger, redressed and went out.

The place where he threw the ball was at the elevator entrance.

Opening the trash can, it was clean, not even a single hair.

The elevator door just opened, and three people walked out, just in time to see He Huan reaching into the trash can.

The three of them all had the same face: Is this oga out of his mind? He was fumbling around in the empty trash can.

He Huan: “…”

The three of them walked away with infinite sympathy, and looked back to love He Huan from time to time.

It’s time for a dog.

He Huan slammed the lid back on the trash can.

This hotel is too clean, but it took half a day to dump the garbage.

He Huan walked around reluctantly, and happened to see the cleaning robot coming from the end of the corridor.

Its swollen belly looks heavy, and it seems to have a lot of “goods”.

“Hey, wait!” He Huan quickly chased after him.

It was impossible for the robot to talk to him, and it moved very fast, gliding “swish” all the way to the garbage passage at the elevator entrance.

It raised its mechanical arm and unscrewed the valve of the garbage channel, and two hydraulic rods protruded from its belly, holding a box full of garbage and about to pour it down.

He Huan had no choice but to use his magic power, rushed over with a stride, and grabbed its mechanical arm forcefully.


A crisp, metal cracking sound echoed in the hallway.

He Huan: “…” I accidentally used too much force.

The robot sounded a piercing alarm, causing all the guests to stick their heads out of the door and stare at He Huan curiously.

Soon, the hotel manager also came.

He Huan could only apologize one by one, and then, under the strange eyes of everyone, he picked up the small metal ball from the trash.

I was also fined by the hotel manager for destroying hotel facilities and paying three times the fine.

The suspicious eyes of the hotel lingered on He Huan and the broken arm of the robot, hesitating to speak.

He Huan bit the bullet and said nonsense: It’s not my fault, it’s your robot’s poor quality!

The three people who came out of the elevator and sympathized with He Huan before, probably some kind of religious believers, recited a blessing mantra to He Huan very compassionately: “May the Lord bless you!”

After He Huan returned to the room, he smashed the ball to the ground.

The little ball jumped up and down, as if celebrating his own survival from a desperate situation.

He Huan was so angry that he walked over and stepped on the ball severely.

The next morning, after He Huan went to the hospital for a reexamination, he stopped by to visit Yan Tingyun.

As soon as I entered the ward, I found that the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

Jiang Xintian and Gao Jinyue were actually sitting on the sofa, as well as two production directors.

The expressions are all serious and solemn.

Yan Yuntong, who was sitting by the hospital bed, pouted angrily, while Luo Jiao shrank behind her with a pale face.

“Xiao Huan, what did the doctor say after the reexamination?” Yan Tingyun greeted him first.

“No problem.” He Huan asked: “What happened, everyone seems a little unhappy?”

“Don’t you watch the news?!” Yan Yuntong glared at He Huan, and was about to sarcastically, when he suddenly felt his brother’s death gaze, shut his mouth and shrunk his neck.

Yan Tingyun smiled at He Huan and beckoned him to come to him.

He actually seldom smiles, but when he met He Huan, it was like the cloudy sky turned sunny and the world brightened up.

This smile made Yan Yuntong almost heartbroken, her brother had never been so kind to her before.

She glanced at Luo Jiao resentfully, and found that her eyes were staring blankly at the floor tiles, looking preoccupied.

Over there, Jiang Xintian and Gao Jinyue saw Yan Tingyun taking the initiative to care for He Huan, and they looked at each other with a smile, and there was a sense of pride in the matchmaker’s success in holding the red rope in their smiles.

Yan Tingyun said: “Xiao Huan, a big event happened in Fort Kers last night. Many of the reporters who deliberately found fault were killed by alien beasts.”

“Dead? Alien beast?” He Huan was shocked.

He didn’t sleep well last night. He woke up this morning and went directly to the hospital. He didn’t have time to watch the news at all.

Yan Tingyun quickly turned on the light brain to show him.

[Alien beasts appeared in Kuxing Town, killing 20 people and injuring 32 people]

[A large number of alien beasts have bloodbathed Kesburg, and are still doing evil everywhere]

[The imperial government has discussed the emergency response measures for the Alien Beast incident in Kesburg]

This news not only hit the local headlines in Kesburg, but also dominated the headlines of the empire’s major official websites.

A photo of the death scene was placed on the big picture on the front page. Although it was mosaiced, it was **** and red, and it could still be seen that the death was very miserable.

Alien beasts are a side effect of the pursuit of intelligence and strength in the process of human evolution.

There were only two genders in the primitive world, male and female, but now there are four more.

Respectively male abo, and female abo.

In the process of evolution, there are always some detours.

The unknown **** evolutionary path is accompanied by countless accidents.

The biggest surprise is – aliens, or aliens.

Because human beings cannot recognize this kind of humanoid creature with only animal nature as the same kind.

They have mental strength and strong physique comparable to alha, but because they have no mind and cannot control alha’s exuberant energy, they have become ferocious and violent killing machines.

At first, this high-risk creature was humanely destroyed by scientists.

But there are always two crazy extremists who try to use this creature to satisfy their own desires.

They wandered between desolate and remote planets, smuggled and looted people to their secret bases, conducted non-human experiments, forced victims to give birth to babies, and created alien beasts.

“A large number of alien beasts have appeared on the planet Kesburg. Don’t go out at night, pay attention to safety.”

He Huan remembered that before Fitz left, he specially told himself to speak.

It turns out they already knew.

Recalling how Fitz was wearing a racerback vest and camouflage pants, he and the alhas seemed to be sent by the military to perform missions.

“Hey, why are we so unlucky, we met aliens as soon as we came here.” Gao Jinyue slapped his hands on his knees, looked at the ceiling and sighed.

Jiang Xintian said: “That can’t be helped, everything is ready, and one day’s delay will burn a day’s money, and the management will not allow it.”

As he spoke, he asked the production manager again: “Is there anyone to take the order?”

The director said awkwardly: “Several good security companies heard that it was the work of Kesburg, and they were unwilling to send bodyguards over.”

Jiang Xintian paused, gritted his teeth and said, “Add double the money!”

“Okay, I’ll contact them again.”

Yan Tingyun turned his head and said to Yan Yuntong: “You have also seen that the situation is so serious now, you and Luo Jiao should buy tickets to go home immediately.”

Yan Yuntong said reluctantly: “Didn’t Mr. Jiang say to pay more for security? If they still don’t do it, I will double it, and they will definitely come!” She took Yan Tingyun’s arm, and said in a drawn-out voice, “Brother~ ~~ I will stay in your crew, it will be safe, and I won’t run around.”

Yan Tingyun’s face was sullen, and he was about to scold her severely when he heard Gao Jinyue’s exclamation.

“Great! The empire has decided to send General Miles to exterminate the alien beasts! Read the news!”

Everyone hastily clicked on their optical brains, and the news page had changed to a top banner.

[Empire CCTV: General Miles personally led the team to Fort Kers to destroy the aliens]

“Great, great!” Yan Yuntong exclaimed excitedly: “General Miles! We don’t have to be afraid of aliens at all!”

Jiang Xintian also showed a relaxed smile: “Great, we are saved!”

He Huan hooked the corners of his lips, and pointed at the handsome man in military uniform in the photo with his fingertips.

Miles, the original owner’s first fiancé.

Back then, the man who disliked the failure of the original owner’s glands to develop, insulted him in various languages, and caused the whole school to bully the original owner.

Seeing He Huan looking at Miles’ photo for a long time, Yan Tingyun asked a bit sourly, “What are you looking at?”

Miles is handsome, powerful, and was promoted to general at a young age. Many people in the empire are his fans.

Every year, OGA selects the most wanted to marry alha activities, and Miles can be ranked in the top five.

Many alhas even said that they were willing to be the next one for Miles.

Seeing that He Huan didn’t answer, Yan Tingyun asked again in a muffled voice: “Do you like Miles very much?”

He Huan raised his head to look at him, his eyes were like spring water, sparkling with waves: “He is my ex-fiancé.”

Former fiancé Yan Tingyun: “…”

How many ex-fiances have you had?

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